76 research outputs found

    Katip Çelebi and his world an intellectual between reason and sacred law

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    This work attempts to analyze Katip Çelebi, one of the most prominent intellectuals of the 17th century. Based on Mizan ül-Hak and Düstur ül-Amel, that he wrote and Tarih-i Kostantiniyye ve Kayasıre and Tarih-i Frengi Tercümesi that he edited, this thesis, aims to explore Katip Çelebi's thoughts on social, political, legal and historical areas. The work considers Katip Çelebi within the perspective of Early Modern Era, in which religious law and reason often coexisted. This work is also aims to explore Katip Çelebi's thoughts on 17th century crisis, society and authority as well as his understanding of the ideal society. This thesis also aims to discuss the responses of Katip Çelebi to the popular debates of the 17th century and old debates of the Islamic-Ottoman cultural milieus. Basing on the works that Katip Çelebi edited, the work attempts to analyze how Katip Çelebi presented the texts to the Ottoman cultural milieu

    Pandemi Krizi Sürecinde Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı

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    Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı, 2050 yılına kadar Avrupa Birliği için net sıfır karbon emisyonuna ulaşmayı hedeflemiş ve sıfır karbon emisyonuna ulaşma hedefi yolunda Avrupa Birliği’ni kaynak verimli ve rekabetçi bir ekonomiye sahip, modern, yüksek refaha sahip bir topluma dönüştürmeyi de amaçlamıştır. Yeşil Mutabakat henüz yapım aşamasında iken ortaya çıkan Covid-19 krizi, mutabakatı raydan çıkarabilecek bir sorun olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Fakat Yeşil Mutabakat oluşturulduğu süreçteki eksikliklerine ve Covid-19 krizinden dolayı ortaya çıkan kısa vadeli ihtiyaçlara rağmen bu süreçten güçlenerek çıkmıştır. İklim ve salgın krizleri arasındaki etkileşim, Yeşil Mutabakat’ın Avrupa Birliği’nin uzun vadeli hedefleri ile krizleri önlemek için gereken kısa vadeli politikalar arasındaki bütünleyici parçayı tamamlaması ve yeşil geçiş için gerekli adımların atılması fırsatını sağlamıştır. Pandemi krizine müdahale etmek için yeşil geçişe yönelik mevcut bütçe güçlendirilmiş ve Avrupa Komisyonu’na daha fazla icra yetkisi verilmiştir. Avrupa Komisyonu da Covid-19 krizi döneminde Yeşil Mutabakat’ı krizden çıkmak için bir strateji olarak görmüş ve büyük bir kısmı yeşil hedefler için olmak üzere yaşanan krizden kurtulmaya yönelik fonlarla donatmak için kullanmıştır. Bu çalışmada Avrupa Birliği ekonomik modelinin Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı’nın rolünü güçlendirmeye ve aynı zamanda sürdürülebilirlik lehine güçlü dinamikler oluşturmaya ve entegrasyonu teşvik etmeye ne oranda katkıda bulunduğu ele alınmaktadır

    A simplified fundamental period equation for RC buildings

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    Uzimajući u obzir velike razlike u procijenjenim vrijednostima osnovnog perioda vibriranja i kompleksnost izraza procjene dostupnih u literaturi, ovaj rad usmjeren je na razvijanje pouzdanih izraza procjene koja uključuje parametre mase i krutosti konstrukcije. Uspoređene su vrijednosti osnovnog perioda vibriranja 23 armiranobetonske zgrade određene mjerenjem mikrotremora (ambijentalne vibracije) i dinamičkom analizom. Zatim su računalni modeli zgrada nadograđeni kako bi se obuhvatio efekt ispunskog ziđa. Nakon toga je provedena dinamička analiza prostornih modela 156 armiranobetonskih građevina, čiji su rezultati korišteni za podešavanje predloženog izraza procjene osnovnog perioda vibriranja.Considering the huge differences in the prediction and organization of equations available in the literature, this paper aims at developing a reliable equation including mass and stiffness parameters. Microtremor (ambient vibration) measurements were taken from 23 RC buildings and their fundamental periods were compared to the dynamic analysis results. Building models were then calibrated to account for the infill wall effect. After that, 156 RC buildings were 3D modelled and their dynamic analysis results were used to calibrate the proposed fundamental period equation

    Infographics a new competency area for teacher candidates

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    Changes in technology have a growing influence on daily-life activities and the information-processing habits of individuals. As information and communication devices evolve to deliver richer content rapidly, regardless of time and place, new media presentation formats emerge. Infographics provide an example of such formats, and they have increased in popularity due mostly to their visual appeal and capacity to effectively present information. Infographics are also promising cognitive tools; however, their applications in educational practice are limited at best. Therefore, the aim of this study is to raise awareness about the opportunities that infographics provide for education and suggest ways to integrate infographics knowledge and skill development in teacher education. In line with that, first, a brief introduction to visual literacy is made. Then, infographics and their capacities for teaching and learning activities are discussed. Finally, as alternative ways for teacher education institutions and schools to offer infographics, training opportunities were proposed

    Anaphylaxis in a Newborn Due to Ampicillin

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    Anaphylaxis, an allergic reaction that is rapid in onset, is rare in the neonatal period due to immaturity of the immunological system. A case of threeday- old male neonate with ampicillin-induced anaphylaxis is reported here. Although drug allergies are rare in newborns, due to their life-threaten features, close monitoring is important

    Evaluation of the rate of thrombocytosis in lower respiratory tract and upper urinary system ınfections

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    Alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonları ve üst üriner sistem enfeksiyonlarında trombositoz oranlarının çıkarılması ve degerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıstır. Bu çalısmada “GATAHaydarpasa Egitim Hastanesi Çocuk Klinigi'nde” 1 Ocak 2006- 1 Ocak 2009 yılları arasında yatırılarak tedavi verilen 20 alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu (ASYE) ve 22 üst üriner sistem enfeksiyonu (ÜÜSE) tanısı alan hastanın dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Reaktif trombositoz, genel olarak kabul gören trombosit sayısının 500.000/mm üzeri olması kabul edildi. Istatistiksel veriler SPSS 13.0 ile degerlendirildi. Çalısmamızda trombositoz tanı anında üst üriner sistem enfeksiyonlarında daha fazla bulundu (ASYE %25, ÜÜSE %36). Üst üriner sistem enfeksiyonlarında en sık üreyen mikroorganizma Escherichia coli (n:12 %54) olarak tespit edildi. Çalısmamızda, alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu ve üst üriner sistem enfeksiyonunda tanı anında görülen reaktif trombositoz ile hastalık siddeti karsılastırılmıs, arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir iliski bulunamamıstır.To evaluate the rates of thrombocytosis in lower respiratory tract (LRTI) and upper urinary system infections (UUSI). In this study, rates of thrombocytosis were evaluated in patients hospitalized and treated with the diagnosis of LRTI (n=20) or UUSI (n=22) in “GATA Haydarpasa Teaching Hospital, Department of Pediatrics” between 2006-2009, retrospectively. Reactive thrombocytosis is defined as the platelet count over 500.000/mm . Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS forWindows version 13.0. p'0.05 was accepted as statistically significant. Thrombocytosis was found to be higher in the UUSI (%36) at the time of the diagnosis compared to the LRTI group (25%). The most common microorganism identified in the UUSI was Escherichia coli (n=12, 54%). There was no significant relationship between the reactive thrombocytosis observed at the time of the diagnosis and the severity of the disease in theLRTI and the UUSI

    A Simple Procedure may Cause Severe Results

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    Capillary blood sampling via a heel puncture is a common procedure performed on hospitalized neonates. If not performed properly, a heelstick can lead to complications. The clinical and financial impact of complications can be significant. Also in some situations, the procedure could be complicated with skin infections, hematomes, soft tissue infections, arthritis and osteomyelitis. We report an infant complicated with arthitis and soft tissue infection secondary to heel puncture and we want to emphesize the importance of neonatal procedures

    Investigation of Innovative Perspectives on Sports of Licensed Athletes in the Infrastructure of Clubs affiliated to the Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports

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    In this study, it is aimed to examine the sports innovation perceptions of licensed athletes in various categories in the infrastructure of sports clubs affiliated to the Provincial Directorates of Youth and Sports, according to some variables. 145 athletes selected by simple random method from 609 licensed athletes in sports clubs affiliated to Provincial Directorates of Youth and Sports in Isparta province participated in the research. Personal information form and Innovation in Sports Scale were used as data collection tools in the research. The personal information of the participants, the scores obtained from the scale and factor scores, frequency (f) and percentage (%) values were determined. In order to determine whether the scores obtained by the athletes from the Innovation in Sports Scale differ according to the independent variables, the T test was applied to independent groups in pairwise comparisons, One-way anova was used to compare three or more variables, and the Bonferroni test was used to determine the difference between groups. In the study, the averages of the Sports Innovation Scale according to age groups, educational status, category, monthly income of the family, the state of hearing the concepts of innovation, innovative, the club's status of providing projects or trainings related to innovation in sports, evaluate the club's view of innovation, innovative perspective performance in sports and analysis were made to determine whether the difference between these averages is significant. As a result, it has been determined that the total score of the Innovation in Sports Scale and its sub-dimensions are above the average