1,862 research outputs found

    Maximum voltage sag compensation using direct converter by modulating the carrier signal

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    The aim of this paper is to achieve maximum voltage sag compensation of 52% using direct converter based DVR. The DVR topology has only two switches. The DVR is designed to compensate the voltage sag in a phase by taking power from the same phase. A direct converter is connected between the series transformer and the line in which sag compensation is to be achieved. If the actual amplitude of the error signal is used and the amplitude of carrier signal is kept at 1 unit, it is possible to achieve only 22% of sag compensation. If the amplitude of the carrier signal is modulated according to the percentage of existing sag, 52% of the sag is compensated through ordinary PWM technique with the THD less than 5%. Matlab Simulation results are presented for the validating the analysis

    An Assessment of Global Factors towards the Financial Performance of a Containership Using a Bayesian Network Method

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    The movement of containerised goods made 2009 debatably the most dramatic year in the history of the box. A Bayesian network methodology associated with the cause and effect analysis technique is introduced to analyse the global economic conditions, the container market demand and the bunker fuel price in order to measure the financial performance of a containership. This method demonstrates the combination of qualitative and quantitative criteria in order to ensure that the best possible decision can be made by a shipping company. As a consequence, the result provided by the Bayesian Network method can be used as an indicator for helping shipping lines plan a cost-effective business strategy. Keywords: Bayesian Network Method; Uncertainty Treatment; Vessel Speed; Containership; Decision Making Technique.

    From planar surfaces based on lattices to freeform surfaces based on triangular meshes: an advanced extension of the areal motif method

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    Surfaces are shifting from traditional planar surfaces to freeform surfaces with significantly reduced volume and weight and highly improved performance. The areal motif method is used to analyse the topographical features on planar surfaces which are important to surface function. However the areal motif analysis cannot be directly applied to freeform surfaces, usually described by the triangular mesh data structure. To overcome this obstacle, a feasible strategy is proposed to extend the motif method. Morphological operations are employed to separate the “texture” and “form” surface. The watershed segmentation is then applied to the “texture” height surface in which the connection of each vertex is defined by the triangular mesh. The tiny motif due to the over-segmentation is combined by pruning the peaks and pits in the Pfaltz graph

    Optimal energy management for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

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    There is a great potential for significant improvement to be made in energy efficiency and reduction in emissions, fuel use, weight and cost of vehicles through implementing innovative technologies. Many automakers have been making great efforts to develop an alternative vehicle that can offer the best solution in reducing the effects of global warming and oil depletion. Such a vehicle will win quick acceptance in the marketplace because of the current high fuel cost. Recently, the plugin hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) has been identified as one of the most viable technologies to achieve these goals by implementing an optimal energy management system. This paper presents our recent research work on the energy management system for a specific PHEV. The system configuration, analysis, model, control strategy, and simulation results are presented in detail. Recommendations on the directions and areas in which the further research in hybrid vehicle should be aligned are also be included

    The Relationship Between Personal Mastery and Teachers' Competencies at Schools in Indonesia

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    The purpose of the present research is to study the relationships between indicators of personal mastery and indicators of teachers' competencies at Junior Secondary State Bone district in Indonesia. The respondents of the research consists of all the Junior Secondary State teachers of the Bone district including 200 teachers (80 males 120 females). The obtained data was analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results have indicated that there exists a significant correlation between personal mastery and teachers' competencies at the 0.05 significance level. Further, a significant positive correlation was observed between the indicators of personal mastery (personal vision, creative tension, commitment, trust, and consciousness) and indicators of teachers' competencies (pedagogic, professional, personality, and social)


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    Abstract. Garbage, especially in urban areas, is a complicated problem. There are so many problems that arise due to mismanagement of waste, ranging from social, environmental to health problems. So the purpose of this study is to provide learning to build awareness of the environment and law enforcement on waste affairs. This research uses descriptive research method with qualitative approach. Data collection method with interviews, observations and literature studies. (1) The waste problem is complex. Environmental crises and disasters, including waste in them, are carried out with relationship patterns that prioritize dominance towards values and behaviors that prioritize conservation, cooperation, and emphasize the quality of relationship patterns that respect each other, complement and maintain environmental sustainability. (2) Strict law enforcement by establishing Waste Bylaws and Regional Waste Agencies. (3) Community-based waste management can be of economic value with innovation and creation that can benefit from the future.  Keywords: learning, management, innovation, wasteAbstrak. Sampah terutama di perkotaan menjadi masalah yang rumit. Banyak sekali permasalahan yang muncul akibat pengelolaan sampah yang mismanajemen, mulai dari permasalahan sosial, lingkungan sampai kesehatan. Maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pembelajaran membangun kesadaran terhadap lingkungan hidup dan penegakan hukum terhadap urusan persampahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Masalah persampahan itu kompleks. Krisis dan bencana lingkungan hidup termasuk hal persampahan didalamnya,  dilakukan dengan pola relasi yang mengutamakan dominasi menuju nilai dan perilaku yang lebih mengutamakan konservasi, kerjasama, serta menekan-kan kualitas pola relasi yang saling menghargai, melengkapi dan memelihara keberlanjutan lingkungan. (2) Penegakan hukum yang tegas dengan membentuk Perda Persampahan dan Badan Persampahan Daerah. (3) Pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat dapat bernilai ekonomi dengan inovasi dan kreasi yang dapat mendatang manfaat.  Kata kunci: pembelajaran, pengelolaan, inovasi, sampa

    Third Order Differential Subordination for Analytic Functions Involving Convolution Operator

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    في هذا البحث, من خلال استخدام المؤثر المعمم الجديد تم الحصول بعض نتائج التابعية التفاضلية من الدرجة الثالثة ونتائج التابعية التفاضلية العليا  للدوال التحليلية .كذلك تم تقديم بعض نظريات من نوع الساندوج .       In the present paper, by making use of the new generalized operator, some results of third order differential subordination and differential superordination consequence for analytic functions are obtained. Also, some sandwich-type theorems are presented

    Some Subclasses of Univalent and Bi-Univalent Functions Related to K-Fibonacci Numbers and Modified Sigmoid Function

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    يهتم هذا البحث بفئات فرعية معينة من الدوال احادية التكافؤ وثنائية التكافؤ فيما يتعلق بمنحنيات تشبه الصدفة المرتبطة بأرقام فيبوناتشي k تتضمن دالة التنشيط السيني المعدلة θ(t)=2/(1+e^(-t) ) ,t ≥0في قرص الوحدة|z|<1. تقديرات المعاملات الاولية |c_2 | , |c_3 | تم التحقق من عدم المساواة Fekete-Szego ̈ ومحدد هانكل الثاني للدوال في فئاتنا.              This paper is interested in certain  subclasses of univalent and bi-univalent functions concerning  to shell- like curves connected with k-Fibonacci numbers involving modified Sigmoid activation function θ(t)=2/(1+e^(-t) ) ,t ≥0 in unit disk |z|<1 . For estimating of the initial coefficients |c_2 | , |c_3 |, Fekete-Szego ̈ inequality and the  second Hankel determinant have been investigated for the functions in our classes.