135 research outputs found

    Pembangunan dan keberkesanan kit penyongsang dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PDP) di kolej vokasional

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    Pembangunan Alat Bahan Bantu Mengajar (ABBM) untuk menggalakkan guru menggunakan Kit Penyongsang dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangun dan menguji keberkesanan Kit Penyongsang dalam PdP di Kolej Vokasional. Pembangunan Kit Penyongsang adalah berdasarkan model ADDIE dan kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif berbentuk kuasi eksperimental. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah ujian pra-pasca yang melibatkan seramai 42 orang pelajar Teknologi Elektrik daripada dua buah Kolej Vokasional. Instrumen kajian merangkumi ujian pra, pasca dan soal selidik. Data dianalisis menggunakan kekerapan, skor min dan ujian-t. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pembangunan Kit Penyongsang dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan penggunaan Kit Penyongsang ini meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar dalam topik penyongsang. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dengan penggunaan Kit Penyongsang menunjukkan peningkatan sebanyak 44.9% berbanding menggunakan kaedah konvensional iaitu 9.67%. Secara kesimpulan menunjukkan Kit Penyongsang ini dapat menarik perhatian pelajar untuk mempelajari subjek ini

    Industrial structure and concentration in Malaysian manufacturing industry

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    The study uses econometric analysis; the least square method is used to determine factors that influence changes in the level of concentration of the 103 Malaysian manufacturing industries. The result shows that the concentration ratio of the Malaysian industries are rather high when compared with those in most other countries. At the same time our analysis reveals that competition in certain sectors of the Malaysian manufacturing industry have increased over time. Most importantly, the analysis supports the hypothesis that economies of scale are the major source of concentration. Other variables use in determining the industrial concentration is barriers to entry, the size of industry and foreign ownership

    Formation of Protein Film from Chickpea Dha)

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    The optimum conditions for the formation of chickpea dhal protein film and the characteristics of the films were studied. Optimum yield of protein films was obtained form chickpea dhal at bean: water ratios of 1:5 to 1: 7 and in the pH range of 9.0 to 10. O. The chickpea protein films were darker and more brittle than soybean protein films

    Maintaining the colour, texture and vitamin C of cold-stored pineapples through shrinkwrapping and surface-coating with liquid raraffin

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    Low density polyethylene shrinkwrapping significantly reduced weight loss and texture loss in Mauritius pineapples stored at 10°C, 15°C, 20°C and ambient temperatures. Suiface coating with paraffin inhibited internal browning in cold-stored pineapples and helped retain a high vitamin C content in the pineapples during storage. Paraffin coating was most effective at maintaining the colour of fresh pineapples and reducing the acidity. A combination ofparaffin waxing and shrinkwrapping was found to be effective in maintaining all the parameters studied. Control untreated pineapples exhibited high weight loss, texture loss, over ripening, fungal attack and internal browning during cold storage. Weight loss was found to be negatively correlated to ascorbic acid content and pulp texture under most conditions

    Kesan kaedah pengajaran berbantukan geometer’s sketchpad terhadap pencapaian pelajar dalam topik transformasi

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    menguasai mata pelajaran matematik, khususnya dalam topik transformasi, dan kajian literatur mencadangkan kaitan antara pemahaman topik-topik tertentu dalam matematik dengan keupayaan spatial. Kajian ini melihat kaitan keupayaan spatial dengan keupayaan pelajar dalam menyelesaikan masalah transformasi dan keberkesanan penggunaan perisian Geometer’s Sketchpad (GSP) dalam meningkatkan keupayaan pelajar dalam topik transformasi. Seramai 100 orang pelajar tingkatan dua telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Pelajar-pelajar ini telah dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan. Satu kumpulan diajar topik transformasi menggunakan kaedah biasa (kumpulan kawalan) manakala satu lagi kumpulan (kumpulan eksperimen) diajar menggunakan kaedah biasa dan diikuti dengan pengajaran berbantukan perisian Geometer’s Sketchpad. Dua instrumen telah digunakan untuk menguji keupayaan spatial pelajar, iaitu Form Board Test dan Paper Folding Test. Satu set soalan transformasi telah dibina dan diuji kepada semua pelajar setelah pengajaran secara biasa dilakukan. Ujian yang sama diberikan sekali lagi kepada kedua-dua kumpulan setelah kumpulan eksperimen diajar menggunakan GSP. Dapatan menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara keupayaan spatial dengan pencapaian dalam topik transformasi (r = 0.48, p<0.01). Analisis berkaitan perbezaan pencapaian pelajar antara kumpulan kawalan dan eksperimen menunjukkan peningkatan dalam pencapaian yang signifikan bagi kumpulan eksperimen, tetapi tidak pada kumpulan kawalan

    Kesan intervensi kelompok pendekatan psiko realiti terhadap tingkah laku agresif dalam kalangan remaja sekolah menengah

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    Recently, the issue of aggressive behaviour has been overwhelming. This can be seen from statistical data on school misconduct that increasingly every year which involved cases such as quarrels, vandalism and rudeness toward teachers. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the effects of the Module of Psycho Reality Approach Group Intervention on the level of aggressive behavior (physical, verbal, emotional, hostile) among adolescence in secondary school. This study used an experimental quasi design that invoIves two groups which are the treatment group and the control group. Subjects of this study consist of eighty students. The treatment group was given the intervention known as a Psycho Reality Approach Group whereas the control group did not received any intervention. The Aggressive Questionnaire (AQ) was given to the subjects of both groups at pretest, posttest one and posttest two to measure the level of students' aggression. The data were using Hestand SPA NOVA test. The findings have shown that the treatment group had received a positive effect after the intervention compared to the control group. The findings revealed that the level of students' aggression had decreased in the treatment group. Hence, this study do have significant contribution to school in preventing aggressive behaviour among school adolesence

    Effect of Chemical Treatments on the Shelf Life of Rambutans (Nephelium lappaceum) - II

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    Dipping rambutans for 5 minutes in sodium metabisulphite, calcium chloride and metabisulphite or calcium chloride and ascorbic acid solutions helped reduce %unacceptable fruits by up to 30% when fruits were stored packaged at 8 C Chemical dipping of rambutans and sulfur dioxide treatments were found to be less effective in prolonging the shelf life compared to low temperature storage. Techniques which slow down respiration rate and dehydration rate- were found to be more effective in prolonging the shelf life of rambutans than methods to inhibit enzymic browning. Fruits treated with sodium metabisulphite + calcium chloride in PE at 8 C with soaking time of 5-10 minutes, remained sweet and firm on the 17th day. Shelf life of treated fruits stored at room temperature is not significantly different from untreated fruits

    Environmental Engineering (Laboratory)

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    This module will give the students an understanding of the Environmental Engineering (Laboratory) for the course DAC 12203 offered by the Centre of Diploma Studies (CeDS), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

    DAC 12203 Environmental Engineering (Lecture Notes)

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    This module will give the students an understanding of the Environmental Engineering for the course DAC 12203 offered by the Centre of Diploma Studies (CeDS), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM

    Modified algorithm for image watermarking using 2D-DCT and elgamal cryptosystem / Nur Azien Yazid, Kamilah Abdullah and Suhaila Abd Halim

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    Image watermarking embeds identifying information in an image in such a manner that it cannot easily be removed. For the past several years, image digital watermarking has become a necessary element used for hid ing secret image and enabling secured communication such as privacy, confidentiality, authentication and data integrity. Although numerous watermarking schemes are present in grayscale images, the present work focuses on the RGB color image. This study proposed a new hybrid method that would satisfy the essential needs of modern image watermarking. The color image watermarking is based on the 2D Discrete Cosine Transform and Egamal cryptosystem.The 2D Discrete Cosine Transform depends on the matrix products, while the ElGamal cryptosystem depends on the discrete logarithm problem. The cryptosystem is combined with existing Arnold transform in watermarking algorithm to enhance the security of secret image. Value of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio was taken as performance evaluation parameters. On the whole, the performance evaluation shows that combining the two algorithms improved the performance of image watermarking