143 research outputs found

    Cultural Anthropological Perspective of Development Re-Examined

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    ‘Development” –a term that entered popular discourse in the late 1980s has certainly been become one of the most debatable buzzwords of the new millennium. The nature and philosophy of development has been the subject matter of profound debates and concerns in economic, political, cultural studies and academic circles since the mid 1980s. However, mainstream economic thought regarding development promises that it would lift the poor above poverty, dissolve dictatorship, protect the environment, integrate cultures, and reverse the growing gap between the rich and poor countries of the world. But in reality, models of the mainstream economic development has brought about the devastating destruction of the traditions, the continued subordination of poor nations and regions by richer countries of the west, environmental degradation, and posed a serious thread to indigenous and non-western cultures and economies. The conventional development thought has resulted in the penetration and expansion of western economist, media, technologies and tremendous clout to define the situation. This paper argues that through the development process, like colonization, modernization, globalization, the west is exploiting and exerting dominance over the other country’s economies, cultures and traditional way of life. The west makes space of development by identifying, defining certain problems and prescribes remedy for the “Third World” countries. Through the United Nations, the IMF, the World Bank, Donor Agencies and these institutions’ legal authority, the West along with its most advanced technologies and professional and institutional knowledge controls all major political and economic affairs of the globe. The paper argues this issue from anthropological perspective that is, holistic perspective, that encompasses economic and non-economic factors simultaneously. In fact, those who advocate development today inherit form Entitlement orientation. The Entitlement offered a universal application of reason to human affairs and it embedded in a philosophy of history with a meta-narrative concerning the continued onward march of society due to the result of science, technology and money. And in this connection, development resurrects an imagined totality of human culture. Anthropological perspective, on the other hand, rejects any such overarching “meta-narrative” and scheme of totalitarian human society and that would pretend to erase the irreducible differences of human experiences. Yet, whatever the nature and philosophy of development how anthropological view can provide alternative look in this regard has been attempted to reconstruct. Key words: Capitalism, Cold War, Colonialism, Globalization, IMF, Modernization, Post-development, Third World, World Bank, Western Economics, Neoliberalism, UNDP, United Nations RĂ©sumĂ©: Le dĂ©veloppement- un terme qui est entrĂ© dans le discours populaire Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 1980 est certainement devenu l’un des mots les plus discutables du nouveau millĂ©naire. La nature et la philosophie du dĂ©veloppement ont Ă©tĂ© le sujet majeur des dĂ©bats et soucis profonds dans les Ă©tudes Ă©conomique, politique et culturelle ainsi que le cercle acadĂ©mique depuis le milieu des annĂ©es 1980. NĂ©anmoins, la pensĂ©e Ă©conomique principale sur le dĂ©veloppement promet qu’il peut dĂ©gager les pauvres de la pauvretĂ©, dissoudre la dictature, protĂ©ger l’environnement, mĂ©langer les cultures et raccourcir l’écart de croissance entre les pays riches et pauvres du monde. Mais en rĂ©alitĂ©, le modĂšle du dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique principal a entraĂźnĂ© la destruction dĂ©vastatrice des traditions, la subordination continue des nations ou rĂ©gions pauvres aux pays riches occidentaux, la dĂ©gradation environnementale, et lance un dĂ©fi sĂ©rieux aux cultures et Ă©conomies indigĂšnes et non-occidentales. La pensĂ©e de dĂ©veloppement conventionnel a conduit Ă  la pĂ©nĂ©tration et l’expansion des Ă©conomies, mĂ©dias et technologies occidentaux, et l’influence considĂ©rable sur la situation. Le prĂ©sent article argumente que, Ă  travers le processus du dĂ©veloppement comme la colonisation, la modernisation et la globalisation, l’Occident exerce son dominance sur les Ă©conomies, les cultures et les modes de vivre traditionnels des autres pays. L’Occident crĂ©e l’espace de dĂ©veloppement en identifiant certains problĂšmes et en prescrivant des remĂšdes pour les pays du Tiers Monde. A travers l’ONU, le FMI, la Banque mondiale, les Agences de donateur et les autoritĂ©s lĂ©gales de ces institutions, l’Occident, moyennant ses technologies avancĂ©es et ses savoirs professionnel et institutionnel, contrĂŽle toutes les affaires politiques et Ă©conomique majeures du monde. L’article argumente de cette vue dans la perspective anthropologique, perspective globale, qui contient simultanĂ©ment les facteurs Ă©conomiques et non-Ă©conomiques. En fait, ceux qui prĂ©conise le dĂ©veloppement aujourd’hui hĂ©ritent de l’orientation de Droit. Le Droit fournit une application universelle de la raison aux affaires humaines et s’implante dans la philosophie de l’histoire avec un mĂ©ta-rĂ©cit concernant la marche avancĂ©e de la sociĂ©tĂ© due au rĂ©sultat de sciences, de technologie et d’argent. En la matiĂšre, le dĂ©veloppement ressuscite une totalitĂ© de la culture humaine imaginĂ©e. La perspective anthropologique, d’autre part, rejette tout mĂ©ta-rĂ©cit et systĂšme de la sociĂ©tĂ© humaine totalitaire, et prĂ©tend Ă  effacer les diffĂ©rences irrĂ©ductibles de l’expĂ©rience humaine. Cependant, quoi que soient la nature et la philosophie du dĂ©veloppement, comment le vue anthropologique peut offrir un aspect alternatif sur ce point a Ă©tĂ© tentĂ© de reconstruire. Mots-ClĂ©s: capitalisme, guerre froide, colonialisme, globalisation, FMI, modernisation, post-dĂ©veloppement, Tiers Monde, Banque mondiale, Ă©conomies occidentales, nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme, PDNU, ON

    Impact of Saharan Dust Aerosols on Radiation and Clouds Over the Tropical East Atlantic Ocean

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    Aerosols affect the atmospheric processes by interacting with shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) radiations and also by modifying the cloud microphysics (direct and indirect effects respectively). This study investigates the direct and indirect effects of Saharan dust aerosols, and the subsequent perturbations of the radiation budget and tropical convection by using the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry module (WRF-Chem). Simulations are conducted for July 1-31, 2010 over two-way nested domains in the tropical East Atlantic Ocean. Results show that the interactions of dust particles with the SW and LW radiations enhance the heating rates in the atmosphere and primarily affect the upwelling SW radiation at the top of the atmosphere, and downwelling SW and LW radiations at the surface. Dust induced lower level heating increases the stability of the lower troposphere. As a result, convection is inhibited below the dust layers and enhanced in the levels inside and above the dust layers. Dust particles acting as the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) lead to enhanced condensation and produce numerous cloud droplets with reduced droplet sizes. Consequently, slower collision coalescence among the cloud droplets affects the droplet autoconversion rate and reduces the rain production. However, there is no evidence of the suppression of accumulated precipitation at the surface that would otherwise increase the cloud lifetime. The net radiative forcing of dust is positive inside the atmosphere, and negative at the surface, and top of the atmosphere. Due to the overall positive radiative feedback from the cloud, the magnitudes of the forcing at surface and top of the atmosphere become weaker in the presence of clouds

    Mobile Banking is a New Dimension in Banking System of Bangladesh: A Case Study on DBBL and bKash

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    This study is an earnest effort to find out the potentiality of mobile banking to provide basic banking services to the vast majority of unbanked people. This study is an exploratory research based on primary dat from field as well as secondary data from various publications, adopted with descriptive in nature. Research was gone through over 120 respondents focusing the point of using the mobile in banking, its safety, speedyness, cost, service nature, and of user class. Of two Mobile banking Bank, DBBL and BRAC’s subsidiary bKash, 120  respondents were selected for information acquiring.  61 % respondents think it saves time than traditional banking, the highest number of respondents use mobile banking for ‘fund transfer ’ service, that is 22%,. Out of 120 respondents 56%  replied it is less costlier than traditional banking, 100% respondents did agree that it is speedy, and 38% respondents are of upper class. Although this concept is new in Bangladesh but its potentiality is high due to handset availability and convenience. From this research, other researchers and policy makers will get an insight about the problems and prospects of mobile banking in Bangladesh.

    Analysis of Longitudinal Data and Model Selection

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    An important issue in regression analysis of longitudinal data is model parsimony, that is, finding a model with as few regression variables as possible while retaining good properties of the parameter estimates. In this vein, joint modelling of mean and variance taking into account the intra subject correlation has been standard in recent literature (Pourahmadi, 1999, 2000; Ye and Pan, 2006; and Leng, Zhang, and Pan, 2010). Zhang, Leng, and Tang (2015) propose joint parametric modelling of the means, variances and correlations by decomposing the correlation matrix via hyperspherical co-ordinates and show that this results in unconstrained parameterization, fast computation, easy interpretation of the parameters, and model parsimony. We investigate the properties of the estimates of the regression parameters through semiparametric modelling of the means and variances and study the impact of this to model parsimony. An extensive simulation study is conducted. Three datasets, namely, a biomedical dataset, an environmental dataset and a cattle dataset are analysed. In longitudinal studies, researchers frequently encounter covariates that are varying over time (see for example Huang, Wu, and Zhou, 2002). We consider a generalized partially linear varying coefficient model for such data and propose a regression spline based approach to estimate the mean and covariance parameters jointly where the correlation matrix is decomposed via hyperspherical co-ordinates. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the properties of the estimates of the regression parameters in terms of bias and standard error and to analyse a real data set taken from a multi-center AIDS cohort study. The problem of model selection in regression analysis through the use of forward selection, backward elimination and stepwise selection has been well developed in the literature. The main assumption in this, of course, is that the data are normally distributed and the main tool used here is either a t test or an F test. However, properties of these model selection procedures in the framework of generalized linear models are not well-known. We study here the properties of these procedures in generalized linear models, of which the normal linear regression model is a special case. The main tools that is being used are the score test, the F-test, other large sample tests, such as, the likelihood ratio test and the Wald test; the AIC and the BIC are included in the comparison. A systematic study, through simulations, of the properties of this procedure is conducted, in terms of level and power, for normal, Poisson and binomial regression models. Extensions for over-dispersed Poisson and over-dispersed binomial regression models are also given and evaluated. The methods are applied to analyse three data sets. In practice, it often occurs that an abundance of zero counts arise in data where a discrete generalized linear model may fail to fit but a zero-inflated generalized linear model can be the ideal choice. Researchers often encounter a large number of covariates in such model and need to decide which are potentially important. To find a parsimonious model we develop a model selection procedure using the score test, the Wald test and the likelihood ratio test; also the AIC and the BIC are included in the comparison. Simulation studies are carried out to investigate the performance of these procedures, in terms of level and power, for zero-inflated Poisson and zero-inflated binomial regression models. The methodology is illustrated through two real examples

    Corporate voluntary disclosure practices of banks in Bangladesh

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    This study aims to explore the corporate voluntary disclosure practices of the listed banks in an emerging economy namely Bangladesh.Results show that the extent of voluntary disclosure significantly improves from 2005 to 2008.However, the level of disclosure items related to corporate governance and risk management are lower than other disclosure categories.Overall findings of this study contribute in the accounting and economic literature by adding an empirical results of voluntary disclosure of a highly regulated industry from an emerging economy. Nevertheless, the results have the limitation to generalize for other industries as well as for banks from countries

    Modification of Eryptosis, the Suicidal Erythrocyte Death, by Afatinib, Ceritinib, and Volasertib

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    Afatinib, Ceritinib und Volasertib werden zur Behandlung von Malignomen eingesetzt. Eine Nebenwirkung ist AnĂ€mie, die das Resultat einer ĂŒbermĂ€ĂŸigen Eryptose sein könnte. Die Eryptose, der suizidale Erythrozytentod, ist durch Zusammenbrechen der Phosphatidylserin (PS) - Asymmetrie in der Zellmembran, Zellschrumpfung und Bildung von MembranblĂ€schen gekennzeichnet. Stimuli wie z.B. Energieentzug, hyperosmotischer Schock, oxidativer Stress sowie verschiedene Xenobiotika/Erkrankungen sind bekannte Stimulatoren der Eryptose. Die Signalmechanismen, die der Eryptose zu Grunde liegen, umfassen einen Überschuss an intrazellulĂ€rem Kalzium, Ceramid und reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) sowie die Beteiligung verschiedener Kinasen und Caspasen. Um eine Wirkung der Substanzen auf Eryptose aufzudecken, wurden gesunde humane Erythrozyten (0,4% HĂ€matokrit) verschiedenen Konzentrationen der Substanzen ausgesetzt und fĂŒr 48 Stunden bei 37°C inkubiert. Die Durchflusszytometrie wurde zur Bestimmung der PS-Translokation auf der ErythrozytenoberflĂ€che anhand der Annexin-V-Bindung, der Zellschrumpfung durch das VorwĂ€rtsstreulicht (FSC), des zytosolischen Kalziumgehalts anhand der Fluo3-Fluoreszenz, der Bildung von ROS anhand der DCFDA-Fluoreszenz sowie der Ceramid-Abundanz anhand von spezifischen Antikörpern eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse des ersten Teils der Studie zeigen, dass Afatinib (≄8,2 ”M) den Prozentsatz an eryptotischen Erythrozyten nach der jeweiligen Inkubationszeit signifikant erhöht und das FSC signifikant senkt. Afatinib erhöhte zudem den intrazellulĂ€ren Kalziumspiegel, die Ceramid-Abundanz und die ROS-Produktion signifikant. Die Wirkung von Afatinib auf die PS-Translokation war nach Entfernen von extrazellulĂ€rem Kalzium signifikant verringert. Es konnte kein signifikanter Unterschied in der PS-Translokation nach Applikation der Inhibitoren von Caspasen oder Proteinkinase C (PKC), p38-Kinase, casein kinase 1α (CK1α) und Janus-Kinase 3 (JAK3) beobachtet werden. Afatinib löste ab einer Konzentration von 16,4 ”M eine signifikant erhöhte HĂ€molyse aus. FĂŒr diese Wirkung sind jedoch Afatinib-Konzentrationen erforderlich, die weit ĂŒber der Plasmakonzentration an freiem Afanitinib in behandelten Patienten liegen. Das Auftreten Afatinib-assoziierter AnĂ€mie ist daher wahrscheinlich nicht Folge einer ĂŒbermĂ€ĂŸigen Eryptose und HĂ€molyse. Der zugrunde liegende Signalmechanismus der durch Afatinib ausgelösten Eryptose umfasst die Erhöhung des intrazellulĂ€ren Kalziums sowie eine erhöhte Produktion von Ceramid und ROS. Die Ergebnisse des zweiten Teils des Forschungsprojektes zeigen, dass Ceritinib (1,8 ”M) den suizidalen Erythrozytentod signifikant erhöht und das Zellvolumen signifikant senkt. Ceritinib steigerte die zytosolische Kalziumkonzentration, nicht jedoch den ROS- oder Ceramid-Spiegel. Die Wirkung von Ceritinib auf die Annexin-V-Bindung wurde in Abwesenheit von extrazellulĂ€rem Kalzium sowie in Gegenwart des nicht-selektiven Kationenkanalblockers Amilorid (1mM), AKT1/2-Inhibitor A6730 (58 nM), PKC-Blocker Staurosporin (1 ÎŒM), p38-Kinase-Inhibitor SB203580 (2 ÎŒM), CK1α-Blocker D4476 (10 ÎŒM) und durch den Caspase-Inhibitor zVAD (10 ÎŒM) signifikant verringert. Ceritinib erhöhte ebenfalls signifikant die HĂ€molyse. Zusammenfassend lĂ€sst sich festhalten, dass Ceritinib den suizidalen Erythrozytentod stimuliert. FĂŒr diese Wirkung sind jedoch Ceritinib-Konzentrationen erforderlich, die weit ĂŒber der Plasmakonzentration an freiem Ceritinib in behandelten Patienten liegen. Das Auftreten Ceritinib-assoziierter AnĂ€mie ist daher wahrscheinlich nicht Folge einer ĂŒbermĂ€ĂŸigen Eryptose. Die Ceritinib-induzierte Eryptose wird durch einen Kalziumanstieg, durch Aktivierung des AKT1/2-Signalwegs sowie Aktivierung von Caspasen und Kinasen wie PKC, p38 oder CK1α begleitet. Schließlich deckt der dritte Teil der Studie auf, dass Volasertib keinen suizidalen Erythrozytentod stimuliert. Nachdem Erythrozyten verschiedenen eryptotischen Stimuli ausgesetzt wurden, zeigte Volasertib vielmehr eine anti-eryptotische Wirkung. Humane Erythrozyten wurden einem Energiemangel 48 Stunden lang, einer hyperosmotischen Ringer-Lösung (550 mM Saccharose wurde zugegeben) fĂŒr 6 Stunden, einem Oxidans (0,3 mM tert.-Butylhydroperoxid [Tbooh] fĂŒr 50 Minuten, sowie dem Calcium-Ionophor Ionomycin (1 uM) fĂŒr 60 min in Abwesenheit und Anwesenheit von Volasertib (0,8 - 2,4 ”M) ausgesetzt. Um einen Vergleich der Wirkung von Volasertib auf kernhaltige und kernlose Zellen zu erhalten, wurde die Erythrozyten-VorlĂ€uferzelllinie (K562-Zellen) mit RPMI-1640-Medium 48 Stunden lang mit Volasertib (0,8 - 2,4 ”M) inkubiert. Anschließend wurden die PS-Externalisierung und das FSC quantifiziert. Glukosemangel, oxidativer Stress, hyperosmotischer Schock sowie ein KalziumĂŒberschuss erhöhten den Prozentsatz an PS-exponierenden Erythrozyten und verringerten das FSC. Volasertib verminderte den suizidalen Erythrozytentod nach Energieentzug oder osmotischem Schock signifikant, nicht jedoch nach oxidativem Stress oder einer Ionomycin-Behandlung. Volasertib zeigte keinen Einfluss auf das FSC oder den Kalziumeinstrom eines jeglichen Manövers. Die ROS- und Ceramidproduktion wurde nach Energieentzug in Gegenwart von Volasertib nicht verĂ€ndert. Volasertib stimulierte die Apoptose in kernhaltigen K562-Zellen signifikant und verringerte das Zellvolumen erheblich. So besitzt Volasertib nach Energieentzug oder hyperosmotischem Schock eine anti-eryptotische Wirkung im Gegensatz zur Stimulation der Apoptose in K562-Zellen nach Volasertib-Behandlung.The thesis explored the effect of the cytostatic molecules afatinib, ceritinib, and volasertib on eryptosis, i.e., the suicidal death of erythrocytes characterised by the breakdown of phosphatidylserine (PS) asymmetry, the shrinkage of the cells, and membrane blebbing. Stimuli of eryptosis include ATP depletion, oxidative stress, hyperosmotic shock, as well as different xenobiotics/diseases. Underlying signalling mechanisms include an excess of intracellular calcium, ceramide, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, as well as the involvement of different kinases and caspases. Healthy human erythrocytes (0.4% hematocrit) were treated with different concentrations of afatinib, ceritinib, and volasertib at 37˚C for 48 hours. Flow cytometry was employed to quantify the PS translocation on the erythrocyte surface from annexin-V-binding, cell shrinkage from forward scatter (FSC), cytosolic calcium from Fluo3-fluorescence, ROS from DCFDA fluorescence, and ceramide using ceramide-specific antibodies. The first part of the investigation shows that after the respective incubation period, afatinib (≄8.2 ”M) significantly enhanced the percentage of eryptotic erythrocytes and significantly decreased the FSC. Afatinib also significantly elevated the intracellular calcium level, ceramide abundance, and ROS production. The effect of afatinib on PS translocation significantly decreased after the removal of extracellular calcium. No significant distinction was observed in PS translocation after application of the inhibitors of caspases or protein kinase C (PKC), p38 kinase, casein kinase 1α (CK1α), and Janus kinase 3 (JAK3). Afatinib (≄16.4 ”M) significantly enhanced haemolysis. The afatinib concentration required for induction of eryptosis is by far higher than the plasma concentration of free afatinib in treated patients and, thus, afatinib-triggered eryptosis cannot explain the drug-induced anaemia. Signalling mechanisms of afatinib-triggered eryptosis include the increase of cytosolic calcium, enhanced production of ceramide, and ROS. The results of the second part of the study indicate that ceritinib (1.8 ”M) significantly increased the suicidal erythrocyte death and significantly decreased cell volume. Ceritinib elevated the cytosolic calcium concentration, but not the ROS or ceramide level. The effect of ceritinib on annexin-V-binding was significantly inhibited in the absence of extracellular calcium, in the presence of the non-selective cation channel inhibitor amiloride (1mM), AKT1/2 inhibitor A6730 (58 nM), PKC blocker staurosporine (1 ”M), p38 kinase inhibitor SB203580 (2 ”M), CK1α blocker D4476 (10 ”M), and caspase inhibitor zVAD (10 ”M). Ceritinib also significantly triggered haemolysis. In conclusion, ceritinib stimulates suicidal erythrocyte death. The ceritinib concentration required for inducing eryptosis is by far higher than the plasma concentration of free ceritinib in treated patients and ceritinib-triggered eryptosis cannot explain the drug-induced anaemia. Signalling of ceritinib-induced eryptosis includes calcium entry, activation of AKT1/2 signalling, and the activation of caspases and kinases such as PKC, p38, and CK1α. Finally, the third part of the study reveals that volasertib did not stimulate suicidal erythrocyte death, but rather showed an anti-eryptotic property following exposure of erythrocyte concentrates to various eryptotic stimuli. Human erythrocytes were exposed to energy-depleted Ringer’s solution for 48 hours, hyperosmotic Ringer’s solution (550 mM sucrose was added) for six hours, oxidative stress (0.3 mM tert-butylhydroperoxide [t-booh] was added) for 50 minutes, or to calcium ionophore ionomycin (1 ”M) for 60 minutes in the absence and presence of volasertib (0.8 - 2.4 ”M). For a comparative study of volasertib on nucleated and anucleated cells, the erythrocyte progenitor cell line (K562 cells) with RPMI-1640 medium was exposed to volasertib (0.8 – 2.4 ”M) for 48 hours and then PS externalisation and FSC were quantified. Glucose depletion, oxidative stress, hyperosmotic shock, and calcium overload increased the percentage of PS-exposing erythrocytes and decreased FSC. Volasertib significantly blunted the suicidal erythrocyte death following energy depletion or osmotic shock, but not after oxidative stress or ionomycin treatment. Volasertib did not show any influence on FSC or calcium entry following any manoeuvre. The ROS generation or ceramide production following energy depletion was not changed in the presence of volasertib. Volasertib significantly stimulated apoptosis in nucleated K562 cells, as well as considerably decreased the cell volume. Thus, volasertib possesses an anti-eryptotic power following energy depletion or hyperosmotic shock, observations contrasting stimulation of apoptosis in K562 cells. Finally, collective data from the above investigations show that afatinib and ceritinib stimulate eryptosis whereas volasertib shows a protective effect against mature erythrocyte death but triggered apoptosis in the erythrocyte progenitor K562 cell line

    Inhibition of Erythrocyte Cell Membrane Scrambling Following Energy Depletion and Hyperosmotic Shock by Alectinib

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    Background/Aims: The anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitor alectinib is clinically used for the treatment of ALK positive non-small-cell lung cancer. At least in part the substance is effective by triggering suicidal death or apoptosis of tumor cells. Erythrocytes are lacking mitochondria and nuclei, key organelles of apoptosis but are, similar to apoptosis of nucleated cells, able to enter suicidal erythrocyte death or eryptosis. Stimulators of eryptosis include energy depletion, hyperosmotic shock, oxidative stress, and increase of cytosolic Ca2+ activity ([Ca2+]i). The present study explored, whether alectinib influences eryptosis. Methods: Flow cytometry was employed to quantify phosphatidylserine exposure at the cell surface from annexin-V-binding and cell volume from forward scatter. Measurements were made without or with energy depletion (glucose deprivation for 48 hours), hyperosmotic shock (+550mM sucrose for 6 hours), oxidative stress (50 min exposure to 0.3 mM tert-butylhydroperoxide), and Ca2+ loading (60 minutes treatment with 1 ”M Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin). Results: A 48 hours exposure of human erythrocytes to alectinib (150-600 ng/ml) did not significantly modify the percentage of annexin-V-binding cells and forward scatter. Energy depletion, hyperosmotic shock, oxidative stress and Ca2+ loading were each followed by profound and significant increase of the percentage annexin-V-binding erythrocytes and a significant decrease of forward scatter. The effects of energy depletion and hyperosmotic shock, but not of oxidative stress or Ca2+ loading on annexin-V-binding were significantly blunted in the presence of alectinib (150-600 ng/ml). In none of the conditions was forward scatter significantly modified by alectinib. Conclusion: Alectinib inhibits cell membrane scrambling following energy depletion and hyperosmotic shock

    Continuity of sleep problems from adolescence to young adulthood: results from a longitudinal study

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    Background: Considering the lack of evidence on incidence and continuity of sleep problems from adolescence to young adulthood, this study explores sleep problems’ incidence and their continuation rates from 14 to 21 years. Methods: Sleep data from the 14-year (n = 4,924) and 21-year (n = 3660) follow-up of the Mater-University of Queensland Study of Pregnancy cohort were used. Sociodemographic, lifestyle, and psychological conditions were explored for their role in sleep problems. Modified Poisson regression with a robust error variance was used to identify predictors. Inverse probability weights were used to account for attrition. Results: Of all subjects, 26.0% of the subjects at 14 years and 28.3% of the subjects at 21 years reported “often” sleep problems, with 41.7% of adolescent sleep problems persisting at 21 years. Perinatal and early-life maternal factors, for example, drug abuse (incidence rate ratio (IRR), 1.32; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.02-1.71), smoking, depression, and anxiety, were significant predictors of adolescent sleep problems. Female sex (IRR, 2.13; 95% CI, 1.55-2.94), advanced pubertal stages, and smoking were the important predictors of sleep problems at 21 years. Adolescent depression/anxiety supported the continuity of sleep problems (IRR, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.05-1.40), whereas exercise was seen to exert a protective effect. Conclusion: This study indicates high rates of sleep problems in young subjects, with around half of sleep problems originating in adolescence persisting in young adulthood. Therefore, early interventions are needed to manage sleep problems in young subjects and prevent further progression to other life stages. Future studies should explore if sleep problems in young adults also persist in later life stages and identify the factors supporting the continuity of sleep problems

    An explorative treatment of idiosyncratic supposition of management values in banking sector in light of Hofstede philosophy

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    Within the differences in culture, impeccable managing capacities leads to be innovative in business practices, better learning opportunities within the organizations and ensure sustainable sources of competitive advantages. Organizational stability and control mechanism, rules and policies, flexibility, discretion, innovation, creativity, risk taking ability, professional growth and the acquisition of new professional knowledge and skills, result oriented, coordination, efficiency and hard driving competitiveness that are aligned with the culture. This paper is based on the opportunity to make compare cultural dimension in banking sector in Bangladesh with the assist of Hofstede philosophy. Primary data has been used for determining the idiosyncratic supposition of management values in banking sector, but for accomplishing this explorative treatment there is inconsistency and disparity between the two categories in banks in values, philosophy, appreciative people’s conceptions, control mechanism, role and affiliation. Adaptability and appreciating values and attitudes consequence to advancing competencies and capabilities that leads to ensure sustainable growth and achieving competitive advantages. Key words: competitive advantages, innovation, creativity, control mechanism, values, attitud

    The global distribution of comorbid depression and anxiety in people with diabetes mellitus: risk-adjusted estimates

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    Background: Previous reports suffer from the problem that they simply pooled data using aggregate means or standard meta-analytic method. The aim of the current study was to re-estimate the point prevalence of comorbid depression and anxiety in people with diabetes. Methods: The estimates were calculated using recently introduced directly standardized effect estimate method, which gives corrected risk-adjusted estimates for the population of interests. Reported are global and regional burden of prevalence, presented as risk-adjusted prevalence estimates with 95% confidence intervals. Results: Globally, the burden of comorbid depression was higher than the burden of anxiety (23.36% vs. 17.58%) symptoms and/or disorder in people with diabetes. There was a higher burden of comorbid depression in people living in developing regions (26.32%), in women (15.41%), and when assessed by self-report scales (SRS) (22.66%). The burden of anxiety was higher in developed regions in people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (20.15%) and when assessed by SRS (20.75%). No statistically significant differences were observed due to gross heterogeneity across countries. Conclusions: There are wide-ranging differences in studies in developed and developing regions, regarding the burden of comorbid depression and of anxiety among people with diabetes and both conditions affect approximately a fifth of the diabetic population
