1,507 research outputs found


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    Kenjeran merupakan daerah wisata pantai di Surabaya, dimana di area tersebut terdapat sentra UMKM pengolahan ikan laut. Beberapa permasalahan yang menghambat pengembangan UMKM di Kenjeran hingga saat ini yaitu pembelian bahan baku dilakukan sendiri-sendiri tanpa ada kerjasama dengan sesama UMKM, kesulitan modal, saling bersaing antar sesama pedagang, susahnya akses ke supplier karena tiap pedagang saling berebut bahan baku ikan laut, kurangnya inovasi produk akibat tidak adanya transfer informasi dan ilmu pengetahuan tentang inovasi produk.  Tujuan penelitian ini merancang pengembangan sentra UMKM dengan konsep klaster Industri di kawasan UMKM area Kenjeran dengan metode Value Chain Dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data primer melalui kuesioner dan wawancara sedangkan data sekunder melalui sumber jurnal dan atrikel di internet. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Value Chain dan AHP. Hasil dari penelitian yaitu menghasilkan suatu sistem Klaster industri yang saling mendukung untuk pengembangan UMKM Pengolahan ikan di Kenjeran, dimana pada sistem tersebut terdapat enam komponen yang meliputi pelaku inti dengan bobot kepentingan31.4%, pada komponen pemasok 22.5%, pasar dan pemasaran 14.6%, lembaga dan asosiasi pendukung 12.9%, industri pendukung 11.3%, industri terkait 7.3%. 

    Study the thermal impact of massive waste material to building construction

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    This study focuses on the recycling of massive waste materials and their thermal impact to buildings, which then adapt the indoor thermal environment. It is observed that the role of construction materials modify the building interior and consequently regulates the indoor thermal environment and focus on the reduction of energy consumption at large. The rapid growth of energy consumption has raised concerns in worldwide. This has caused mainly the exhaustion of energy resources. Efficient employs of energy play a vital role in minimizing the energy usage. Having in mind the aim to seek for contextual alternative building material from waste to obtain continuing improvement in building energy performance, then this study has been designed to do experiments on locally available massive waste material (end-of-life tires, or ELTs) and investigate its thermal impact on indoor energy management strategy.For that reason, it is needed to set up an experiment to observe the role of ELT for thermal comfort in a tropical climate as compared to conventional construction materials and other waste. This contribution mainly focuses on the literature and a proposed methodology

    Increase Thermal Comfort by Integrating ELT at Building Foundation: An Alternative Recycling Way in Malaysia

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    Today, when people think of the environmental impacts of ELTs (end-of-life tyres), they mostly focus on the management of tyres at the end of their useful lives. Globally, an estimated one billion tyres reach the end of their useful lives every year. It is observed from literature that about 4 billion ELTs are currently in landfills and stockpiles worldwide and are disposed to unknown and illegal routes. It is also revealed that most of the countries currently are not experienced with the disposal of ELT with the framing of specific law or regulation to the disposal of ELT management. Hence ELT created a massive waste in management system which intern modified our environment. Recently it is obvious that should find out alternative ways as to reduce the massive ELT waste.This study has been designed to manage ELTs massive waste by experiment. In that reason we needed to set up an experimental set up to observe the real phenomena of ELT for passive cooling in hot humid and tropical climate and that compare with conventional construction materials and systems. Experimental setup foundations are constructed by using ELTs and other conventional foundation materials at IIUM (Gombak) campus. This paper presents the results, analysis and recommendations from the experimental tests and outputs. Keywords: ELT, Thermal comfort, Heat Transfer, Malaysia and Experimental Setup


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    MUHAMMAD HASAN ABDULLAH. 2021. Analysis of LQ (Location Quetient) on Ginger Commodities in Sukabumi Regency. Under the guidance of Reny Sukmawani and Ema Hilma Meilani. The purpose of this study was to determine the results of the LQ analysis on ginger commodity in Sukabumi Regency. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods that tend to use analysis. The data used in this research is secondary data. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive and snowball. The data obtained were then analyzed using the LQ method from year to year for the last five years. . The results of the research show that the LQ analysis of the ginger commodity in Sukabumi Regency for the last five years is 2, which means that this commodity is a superior commodity and is able to compete

    Potensi pengembangan pertanian perkotaan dalam mewujudkan pembangunan perkotaan yang berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus KWT Anggrek Kecamatan Bara-Barayya Kota Makassar)

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    Perkotaan umumnya diidentikkan dengan perkembangan industrilisasi dan pemanfaatan lahan non pertanian. Tetapi pertanian merupakan satu pola pemanfaatan lahan yang akan menjadi suatu tolak ukur keberlanjutan pembangunan suatu kawasan perkotaan. Kawasan perkotaan Makassar memiliki daya dukung dalam pembentukan dan pengadaan pertanian perkotaan yang sangat cocok. Kota Makassar cocok menjadi kawasan pertanian perkotaan untuk mengembangkan tanaman lahan basah, lahan semi basah, hortikultura, pertanian bulanan, pertanian semusim, serta jenis tanaman lainnya dengan memanfaatkan lahan perkotaan yang terbatas pada kawasan perkotaan yang padat. Dalam mewujudkan pembangunan perkotaan yang berkelanjutan dan berwawasan lingkungan, maka pertanian perkotaan sangat tepat dijadikan sebagai salah satu bagian pembangunan perkotaan yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui secara umum bagaimana potensi dari pertanian perkotaan dalam membangun perkotaan yang berkelanjutan. Adapun metode dari penelitian ini adalah explanatory kualitatif. Adapun hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pertanian perkotaan merupakan bagian dari pembangunan perkotaan yang perlu untuk dilaksanakan dengan baik untuk mewujudkan pembangunan perkotaan yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini diharapakan mampu memberikan gambaran betapa pentingnya pertanian perkotaan bagi pembangunan perkotaan yang berkelanjutan dan berwawasan lingkungan

    Green and sustainable construction practices impact on Organizational Development

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    Green Marketing plays important role in the organizational performance irrespective to the industry and the type of project. However green construction research lacks in the field of a construction project. The basic purpose of this work was to highlight the impact of modern techniques such as green construction on organizational performance through the adoption of sustainable practices in business strategies in the construction industry. Data were collected from 132 organizations, working on different construction projects located within the city of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, through an online questionnaire survey in two strata in terms of consultant and contractors. Data were analyzed through different tests, included Pearson’s correlation coefficient as well as regression using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20. The study indicated that green construction has a strong correlation and positive impact on organizational performance, and this correlation partially mediated by sustainable development. The research findings have practical implications both in organizational and project manager’s perspectives. This research was limited to a specific geographic area due to time and cost constraints. Future researchers may opt to conduct the study in other geographic areas of Pakistan and in different industries. Moreover, additional or different mediating variables can also be used in future work