669 research outputs found

    Strategi Pembelajaran Menyimak

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    Listening competence is a kind of language competence and it is receptive in essence. Listening competence was firstly recognized officially as a main subject in foreign language teaching in 1970 and was begun by the birth of the theory of Total PsysicalResponse (TPS) of James Asher, The Natural Approach, and Silent Period. Learning strategy is an art of designing all learning activities in the classroom. Language learning strategy is teacher's activities concerning his/her lesson plan; and listening learning strategy is an art of designing all learning activities in the classroom for improving students' listening competence: students' competences to re-inform their understanding through both speaking and writing's competences. This article tries to elaborate several key issues about the definition of listening, its learning objectives and listening learning process, learning strategy and evaluation in the end of the class as well

    Teknik Pengajaran Bunyi Bahasa Arab

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    Phonetics is an important aspect of language learning—especially within the subject of listening competence. It is undoubtedly an urgent subject for all (foreign) languages learning including Arabic. As in the case of child in acquiring his/her mother language—strongly based on his/her competence of listening to the sounds—phonetic/phonological side of Arabic language must be presented since the early stages of its language learning. A conceptual analysis of phonetic/phonological side of Arabic language and its practical teaching, therefore, remain a mus

    Pengaruh Temperatur Tinggi Setelah Hot Roller Terhadap Rheologi Lumpur Saraline 200 Pada Berbagai Komposisi

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    In the drilling process, the actual achievement of the desired final depth is always safely, quickly and without obstacles. Drilling operations are activities that can not be separated from a production well. So the purpose of drilling activities not only to drill safely and efficiently, but also keep a well to be able to produce well. The success of a work of drilling wells through various layers of rock are very dependent on its drilling program planning. Drilling mud is an important factor in the drilling. Drilling speed, efficiency, safety and cost of drilling mud is very dependent on thi

    Comparative water relation of three varieties of Hibiscus cannabinus L. (Kenaf)

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    Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is an industrial fiber crop that is being grown increasingly in tropical and subtropical areas. Choosing the proper variety with the most growth rate and biomass content is a critical point for successful commercial cultivation of kenaf. Since growth and biomass production of plants are strictly related to their physiology attribute, it is therefore, necessary to provide knowledge on the physiologic characteristics of kenaf varieties. This study was designated to elucidate water relation characteristics of three kenaf varieties; Guatemala 4 (G4), kohn-kaen 60 (KK60) and V36. 20 plants of each varieties were cultivated in completely randomized design under controled conditions. Throughout a period of 120 days, parameters of gas exchange characteristics were measured within four regular intervals of 30 days. The results of this study showed that varieties significantly differ in water use efficiency so that the greatest value belonged to variety KK60. It was concluded that KK60 could be considered as preferable choice of kenaf variety for cultivation.Key words: Kenaf, gas exchange, water use efficiency

    Cyclopentyl Trisilanol Silsesquioxanes – Modified Natural Rubber (CpSSQ(OH)3 – ENR-50) Nanocomposite In The Presence Of Tin (II) Chloride Dihydrate

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    A nanocomposite comprising cyclopentyl trisilanol silsesquioxanes (CpSSQ(OH)3) and 50% epoxidized natural rubber (ENR-50) was prepared at reflux temperature with Tin (II) chloride dihydrate (SnCl2.2H2O) as catalyst. SnCl2.2H2O was found to be an affective catalyst to promote ring opening in ENR-50 and tailored it to CpSSQ(OH)3 via chemical reaction. The generation of carbonyl functional groups arising from epoxide ring opening can be clearly seen in FTIR spectra. 1H and 29Si NMR analyses further proved that the incorporation of CpSSQ(OH)3 in ENR-50 occured. TGA studies showed a degradation temperature with 10% weight decreased and DSC thermogram indicates a single Tg. Single peak in XRD diffractogram at 2-Theta angle further confirmed the surface modification


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    ABSTRAK Abdul Hamid Heri Haidar. S501202001. 2015. Hubungan PropofolDengan Ekspresi MikronukleusPada Pasien Luka Bakar Yang Menjalani Operasi Berulang. Pembimbing I:Dr. Hari Wujoso, dr., Sp. F.,MM. Pembimbing II: Purwoko, dr., Sp. An, KAKV, KAO. Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif Fakultas Kedokteran, Program Studi Magister Kedokteran Keluarga, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Latar Belakang : Propofol merupakan obat anestesi yang paling sering digunakan sebagai induksi pasien luka bakar yang menjalani operasi berulang. Namun beberapa penelitian menyebutkan adanya efek genotoksik propofol terhadap hewan percobaan. Tesmikronukleusadalah suatu tesyang digunakan dalamskriningtoksikologiuntuk senyawapotensial genotoksik. Tujuan : Mengamati apakah pemberian propofolmenyebabkan kerusakan genetikpada pasien luka bakar yang menjalani operasi berulang dengan menghitung jumlah mikronukleus. Metode : Merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desainkohort. Lima belas pasien luka bakar diambil apusan bukal sebelum dilakukan operasi dan sesudah menjalani 7 kali operasi. Pemeriksaan mikronukleus menggunakan pengecatan fast green yang dilakukan setelah apusan bukal. Hasil : Menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna pada 15 pasien sebelum operasi dan sesudah menjalani 7 kali operasi pada pemeriksaan mikronukleus. Kesimpulan : Pemberian propofol memiliki hubungan dengan ekspresi mikronukleus pada pasien luka bakar yang menjalani operasi berulang. Kata Kunci : Propofol, Mikronukleus, Genotoksik, Luka Bakar

    Growth characteristics and biomass production of kenaf

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    Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is one of the important fibre crops next to cotton, which is planted throughout the world. It is cultivated for its core and bast fibres. Unlike cotton, the fibre of kenaf is obtained from vegetative part of plant. Hence, growth and biomass production of kenaf is a fundamental issue that should be considered for its successful commercial cultivation. This study was designed to elucidate growth and biomass production of three kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) varieties; Guatemala 4 (G4), kohn-kaen 60 (KK60) and V36. 24 plants of each varieties were cultivated in completely randomize design under control conditions throughout a period of 105 days. Parameters of height, diameter and internode were measured within four to six regular intervals of 10 to 15 days, while biomass production parameters of dry one meter stalk mass (DMSM), defoliated plant mass (DPM), one meter stalk mass (MSM) and fresh plant mass (FPM) were measured at harvest time. There was no significant difference between them in terms of diameter and number of internode. However, KK60 was found to have significant higher height than V36 and G4. The varieties, G4 and KK60, showed significant greater fresh plant mass (FPM), defoliated plant mass (DPM), one meter  stalk mass (MSM) and dry one meter stalk mass (DMSM) than V36. In all of biomass parameters of FPM, DPM, MSM and DMSM, the highest value belonged to G4 except for DMSM where KK60 showed greater value. Results of this study indicated that G4 is a more efficient variety of kenaf for biomass production compared to the other two varieties of KK60 and V36.Key words: Kenaf, biomass, growth, internode

    Analisa Penyebab Hilang Sirkulasi Lumpur pada Pemboran Sumur X Lapangan Y

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    Lost circulation is one of the major problems in the drilling operation which can lead to not obtaining cutting, stuck pipe, and blow out. Therefore, lost circulation must be addressed because it has a high risk can increase the cpst and time during the drilling process. In general, there are several techniques that can be used to overcome the loss of circulation, one which is the use LCM (lost circulating material).In this thesis will investigate the loss circulation of drilling mud in the X well. The spud process in X well was started in March 2nd 2013, and reached total depth at 8950 ftMD. Drilling process has breakhtrough Lidah, Kawengan, Wonocolo, Ngrayong, and Tuban Karbonat formation and lost circulation was happen in Tuban Karbonat formation. Mud that used in this job was oil base mud and changed to KCL polymer when drilling into production zone.The cause of lost circulation taht occurs in X well because of the formation which has pores large of particle size, so that the mud flow into the formation and pressure in the hole is greater than the formation pressure. The controlling method which is used to handle the problem is using LCM which is Calsium Carbonate (CaCO3) and do Blind Drilling