422 research outputs found
An Effective Noise Adaptive Median Filter for Removing High Density Impulse Noises in Color Images
Images are normally degraded by some form of impulse noises during the acquisition, transmission and storage in the physical media. Most of the real time applications usually require bright and clear images, hence distorted or degraded images need to be processed to enhance easy identification of image details and further works on the image. In this paper we have analyzed and tested the number of existing median filtering algorithms and their limitations. As a result we have proposed a new effective noise adaptive median filtering algorithm, which removes the impulse noises in the color images while preserving the image details and enhancing the image quality. The proposed method is a spatial domain approach and uses the 3×3 overlapping window to filter the signal based on the correct selection of neighborhood values to obtain the effective median per window. The performance of the proposed effective median filter has been evaluated using MATLAB, simulations on a both gray scale and color images that have been subjected to high density of corruption up to 90% with impulse noises. The results expose the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm when compared with the quantitative image metrics such as PSNR, MSE, RMSE, IEF, Time and SSIM of existing standard and adaptive median filtering algorithms
Kajian literatur istilah ‘Umran Ibn Khaldun / Abdul Qayuum Abdul Razak and S. Salahudin Suyurno
Kajian ini membincangkan tinjauan literatur terhadap istilah ‘umran Ibn Khaldun yang dicipta dalam karya agung beliau iaitu Muqaddimah. Selain itu, ia bertujuan untuk membincangkan beberapa kajian kontemporari berkaitan kajian ke’umranan. Metode kajian adalah menggunakan pendekatan induktif dan deduktif. Dapatan mendapati bahawa kajian sarjana tertumpu kepada pengistilahan perkataan ‘umran. Selain itu, para sarjana turut menginovasi istilah ‘umran dalam hal ehwal perancangan masyarakat seperti teori perbandaran dan sebagainya
Determining the cause of stillbirth in Kumasi, Ghana
ObjectiveTo classify causeâ ofâ death (COD) for stillbirths occurring in a major referral hospital in Kumasi, Ghana.MethodsIn a retrospective review conducted between June 8, 2011, and June 12, 2012, detailed information was collected on all stillbirths delivered at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi, Ghana. Patient records were independently reviewed by investigators using the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand’s Perinatal Death Classification system to determine COD for each case.ResultsCOD was analyzed in 465 stillbirth cases. The leading causes of death were hypoxic interpartum death (105, 22.6%), antepartum hemorrhage (67, 14.4%), hypertension (52, 11.2%), and perinatal infection (32, 6.9%). One hundred and fifty seven (33.8%) stillbirths were classified as unexplained antepartum deaths.ConclusionsThis evaluation of stillbirth in a busy, tertiary care hospital in Kumasi, Ghana provides crucial insight into the high volume of stillbirth in Ghana as well as its medical causes. The study demonstrated the high rate of stillbirth attributed to hypoxic intrapartum events, placental abruption, preâ eclampsia, and unspecified bacterial infections. Yet, our rate of unexplained stillbirths underscores the need for a stillbirth classification system that thoughtfully integrates the needs and limitations of lowâ resource settings as unexplained stillbirth rates are a common indicator of the effectiveness of a classification system.This study demonstrates the high rate of stillbirth associated with hypoxic intrapartum events, placental abruption, preâ eclampsia, and infection at a tertiary hospital in Ghana.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151859/1/ijgo12930_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151859/2/ijgo12930.pd
Mediation Analysis Using the Hierarchical Multiple Regression Technique: A Study of the Mediating Roles of World-Class Performance in Operations
The changing environment in an organization is forcing the organization to find a plan of integrated management framework and adequate performance measurement. Failure to plan basically means planning failure for the business. Finding the critical factors of quality management practices (QMP), themediating roles of the contextual factors of world-class performance in operations (i.e., world-class company practices or WCC, operational excellence practices or OE, company nonfinancial performance or CNFP), and the company financial performance would enable the company to facilitate the sustainability of TQM implementation model.This empirical study aims to assess how TQM—a holistic management philosophy initially developed by W. Edward Deming, which integrates improvement strategy, management practices, and organizational performance—is specifically implemented in the oil and gas companies operating in Indonesia. Relevant literature on the TQM, the world-class performance in operations (world-class company and operational performance), the company performance (financial and non-financial performances), and the amendments of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia concerning the oil and gas industry, and related research on how the oil and gas industry in Indonesia develops sustainable competitive advantage and sustainable development programs are reviewed in details in our study. The findings from data analysis provide evidence that there is a strong positive relationship between the critical factors of quality management practices and the company financial performance mediated by the three mediating variables, i.e., world-class company practices, operational excellence practices, and company non-financial performance
Eksistensi Tokoh dalam Novel Kubah Karya Ahmad Tohari
This study discusses the existence of each character in the novel Kubah by Ahmad Tohari. In this study, there is a problem formulation that examines how the existence of a character in the novel Kubah by Ahmad Tohari and aims to describe the existence of a character in the novel Dome by Ahmad Tohari. The source of data that became the object of this research is the novel Dome by Ahmad Tohari. The research data that writers look for in the form of sentences and quotations of dialogue related to the existence of characters who experienced three stages of existence, namely the aesthetic stage, ethical stage and religious stage. The research method used is a qualitative method that describes the description data. Technique of collecting data in this research is literature study. While the analysis technique used is reducing data, presenting the data and drawing the final conclusion. The data of this study amounted to 53 consisting of 13 characters, each character experienced three stages of existence that is the existence of the aesthetic stage, the existence of the ethical stage and the existence of the religious stage. The details of 53 data are as follows, at the aesthetic stage found 13 data, the existence of the ethical stage found 22 data, and the existence of the religious stage found 18 data
Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Sediaan Gel Ekstrak Daun Sereh (Cymbopogon Nardus L. Rendle) Terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus Penyebab Jerawat: Anti Bacterial Activity Test of Extract Gel Formulation of Lemongrass Leaves (Cymbopogon Nardus L. Rendle) on Staphylococcus Aureus Acne Causing Bacteria
Penelitian tentang uji aktivitas antibakteri sediaan gel ekstrak daun sereh (Cymbopogon nardus L.Rendle) terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi konsentrasi karbopol, konsentrasi ekstrak, dan kombinasi keduanya terhadap stabilitas gel dan aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus. Ekstrak daun sereh (Cymbopogon nardus L.Rendle) diperoleh dengan cara maserasi dengan etanol 96%. Desain penelitian menggunakan analisis data ANOVA rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial dengan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% dan karbopol sebagai basis gel dengan konsentrasi 0,5%, 1% dan 2%. Evaluasi stabilitas sediaan mencakup uji organoleptis, uji homogenitas, uji pH, uji viskositas, dan uji aktivitas antibakteri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi konsentrasi ekstrak mempengaruhi stabilitas dan aktivitas antibakteri gel ekstrak daun sereh (Cymbopogon nardus L.Rendle). Variasi konsentrasi karbopol mempengaruhi aktivitas antibakteri tetapi tidak mempengaruhi stabilitas. Kombinasi variasi konsentrasi karbopol dan ekstrak mempengaruhi aktivitas antibakteri. Kombinasi perlakuan yang baik diperoleh pada formula A2B4, karena memiliki aktivitas antibakteri tertinggi yaitu 14,56 mm
Kecepatan Membaca Efektif Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir
This study titled The Effective Reading Speed class XI student of SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan, Indragiri Hilir Regency. The problem in the study of how fast effective reading is, there any difference in the effective speed reading samples per group, per rank, per ethnic, per department and per gender is. The method used is descriptive method, with a total sample of 146 students in class XI SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan. Data collection techniques to provide a test reading paragraphs exposition, consisting of four topics, such as Religion, Sports, Education and Environment. Every topic paragraph exposition consists of 60-160 wpm. The time process of reading paragraph is calculated by the researchers. After that, the students were given a multiple choice test consisting of five questions and five answers per topic selection. Then researchers correcting students' answer sh using the reading speed formula. To know there any difference is in the speed of reading per group of samples, per rank, per ethnic, calculated using ANOVA. Per department, and per gender, calculated using the t test. If ANOVA rejected, counting is used again with the t test. Based on the research, the result that (1) the speed of effective reading low category (2) the speed of effective reading per different sample group, science class in speed reading higher than social class, the reading speed of science class is low category and social class is very low category (3) The speed Effective reading per rank is different, the first is high category ranking and the second ranked low category, ranking third category is very low (4) The effective reading speed per ethnic is the same or no difference (5) the effective reading speed by different departments, the speed reading of science majors (141 , 27 as low category) is higher than the social majors (114.99 as very low category) (6) effective reading speed per gender, women effective speed reading higher 136.86) than men (120.67) but as same as low category. Overall, it can be concluded that the effective speed reading class XI student of SMAN 2 Tembilahan Indragiri Hilir Regency has low category which is between 120-150 wpm
Application of artificial neural network on vibration test data for damage identification in bridge girder
Structures are exposed to damage during their service life which can severely affect their safety and
functionality. Thus, it is important to monitor structures for the occurrence, location and extent of
damage. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) as a numerical technique have been applied increasingly for
damage identification with varied success. ANNs are inspired by human biological neurons and have
been used to model some specific problems in many areas of engineering and science to achieve
reasonable results. ANNs have the ability to learn from examples and then adapt to changing
situations when sufficient input-output data are available. This paper presents the application of ANNs
for detection of damage in a steel girder bridge using natural frequencies as dynamic parameters.
Dynamic parameters are easy to implement for damage assessment and can be directly linked to the
topology of structure. In this study, the required data for the ANNs in the form of natural frequencies
will be obtained from experimental modal analysis. This paper also highlights the concept of ANNs
followed by the detail presentation of the experimental modal analysis for natural frequencies
Metodologi penulisan isu kenabian menurut Badiuzzzaman Said Nursi dalam kitab Rasail al-Nur / Muaz Mohd Noor … [et al.]
Isu ‘nubuwwah‘ atau kenabian adalah salah satu isu dalam ilmu kalam yang begitu diberi penekanan oleh Said Nursi bukan sahaja dalam makalah penulisannya, bahkan turut dicernakan dalam pengamalan kehidupan sehariannya. Ianya telah menjadi rencana utama dakwah Said Nursi dalam usahanya mengangkat kembali akidah umat Islam, khususnya pada waktu itu, agar selari dengan akidah iman yang dibawa oleh nabi-nabi yang terdahulu. Dalam melestari hikmah kenabian ini, Said Nursi telah membawa kerangka dakwah dan pemikiran yang berlandasakan metode kenabian, dengan mempraktikkan beberapa kaedah penulisan yang khusus berkaitan kenabian di dalam Rasail an-Nur. Maka dalam kajian ini, penulis akan menjelaskan kaedah atau metodologi penulisan Said Nursi berkenaan isu kenabian, yang diadaptasi dari kitab beliau, Rasail an-Nur. Hasil dapatan kajian mendapati Said Nursi telah menggunakan beberapa metode penulisan, antaranya metode perbandingan, metode pengkisahan dan metode superlatif. Dalam kajian ini juga, penulis telah memasukkan penerangan khusus yang digunakan Said Nursi dalam metode superlatif bagi menggambarkan keulungan dan keagungan kenabian nabi Muhammad SAW mengatasi nabi-nabi yang lain, dalam usaha beliau membawa masyarakat kearah berkehidupan menurut gaya Islam yang sebenar
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