88 research outputs found


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    Inovasi dalam pementasan teater akan sentiasa berlaku dari semasa ke semasa. Penggunaan media baru dan juga pengaplikasiannya dalam kehidupan ialah perkara yang perlu dilalui oleh masyarakat - terutama sekali dalam zaman IR4.0. Teater juga tidak terlepas daripada menghadapi cabaran ini. Pementasan teater Projek Spektrum di Kuching kelihatan bertepatan dengan idea ini apabila mengaplikasikan teknologi IR4.0 dalam pementasan yang berlaku pada tahun 2020. Ini menambah nilai tambah kepada pementasan dan lebih unik lagi pementasannya dilangsungkan di tapak pusat membeli-belah terawal di Kuching Sarawak; Ting and Ting Supermarket. Kajian berasaskan Practiced-Led Research ini akan membincangkan tentang langkah-langkah yang dijalankan produksi dalam mengaplikasikan teknologi IR4.0 dalam pementasan teater

    Prime Ministers of Malaysia Musicals: Political Performances Trend in Istana Budaya (2007-2012)

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    The trend of publishing political musicals in Istana Budaya has been popular since 2007 when Malaysia celebrated its 50th anniversary of independence. Istana Budaya has at least one musical of any politician since then. Normally, the politicians are former Prime Ministers and renowned ministers prior Malaysia's independence in 1957. The first performance in Istana Budaya which represented a politician as a theme was Muzikal Cheng Lock (2007) followed by Muzikal Tun Abdul Razak (2009), Muzikal Tun Mahathir (2010), and Muzikal Tun Mahathir 2 (2011). In 2012, Lawak Ke Der has changed the trend with comic performance and put an end to politician musical. Tun Siti Hasmah the Musical (2012) is not listed in the research because she did not hold any position as a minister. This qualitative research focuses on musicals of political figures as a theme. Some factors of making this type of performance are analysed based on Istana Budaya’s decisions during that time in Malaysia between 2007 and 2011. This research aims to document these musical themed performances in Istana Budaya for further research in the future.Political performances are listed and analyzed from 2007 to 2012 based on reports and previous research. The declination of audiences in 2012 and new theme in theatre performances in Istana Budaya are important factors for the downfall of the political theatres theme

    Documenting the Complete Recordings of Biduan Negara Puan Sri Saloma 1970 to 1983

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    Biduan Negara Puan Sri Datin Amar Saloma, or her real name Salmah Ismail, was born on January 22, 1935, in Pasir Panjang, Singapore. She started singing professionally at 13. For a legendary singer of her stature, unfortunately, Saloma's contribution to the music industry in this country has not been properly documented, appreciated, and upheld. It is not known how many albums Saloma had released in the first 10 years of her career, as EMI Malaysia Sdn Bhd, the local distributor of artists signed to EMI Singapore Pte Ltd. As a result, most albums before 1970 were not listed. Keywords: recordings, documentation, singer eISSN: 2398-4287© 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DO

    Do What You Love, Love What You Do

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    A Play for the Millennials

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    Analysis on Performing Theatrical Performance Matinya Seorang Pahlawan (1992) For Non - Malay Speakers in London

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    Matinya Seorang Pahlawan (1992) was one of Malay language theatrical performances that has been performed overseas for non-Malay speakers in SOAS, London. Therefore, surtitles has been introduced in theatre world to overcome the language barrier issue. However, the production has not using surtitles on stage due to some reasons and budged constraint was one of them. This may be difficult for the viewers since foreign performances are alien for the audience members who do not speak the language and do not understand the culture. The research analyses factors and effects on avoiding surtitles on the production. A number of people that involved in the production – theatre makers and viewers were interviewed and documentations and writings about the production are also reviewed in order to get a deeper result on the research. This qualitative research used triangular method to identify and conclude either the production has achieved its main goal to promote Malay language and culture to the world or otherwise

    Theatre in Education: The Implementation of Improvisation in Dialogue Pronunciation Technique in Teaching

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    The improvisation in dialogue pronunciation will give significance based on the suitability of its application in teaching contexts. Copying, repetition, appreciation, action and reaction are the elements included in the techniques practised in acting. This study is fully dedicated to the implementation of dialogue pronunciation through improvisation technique which is often highlighted for the actors and actresses in acting. However, what goes unnoticed is the fact that the way a teacher delivers a lesson in a classroom has similarities in function and role as a stage performer. Voice is the main instrument which needs to be used during the whole lesson or performance. The problem statement in this study can be seen from the inability of the teacher to apply an effective dialogue projection technique in their lesson, causing a somber and gloomy classroom. Apart from that, understanding the teaching content alone is not enough if dialogue pronunciation is unclear throughout the lesson. Therefore, this study aims to give exposure on the techniques and introduction to voice mechanism so that the lesson can be delivered more effectively and interesting by the teachers. The process of this study leads towards qualitative form guided by observation and open interviews to review the current teaching methods as well as using suitable library and database references. The result of this study shows the importance of understanding the improvisation in dialogue pronunciation in teaching which can be implemented consciously in teaching and learning process in school

    Muzikal Perdana: Perdana Menteri Malaysia dalam Teater Muzikal di Istana Budaya

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    Muzikal berkaitan tokoh politik di Istana Budaya telah mendapat tempatsejak 2007 ketika Malaysia menyambut ulang tahun kemerdekaannya yang ke-50.Perkara ini difikirkan bersesuaian oleh kepimpinan negara pada waktu itu. Pertambahan jumlah karya muzikal tokoh politik ini memberi indikasi bahawa satu trend baharu telah terhasil dan bergerak seiring dengan zaman kegemilangan muzikal dari syarikat produksi Puan Sri Tiara Jacquelina. Sambutan terhadap pementasanberkaitan tokoh politik mula menurun pada tahun 2012 atas beberapa faktor. Dalam kajian berkaitan muzikal Perdana Menteri ini, Tun Siti Hasmah the Musical (2012) tidak disenaraikan kerana beliautidak memegang jawatan sebagai menteri. Penyelidikan kualitatif ini memberi tumpuan kepada muzikal tokoh politik sebagai tema. Beberapa faktor membuat persembahandan bentuk persembahan muzikal Perdana Menteri dianalisis berdasarkan maklumat jadual pementasan Istana Budaya di antara tahun 2007 dan 2011. Penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk mendokumentasikan persembahan sebegini dan akan membantu dalam penyelidikan lebih lanjut di masa depan. Penurunan penonton pada tahun 2012 dan tema baru dalam persembahan teater di Istana Budaya juga dilihat dalam kajian ini

    Peranan Topeng Sagu Melanau untuk Kaul di Sarawak, Borneo

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    Terdapat banyak acara yang dijalankan dalam Kaul Melanau. Selain daripada menjadi satu ritual untuk pembersihan melalui pemberian kepada Ipok, Kaul juga boleh dilihat sebagai satu seni persembahan bagi etnik Melanau. Kajian seni persembahan Melanau banyak memberi fokus kepada perubatan seperti bebayoh dan juga tarian seladai. Kajian mengenai objek budaya pula banyak melibatkan dakan ataupun belum. Melanau mempunyai persembahan bertopeng dibuat daripada pokok rumbia yang digunakan untuk pelbagai tujuan. Dalam kajian ini, topeng tersebut dinamakan topeng sagu Melanau. Fungsi budaya berdasarkan kepada tradisi dan kesan moderniti dibincangkan dalam kajian ini. Ini dibuat untuk melihat perbandingan antara fungsi asal bertopeng, perubahan konsep bertopeng, dan juga penyesuaian budaya bertopeng ini dalam kebudayaan moden. Untuk menjalankan kajian ini, kajian lapangan telah dibuat di Mukah sebelum Pesta Kaul dan juga semasa Pesta Kaul. Dapat dikenalpasti bahawa terdapat perubahan fungsi penggunaan topeng ini dalam dunia moden kerana faktor penyesuaian
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