235 research outputs found

    . Upaya Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Interpersonal Melalui Penguasaan Layanan Konten Pada Kelas III MI Miftahul Huda I Dawe Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014.

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    Penelitian ini dilator belakangi berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan observasi terhadap guru kelas MI Miftahul Huda I kelas III banyak yang mempunyai kecerdasan interpersonal yang kurang. Oleh karena itu peneliti tertarik untuk mengatasi kurangnya kecerdasan interpersonal melalui layanan bimbingan dan konseling. Layanan bimbingan konseling yang akan digunakan untuk mengatasi kecerdasan interpersonalnya adalah layanan penguasaan konten. Dalam penelitian ini rumusan masalanya adalah : Apakah Layanan penguasaan konten dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan Interpersonal pada kelas III MI Miftahul Huda I Dawe Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (1) Untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan kecerdasan interpersonal dalam layanan penguasaan konten kelas III MI Miftahul Huda I Dawe Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014. (2) Menemukan peningkatan keterampilan konselor dalam pemberian layanan penguasaan konten siswa kelas III MI Miftahul Huda I Dawe Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014. Kegunaan penelitian ini adalah : (1) Kegunaan teoritik,memberikan kontribusi teoritik khususnya untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal melalui penguasaan layanan konten siswa kelas III. (2) Kegunaan praktis, 1. Dapat digunakan kepala sekolah sebagai penentuan kebijakan yang mendukung pelaksanaan program bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah. 2. Dapat digunakan guru pembimbing sebagai panduan untuk melaksanakan layanan bimbingan dan konseling untuk menigkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal kelas III MI Miftahul Huda I. Sesuai judul penelitian ini Ruang Lingkup Penelitian, bahasan penelitian ini hanya mengungkap tentang kecerdasan interpersonal melalui penguasaan layanan konten yang dilakukan oleh peneliti kepada siswa kelas III MI Miftahul Huda I semester II Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah: “Melalui layanan penguasaan konten dapat meningkatkan meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal pada siswa kelas III MI Miftahul Huda I Dawe Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini adalah PTBK dengan pelaksanaan penelitian sebanyak 2 siklus, setiap siklus sebanyak 3 kali pertemuan. Variabel penelitian ini adalah: variabel X (layanan penguasaan konten) dan variabel Y (kenakalan remaja). Subyek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 22 siswa.yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas III, sebanyak 22 siswa yang kecerdasan interpersonalnya rendah berdasarkan wawancara dan observasi, Variabel penelitian: layanan penguasaan konten (variabel bebas) dan meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal menggunakan metode klasikal (variabel terikat). Berdasarkan hasil observasi pembahasan dan Analisis sebelum dilakukan tindakan layanan penguasaan kontendengan kecerdasan interpersonal siswa rendah diperoleh 1 siswa dengan kategori sangat baik dengan skor nilai antara 27-35, 5siswa dengan kategori baik dengan skor nilai antara 22-26, 9 siswa dengan kategori cukup dengan skor nilai antara 17-21, 6 siswa dengan kategori rendah dengan skor nilai antara 12-16, 1 siswa dengan kategori sangat rendah dengan skor nilai antara 7-11. Sedangkan pada siklus ke II kecerdasan interpersonal siswa meningkat memperoleh hasil 11 siswa dikategorikan baik dengan skor nilai antara 22-26 dan 11 siswa dengan kategori sangat baik dengan skor nilai antara 27-35 sehingga pada siklus II dipandang cukup dan berhasil. Hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan layanan penguasaan konten dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal pada siswa kelas III MI Miftahul Huda I Dawe Kudus. Dengan demikian hipotesis yang diajukan dapat diterima karena telah teruji kebenarannya. Melihat temuan dilapangan. Saran yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Kepada kepala sekolah Menambah sarana prasarana dan menambah Guru Pembimbing agar dapat memberikan layanan bimbingan konseling pada siswa. (2) Kepada Guru Kelas Guru kelas dapat menggunakan layanan penguasaan konten untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan-kecerdasan yang dimiliki siswa lain. (3) Kepada siswa, agar siswanya mampu mengembangkan bahasanya dengan baik karena di kelas III ini siswa akan menghadapi mata pelajaran yang lebih sulit dari. Apabila cara berbicara anak ini lancar maka anak tidak akan mengalami kesulitan dalam pelajaran

    Study Of N, P, K Nutrient Uptake In Rice Plants With Total Soil Microbes In Sei Nahodaris Village, Panai Tengah District, Labuhanbatu Regency

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    The physical, chemical and biological quality of the soil has deteriorated due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers in paddy fields and neglect to return organic matter to the soil. Populations of soil biota involved in nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubility decrease below this. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between rice plants in Satiman, Sei Nahodaris Village, Panai Tengah District, Labuhan Batu Regency, and nutrient uptake of N, P, and K. This research was conducted from October to December 2022. In paddy fields, five zigzag sampling points were used to collect rice plant leaves and rhizosphere soil for sampling. Nutrient uptake of N, P, and K, in addition to total microbial, were the parameters analyzed in this study. The direct Pearson correlation method was used to perform the analysis. Analysis showed that sampling point number 5 had the highest microbial population, namely 9.53 x 106.N, P, and K absorbed at an average of 3.51 percent (optimum), 0.27 percent (excess), and 1.306 percent (optimum). The relationship between total soil microbes and N, P, and K uptake is weak and negative (-0.212) with a closeness of 4.50 percent; very high (0.94) and positive with a closeness level of 88 percent; it is moderate and negative; and weak and negative.-0.46), with a similarity level of 21 percent. So it can be said that phosphate solubilizing bacteria dominate soil microbes in rice plants in Sei Nahodaris Village, Panai Tengah District, Labuhan Bat

    Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Beberapa Varietas Padi Gogo (Oriza Sativa L.) Dengan Ketebalan Tanah Mineral Pada Lahan Gambut

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    A large area of feat soil as available across Aceh Singkil province of Aceh. The possibility of the area for upland rice farming is necessary tube evaluated. This study aim to evaluate the growth and yield of upland rice varieties on peat soil with different thickness of soil. The research used randomized block design with 2 (two) factors. The first factor was rice varieties (V) were consist of (1) Local variety (Siliam varieties), (2) Situ Bagendit varieties, (3) Situ Patenggang varieties and (4) Batutegi varieties. Where as the second factor thickness of mineral soil applied on peat wich consist of 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm and no mineral soil as a control. The results indicated that varieties of upland rice showed significant effect on the growth and production variable such as plant height 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after planting, where Situ Bagendit variety was the highest among the varieties. Similarly number of tillers 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after planting, the highest number of tillers was found on Situ Bagendit variety, while for highest number of grain per panicle was in Batutegi varieties. The thickness of mineral soil applicated on peat soil indicated significant effect on the growth and production variables such as plant height 4 weeks after planting. The highest yield of upland rice was fond on Situ Bagendit variety followed by Batutegi variety, Situ Patenggang variety and local variety (Siliam variety)

    Role of Institutions and Economic Growth in Asian Countries

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    For the past two decades, researchers have been focusing on the most important question related to economic growth, that is, what actually determines the growth of nations. In many empirical studies, geography, human capital, physical capital, trade integration, population and information technology have been found to be the major contributors to the development of economies[1]. But recently empirical research has started focusing on the role played by ‘institutions’. Therefore, development is no longer viewed as an outcome of capital accumulation but as a process of organizational change. However in growth literature this finding can be something new but economists acknowledge the supremacy of such organizations i.e. economies can be prosperous if they are free from government interventions.Thus role of institutions has been an important point of focus for economists for the past two decades. This study aims to examine the relationship among these institutions and economic growth in Asian countries. Study covers the time period from 1995-2010. Fixed effect model has been applied.  Results show that financial and legal institutions inter alia are more effective in increasing the economic growth as compared to other formal and informal institutions. We conclude from our findings that enforcement of sound financial and legal system can help to increase economic development. Key Words: Institutions, Financial Markets, Legal system, Economic Development, Formal Institutions, Informal Institutions, Legal institutions, Financial Institutions, Property Rights [1] Temple (1999) for references to the relevant empirical growth studies

    Erosi Kualitatif Pada Perkebunan Karet Umur 25 Tahun Di Desa Lau Damak Kecamatan Bahorok, Kabupaten Langkat

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    This research was aims to study the qualitative erosion on land cultivation of 25 Years old rubber trees in Lau Damak Village, Bahorok District, Langkat Region. The research was conducted from September-December 2014 by doing field activities and laboratory activities. Field activities was sampling the soil on slope 26-28 % with textured sandy clay loam, then the soil samples were analysed at BPTP Laboratory, Medan. Then the results of the analysis were processed by T-test.The results showed P-available,CEC and clay fraction is significant on slope position, but not significant to N-total, K-dd and C-organic. The highest average of CEC and clay fraction are in the middle of the slope. The highest average N-total and C-organic are in the slope above. The highest average pH, P-available and K-dd are in the lower slopes, the bulk density in each slope have a same value

    Pendugaan Cadangan Karbon Pada Tegakan Agroforestri (Studi Kasus Di Desa Parbaba Dolok

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    Changes in landuse and land cover change through forest conversion is the caused of global warming. Due to the climate change, agroforestry systems is estimated to have a high potential for carbon sequestration in the atmosphere. Agroforestry systems contribute to reducing the increase in atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases by increasing carbon in the soil and reduce the pressure for forest clearing, where the carbon comes from CO2 is taken up by plants and stored in the form of biomass. This study aimed to quantified the carbon content and to maped the distribution of carbon in agroforestry stands in Parbaba Dolok Village using data of remote sensing. Calculation of carbon stocks used non-destructive (allometric method). Vegetation types that exist in distribution of land agroforestry in Parbaba Dolok Village are kopi, coklat, pinus, nangka dan durian. The amount of carbon stocks in agroforestry stands in Parbaba Dolok Village was 337,461 ton/ha. Differences in carbon content acquistion in this area was influenced by vegetation density, diversity of size, and distribution of vegetation density

    Kajian Erosi Kualitatif Pada Budidaya Tanaman Karet Rakyat Usia 15 Tahun Di Desa Lau Damak Kecamatan Bahorok, Kabupaten Langkat

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    Qualitative Erosion Studies on The Rubber Cultivation of The People Age 15 Years In the village of Lau Damak Bahorok subdistrict Langkat. The study aims to determine the qualitative erosion in the area of cultivation by using descriptive method with sampling technique based on stratified random sampling method. Research analyzing various parameters such as pH level of soil fertility, texture, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). Organic C, N-total, P-available, K can be exchanged (K-dd) and Bulk Density. The results show that the qualitative erosion that occurs in the area of rubber cultivation people aged 15 years in the village of Lau Damak Bahorok subdistrict Langkat cause terangkutnya nutrients P and K to the valley as well as the value of the levels of C-organic and N-total high value of land in the back caused by a number of existing litter above the soil surface.Required soil and water conservation efforts in the form of ground cover (cover crop) as well as the manufacture of terracing on slopes to prevent soil erosion

    Kajian Total Biomassa Rerumputan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Tata Air Tanah Di Daerah Tangkapan Air Danau Toba. Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Silahisabungan Kabupaten Dairi

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    The study on the total of biomass of grasses and it\u27s influences on soil moisture was conducted atSilahisabungan Subdistrict Dairi District, from November 2011 until February 2012. The objectiveof this research was to evaluate the effect of grasses to soil mositure. This study used survey methodwith purposive sampling. The result of this research showed that grass vegetation with rathersloping class total biomass 10,6 ton/ha, carbon reserve 5,3 ton/ha, field capacity 63,4 %, permanentwilting point 1,3 %, water content 62,0 % and permeability 7,5 cm/hours. In the undulating slopestotal biomass 7,1 ton/ha, carbon reserve 3,55 ton/ha, field capacity 51,6 %, permanent wiltingpoint 2,4 %, water content 49,2 % and permeability 7,6 cm/hours. In the rather steep slope totalbiomass 15,5 ton/ha, carbon reserve 7,75 ton/ha, field capacity 32,8 %, permanent wilting point 3,8%, water content 29,0 % and permeability 9,6 cm/hourd. In the forest vegetation with rather slopingclass, biomass total 7,54 ton/ha, carbon reserve 3,77 ton/ha, field capacity 150 %, permanent wiltingpoint 23,5 %, water content 126,5 % and permeability 10,3 cm/hours. In the undulating slopes totalbiomass 6,24 ton/ha, carbon reserve 3,12 ton/ha, field capacity 51,5 %, permanent wilting point 7,5%, water content 44 % and permeability 8,2 cm/hours. In the rather steep slope total biomass 8,86ton/ha, carbon reserve 4,43 ton/ha, field capacity 33,3 %, permanent wilting point 4,2 %, watercontent 29,2 % and permeability 11,25 cm/hours
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