94 research outputs found

    Cognitive Structure Strengthening Students of Smk N 1 Arse Class XII with Learning Model Advance Organizer by Grant Structured Lks Based Apos Theory

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    The purpose of this research: (1) Improving Students' Cognitive Structures through the Advance Organizer Model Learning by giving Structured Worksheets based on APOS Theory, (2) Improving student activity through the Advance Organizer Model Learning by giving Structured Worksheets based on APOS Theory. This research was a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was carried out at SMK Negeri 1 Arse South Tapanuli. The research subject was grade 12 students of academy year 2012/2013 consisting 31 students, namely 18 males and 13 females. Object on this research were the student activity and student learning outcomes through the Advance Organizer Model Learning by giving Structured Worksheets based on APOS Theory. The research consisted of two cycles, each cycle consisting of three meetings. Test of achievement conducted at the end of each cycle. Test of achievement consisting of 15 questions. The results of the research are: (1) There is an increased of student learning outcomes on class XII Agribusiness Crop/Horticulture SMK Negeri 1 Arse which showed an increase in cognitive structure indicated strengthening of: (a) Outcomes of achievement test in the first cycle, namely: the average = 63.66; percentage of completeness = 41.94%, (b) Outcomes of achievement test in the second cycle, namely: the average = 82.58; percentage of completeness 90.32%. The percentage of completeness 48.39%, and the index gain 0.51 or moderate improvement criteria. (2) There is an increased of student activity on class XII Agribusiness Crop/Horticulture SMK Negeri 1 Arse shown from: first cycle is only the average of 59.72 up to 74.47 in the second cycle

    Kemampuan Memahami Unsur Intrinsik Teks Drama Siswa Kelas VIII Mts Muhammadiyah Desa Penyasawan Kecamatan Kampar

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    The purposes of this research is to describe the ability in comprehend the element of intrinsic in drama of second year student at MTs Muhammadiyah Penyasawan village Kampar district. The element of intrinsic is element which develop build belleslettres from within. The element of intrinsic is an important elemen whick is supposed to be learned by students in learning literature. In learned literature at school, comprehend the element of intrinsic in drama is one of basic component that should be learned at second grade of MTs. This research is aimed to know the students\u27 ability in comprehend the element of intrinsic in drama of second year student at MTs Muhammadiyah Penyasawan village Kampar district. Generally, there are 5 element of intrinsic are those theme, plot, characteristic, setting, and moral message. In this research, the method that\u27s used is descriptive method with 50 samples. To collect the data, the researcher collected the students\u27 test result, gave score, found the percentage of each element, and considered the average score. The resul can be concluded that the students\u27 ability in understanding the element of intrinsic in drama of second year students at MTs Muhammadiyah Penyasawan village Kampar district are categorized as low with average score 67. Percentage of high ability level student was 8%, medium 32%, and low 60%. The detail of average score of intrinsic element that has obtained is that: theme was categorized as low (46), plot was categorized as high (94), characteristic was categorized as low (66), setting was categorized as medium (79), moral message was categorized as low (50)

    Resource optimization through process re-engineering of inhalational therapy unit at a tertiary care public hospital

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    Background: Salaries, supplies and machinery account for bulk of public funding necessitating efficient utilisation. Studies suggest that process re-engineering helps improve cost, quality, service, and speed. Disbanded once and re-commissioned, a centralized Inhalational Therapy Unit (ITU) banked and provided portable mechanical ventilators to the inpatient wards. A demand for new ventilators from ITU led to the present study involving its critical review and cost analysis.Methods: An interventional study was conducted at a large tertiary care public hospital in India from April 2015 to June 2015. Critical review of process of providing portable ventilators and cost analysis were conducted. Review of records of and interview with ITU personnel and nursing staff were carried out. Fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of the process was done with attention to human resource, costs, space and actual medical equipment utilization. Two fundamental questions of process re-engineering were deliberated upon: “Why do we do what we do?” “And why do we do it the way we do?” Fundamental rethinking for new process was organized around the outcome.Results: Average utilization coefficient was 6.2% (3.3% to 12.1%). Ventilators utilized per day were 1.43. Expenditure on salaries was INR 315000 per month and INR 10500 per day. Low utilization offered low value for expenses incurred. All activities in ITU focused on “provision of ventilators” (outcome) and the old rule was, “If one needed a ventilator one must contact ITU”. Since nurses were using the “outcome” and performed activities of arranging, they were handed-over the ventilators (based on utilisation patterns). ITU was disbanded, human resource and space were re-allocated to various hospital areas (costs tied were done away with) with no adverse effect on hospital functioning.Conclusions: Process re-engineering led to improved healthcare delivery, curtailed delays in hospital processes, optimised costs involved in human resources and medical equipment

    Prevalensi dan Faktor Risiko Hipertensi di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang Tahun 2012

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    Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan dimana tekanan darah melampaui tekanan darah normal. Tekanan darah disebut normal apabila tekanan sistolik <120 mmHg dan tekanan diastolik <80 mmHg. Hipertensi merupakan faktor risiko yang penting penyebab terjadinya penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah, dan sering disebut sebagai “the silent diseaseâ€. Hipertensi timbul karena berbagai faktor risiko seperti umur lanjut, riwayat keluarga, berat badan berlebih, kebiasaan merokok, kurang aktifitas fisik, asupan natrium berlebih, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus, dan stres. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan faktor risiko hipertensi di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang tahun 2012. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November-Desember tahun 2012 di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang dengan metode analitik observasional. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Cross Sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah penduduk yang berumur ≥15 tahun. Jumlah sampel adalah 512 unit. Data tekanan darah, berat badan, dan tinggi badan didapatkan dengan pengukuran langsung memakai alat dengan metode yang sudah ditentukan, dan data lainnya didapatkan dengan wawancara. Dari data di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang diperoleh jumlah total penderita hipertensi adalah sebanyak 182 (35.5%) penderita dari 512 total penduduk yang diambil sebagai sampel penelitian. Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umur (p= 0,000), Indeks Massa Tubuh (p= 0,002), riwayat keluarga yang menderita hipertensi (p= 0,001), dan lama merokok (p= 0,000) merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh pada prevalensi hipertensi di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang tahun 2012

    Interaction effect of nitrogen and potassium on growth and yield of carrot

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    The experiment was carried out to study the effects of three mulching practices viz., no mulch, water hyacinth mulch and polythene mulch, three levels of nitrogen viz., 0, 150 and 200 and three levels of potassium viz., 0, 200 and 250 kg/ha on the growth and yield of carrot. The yield and yield contributing characters of carrot were significantly influenced by the application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers with mulching treated plot. The highest marketable yield (63.47 t/ha) was recorded from the treatment combination of black polythene mulch with 200 kg N/ha and 200 kg K/ha treated plot and the lowest (23.69 t/ha) from the control treatment (M0N0K0). But the benefit-cost ratio (BCR) was found maximum (5.60) in the treatment combination of water hyacinth mulch with 200 kg N/ha and 200 kg K/ha, and the lowest (2.54) in control treatment. Considering the above findings, water hyacinth mulch with the application of 200 kg N/ha and 200 kg K/ha appeared to be recommendable for carrot cultivation for the place where irrigation facility was not available

    Natural Frequency of Lightweight Composite Slabs Based On Experimental Study and Numerical Modelling

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    Recently, lightweight composite slabs have become increasingly popular. Lightweight composite slabs are an innovation that provides a better and more convenient construction method for floor systems. Under dynamic loads, lightweight composite slabs may experience meagre inertia forces due to poor stiffness or low mass. Compared to conventional composite slabs, lightweight composite slabs are 40% lighter and more susceptible to structural resonance. Therefore, the vibration behaviour must be controlled to avoid discomfort issues. This study investigates the natural frequency of lightweight composite slabs through experimental study and numerical modelling. In the experimental study, lightweight composite slabs were prepared for the hammer-impact test. The slab thickness ranges from 100 mm to 200 mm. In numerical modelling, lightweight composite slabs were modelled in SAP2000 using a unique technique called the simplified equivalent plate model. The effective material properties were derived from the rule of mixtures and depend exclusively on elastic properties with strength characteristics. The results of the experimental study and numerical modelling agree positively. The natural frequency decreased with slab thickness, signifying that the natural frequency is dominated by mass rather than stiffness. Overall, the natural frequency of lightweight composite slabs is around 27.23Hz to 31.45Hz

    Natural Frequency of Lightweight Composite Slabs Based On Experimental Study and Numerical Modelling

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    Recently, lightweight composite slabs have become increasingly popular. Lightweight composite slabs are an innovation that provides a better and more convenient construction method for floor systems. Under dynamic loads, lightweight composite slabs may experience meagre inertia forces due to poor stiffness or low mass. Compared to conventional composite slabs, lightweight composite slabs are 40% lighter and more susceptible to structural resonance. Therefore, the vibration behaviour must be controlled to avoid discomfort issues. This study investigates the natural frequency of lightweight composite slabs through experimental study and numerical modelling. In the experimental study, lightweight composite slabs were prepared for the hammer-impact test. The slab thickness ranges from 100 mm to 200 mm. In numerical modelling, lightweight composite slabs were modelled in SAP2000 using a unique technique called the simplified equivalent plate model. The effective material properties were derived from the rule of mixtures and depend exclusively on elastic properties with strength characteristics. The results of the experimental study and numerical modelling agree positively. The natural frequency decreased with slab thickness, signifying that the natural frequency is dominated by mass rather than stiffness. Overall, the natural frequency of lightweight composite slabs is around 27.23Hz to 31.45Hz

    Local authorities challenges in the implementation of maintenance and operation blueprint

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    Maintenance and Operation Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia was established to ensure local authority immovable asset maintenance management is in line with Government Asset Management Policy 2009. This paper deals with investigation on the challenges in the implementation of Maintenance and Operation Blueprint Plan for Iskandar Malaysia among five local authorities in Iskandar Malaysia. A total of 25 respondents have been selected and interviewed. The data have been analyzed qualitatively. Base on the interview, the results show that there are challenges to implement maintenance and operation blueprint in local authority immovable asset maintenance management which are no clear direction from the top management to implement the Maintenance and Operation Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia, lack of staff to implement the Maintenance and Operation Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia, did not have enough time to implement the Maintenance and Operation Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia and the high cost required to implement the Maintenance and Operation Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia. This article can serve as a foundation for future studies in critical success factors to implement immovable asset maintenance and operation blueprint. A future study investigating critical success factors to implement immovable asset maintenance and operation blueprint would be very interesting to produce a new approach for successful blueprint implementation

    “Top-Down-Bottom-Up” Methodology as a Common Approach to Defining Bespoke Sets of Sustainability Assessment Criteria for the Built Environment

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    YesThe top-down-bottom-up (TDBU) methodology for defining bespoke sets of sustainability criteria for specific civil engineering project types is introduced and discussed. The need to define sustainability criteria for specific civil engineering project types occurs mainly in one or both of the following cases: (1) when a more comprehensive and indicative assessment of the sustainability of the project type in question is required; and/or (2) there is no readily available bespoke sustainability assessment tool, or set of criteria, for assessing the sustainability of the project type. The construction of roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, flood banks, bridges, water supply, and sewage systems and their supporting systems are considered to be unique civil engineering/infrastructure project types. The normative definition of sustainable civil engineering/infrastructure projects and the framework for assessing its sustainability is defined and provided by the authors. An example of the TDBU methodology being applied to define sustainability criteria for transport noise reducing devices is presented and discussed. The end result of applying the methodology is a systematically researched and industry validated set of criteria that denotes assessing the sustainability of the civil engineering/infrastructure project type. The paper concludes that the top-down-bottom-up will support stakeholders and managers involved in assessing sustainability to consider all major research methods to define general and unique sustainability criteria to assess and so maximize sustainability