186 research outputs found

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    Fenomena jerebu antara perspektif Quran dan sains moden

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    Jerebu merupakan fenomena pencemaran udara yang memberi impak negatif kepada kesihatan dan kegiatan sosial masyarakat serta negara. Isu jerebu dibincangkan dalam al-Quran iaitu sura al-Dukhan secara menyeluruh. Kertas ini bertujuan menganalisis perbahasan berkaitan masalah jerebu yang disebutkan oleh al-Quran dan tafsiran para sarjana Islam dalam konteks dan sudut pandang Islam. Kertas ini turut membincangkan punca dan kesan berlakunya masalah jerebu daripada perspektif sains. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif iaitu dengan merujuk kepada kaedah transdisiplin daripada perspektif Quran dan sains. Keputusan kajian mendapati terdapat tafsiran para sarjana Islam yang mentafsirkan surah al-Dukhan dan fenomena jerebu yang berlaku pada zaman Rasullullah SAW. Ia merupakan azab dan seksaan kepada kaum Musyrikin disebabkan oleh perbuatan mereka yang enggan menerima ajaran Islam. Fenomena jerebu merupakan peringatan Allah dan pengajaran kepada umat manusia supaya sentiasa taat kepada perintah dan meninggalkan segala larangan-Nya di samping bersama-sama menjaga keharmonian dan kesejahteraan alam semesta ini. Manakala para saintis pula mendapati fenomena jerebu yang berlaku adalah berpunca daripada asap dan habuk kesan daripada aktiviti antropogen dan semula jadi serta kesannya terhadap kesihatan tubuh badan manusia yang mengakibatkan hidung berair, masalah kulit, mata terasa pedih dan berair, batuk, sakit kerongkong, kesukaran untuk bernafas dan kesakitan di bahagian dada

    El efecto de la inteligencia emocional como mediador de la relación entre el liderazgo transformacional y la comunidad de aprendizaje profesional

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    A drastic national education transformation requires leaders that can shape high-quality teachers. Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a strategy introduced by the Teacher Education Division or Bahagian Pendidikan Guru (BPG) to improve the quality of teachers. In ensuring the successful implementation of this strategy, an effective principal leadership style should be practiced in every organization. Besides, emotional intelligence plays a role in assisting leaders to improve the effectiveness of their leadership. This study aims to examine the effect of emotional intelligence as a mediator of the relationship between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ professional learning community practice in High-Performance Schools (HPS) in the state of Selangor. A total of 364 teachers were selected from 34 high-performance secondary schools in Selangor.Una transformación educativa nacional drástica requiere líderes que puedan formar maestros de alta calidad. La Comunidad de Aprendizaje Profesional (PLC, por sus siglas en inglés) es una estrategia introducida por la División de Educación Docente o el Pendidikan Guru de Bahagian (BPG) para mejorar la calidad de los maestros. Para garantizar la implementación exitosa de esta estrategia, se debe practicar un estilo de liderazgo principal efectivo en todas las organizaciones. Además, la inteligencia emocional juega un papel en ayudar a los líderes a mejorar la efectividad de su liderazgo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo examinar el efecto de la inteligencia emocional como mediador de la relación entre el liderazgo transformacional de los directores y la práctica comunitaria de aprendizaje profesional de los maestros en las Escuelas de Alto Rendimiento (HPS) en el estado de Selangor

    Nanocellulose and nanoclay as reinforcement materials in polymer composites: a review

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    The advancement of nanotechnology has opened a new opportunity to develop nanocomposites using nanocellulose (NC) and nanoclay (NCl). Researchers have regarded these nanocomposites as promising substitutes for conventional polymers because of their characteristic and useful features, which include exceptional strength and stiffness, low weight, and low environmental impact. These features of NC and NCl explain their multifarious applications across many sectors. Here we review NC and NCl as well as various reinforced polymer composites that are made up of either of the two nanomaterials. The structural and physicochemical properties of NC and NCl are highlighted, along with the mechanical behavior and thermal properties of NC. Current nanomaterial hybrid biopolymers for the production of novel high-performance polymer nanocomposites are also discussed with respect to their mechanical properties

    Shape Defect Detection for Product Quality Inspection and Monitoring System

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    This paper presents an automated computer vision system of shape defect detection for product quality inspection and monitoring system. Soft drink bottle is used as a tested product for the proposed system. The analysis framework includes data collection, pre-processing, morphological operation, feature extraction, and classification. Morphological operation technique is used to segment the image of the bottle via erosion and dilation process. Through this technique, the defect in the bottle structure is described from the feature set such as area, perimeter, major axis length and extend. Then, the bottle is classified either it is pass or rejects from the estimated parameters using Naive Bayes classifier. The results have proven that the proposed system can be applied to differentiate bottle according to shape with 100% accuracy using 100 samples.

    A critical review of MANET testbed using mobile robot technology

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    This paper is a continuation of our previous paper under the same topic, MANET testbed using mobile robot technology. In our previous paper, we studied the topic by scrutinizing all the technical aspects and presented it as a technical review. However in this paper, we study the topic and presents it as a critical review that dwells into four aspect, namely (i) purpose, a ccessibility and s cope of testbed facilities, (ii) usability and c ontrollability of robot mobility in t estbed facilities, (iii) repeatability and r e producibility of real m obility in t estbeds, and (iv) tools for MANET implementation, deployment and d ebugging for experiments. With the wealth of information on the topic provided in this paper, the content of this paper is expected to be a source of reference for MANET researchers who are at a crossroad when selecting the preferred mobi le robot technology and approach to sui t thei r own speci f ic needs

    A critical review of MANET testbed using mobile robot Technology

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    This paper is a continuation of our previous paper under the same topic, MANET testbed using mobile robot technology. In our previous paper, we studied the topic by scrutinizing all the technical aspects and presented it as a technical review. However in this paper, we study the topic and presents it as a critical review that dwells into four aspect, namely (i) purpose, a ccessibility and s cope of testbed facilities, (ii) usability and c ontrollability of robot m obility in t estbed facilities, (iii) repeatability and r e producibility of real m obility in t estbeds, and (iv) tools for MANET implementation, deployment and d ebugging for e xperiments. With the wealth of information on the topic provided in this paper, the content of this paper is expected to be a source of reference for MANET researchers who are at a crossroad when selecting the preferred mobile robot technology and approach to suit their own specific needs

    Real time electrocardiogram identification with multi-modal machine learning algorithms

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    Weaknesses in conventional identification technologies such as identification cards, badges and RFID tags prompts attention to biometric form of identification. Biometrics like voice, brain signal and finger print are unique human traits that can be used for identification. In this paper we present an identification system based on Electrocardiogram (heart signal). There is a considerable number of research in the past with high accuracy for identification, however, most ignore the practical time required to identify an individual. In this study, we explored a more practical approach in identification by reducing the number of time required for identification. We explore ways to identity a person within 3–4 s using just 5 heart beats. We extracted few reliable features from each QRS complexes, combined effort of three algorithms to achieve 96% accuracy. This approach is more suitable and practical in real time applications where time for identification is important

    Oral Analgesia 24 hours after major operation: A Comparative Study Of Oral Calecoxib and Tramadol in Patients Undergoing Major Gynaecological Operation

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    Adequacy of postoperative pain control is one of the most important factors in determining when a patient can be safely discharged from a surgical facility. Furthermore, it has a major influence on the patient’s ability to resume the normal activities of daily living. Tramadol is a weak opioid analgesic that acts mainly on μ-opioid receptor and has been proven to provide effective and safe analgesic to post-operative patients. Celecoxib (celebrex) is a highly selective COX-2 inhibitor. It belongs to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) group which reduces inflammation and pain while minimizing gastrointestinal adverse reaction. This selectivity feature makes celecoxib an attractive alternative to opioids for the control of postoperative pain. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of oral celecoxib, in comparison with oral tramadol, in term of analgesic properties and the need for additional tablet acetaminophen as rescue pain reliever in patients undergoing elective gynecological operation. A randomized, single-blinded study was conducted on 100 ASA I and II patients who were randomized into two groups: tramadol or celecoxib. Following major gynaecological surgery, all patients were given standard patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) regime with intravenous morphine. Patients either received oral tramadol 100 mg 8 hourly or oral celecoxib 200mg 12 hourly for analgesia 24 hours post operation. Tablet acetaminophen was available as a rescue analgesic. Patients were monitored for pain according to Modified Pain Score, haemodynamic changes and side effects. They were evaluated at 24, 32, 40 and 48 hours post operation. The mean pain score at 24, 32, 40 and 48 hours post operation were 0.86 ± 0.45, 0.68 ± 0.47, 0.42 ± 0.50, and 0.14 ± 0.35 in celecoxib group and 0.92 ± 0.44, 0.78 ± 0.41, 0.46 ± 0.54 and 0.18 ± 0.39 in tramadol group respectively. There were no significant differences in the mean pain score and between the two groups at each point of assessment (p>0.05). None of the patients requested for tablet acetaminophen. Patient satisfaction was similar in both study groups. This study indicates that oral celecoxib 200 mg 12 hourly is adequate and suitable to be used as an alternative to oral tramadol 100 mg 8 hourly in controlling pain 24 hours following major operation without the need for additional tablet acetaminophen