33 research outputs found


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    Penyedia Hewan Qurban (PHQ) Prenggan merupakan amal usaha Muhammadiyah di Kotagede, Yogyakarta yang memiliki usaha yaitu jasa penjualan hewan qurban. Penyakit Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK) yang menyebar dibeberapa daerah seperti Jawa Timur dan sekitarnya memberikan efek terhadap penjualan ternak qurban di PHQ Prenggan. Salah satu solusi untuk pencegahan PMK adalah dengan melakukan biosecurity secara ketat, biosecurity yang ketat dalam upaya pencegahan PMK sangat menjadi kunci dalam upaya pencegahan virus PMK dilevel masyarakat. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi tatalaksana biosecurity yang tepat dalam upaya pencegahan penyakit PMK, sehingga masyarakat dapat mempraktekan dengan baik sehingga kerugian secara ekonomi dapat dihindari. Metode pengabdian dilakukan secara langsung dengan melakukan sosialisasi secara offline. Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku dapat dicegah dengan berbagai macam cara seperti sanitasi kandang sebelum dimasukan ternak, pemeriksaan secara antemortem ternak yang akan dibeli dipasar hewan dengan mendatangkan dokter hewan, biosecurity pada kandang, dan kendaraan, menggunakan berbagai macam desifectant yang secara ilmiah dapat menghambat pertumbuhan virus dan mudah ditemukan dimasyarakat seperti asam sitrat dan asam cuka. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah anggota PHQ Prenggan selain itu juga jagal ataupun panitia penerimaan hewan qurban disekitar PHQ Prenggan. Hasil pengabdian dievaluasi menggunakan sistem kuisioner yaitu melihat peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat sebelum dan sesudah dilakukanya pengabdian, dengan sistem postest dan pretest, hasil menunjukan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat setelah dan sebelum dilakukan sosialisasi. Hasil menunjukan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan disetiap aspek yang disampaikan, sehingga dapat disimpulkan juga bahwa masyarakat dapat menyerap materi yang disosialisasikan

    Bibliometric Analysis of Trends Publications in Scopus Databased themed inulin sausages using R Studios

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    Inulin is a dietary fiber that can improve the quality of food products, such as texture, product nutrition, or as a disease-preventing functional food. Inulin has begun to be studied in various studies and applied to meat and poultry, but there have not been many studies assessing whether research on the application of inulin to sausage products is still relevant to be carried out and is still good novelist research, one way to assess the novelty of a research theme. Is to use bibliometric analysis. This study examines the publications in the Scopus database from 2001 to 2022 to measure the number of existing publications using the R method. Studied several aspects, namely 1. Annual Scientific Production 2. Most Relevant Author who has researched inulin sausage, 3. Country Production 4. Most Relevant Sources 5. Most Frequent Words 6. Word cloud related to inulin sausage. The results of the bibliometric analysis show that annual scientific publications show that article production growth has increased every year from 2001 to 2022; the highest was in 2019 with 11 articles. The most relevant Author who has written the most publications is Pollonio Mar, with six articles. Brazil is the country that produces the most articles, namely 28 articles, while the most relevant sources are the journal Meat science which produces six articles, and the most frequent words are inulin with 45 occurrences. Conclusions based on the analyzed data, research on inulin in sausages is still limited. And still very worthy of further research

    Social Media Networking and Knowledge Sharing in Increasing Innovation and MSME’s Growth: Based on the Theory of Communication Visibility

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the direct effect of social media networking, knowledge sharing, and innovation on MSME's growth. This study also examines the role of knowledge sharing and innovation in mediating the influence of social media networking on the MSME’s growth. This research is survey research. Respondents are MSMEs from young entrepreneurs assisted by universities. Respondents who participated in this study were 467 people, but only 421 could be used. Data analysis techniques in this study using PLS-SEM. The results show that social media networking, knowledge sharing, and innovation affect MSME's growth. Knowledge sharing and innovation play a part in mediating the influence of social media networking on MSME’s growth. This study examines the role of knowledge sharing and innovation in mediating social media networking on MSME’s growth

    The Effect of HRM Practices on Organizational Performance: A Survey of Malaysian State Sports Councils’ Employees

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    Organizational performance can be evaluated through the effectiveness of human resource management (HRM) practices implemented in the organization. However, the problem of improper and misguided implementation of HRM practices causes conflict between employees and organizations, influencing organizational performance. This study examines the effect between HRM practices and organizational performance among Malaysian State Sports Councils’ (MSSC) employees by adapting the Social Exchange Theory. This survey involved a total of 280 MSSC employees. This research instrument consists of 35 items that measure HRM practices and organizational performance. Data were analyzed using regression analysis. Based on the findings, there is a significant and direct effect between HRM practices and organizational performance among MSSC employees. In conclusion, the organization’s excellent structure of HRM practices enables employees to commit to work and perform tasks according to the organizational goals. Future researchers are recommended to extend the sample of study to other sports organizations or other public and private organizations in measuring HRM practices and organizational performance

    Community Trust in Village Financial: The Role of External Pressure and Corruption Perception

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    Community trust in village financial management has an important role. The fantastic value of village funds encourages the community to participate in its management. The facts show that the amount of village funds has triggered the village apparatus to act corruptly, so in 2018, many village heads and village apparatus were in jail. This study aims to determine the effect of external pressure, transparency, accountability, and corruption perception on public trust. This study used a survey method with hypothesis testing, and it was conducted in the Tegal Regency. The sampling technique used was cluster sampling and obtained 103 respondents. This study used questionnaires to collect the data. It also analyzes the data using descriptive and path analysis (structural equation modeling) with WarpPLS. The results show that external pressure directly influences the transparency and accountability of village governments. Transparency has a direct effect on accountability. Transparency and accountability have a positive influence on community trust. Meanwhile, the corruption perception has a negative influence that weakens public trust. Perceptions of corruption also have a mediating role in the indirect relationship between transparency and public trust. However, this study only examines from the perspective of village officials. Further research should explore the transparency and accountability of village governments from the community point of view

    The Role of Personality Peculiarities on Depression and Anxiety of Medical Doctors Using the Job-Demands Resources Model: The Mediating Effect of Job Burnout

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    Prolonged stress also known as job burnout refers to psychological conditions resulting from excessive fatigue due to work-related factors. However, distinguished features in personality might affect how people cope with job burnout which has implications for their mental health especially for their depression and anxiety. Therefore, this study intends to respond to the existing practical and empirical gaps by investigating the relationships between personality differences such as neuroticism and extraversion and mental health with the role of job burnout as the mediator. A cross-sectional study was conducted at eight public hospitals within Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 471 medical doctors from six departments participated. The result has shown that job burnout mediates the relationship between neuroticism and mental health. Job burnout made no difference to associations between extraversion and mental health

    Making Malaysia’s public healthcare system ‘greener’

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    Dr Khairul Azmy Kamaluddin, Ts Noor Muhammad Abd Rahman, and Dr Muhammad Syukri Imran Abdullah, discuss the advancement of sustainability programmes by the Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) to reduce carbon emissions within the country’s public healthcare sector

    Decarbonizing Facilities in Malaysian Healthcare

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    This article provides an overview and updates on the advancement of sustainability programmes by the Ministry of Health (MOH) to reduce carbon emissions particularly in the public healthcare sector. Major adaptations by MOH include energy efficient building, adopting renewable energy resources to offset power demand, and waste reduction, as well as a green building initiative program. MOH will continue to commit towards sustainability and make planetary health and the climate agenda a priority in its actions

    Bibliometric Analysis of Trends Publications in Scopus Databased themed inulin sausages using R Studios

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    Inulin is a dietary fiber that can improve the quality of food products, such as texture, product nutrition, or as a diseasepreventing functional food. Inulin has begun to be studied in various studies and applied to meat and poultry, but there have not been many studies assessing whether research on the application of inulin to sausage products is still relevant to be carried out and is still good novelist research, one way to assess the novelty of a research theme. Is to use bibliometric analysis. This study examines the publications in the Scopus database from 2001 to 2022 to measure the number of existing publications using the R method. Studied several aspects, namely 1. Annual Scientific Production 2. Most Relevant Author who has researched inulin sausage, 3. Country Production 4. Most Relevant Sources 5. Most Frequent Words 6. Word cloud related to inulin sausage. The results of the bibliometric analysis show that annual scientific publications show that article production growth has increased every year from 2001 to 2022; the highest was in 2019 with 11 articles. The most relevant Author who has written the most publications is Pollonio Mar, with six articles. Brazil is the country that produces the most articles, namely 28 articles, while the most relevant sources are the journal Meat science which produces six articles, and the most frequent words are inulin with 45 occurrences. Conclusions based on the analyzed data, research on inulin in sausages is still limited. And still very worthy of further research