118 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of amine functionalized graphene oxide with water soluble quantum dots for sensing material

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    Nanocomposite material has been prepared comprises of amine functionalized graphene oxide (NH2-GO) incorporation with water solube CdS Quantum dots nanoparticle to form a new composite material (NH2-GO/QDs). This composite mixture shows highly homogenous without precipitation and have been characterize by using Raman, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and the scan electron microscopy (SEM-EDX). Kinetic investigation based on DNA hybridization by cyclic voltammetry shows modified electrode able to achieve high hybridization rate can be used as electrochemical biosensor platform

    Industrial assessment of radiofrequency and microwave radiations:Case study at electronic manufacturing industries in Penang.

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    In electronic manufacturing industry, the applications of an equipment emitting radiofrequency radiation (RFR) are numerous and increasing. It is known that exposure to RFR at sufficiently high intensity and duration can produce a variety of adverse health effects

    Electromagnetic radiation and health hazards.

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    Prior to the middle of this century very little concern has been given to the biological effects from electromagnetic radiation

    Pembangunan tanah & halangannya

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    Pembangunan tanah merupakan penggerak utama pembangunan negara. Namun, pembangunan tanah melibatkan proses yang rumit. Antara puncanya adalah terdapat pelbagai halangan yang boleh menyebabkan pembangunan tanah tidak dapat dijalankan. Secara umum, halangan pembangunan tanah boleh dikategorikan mengikut faktor sosial, ekonomi, dan perundangan. Halangan pembangunan boleh juga dikategorikan secara faktor luaran dan dalaman. Kajian literatur menunjukkan secara amnya halangan pembangunan tanah boleh dibahagikan kepada halangan luaran dan halangan dalaman. Kajian literatur tentang faktor dalaman menumpu pada sikap pemilik dan pihak yang berkepentingan. Faktor luaran pula termasuklah undang-undang pembangunan tanah yang berkaitan. Selain faktor luaran dan dalaman, kehendak dan keperluan penduduk dalam memajukan tanah mereka perlu diberi perhatian. Kajian empirik yang dijalankan di Pulau Duyong, Kuala Terengganu menunjukkan matlamat kerajaan untuk melihat pembangunan tanah yang diberi milik tidak kesampaian kerana halangan luaran dan sikap pemilik serta penduduk setempat yang dipengaruhi oleh persepsi, motif, dan strategi mereka. Penduduk juga ingin mengekalkan persekitaran sedia ada sebagai keperluan penduduk setempat. Buku ini sesuai sebagai rujukan kepada pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi terutamanya dalam bidang alam bina, pembinaan, bangunan, seni bina, ukur tanah, ukur bahan, penilaian harta, pentadbiran dan pembangunan tanah, perancangan bandar, dan perumahan serta pembaca umum yang berminat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam bidang pembangunan tanah

    Development Of A User Friendly Liquid Level Measuring System.

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    The paper deals with the theory, design, fabrication and testing of a sensor and associated measuring system, which can be used for direct display of levels of conducting as well as non-conducting liquids

    Determination of Zone-based Solah Times: A practice in Malaysia

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    Zone-based solah times depend on the Earth's orbital movement around the sun. JAKIM has introduced zone-based solah times prescribes the times for the zones or areas. Nevertheless, the on-site calculation of zonal solah times is often informed by geographical and state Islamic affairs administrations. This study aims to survey the practices and methods employed to determine the Malaysian states' zonal solah times, using library research and interview approaches. The findings indicated that two typical methods used are the Westernmost Point and Multipoint Reference. Another alternative method provided by Falak experts is Isotime. Keywords: Zones Solah Times, Multi-Point Reference, West-most Point eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6iSI4.291

    Concentration Analysis of Eurycoma Longijolia Using Principle Compenent Based Artificial Taste Sensor.

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    Water extract of Eurycoma Longifolia (Tongkat Ali) were analysed by artificial-taste sensor Employing 4mm diameter and 20cm thickness lipid membrane technology

    Pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan halal terhadap produk makanan import oleh Jakim / Mohd Zaid Daud … [et al.]

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    Industri produk makanan halal di Malaysia secara global telah menunjukkan kadar peningkatan yang ketara. Pasaran produk makanan halal bukan sahaja menarik minat kepada negara yang majoritinya adalah Muslim, bahkan negara yang majoriti bukan-Muslim turut berminat terhadap pasaran produk makanan halal. Dalam hal ini, ia melibatkan proses import dan eksport antara negara secara global. Prospek pasaran makanan halal ini dilihat mampu untuk meningkatkan pendapatan negara dan secara tidak langsung menambah pendapatan pengimport / pengeksport yang merupakan Muslim dan bukan-Muslim. Kemasukan produk import ke dalam negara ini telah memberi kesan kepada pengurusan pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan bagi menjamin status kehalalan produk makanan yang diimport. Oleh itu, pendekatan pengurusan sesebuah organisasi haruslah sentiasa holistik dan komprehensif kerana ia memerlukan tanggungjawab yang berterusan bagi menjamin status kehalalan produk import yang dipasarkan. Walau bagaimanapun, kesan daripada pengimportan makanan halal ke dalam negara telah membawa kepada beberapa isu utama iaitu pemalsuan dan penyalahgunaan sijil dan logo halal, serta ketidakpatuhan produk makanan import yang mengandungi bahan yang tidak halal. Oleh yang demikian, pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan yang berkesan perlu dilaksanakan untuk menangani permasalahan ini. Maka, kajian ini adalah untuk melihat pengurusan pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan yang dijalankan oleh Jakim terhadap produk makanan import yang dipasarkan di Malaysia

    Crowdfunding: A new phenomenon of philantrophic method / Nurzahidah Jaafar … [et al.]

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    Raising money for whatever purpose can be a daunting process. Great ideas without the financial clout that will turn them into profitable ventures inevitably fizzle out. Crowdfunding, a practice of funding a venture by raising money from a large number of people, has grown in popularity as of late and allowing entrepreneurially skilled individuals to request funding from the public or crowd, which in return will get the product. Yet, this philanthropic platform is still unfamiliar amongst Asian Community due to lack of understanding and technological development within this region. The primary objective of this article is to explain the application of the crowdfunding concept through selected established model for the benefit of society in order to be more aware of this platform. In conclusion, it is hope this article will give advantages for the betterment of socioeconomic and education in Malaysia

    Gamification: potentials and challenges in teaching and learning in science

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    Educational technology plays an important part in the growth of education in the 21st century. Yet the absence of infusion between technology and education in schools, has led to the de-motivation among many students and teachers with the current education system. Therefore with the evolution in technology, especially with the arrival of android devices, interaction with games has been on the rise; making it a daily routine and addictive part of people?s lives. By using the game design elements in non-game contexts, gamification is created. These elements are points, badges and leader board. In the corporate world, gamification has been used as a motivational pull in achieving goals. These qualities relate to the instigators of motivation; purpose, autonomy and mastery. So we can deduce that the capabilities of game in causing a change in human lives go beyond its intended purpose of fun. As students are familiar with the usage of technology, infusing gamification to improve teaching and learning in schools may reap favourable results. Yet there has been lacking research in the effectiveness of gamification in learning and teaching. This creates an opening for a research to be carried out in this field. The aim of this paper is to explore the potentials as well as challenges of using gamification to enhance the teaching and learning in Malaysia schools