30 research outputs found

    Management Practices and Job Satisfaction Among Middle Level Management at Public Institutions of Higher Learning

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    Public institutions of higher learning are given an important and huge responsibility to produce graduates to enables a sustainable and continuous development of the country. Consequently the institutions require hard working, high commitment and competent staff members. Therefore the purpose of the study is to examine empirically the relationship between management practices on job satisfaction among middle level management at public institutions of higher learning in northern region. Specifically the dimension of management practices that was examined was leadership practices, communication practices and decision making practices. The respondents of the study are 133 management and professional staff members of various service schemes in grade 41 (under Malaysian Remuneration Scheme). The Pearson correlation suggested management practices have significant correlation with job satisfaction. Multiple regression analysis indicated leadership practices were the only predictor in explaining the respondents’ job satisfaction. The results of t-Test analysis also reveal gender has significant difference to job satisfaction. Meanwhile Oneway ANOVA suggested age and tenure do not show significant differences on job satisfaction

    The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Islamic Work Ethic and Leadership Practices Among Middle Level Administrators in Malaysian Public Universities

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    The main challenges for the higher education institutions are to ensure academic programs provided are market driven and sensitively able to respond to the changing need of various economic sectors. Thus, higher education needs to function as an effective institution. No doubt, the recent challenges require the key personnel to equip themselves with leadership quality in order to achieve organizational goals. Previous studies have shown that effective leadership was influenced by several factors such as emotional intelligence. Another significant issue in leadership is ethical behaviors. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership practices when Islamic work ethic is practiced in Malaysian public universities. The respondents consisted of middle level administrators in Malaysian public universities throughout the country. Using a structured questionnaire, a total of 500 surveys were distributed to the randomly selected respondents. A total of 237 (47.7% response rate) usable questionnaires were obtained. Several hypotheses were developed and investigated with multiple regression and hierarchical regression analyses. The results demonstrated that only the dimension of managing own and other emotion was significantly related to leadership practices. While, Islamic work ethic found to negatively significant moderate the relationship between the appraisal of emotion and leadership practices. The results revealed that the explanatory power of the model increased from 28.6% to 46.4% when Islamic work ethic moderates the relationship. Appraisal of emotion influence on leadership practices will be weaker when Islamic work ethic is high. Several plausible reasons were discussed. The findings have some contributions both to the practical and theoretical implications. Understanding of these factors can lead to better planning and implementation of leadership development in public higher education sector. Several recommendations were made for future research

    Kompetensi pembelajaran, struktur organisasi dan prestasi perusahaan kecil dan sederhana di Utara Semenanjung Malaysia

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    PKS dan sumbangannya terhadap pembangunan dan kemajuan sesebuah negara sangatlah besar.Sektor ini diakui antaranya mampu menjana peluang pekerjaan, menjana kekayaan negara, memenuhi rantaian bekalan dan pelengkap kepada syarikat-syarikat multinasional dan juga dapat mengawal aliran wang keluar negara melalui aktiviti pengekspotan.Namun begitu pencapaian prestasi PKS khususnya di Malaysia ini agak rendah.Kompetensi keusahawanan dalam konteks pembelajaran dilihat dari kajian-kajian sebelumnya mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap prestasi PKS.Justeru itu kajian ini berusaha untuk melihat kepentingan pemboleh ubah ini terhadap para usahawan PKS di Utara Semenanjung Malaysia.Sampel kajian ini ialah para usahawan PKS dalam sector industri pembuatan, perkhidmatan dan pertanian dan industri asas tani. Dapatan dari kajian ini diharap dapat memberi sumbangan dari segi teoritikal dan praktikal untuk dimanfaatkan oleh pihak-pihak yang berkaitan

    Etika kerja Islam sebagai penyederhana dalam hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi dan kepimpinan pentadbir universiti awam

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    Cabaran utama kepada institusi pengajian tinggi ialah memastikan program akademik yang ditawarkan memenuhi kehendak pasaran serta peka kepada perubahan yang sentiasa berlaku dalam pelbagai sektor ekonomi masa kini.Sektor pendidikan tinggi mestilah berfungsi sebagai sebuah institusi yang cekap.Tidak diragui lagi bahawa cabaran serta perkembangan semasa memerlukan staf yang memiliki kualiti kepimpinan supaya hasrat organisasi tercapai.Kajian terdahulu menunjukkan kecekapan kepimpinan dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai faktor misalnya kecerdasan emosi.Selain dari itu, tingkah laku beretika juga merupakan salah satu isu utama dalam persoalan kepimpinan masa kini.Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi dan kepimpinan apabila etika kerja Islam diamalkan di kalangan pegawai pentadbiran di IPTA di Malaysia. Responden kajian terdiri dari pentadbir yang bertugas di universiti awam. Menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kaedah kajian rentas, sampel kajian akan dipilih menggunakan teknik persampelan rawak berstrata berkadaran. Beberapa hipotesis yang telah dibina akan diuji menggunakan analisa regresi berganda dan regresi hirarki.Dapatan kajian dijangka bermanfaat dari aspek praktikal dan aspek teoretikal.Kefahaman kepada dapatan kajian membolehkan IPTA membuat penambahbaikan kepada program pembangunan kepimpinan sedia ada supaya ianya lebih berkesan lagi

    Truths and myths of management practices and job satisfaction among middle level management at public institutions of higher learning in Malaysia

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    Public institutions of higher learning are given an important and huge responsibility to produce graduates to enables a sustainable and continuous development of the country. Consequently the institutional require hard working, high commitment and competent staff members. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to examine empirically the relationship between management practices on job satisfaction among middle level management at public institutions of higher learning in northern region in Malaysia. Specifically, the dimension of management practices examined was leadership practices, communication practices and decision making practices. The respondents of the study are 133 management and professional staff members of various service schemes in grade 41 (under Malaysian Remuneration Scheme). The Pearson Correlation analysis suggested management practices have significant correlation with job satisfaction. Multiple Regression analysis indicated that leadership practices were the only predictor in explaining the respondents' job satisfaction

    Kualiti perkhidmatan berdasarkan perspektif pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi awam Malaysia

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    The quality of education offered by institutions of higher learning has become very important as it determines whether a student will remain with the university and promote it to others or move to other better institutions. As such, enhancing the quality of Malaysian universities is a must in today's highly competitive world. This study seeks to find out from the perspective of students: (i) their acceptance of the service being offered to them; and (ii) the main determinants of service quality. The questionnaire used in this study was modified and adapted from the SERVQUAL model of Kwan & Ng (1999) and Parasuraman et. a1 (1998). The research was conducted in one university and focused on 380 students from various social background.Data obtained was analysed using SPSS version 13.0. The results show that Malaysian students are generally more interested in campus life compared to the learning process in class. Malaysian students are also contented with communication with university, facilities and social activities provided by their university

    The relationship between management practices and job satisfaction: The case of assistant registrars at public institutions of higher learning in northern region Malaysia

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    Universities were known as the production of qualified manpower.This is a view we have already encountered,in which universities are seen as a process or in which students count as ‘products’, as output and having a utility value on the labor market.Consequently, the institutional require hard working, high commitment and competent staff members in order to deliver the services to their customers.Therefore, the purpose of the study is to examine empirically the relationship between management practices on job satisfaction among middle level management at public institutions of higher learning in northern region in Malaysia. Specifically, the dimension of management practices examined was leadership practices, communication practices and decision making practices.The respondents of the study are 133 management and professional staff members of various service schemes in grade 41 (under Malaysian Remuneration Scheme).The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis, ANOVA, T-test, Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression by using SPSS Version 14.0. Suggestions for further research and recommendation for decision makers have been forwarded

    Career Success and Organizational Justice as the Potential Predictors of Perceived University Performance: A Study from Public Sector Universities of Pakistan

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    The main aspiration of the study remained to explore and examine the predictors of perceived university performance. While career success for the faculty members of public sector universities in Pakistan is becoming the area of interest for researchers and academicians. Data were collected from 223 faculty members who are currently serving as faculty members in public sector universities of Pakistan. The results supported the significant positive association of career success and organizational justice with perceived university performance. SEM-PLS technique through, Smart PLS 2.0 applied to explore the results. Keywords: Career Success, Organizational Justice, Perceived University Performance, Universities, Pakistan

    The relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership practice among middle administrators

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    The recent challenges facing by the Malaysian higher education institutions have compelled the staff to equip themselves with skills such as leadership quality.Past studies, among others indicated that effective leadership was influenced by emotional intelligence.As such, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership practices among middle administrators in Malaysian public universities.In total 500 questionnaires were distributed and 273 completed.The results suggested that only the dimension of regulation of emotion was significantly related to leadership practice.Several recommendations were made for future research