239 research outputs found

    Studi Pemikiran Fazlur Rahman tentang Hadis-Hadis Prediktif dan Teknis

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    Ada pandangan yang berkembang dalam masyarakat, bahwa sebagian hadis dalam kitab-kitab hadis sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan ilmu pengetahuan pada saat ini. Hal ini mendorong pada intelek Muslim (ulama) untuk melakukan kritik hadis Nabi. Seperti halnya Fazlur Rahman melakuakan kritik tertuju pada matan hadis prediktif dan teknis yang diasumsikan sebagai matan hadis yang bukan bersumber dari Nabi. Demikian pula tentang sanad hadis yang belum bisa dijadikan sebuah argumentasi yang bersifat positif dan final dalam kehadisan. Maka timbul permasalahan: Mengapa Fazlur Rahman mementingkan aspek matan hadis daripada aspek sanad hadis? Mengapa Fazlur Rahman tidak menerima hadis prediksi dan teknis, sebagai matan hadis sahih? Sejauh mana orsinalitas pemikiran Fazlur Rahman, serta apa kelebihan dan kekurangannya? Penelitian ini, bertujuan untuk mengungkap orisinalitas pemikiran Rahman tentang kriteria matan hadis prediksi dan teknis, dan apa alasan-alasannya bahwa hadis-hadis prediksi dan teknis dikatakan tidak sahih. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan historis dan filosofis. Yakni ingin menemukan pemahaman Rahman terhadap sumber-sumber Islam melalui kajian teks sejarah berupa hadis Nabi. Kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kritik, sosio historis, konten analisis dan hermeneutika. Beberapa temuan yang dapat penulis abstraksikan: bahwa konsepsi hadis dan sunnah adalah dua kata yang berbeda namun identik maknanya. Rumusan kriteria kesahihan hadis Fazlur Rahman berbeda dengan rumusan Muhādśîn tetapi rumusannya bersifat penyempurna dari kriteria hadis sebelumnya. Bagi Rahman aspek sanad tidak terlalu penting, karena sistem isnad belum bisa dijadikan sebuah argumentasi yang bersifat positif dan final. Sebaliknya Muhādiśîn lebih menyorot pentingnya sanad hadis, karena sanad hadis sangat efektif untuk menentukan validitas hadis. Karena itu apabila dikesampingkan aspek sanad akan menafikan klasifikasi hadis sahîh, hasan,dan da’îf. Demikian pula apabila hanya aspek matan saja yang dipentingkan maka akan banyak diketemukan hadis-hadis yang lemah (da’îf) tidak terdeteksi validitasnya. Secara aplikatif pemikiran Rahman tentang kritik sanad hadis belum diketemukan. Sebab pandangan Rahman itu hanya bersifat teoritis keilmuan. Berbeda dengan para Muhādiśîn secara jelas dituangkan dalam ‘ulūm al-hadiś, baik secara teoritis maupun aplikatif. Rahman menolak hadis prediksi dan teknis, karena hadis-hadis tersebut sebagian besar tidak bersumber dari Nabi tetapi merupakan hasil formulasi para ulama generasi Muslim awal. Ia beralasan adanya peperangan politik (al-fitan) yang tak kunjung padam menyebabkan mereka membuat prediksi-prediksi yang bertujuan politik, dogmatis dan theologis. Demikian pula hadis teknis dipandangnya hadis yang tidak historis, tetapi tetap harus dipandang bersifat normative di dalam formulasi-formulasinya yang actual. Metode hermeneutic dan sosio histories merupakan ciri khas pemikiran Rahman dalam pengembangan metode pemahaman sumber-sumber Islam. Inilah kelebihan bagi Rahman yang tidak pernah dikembangkan sebelumnya oleh ulama muhādiśîn. Namun setiap orang juga tidak lepas dari segala kekurangan. Karena itu ekses dari ketidak sabaran Rahman untuk mengaplikasikan pemikiran metode tersebut, menimbulkan pemahaman kontroversial masyarakat Muslim dalam bidang keagamaan. Abstract There is a view among Muslim society that some hadîths in hadîth books are not relevant to sciences nowday. This encourages muslim intellectual (ulama) to critize prophet’s hadiths. Fazlur Rahman, for example, critisizes texts of predictive hadîths and texts about tecnichal its which were assummed not based on the prophet saying. Therefore a Sanad or Isnad hadith has not been regarded is positive and final argument. The problems is : Why did Fazlur Rahman emphasize more on matan rather than on sanad ? Why did Fazlur Rahman not accept the matan of predictive and practical hadîth as valid hadîth ? To what extent did the originality of Fazlur Rahman’s view points have strength and weakness. This research aims to reveal of the originality of Rahman’s thought about the criteria of text predictive hadîth and technical hadîth. This also concerns about what reason predictive and technical hadîths are not valid (sahîh). The research is based on the qualitative approach using the historical and philosophical one. The writer tries to find out Rahman’s thought through historical text i.e. the prophet hadîths. This analisis using sosio historical method, content analysis and hermeneutics. A number of findings can be formulated as follow: hadîth and sunnah concepts are two words which do not have identical meaning. The criteria of validity of hadîth according Rahman’s is different from Muhādthîn, but its validity perfects previous hadîth criteria. For Rahman, sanad is not important because isnad system has not been regarded positive and final argumentation. Muhādthîn, however, draws the sanad hadîth importance because it is effective to determine hadîth validity. If Rahman puts aside sanad aspect, he will abolish hadîth sahih, hasan and da’if classification. If someone emphasizes matan aspect only, he will find “weak” hadîth i.e undetected validity. Rahman’s thought about sanad critics has not been applicable, because it is only theoretical. Different from Muhādthîn, it is clearly stated in ulumul hadîth either both theoretial and applicative. Rahman rejects the predictive and technical hadîth, because most of them are not based on prophet saying. They are, however, based on early Muslim formulation. He has a reason why “the war” (al-fitan) did not end. That was why they made the political, dogmatic and theological prediction. The technical hadîth was also seen as a-historical one, but it was still normative in its actual formulations. Hermeneutic and socio historic method are unique Rahman’s character in developing methodology comprehending Islamic resources. This is the Rahman’s excellent thought which is never been developed previously by Muhādthîn. However, everyone lacks of somsthing no one is perfect. Rahman’s effect of impatience to apply that method, therefore, it makes controversial comprohension in Muslim society

    Adopting multiview pixel mapping for enhancing quality of holoscopic 3D scene in parallax barriers based holoscopic 3D displays

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    The Autostereoscopic multiview 3D Display is robustly developed and widely available in commercial markets. Excellent improvements are made using pixel mapping techniques and achieved an acceptable 3D resolution with balanced pixel aspect ratio in lens array technology. This paper proposes adopting multiview pixel mapping for enhancing quality constructed holoscopic 3D scene in parallax barriers based holoscopic 3D displays achieving great results. The Holoscopic imaging technology mimics the imaging system of insects, such as the fly, utilizing a single camera, equipped with a large number of micro-lenses, to capture a scene, offering rich parallax information and enhanced 3D feeling without the need of wearing specific eyewear. In addition pixel mapping and holoscopic 3D rendering tools are developed including a custom built holoscopic 3D displays to test the proposed method and carry out a like-to-like comparison.This work has been supported by European Commission under Grant FP7-ICT-2009-4 (3DVIVANT). The authors wish to ex-press their gratitude and thanks for the support given throughout the project

    Die Plasma-Sensibilität auf Heparin und Enoxaparin

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    Unfraktioniertes Heparin (UFH) und niedermolekulares Heparin (NMH) sind die am häufigsten verwendeten klinischen Antikoagulantien zur Therapie von Patienten mit venösen Thromboembolien (VTE), akutem Koronarsyndrom (ACS) und für Thromboseprophylaxe in Krankenhäusern. Die klinische Tendenz favorisiert zunehmend NMH, auch intravenös, z.B. beim transmuralen Myokardinfarkt (STEMI). Der extrinsische Gerinnungs-Aktivitätstest (EXCA) wurde im Hauptteil der Arbeit bei 51 normalen Citratplasmen oder 213 Citratplasmen der Patienten (bei normaler PT und APTT in Abwesenheit von NMH) nach 50 μl Supplementierung mit 0-1 IU/ml UFH oder NMH durchgeführt. Der recalcifizierte Gerinnungsaktivitätstest (RECA) wurde im Nebenteil der Arbeit mit 10 normalen Citratplasmen und in 32 Citratplasmen der Patienten nach 50 μl Supplementierung mit 0-10 mIU/ml UFH oder NMH durchgeführt. 1 IU/ml Enoxaparin reduzierte die normale Thrombin-Generierung in EXCA auf etwa 13% der Norm, während bei 1 IU/ml Heparin die normale Thrombin-Generierung komplett supprimiert wurde. Dies bedeutet, dass 1 IU/ml Enoxaparin ein stark therapeutisches Antikoagulans ist, während 1 IU/ml UFH bereits im toxischen Bereich ist. 0.01 IU/ml Heparin oder Enoxaparin reduzierte die normale Thrombin-Generierung in EXCA nur um etwa 10% oder 20%. UFH bei 0.1 mIU/ml reduzierte die Thrombin-Generierung im RECA nicht, sondern erhöhte sogar die Thrombin-Generierung um etwa 20%, während 0.1 mIU/ml NMH signifikant die Thrombingenerierung um etwa 30% -60% hemmte. Dies bedeutet, dass Heparin in ultra-niedrigen Konzentrationen, wie z. B. am Ende der Heparin-Infusion, besonders für Patienten mit sensibler intrinsischer Hämostase gefährlich werden könnte. Es wird vorgeschlagen, mit NMH das Ende der Heparin-Infusion zu überbrücken oder UFH auf NMH umzustellen. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen das Konzept, dass die Dosierung der NMHs für jeden Patienten individuell durch einen ultra-spezifischen Thrombin-Generierungstest (EXCA oder INCA (intrinsischer Gerinnungs-Aktivitätstest)) angepasst werden sollte. Die Dosierung der NMH soll individuell entsprechend dem Ziel der Antikoagulation (prophylaktisch oder therapeutisch) und dem plasmatischen Ansprechen auf das Heparin angepaßt werden. Zielaktivität für therapeutische oder prophylaktische Antikoagulation sind 10-20% oder 20-40% der normalen Trigger-induzierten Thrombin-Generierung respektiv. Die adäquate Dosierung des NMH beim individuellen Patienten sollte durch einen spezifischen Thrombin-Generierungstest kontrolliert werden

    Leaching of Nitrate from a Grassland Field

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    Agricultural activities are the major cause of non-point pollution. Mechanization of agriculture, artificial fertilizer use and overall intensification of farming has played a major role in the increased incidence of pollution by agricultural activities. Carton et al. (2006) reported the effects of agricultural practices on nitrate leaching from an intensively managed dairy farm and showed that mean concentrations of nitrate nitrogen in the groundwater beneath the farm during the two monitoring years exceeded the maximum admissible concentration (MAC) for drinking water. While average nitrate nitrogen concentration in soil water were less than MAC, there was a trend for increased nitrogen loading to result in elevated concentrations of nitrate nitrogen in soil water and ground water. Grassland devoted to 90% of agricultural land in Ireland, almost all fertilizer and animal manures is surface applied, with little incorporation through the soil. This means that most fertilizer and manure tends to accumulate in the top few centimeters of soil, so that this layer can become saturated or nearly saturated with organic compounds in specific nitrate. During rainfall events, water that runs over or infiltrates through this enriched surface soil can carry significant amounts of nitrate with it. This, in turn, can enrich surface water and contribute to eutrophication (Tunney et al. 2000). According to the Environmental Protection Agency (Lucey 2005), eutrophication of inland waters is the main environmental issue in Ireland. A chemical analysis of water samples from a ground water well in Skeagh yard nearby the Hill Field in the UCD Research Farm showed high nitrate concentration of 55 mg NO3/L which exceeded the EU drinking water standards (Hart pers comm). The Hill Field at the UCD Research Farm was chosen as being representative of good versatile land, with undulating topography, on which moderate to intensive farming is practised in the drier rainfall areas of Ireland. Historically the field was included in the tillage rotation of the farm, but it has been in permanent grass for the last 25 years

    Regional financial integration in the Gulf Cooperation Council banking and stock markets

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    The main objective of this research is to examine the degree of regional and global financial integration among the banking and stock Markets in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The cointegrating and causal relationships between these financial systems is examined to discover whether or not progress towards regional and global financial integration is being achieved, which is more important, and whether or not current policies are the most appropriate instruments to that en

    Modelling the permeability characteristics of an earth reservoir

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    Particle size distribution and void ratio of a soil are considered as the direct information that can be used in a relatively easy manner for hydraulic conductivity estimation. Estimation of hydraulic conductivity from particle size distribution can be used to check permeability values obtained from other methods. Therefore, this paper attempts to relate the particle size distribution to hydraulic conductivity. The study was carried out on 24 soil samples which were collected from the embankment of an earth reservoir and subgrade at the toe. The investigation was carried out in accordance with the standard procedure given in BS1377. A series of hydraulic conductivity tests were carried out on optimum moisture content (OMC) compacted soil samples using the falling head method. The mean sizes of particles in each sample from particle size distribution curves were determined and used to generate regression models for the flow. Linear, exponential, polynomial and logarithmic models were used to test the validity; however, the best was adopted for this study. The findings of this study show that there is variability in the particle sizes of the soil material which in turn results to variation in the hydraulic conductivity. The hydraulic conductivity was found to increase with an increase in mean particle size. The relationship between mean particle size and hydraulic conductivity yielded coefficients of determination (R2 ) of stronger correlation when the plastic and non-plastic samples were separately analyzed. However, all values of R2 (0.9949, 0.9968 and 0.8918 for samples 1 to 16, 17 to 24 and 1 to 24 respectively) can be considered satisfactory. In addition, generalized models for the flow were generated for the plastic, non-plastic and the combined samples. The generated models can be used to predict the hydraulic conductivity of different soil samples.Keywords: Model, Hydraulic Conductivity, Mean Particle Size, Earth Reservoi

    Relationship between Hydraulic Conductivity of Rock and Rock Quality Designation of Itisi Multi-Purpose Dam

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    The relationship between hydraulic conductivity/permeability of rocks and rock quality designation (RQD) index of cored rock specimens from the dam axis of the proposed Itisi Multipurpose Dam in Kaduna State was established in this work. The research involved conducting packer/lugeon test in ten (10) borehole locations at two (2) different depths in the 30 m deep boreholes and at 3 different depths in the 60 m deep boreholes. RQD index of the tested zone was measured and ranged from 0 to 100 %. In situ permeability of the site ranged from 0 -5.69 LU. Non-linear analysis approach was adopted to determine the relationship between the variables. The result of the correlation coefficient was -0.77. There was an inverse relationship between all the variables considered. Furthermore, the coefficient of determination was 0.61 for the RQD versus lugeon, which suggests that there is a moderate relationship among the variables

    Reciprocal Leadership Among Workers in the Directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sports from Their Point of View

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    The role of Reciprocal leadership is considered essential for those working in the Directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sports from their point of view, as they are responsible for achieving work goals and encouraging interaction within the institutional environment. Transactive leadership is a leadership style that depends on mutual interaction between the leader and employees in the organization, where emphasis is placed on the actual results of performance and linking reward to achievement, while relying on the principle of reward and punishment. This is done by assigning work to subordinates and correcting errors before they occur or taking corrective steps in the event of a mistake. As for the problem of the research, identifying the reciprocal leadership among workers in the Directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sports from their point of view. To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher prepared a reciprocal leadership questionnaire and included its paragraphs from (29) paragraphs distributed over three areas: the first area is conditional reward, the second area is conditional punishment, and the third area is management by exception, and it was distributed to them. The human area was composed of workers in the Directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sports, while the time area is between 1/23/2024 and 2024/4/23 As for the spatial field, the Directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sports, the descriptive approach was used, and the research community consisted of (36) workers. The main experiment was (30) workers in the Directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sports, from their point of view, and the exploratory experiment was (6) As for statistical processing, to analyze the data in this study, the statistical package was used SPSS.  The researcher concluded that the attention and encouragement of workers in the Directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sports to reciprocal leadership because of its positive impact on the quality of the reciprocal relationship between the leader and subordinates and an important role in exercising effective leadership tasks. In light of the results, the study presented several recommendations, including developing a clear perception among workers in the Directorate. Ministry of Youth and Sports on the reciprocal leadership style based on exchanging rewards and punishment in exchange for work

    The Impact Relationship Between Accounting Disclosure and Creative Accounting in the Environment of Iraqi Banks

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    Purpose: The research aims to demonstrate the impact of disclosure as an accounting standard to reduce any manipulation of bank profits, when using creative accounting, and improve the performance of bank departments, especially senior management, which is the main cause of profit manipulation, and to indicate the extent of the impact of accounting disclosure as an accounting standard to reduce creative practice.   Theoretical framework: The study shows the effect of accounting disclosure as an accounting standard, to reduce creative practice, and disclosure as an accounting standard, one of the most important of these criteria used, which is the course through which details are presented and the decisions are submitted to the policy followed by the facility (Hassan, 2010: 25)   Design/methodology/approach: For the purpose of completing the study, a sample of the banking sector was chosen in the Iraqi environment, where (13) banks were chosen, namely (Commercial Bank- Investment Bank- Ashur Bank- Investment Bank- Gulf Bank- United Bank- Middle East Bank- Al Mansour Bank- Mosul Bank- Bank Baghdad - Somer Bank - Al -Ahly Bank - Credit Bank - Al Ittihad Bank). Sound and correlation and influence laboratories have been used to extract results   Findings: The results of the descriptive analysis showed that there is no weakness in the level of disclosure in Iraqi banks, during the study period, and the values of proportions indicate a relative rapprochement between banks in the terms of disclosure.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The study shows the effect of applying disclosure as an accounting standard in reducing creative accounting practice.   Originality/value: The results of the statistical analysis showed that the value of (ProB) for the independent variable apply the disclosure as an accounting standard less than (0.05), as it reached (0.017), which indicates that there is a reverse moral impact to apply disclosure as an accounting standard No. (1) on creative accounting