23 research outputs found

    Removal of Iron from Groundwater by Filtration through Carbonaceous Shale

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    The project covers a study on the topic entitled "Removal of Iron from Groundwater by Filtration through Carbonaceous Shale". Generally speaking, Iron is commonly present in groundwater worldwide. The presence of iron in groundwater is not harmful to human health, however it is undesirable because of the associated aesthetic and operational problem, namely: bad taste, discoloration, stains on laundry and plumbing system and after-growth in the distribution system. Iron present in soluble ferrous form in groundwater oxidizes into insoluble ferric iron when exposed to the atmosphere. Iron removal from groundwater is, therefore, a major concern for water supply companies using groundwater. The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of carbonaceous shale in removing iron from groundwater by adsorption-oxidation mechanism and also the backwashing system for the filter. The scope of work consists of literature review, experimental design, laboratory set up, experiments and results analysis. The methods and procedures to achieve the objectives involve analyses of chemical parameters of groundwater used in the experiments including the properties of carbonaceous shale and also filtration performance of carbonaceous shale. Laboratoryscale colnnm experiments were conducted using 31 mm diameter acrylic column pipes with 1.0 m depth of 1.0 mm mean size and having 70 em depth of filter media. The filtration performance of the carbonaceous shale was compare with the sand that works like a 'benchmark' since it is been widely used in the conventional method for iron removal. Both filtration media that been used act as adsorbent of ferrous iron in filtration column. Results from the experiment shows that the concentration of total iron in the groundwater used in the experiment is 2.36 mg/L Fe and that the performance of carbonaceous shale filter is better than sand filter in the iron removal. Iron concentration in the effluent of carbonaceous shale filter is below standard for drinking water which is 0.3 mg/L

    Removal of Iron from Groundwater by Filtration through Carbonaceous Shale

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    The project covers a study on the topic entitled "Removal of Iron from Groundwater by Filtration through Carbonaceous Shale". Generally speaking, Iron is commonly present in groundwater worldwide. The presence of iron in groundwater is not harmful to human health, however it is undesirable because of the associated aesthetic and operational problem, namely: bad taste, discoloration, stains on laundry and plumbing system and after-growth in the distribution system. Iron present in soluble ferrous form in groundwater oxidizes into insoluble ferric iron when exposed to the atmosphere. Iron removal from groundwater is, therefore, a major concern for water supply companies using groundwater. The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of carbonaceous shale in removing iron from groundwater by adsorption-oxidation mechanism and also the backwashing system for the filter. The scope of work consists of literature review, experimental design, laboratory set up, experiments and results analysis. The methods and procedures to achieve the objectives involve analyses of chemical parameters of groundwater used in the experiments including the properties of carbonaceous shale and also filtration performance of carbonaceous shale. Laboratoryscale colnnm experiments were conducted using 31 mm diameter acrylic column pipes with 1.0 m depth of 1.0 mm mean size and having 70 em depth of filter media. The filtration performance of the carbonaceous shale was compare with the sand that works like a 'benchmark' since it is been widely used in the conventional method for iron removal. Both filtration media that been used act as adsorbent of ferrous iron in filtration column. Results from the experiment shows that the concentration of total iron in the groundwater used in the experiment is 2.36 mg/L Fe and that the performance of carbonaceous shale filter is better than sand filter in the iron removal. Iron concentration in the effluent of carbonaceous shale filter is below standard for drinking water which is 0.3 mg/L

    "دراسة تقويمية للمحتوى الثقافي في كتاب "العربية بين يديك

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقويم المحتوى الثقافي في كتاب "العربية بين يديك" وذلك من خلال استنباط معايير مشتركة بين معايير رشدي أحمد طعيمة، ومعايير المجلس الأمريكي لمعلمي اللغات الأجنبية، ومعايير الإطار الأوروبي المشترك، حيث إن المعايير المذكورة قد حققت انتشارا واسعا في الاستخدام والتداول بين أوساط المهتمين والخبراء، سواء في تعليم اللغات الأجنبية أم في تعليم العربية لغير الناطقين بها. وقد حاز كتاب "العربية بين يديك" على انتشار غير مسبوق على مختلف مستويات متعلمي العربية من غير الناطقين بها، وعلى اهتمام واسع بين أوساط القائمين والمتخصصين بمجالات تعليم العربية لغير الناطقين بها. ومن هذا المنطلق فقد بدأ الباحثون بالاشارة إلى الثقافة ومحتواها، كذلك محدداتها ومعاييرها العامة، وبعد أن فرغوا من ذلك تناولوا المعايير الثلاثة المذكورة آنفا بالعرض والمناقشة، وعرضوا الأسباب التي دفعت إلى اختيار كل معيار منها، ثم اتبعوا ذلك بعرض توضيحي يتناولون فيه تعريفا عن كتاب "العربية بين يديك"، وتطرقوا إلى واقع وحقيقة المحتوى الثقافي له، وأخيرا استنبط الباحثون من المعايير الثلاثة أداة لتقويم المحتوى الثقافي للكتاب، والتي اعتمدت على برنامج حاسوبي في طريقة التقويم، وهو برنامج إيكسل. ومن المرجو أن تكون هذه الدراسة نواة جديدة لاستنباط الأدوات الحديثة وابتكارها في تقويم كتب تعليم العربية لغير الناطقين بها، والخروج عن النمطية في التقويم، مما يرتقي بمستوى إعداد كتب تعليم العربية لغير الناطقين بها والذي ينعكس بدوره إيجابا على مستوى متعلمي العربية من غير أبنائها، وقد خرجت الدراسة بنتائج مهمة، ومنها: أهمية المعايير المختارة من عربية وأمريكية وأوروبية في تقويم المحتوى الثقافي للكتاب، وأن الكتاب قد أثبت توافق محتواه الثقافي مع معظم المعايير العالمية للتقويم، وأن الكتاب يحتاج إلى أن يتوج ببعض الإضافات والتعديلات في المحتوى الثقافي لكي يغطي جوانب قصوره بها

    Growth performance, feed efficiency and carcass composition of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Picess: Clariidae) fingerlings fed diets composed of agricultural by-products

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    Four experimental diets were formulated to contain different ratios of animal protein to plant protein of 1:12 (diet F1), 1:9 (diet F2), 1:6 (diet F3) and 1:2 (diet F4).Diets F1 and F2 contained crude protein level of 35% at gross energy of 17 kJ/g providing protein to energy ratios (P/E) of 21 23 mg CP/kJ while diets F3 and F4 contained crude protein of 40% at gross energy level of 19 kJ/g providing P/E of 23 mg CP/kJ. The diets were fed to quadruplicate groups of African catfish Clarias gariepinus fingerlings (5.37 ± 0.23 g) for 12 weeks. The group of fish receiving the experimental diet F4 attained the highest (P 0.05) were observed between the experimental groups. The highest (P < 0.05) body protein, lipid and energy content attained by the fish fed diet F4. These findings suggest that a diet containing a proportion of 1 : 2 animal protein to plant protein at protein level of 40%, gross energy of 19 kJ/g diet, and a protein to energy ratio of 23 mg CP/kJ could allow a complete replacement of commercial fish meal with agricultural by-products in diets of African catfish without negatively affecting its growth performance, feed utilization or carcass composition

    Spawning, Larval Rearing and Growth of the Silver Sillago in Abu Dhabi

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    Sillago sihama, silver sillago (locally known as Hasoom), a highly esteemed fish, was first spawned in the United Arab Emirates at the Aquaculture and Marine Studies Center (AMSC), Abu Al Abyad Island. A total of 204 S. sihama breeders with an average length of 15.07 cm and average weight of 25.30 g were collected from Al Hanyoura area, northeast of Abu Dhabi during December 2012 and brought to the AMSC where the fish were stocked in a 40-t circular tank in 45 ppt seawater. The fish were fed on a diet of squid, sardines, shrimps and pelleted feed (52% CP)


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    Sistem penyiraman buah melon di green house kelompok masyarakat kampoeng wisata melon napote masih menggunakan cara manual yaitu mengalirkan air dengan cara memutar kran air pada blok pipa penyiraman. Permasalahan lainya, belum sepenuhnya berbasis teknologi informasi. Belum memiliki website profil sebagai kampung wisata melon, informasi pembelian buah melon, ketersedian melon siap jual. Solusi dari Tim PKM adalah penerapan teknologi berbasis Internet of Thing (IOT) yang ramah lingkungan dan mampu melakukan penyirman secara otomatis. Sistem ini mampu menagani masalah penyiraman pada tanaman buah melon, serta media informasi yang mensupport informasi web profil tentang pembelian buah, ketersedian melon siap jual dan kelompok masyarakat yang bertani melon yang digadang oleh pemerintah sebagai destinasi kampung wisata buah melon napote di Kabupaten Sampang

    Spawning and larviculture trials of cobia, Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766) in the United Arab Emirates

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    Cobia Rachycentron canadum, the sole representative of the family Rachycentridae, is a migratory pelagic species that occurs in tropical and subtropical seas except for the eastern Pacific (Arnold et al. 2002). It is a gonochoristic species that has demonstrated the capacity for high fecundity and ease of induced and natural spawning in captivity (Holt et al. 2007, Benetti et al. 2008a). They are multiple batch spawners with a protracted spawning period (Faulk and Halt 2003, Benetti et al. 2008b). The information available on the timing of gonadal maturation in different parts of the world indicates that cobia spawn from April through September with the peak in spring and early summer (Kilduff et al. 2002, Faulk and Halt 2003)

    Optimization of boron dispersion on fibrous-silica-nickel catalyst for enhanced CO2 hydrogenation to methane

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    There are numerous reports regarding boron-containing catalysts for hydrogen-related reactions from CO2 including dry reforming of methane and methanation. Besides enhancing the productivity, boron also improved nickel activity and stability. However, the detailed mechanistic study, particularly in explaining the starring role of boron in the enhanced reactions, is still lacking. Thus, herein we loaded boron on fibrous-silica-nickel and investigated their physicochemical properties and mechanistic route by means of in-situ FTIR for enhanced CO2 methanation. It was found that the appropriate dispersion of boron surrounds the nickel particles is an important factor to improve the adsorption of CO2 before interacting with split hydrogen atom from the nickel sides to form intermediates which are subsequently dehydrated, and then serial hydrogenation gave the final product of methane. Boron also accelerated the methanation and restricted coke formation. A hybrid approach on optimization via a face-centered central composite design and a response surface methodology showed that reaction using H2/CO2 ratio of 6, GHSV of 10,500 mL g−1 h−1, at 500 °C gave the highest percentage of CH4 of 84.3%. To indicate the error, the predicted values were compared to the experimental values, yielding an accurately minimal error ranging from 0 to 11%. As a result, the empirical models generated for CO2 hydrogenation to methane were reasonably accurate, with all actual values for the confirmation runs fitting within the 94% prediction interval

    Simply Delicious / Fahmiera Abdul Fatah... [et al.]

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    Simply Delicious is business plan of a cafe serving Malay food in Malaysia, especially keropok lekor. Some call them fish fritters, fish sausages or fish sticks, fish crackers but in Malaysia, they are called keropok lekor. It is traditional fish sausage normally consumed as a morning and evening snack. Keropok lekor are actually made from processed fish meat mixed with salt and tapioca flour. This mixture is then hand rolled into sausage shaped around 6 to 10 inches long and immediately cooked. Name was chosen by our Financial Manager, Miss Shirley Vanessa Sebastian. The company’s name as Simply Delicious because of the taste of our main product which is refers to our keropok lekor. Miss Fahmiera Binti Abdul Fatah is the one that fuse of the Simply Delicious business. Our keropok lekor is unique and different from others keropok lekor. We have many type of keropok lekor. It comes in three main forms where it was original, crunchy and crunchy cheese keropok lekor. Original keropok lekor, will be cooked it in two ways which is fried and grill. Meanwhile, we try to innovatethe original keropok lekor into the namely crunchy keropok lekor. The substance in crunchy keropok lekor is still same with the original one but the crunchy keropok lekor is more crunchies and look like nuggets. We also add some flavour to our keropok lekor which is crunchy cheese keropok lekor. The cheese which diced into cube will pour into the fish mixture and then shaped it into a small size before being boiled and fried. All these three types of keropok lekor are frequently served with dipping sauces. Now, we are planning to open our business by using our own secret recipe. We hope that our business of keropok lekor will be expanded and get good responses from our customers