4,225 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Miskonsepsi Materi Kesetimbangan Kimia Menggunakan Tes Diagnostik Pilihan Ganda Tiga Tingkat (Three-tier Multiple Choice) Pada Peserta Didik Kelas XI Mia SMA Negeri 2 Pekanbaru

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    The aim of this research were to know misconceptions and the category level of misconceptions in the second year students of SMA Negeri 2 Pekanbaru aboutt concepts of chemical equallibrium. This research took place in SMA Negeri 2 Pekanbaru and the data were collected on April 2017. was all the students of XI MIA class of four classes. The population consisted of 161 students. The sample was all the population. This research was descriptive quantitative. The technique of collecting data used diagnostic test and interview. The result showed that students found misconception in the definition concept of chemical equallibrium with the percentage was 34,78% (category of average), for the concept of heterogen and homogen was 36,335% (average), the concept of dissociation degree was 33,54% (average), the concept of Kc measurement was 43,785% (average), the concept of Kp measurement was 27,55% (poor), the principle concept of Le Chatelier was 36,764% (average), the concept of using chemical equallibrium in world industry was 23,60% (poor)

    Effect of Different Supplement on Degradation of Dry Matter and Fiber of Untreated and Urea Treated Rice Straw in the Rumen of Sheep

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    The study was conducted to investigate the degradation of dry matter (DM) and neutral detergentfiber (NDF) of urea untreated (URS) and urea treated rice straw (TRS) incubated in the rumen of sheepfed different diet. Three fistulated sheep were fed on urea-treated rice straw basal diet with threesupplemental treatment diets which consisted of control diet (T0) mulberry and molasses; mulberry,rice bran and urea (T1); and rice bran and urea (T2). Either URS or TRS was placed in nylon bags andincubated in the rumen at 0, 8, 16, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Parameters recorded were degradation of DMand NDF, rumen pH, rumen ammonia. The results showed that DM degradability of URS of the diet T1was significantly lower than other diets. Similarly the URS degradability of rumen-insoluble fraction(b) of DM and NDF of T1 diet was significantly lower than those of T0 and T2 diet. DM and NDFdegradability of URS was not affected by diets. The rumen ammonia concentration of T1 and T2 wassignificantly higher than those T0, but still higher than critical ammonia concentration required forrumen microbial synthesis. These results suggest that different supplementations have no significanteffect on DM and NDF degradability of TRS

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit terhadap Kualitas Briket Berbahan Utama Limbah Kulit Singkong

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    Pengolahan Ubi kayu pada industri tapioka menghasilkan hasil samping berupa kulit singkong bagian luar yang belum termanfaatkan secara baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan limbah kulit singkong sebagai bahan baku untuk membuat briket dan melihat pengaruh penambahan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) terhadap kualitas briket yang dihasilkan. Limbah Kulit Singkong Bagian Luar dan TKKS dibakar menjadi arang, lalu ditumbuk hingga halus dan ditambah dengan larutan tapioka sebagai perekat, kemudian dibentuk menjadi briket. Briket dibuat dengan berbagai macam komposisi Limbah kulit singkong bagian luar dan TKSS serta variasi perekat 3% dan 5%. Briket yang dihasilkan selanjutnya dianalisa kadar air, kadar abu, kadar zat menguap, kadar fixed carbon, nilai kalori dan densitasnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa briket dengan komposisi Limbah Kulit Singkong bagian luar : TKKS 3:1 dengan konsentrasi perekat tapioka 3% memiliki nilai kalori tertinggi, Briket tersebut juga memiliki kadar air sebesar 3,12%, kadar abu 21,28% dan Fixed karbon sebanyak 52,73%. Hasil analisa menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) menunjukkan bahwa penambahan TKKS berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar zat menguap, nilai kalori dan densitas dari briket. Sedangkan peningkatan konsentrasi perekat mempengaruhi kadar air, nilai kalori dan densitas. Berdasarkan uji korelasi didapatkan bahwa nilai kalori dipengaruhi oleh kadar abu, kadar zat hilang dan juga densitas briket

    Automatic Determination of Seeds for Random Walker by Seeded Watershed Transform for Tuna Image Segmentation

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    Tuna fish image classification is an important part to sort out the type and quality of the tuna based upon the shape. The image of tuna should have good segmentation results before entering the classification stage. It has uneven lighting and complex texture resulting in inappropriate segmentation. This research proposed method of automatic determination seeded random walker in the watershed region for tuna image segmentation. Random walker is a noise-resistant segmentation method that requires two types of seeds defined by the user, the seed pixels for background and seed pixels for the object. We evaluated the proposed method on 30 images of tuna using relative foreground area error (RAE), misclassification error (ME), and modified Hausdroff distances (MHD) evaluation methods with values of 4.38%, 1.34% and 1.11%, respectively. This suggests that the seeded random walker method is more effective than exiting methods for tuna image segmentation

    Potential of MODIS EVI and surface temperature for directly estimating per-pixel ecosystem C fluxes

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    We tested the potential of estimating per-pixel gross primary production (GPP) directly from the MODIS enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and respiration directly from MODIS surface temperature (MOD11). Carbon flux data were obtained from 10 eddy covariance tower sites representing a wide range of North American vegetations. The correlation between across-site tower GPP and EVI was comparable (r = 0.77) to that between tower GPP and MOD17-GPP (r = 0.73), suggesting that EVI could be used to provide reasonably accurate direct estimates of GPP on a truly per-pixel basis. There was also a strong relationship (r2 = 0.67) between respiration and surface temperature of dense vegetation, suggesting that estimation of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) may be possible with relatively simple pixel based models, at least for some vegetation types

    On Convergence and Threshold Properties of Discrete Lotka-Volterra Population Protocols

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    In this work we focus on a natural class of population protocols whose dynamics are modelled by the discrete version of Lotka-Volterra equations. In such protocols, when an agent aa of type (species) ii interacts with an agent bb of type (species) jj with aa as the initiator, then bb's type becomes ii with probability P_ijP\_{ij}. In such an interaction, we think of aa as the predator, bb as the prey, and the type of the prey is either converted to that of the predator or stays as is. Such protocols capture the dynamics of some opinion spreading models and generalize the well-known Rock-Paper-Scissors discrete dynamics. We consider the pairwise interactions among agents that are scheduled uniformly at random. We start by considering the convergence time and show that any Lotka-Volterra-type protocol on an nn-agent population converges to some absorbing state in time polynomial in nn, w.h.p., when any pair of agents is allowed to interact. By contrast, when the interaction graph is a star, even the Rock-Paper-Scissors protocol requires exponential time to converge. We then study threshold effects exhibited by Lotka-Volterra-type protocols with 3 and more species under interactions between any pair of agents. We start by presenting a simple 4-type protocol in which the probability difference of reaching the two possible absorbing states is strongly amplified by the ratio of the initial populations of the two other types, which are transient, but "control" convergence. We then prove that the Rock-Paper-Scissors protocol reaches each of its three possible absorbing states with almost equal probability, starting from any configuration satisfying some sub-linear lower bound on the initial size of each species. That is, Rock-Paper-Scissors is a realization of a "coin-flip consensus" in a distributed system. Some of our techniques may be of independent value

    Influence of yarn parameters on cotton/kenaf blended yarn characteristics

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    Spinning kenaf fibers into yarns is challenging due to the stiffness and lack of cohesiveness of the fibers. Alkali treatment is known to remove hemicellulose, wax, and breaks down lignin, reducing stiffness of kenaf fiber and improving its spinnability. Kenaf fibers were treated at percentages of 4% and 6% and blended with cotton fibers at blend ratios of 40:60 and 50:50 prior to a ring spinning process to produce a double ply yarn of 70 tex. Yarn were twisted at three sets of twist. The responses were measured in terms of carding waste percentages and yarn strength. The results showed that the optimized yarn structural parameter is kenaf fiber treated at 6% and with a kenaf/cotton 40/60 blending ratio based on its tenacity and minimum carding waste. ANOVA shows that there is a good interaction effect between NaOH and kenaf/cotton ratio, and NaOH concentration and twist

    Operational modal testing of cantilevered composite plate in subsonic flow

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    Conventional modal testing requires a known excitation force in order to extract the modal properties. One particular challenge using this technique is that it can be experimentally complex because of the need for artificial excitation and it also does not represent actual operational condition. The present study had successfully applied a real time modal testing technique for cantilevered flexible composite plate which is exposed to subsonic flow in an open-looped wind tunnel. The technique only employed two sensors which consist of a single contactless sensing system via a laser vibrometer and an accelerometer as reference. The measured response data was extracted using Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) technique. The modal testing was conducted at various air speed and the effects on modal properties are investigated. Conventional modal testing was performed to establish the modal properties. With increasing air speed, the bending modes appeared unaffected, however the frequencies of the torsional modes showed significant increase