30 research outputs found

    Improved cuckoo search for loss allocation in transmission line/ Nur Atiqah Abdul Rahman

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    Electricity market reformation often involes the process of liberalisation, deregulation and privatisation. Privatisation has often resulted in competition between market participants in order to reduce cost and increase efficiency. Researchers have gained interest to allocate the transmission loss in transmission line which will lead to fair allocation of cost among market participants. Thus this paper proposed a new technique called Improved Cuckoo Search (ICS) as an approach to allocate transmission loss in transmission line. This technique is an improvement from previous technique called Cuckoo Search (CS), where cauchy distribution based on mutation technique is used instead of Levy Flight for its searching operator. The technique has been tested with IEEE 30 bus system in normal condition and showed improvement in terms of computational time and accuracy. Comparison between Cuckoo Search (CS) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) are also presented in this paper

    Active load and loss allocation in transmission line via improved cuckoo search optimization technique / Nur Atiqah Abdul Rahman

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    The introduction of deregulation in transmission system has given the opportunity for the end user to choose the supplier. This has brought the importance of active load and loss allocation in transmission line. Due to the nonlinear character of power flow, it is crucial to allocate the losses and active load. Thus, this research has proposed a novel technique to allocate both active load and losses in transmission line using a newly developed Improved Cuckoo Search (ICS) Optimization Technique. In addition, a new objective function has also been proposed in this research to improve the accuracy of the power allocation. The active load and transmission loss allocation have been treated as an optimization problem. In this research, IEEE 5-Bus, Ward- Hale 6-Bus, IEEE 30-Bus and also IEEE 57- Bus systems are used as test systems and a comparative study is conducted with Cuckoo Search (CS) technique and also Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique. In addition, the proposed method with the new objective function is also tested in line outage and load increase conditions. The results are compared in terms of accuracy of the allocation, computational time and also the consistency. From the results and comparative study, the proposed new technique offers an accurate allocation of power among the market participants. Hence, they will be charged fairly for their transmission cost as required in a deregulated power system

    Developing e-counselling system

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    This paper introduces a Web-based Counselling System, a non-profit online counselling web portal that was built to provide a platform for counselors to reach out to the general public. We examine the background that induced the conceptualization of the portal, the systemโ€™s architecture and design as well as the implementation of the working system. The paper closes with an evaluation of the system. Counselling aim is to help a person to talk about emotions and thoughts that they may not have been able to express before, or address important matters they have put off, which always seems to return. Islam tells its followers to attain personal well-being through its system of spiritual and religiosity. This paper explore on how to council process of face boldly between professional counselors with client for make human affair, to identify self-potential and develop source of human internal for take as true and self-responsible toward Allah bless

    Leveraging social media data using latent dirichlet allocation and naรฏve bayes for mental health sentiment analytics on Covid-19 pandemic

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    In Malaysia, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the negative impact on mental health became noticeable. The public's psychological and behavioral responses have risen as the COVID-19 outbreak progresses. A high impression of severity, vulnerability, impact, and fear was the element that influenced higher anxiety. Social media data can be used to track Malaysian sentiments in the COVID-19 era. However, it is often found on the internet in text format with no labels, and manually decoding this data is usually complicated. Furthermore, traditional data-gathering approaches, such as filling out a survey form, may not completely capture the sentiments. This study uses a text mining technique called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) on social media to discover mental health topics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, a model is developed using a hybrid approach, combining both lexicon-based and Naรฏve Bayes classifier. The accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measures are used to evaluate the sentiment classification. The result shows that the best lexicon-based technique is VADER with 72% accuracy compared to TextBlob with 70% accuracy. These sentiments results allow for a better understanding and handling of the pandemic. The top three topics are identified and further classified into positive and negative comments. In conclusion, the developed model can assist healthcare workers and policymakers in making the right decisions in the upcoming pandemic outbreaks

    Powder mixed micro electro discharge milling of titanium alloy: Investigation of material removal rate

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    This paper presents effects of silicon carbide (SiC) powder in dielectric fluid of micro EDM on material removal rate (MRR). The aim is to identify the optimum level of SiC powder concentration and other micro EDM parameter for higher MRR. The work material was titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) machined with tungsten carbide (WC) electrode by varying two machining parameters SiC powder concentrations and discharge energy. By using two factor four level factorial design of experiment, sixteen experiments were conducted. Data were analyzed by Design Expertยฎ software. In this experimental investigation, maximum MRR of 7.3 ยตg/min was obtained for 24.75 g/l SiC powder concentration and 56.77 ยตJ discharge energy. The analysis of variance revealed that the SiC powder concentration in dielectric fluid on micro EDM has significant influence on MRR Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy