10 research outputs found

    The awareness and understanding of Islamic economy among accountancy students in UiTM Puncak Alam / Muhammad Nor Syafiq Abdullah

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    Islam is a universal, integrity, and comprehensive life system that had set a perfect journey for human life. As a way of life, Islam touches all matters pertaining to life, from the simplest to the most complex of affairs. Both in the political, economic, educational, artistic, social, cultural, and another aspects. Islam is the perfect religion, governing economic matters. When the economy of a country or national economy that applies the basis of the Qur'an and Hadith is used as the ultimate guide, surely the economy of a country will go well and avoid the contradictory things of syarak. The fact is not all Islamic countries in the world are implementing sharia-compliant economic policies in their economic systems. But, some countries still practice conventional economic systems that have many advantages but bring harm to Muslims. So, people nowadays must know about economic system in our country. They also can choose to use the system that is proper for them to apply in their economy system. They generate national income through conventional economic system which they have practiced since time immemorial. This is quite difficult for them to continue to use the Islamic economic system if not given understanding exactly about the advantages contained in the economic system of Islam when they use it

    Business Planning : 3S the art of embroidering / Muhammad Firdaus Muhammad Nawi ...[et al.]

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    Our company has made a discussion to enter supply and selling our embroidery products to customer. This is because embroidery business is one of the most successful and their potential growth is big. Administration is one of the important part of our business management work effectively and professional rules. It is also can guarantee that our business to face any outcome which of course can effect our profit. In addition, it also can help the transaction in our structure of organization more arrangeable and run smoothly so the customer and banker will trust us. Then, they will be easily make a transaction with our company. 3S will be operated at No.10,Bangunan Mara 18500 Machang, Kelantan Darul Naim. From our research, this is very strategic and this place is the suitable location for our business to market our product. Due a lot of facilities that have been provided near our company such as restaurant, mini market and others. Besides, the target market is very big. Electricity has been provided by Tenaga Nasional Berhad and water from Air Kelantan SDN. BHD. Meanwhile, Telekom Malaysia will produce telephone line and internet for our business. Organization plan is the basic framework within the manager and her subordinates operat

    Pilot study on investigation of Thermal Sensation Votes (TSV) and students' performance in naturally ventilated classroom

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    Thermal comfort is essential for students' wellbeing, health, and performance. A conducive classroom must consider the acceptable range of heat and its impact on student performance. The study aims to conduct a pilot test for the determination of thermal acceptability and student performance in existing Malaysian classrooms using physical and subjective assessments. The methodology requires physical measurement using KIMO AMI 310 instrument, as well as subjective assessment via satisfaction survey adapted from ASHRAE 55 and performance assessment adapted from WHO Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery (WHO NCTB). Physical measurement parameters, such as indoor temperature, air velocity, relative humidity, and prevailing mean outdoor temperature, were measured in parallel with subjective assessment of thermal acceptability and performance assessment. Three days of data collection were conducted in the secondary school located in Endau, Johor. There are three classes involved with a total of 46 students. Each class was equipped with two ceiling fans and both ceiling fans were regulated to the speed of four. The overall physical and subjective assessment procedure took approximately 60 minutes per classroom. The findings showed that all the investigated classes were in the range of acceptable operative temperature and complied with ASHRAE Standard 55 for both 80% and 90% acceptability limits. Pearson correlation analysis showed a small positive relationship between thermal sensation vote (TSV) and learning performance was obtained. The results also showed a higher performance score at the TSV value of -1 suggesting the students tend to have higher performance scores when they voted feeling slightly cool. Thus, the results of the pilot test gave new insight into the effective method to improve the methodology for the actual data collection

    Flow Characteristics in Perforated Subsurface Drain of Drainage System Application: Case Study of Gate Fully Open with Longitudinal Slope 1/500

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    Subsurface drainage is part of a sustainable drainage system's components. This component represents the infiltration of stormwater into the subsurface drainage system for flow attenuation purposes. This study examines the flow parameters of subsurface drainage components. The laboratory validation of perforated subsurface drains was conducted at a longitudinal slope gradient of 1/500 with the Gate Fully Open. The manning, n data obtained in these experiments varies with several hydraulic parameters. Therefore, the experimental relationship between the flow characteristics of these subsurface drain components has been investigated. The relationship between flow behavior has been determined. The sub-critical and supercritical, and turbulence flow has occurred in this stud

    Flow Characteristics in Perforated Subsurface Drain of Drainage System Application: Case Study of Gate Fully Open with Longitudinal Slope 1/500

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    Subsurface drainage is part of a sustainable drainage system's components. This component represents the infiltration of stormwater into the subsurface drainage system for flow attenuation purposes. This study examines the flow parameters of subsurface drainage components. The laboratory validation of perforated subsurface drains was conducted at a longitudinal slope gradient of 1/500 with the Gate Fully Open. The manning, n data obtained in these experiments varies with several hydraulic parameters. Therefore, the experimental relationship between the flow characteristics of these subsurface drain components has been investigated. The relationship between flow behavior has been determined. The sub-critical and supercritical, and turbulence flow has occurred in this stud

    Comparative study of indoor air contaminants in different stages of new building occupancy: work environment assessment

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    Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a part of Building Environment. Nowadays, the construction of new building took place over the world. Upon new building occupancy, a lot of indoors material was used without IAQ concern. This study has been conducted in a new constructed building of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Malaysia. The goal of the study is to monitor on the level of IAQ parameters including chemical and physical parameters within four consequent stages which are before furniture install, after furniture install and during one and three month occupancy. The indoor parameters have been measured consist of nine parameters including of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Formaldehyde, Respirable Particulates (PM10), Ozone, Relative Humidity (RH), Temperature and Air Movement. The interaction between Malaysian and international standard was referred and utilized in collecting the data and analyzing of the findings. There was a significant correlation between the high values of RH, Formaldehyde and PM10 where (r 0.324, p <0.05), (r 0.344, p <0.05) and (r 0.319, p<0.05) with extension of phases of new building occupancy respectively. This study established significant different on Formaldehyde and Particulate Matter (PM10) concentration level as go along with the building occupancy. These finding indicated that furniture and fittings, indoor materials and human population has a potential sources of indoor air contaminants. It is recommended that the management should be aware to their indoor air status to protect the occupant from the risk of unwanted exposure especially during the early stage of building occupancy. Finally this research has fully supported the Malaysian need to formulate of future guideline on IAQ commissioning and maintenance of new building occupancy

    Design and development of trash trap of stream for mini hydro

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    The river became increasingly contaminated over the years and in the wake of rapid development in the town. The purpose of this paper is to invent and provide a trash collector for mini hydro that is readily removable so that the trashes collected can be easily disposed of. Design of the trash trap should be compatible with existing stream structures. Trash trap must prevent any trash and debris from passing through the mini hydro. Fieldwork was done at the stream river to investigate the surrounding and stream structure. The data collected were mass of trash collected with diverter and without diverter. A total of 10.0 kg of trashes were collected. The efficiency of the trash trap was calculated by the proportion of the average mass of diverted trashes by the total mass of trapped trashes. The targeted efficiency for this trash trap project is 70.0%. Based on the data collected, the efficiency of this trash trap is 84.12%. The targeted efficiency was achieved and design improvement of this trash trap will be discussed at the recommendation. In conclusion, the trash trap had been proven as a potential solution for the mini hydro machine problem, diverts and prevents most of the trashes from entering the mini hydro and blocked the turbine from rotating

    Influence of Air Velocity on Thermal Comfort and Performance of Students in Naturally Ventilated Classrooms in Tropical Climate

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    Air velocity is among the most important factors influencing thermal comfort in naturally ventilated spaces in hot and humid tropical climates. It is important to have air velocity that suits comfort needs and enhances the student's learning performance in the classroom, especially in schools that rely only on natural ventilation assisted by ceiling fans. In this study, the thermal comfort and learning performance of students in a selected naturally ventilated classroom at a secondary school in Segamat, Johor, Malaysia, were experimentally evaluated under different air velocity conditions during the peak temperature period during the school session. Throughout the experiment, physical measurement and a subjective evaluation questionnaire were conducted for thermal comfort analysis and to gather the student’s thermal environment evaluation in the classroom. Students’ learning performance was assessed through simple reaction and digit span tests based on the WHO Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery (NCTB). All the assessment results were statistically analyzed, and the relationships among indoor air velocity, thermal comfort, and learning performance were obtained. The result showed optimal learning performance was significant when students felt “slightly cool” and air velocity was more than 0.95 m/s. Hotter environments and a lack of air movement were found to be causes of declining student performance. In conclusion, it is suggested that the comfort zone in a naturally ventilated classroom for school students should be set within the range of -1 (slightly cool) with an air velocity greater than 0.76 m/s


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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is a common and serious metabolic disorder throughout the world. Search for newer drugs continues because the existing synthetic drugs have several limitations and side effects. Traditional plants have been used throughout the world for the treatment of diabetes.Objective: The present study is an attempt to list of the commonly available medicinal plants with antidiabetic and related beneficial effects originating from different parts of Malaysia.Method: This study was carried out for a general knowledge in which to give information on common medicinal plants in Malaysia used for the treatment of diabetes.Results: There are 10 such very commonly available medicinal plants were found and described in this review which clearly shows the importance of herbal plants in the treatment of diabetes.Conclusion: Only a few plants have been subjected to detailed scientific investigation. However, further pharmacological and toxicological studies at the molecular and clinical levels are still warranted to confirm the potential of these plants.  Keywords: Medicinal plants, Malaysia, Diabete