35 research outputs found

    Personaliti big five dengan prestasi kerja pengurusan sumber manusia

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan antara personaliti dengan prestasi kerja. Responden kajian adalah seramai 94 orang pekerja di bahagian pengurusan sumber manusia dari 17 buah organisasi di kawasan perindustrian Senai. Kajian personaliti ini diukur berdasarkan lima domain personaliti iaitu Extraversion, Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, dan Openness to Experience dengan menggunakan Perisian Statistical Package for Social Science Version 12 (SPSS) menerusi analisis statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensi. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang signifkan dan positif di antara personaliti dengan prestasi kerja pekerja. Dalam kajian ini, domain personaliti Conscientiousness merupakan personaliti yang paling utama dimiliki oleh pekerja dibahagian sumber manusia

    Flexible working: effects on women’s work-life balance, lifestyle and health

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    Flexible working arrangement is a future work trends in response to growing concerns for evolving workforce demographics and retaining women in workforce. However, there are limited studies that actually compare the perception of women who worked conventional hours and flexible hours on WLB, lifestyle and health. Thus, this study aimed to examine perception towards WLB, lifestyle and health between women who worked in conventional working hour and those who worked flexible working hour. This study used survey data from 177 respondents (98 flexible working women; 79 conventional working women) from four companies which offer both types of working arrangements. Despite consistent empirical support on the positive effect of flexible working on leisure and health, t-test result indicates that only WLB balance is affected by flexible working hour. Contrary to previous understanding on WLB, women working in conventional working time perceived high level of WLB compared to those who worked using flexible working time. This finding necessitates further replication with more data. It also implies that WLB is a complex phenomenon which needs to be studied further

    Psychological well-being model

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    In past ten years, there is a rapid growing interest for negative experiences of psychological issues for instance depression, trauma and anxiety (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). However, the promotion of well-being is compulsory as the comprehensive health accepted as including physical, mental and social well-being (Kirkwood, Bond, May, & McKeith, 2010). Thus, the extend research on psychology well-being has been observed (Huppert, 2009; Ryff & Singer, 2006)

    Tren dan isu masa kerja fleksibel di Malaysia

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    Peningkatan kaum wanita dalam pekerjaan mampu meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga justeru menyumbang kepada peningkatan ekonomi negara. Namun begitu, menurut Laporan Ekonomi 2013/2014, penyertaan tenaga kerja wanita di Malaysia agak rendah jika dibandingkan dengan tahap pembangunan negara. Mengikut tren semasa, ramai wanita tidak dapat meneruskan pekerjaan mereka apabila mereka berkahwin. Mengimbangi kerja dan urusan keluarga adalah faktor utama mereka meninggalkan alam pekerjaan. Persoalan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti pemacu tren masa kerja secara fleksibel, mengenal pasti samada wanita berminat terhadap masa kerja fleksibel, dan menyiasat adakah terdapat perbezaan dalam keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan bagi wanita yang bekerja secara tetap dan juga secara fleksibel. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan kaedah metodologi campuran atau mix-method iaitu kaedah kualitatif melalui analisis STEEPV (Social, Technology, Environment, Economy, Politic, Value) dan temu bual mendalam, serta kaedah kuantitatif iaitu melalui soal selidik. Populasi kajian melibatkan golongan wanita bekerja yang dipilih melalui kaedah bertujuan di beberapa syarikat iaitu ABC Berhad., XYZ Berhad, dan juga KLM Consultancy Services di Bangsar dan juga Damansara telah dikenalpasti mengamalkan kaedah kerja fleksibel dan juga tetap dengan jumlah responden seramai 177 orang. Melalui pembacaan dan analisis STEEPV, didapati bahawa sosial merupakan kategori tertinggi dengan keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan sebagai pemacu tertinggi. Hasil pembacaan ini disokong pula dengan temu bual yang dilakukan terhadap dua orang wakil industri bagi mengetahui tren terkini masa kerja di Malaysia. Melalui borang kaji selidik, didapati bahawa majoriti golongan wanita yang bekerja mahukan masa kerja yang fleksibel. Keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan telah diukur melalui tiga dimensi iaitu gaya hidup, kesihatan, dan juga keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan. Dapatan menunjukkan tiada perbezaan dari segi gaya hidup dan juga kesihatan mereka yang bekerja fleksibel dengan mereka yang bekerja tetap. Tetapi terdapat perbezaan dari segi keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan antara mereka yang bekerja fleksibel dengan mereka yang bekerja tetap. Hasil kajian ini diharap akan membantu penyelidik dan pihak berkepentingan lain untuk mendalami isu dan tren masa kerja fleksibel di Malaysia pada masa hadapan

    Mental illness action taken in workplace

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    It is approximately 450 million people have been analysed with mental illness around the world, where mental illness, substance abuse and neurological diseases contribute to 13% of the worldwide disease burden. The World Health Organization (WHO) gauge that 1 in 4 individuals experience mental illness at a few points in their life. That means almost 25% of the population has a mental illness. According to Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam Depression, on normal, accounts for 4.3% of the by and large burden of cobalt disease, which is one of the biggest causes of morbidity. Mental illness or also been called as mental health disorders, it is a wide scope of emotional well-being problem of scatters that impact your personality, considering and conduct. Tension issue, dietary issues, addictive practices, discouragement and schizophrenia which are the instances of dysfunctional behaviour

    Psychology well- being at workplaces

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    Psychological well-being indicates the existence of positive relationships with others, personal personality, autonomy, meaning in life, and personal growth and development. According to Ronald (2017), psychology well-being is a balance between challenging life events and rewarding, and is achieved through a balance of affected life events

    Advantages and disadvantages of retrenchment

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    The stability of the job in a state or country usually depends on the condition of the economy in that country or state. Malaysia and many countries around the world have faced several economic downturns and recessions over the past year, this causes the slowdown of the economy and poor business conditions resulting in a slump in business due to the significant drop of the company’s profit. Companies that are suffering big losses may choose to restructure or reorganize their businesses to reduce the impact of poor business conditions. The wave of retrenchment usually hit the sectors of manufacturing, transportation, communication, commerce, and finance

    The important and effect of transfer of employees

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    The transfer of employees is a procedure of level development of individuals starting with one position to another position and without involving significant changes in their obligations, skills needed, or remuneration. It is a type of interior versatility, where the worker is moved starting with one occupation them onto the next generally at an alternate unit, area and division. This can likewise be defined as an alteration in the activity inside the organization where the new position or occupation is considerably equivalent to the old as far as pay, responsibilities, and status (Abomeh, & Mohammed, 2016). The employee transfer can be brief or permanent one, and it is started by any of the two such as employer or worker

    Women and flexitime

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    Trends of working hours now shows that flexible work arrangements that allow employees to have working hours that fluctuate compare to the working hours of eight hours a day, more and more popular with the development of technology such as the internet, video conferencing, and most recently through 'cloud-computing'. At present also, it can be seen that the individual requires more balance between work and life at the same time they have more time to take care of their families. Therefore, they require more independent work arrangements to meet the needs of work and their daily lives. Traditionally working time where the time work began at nine to five job is increasingly not required (Manpower, 2010)


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    In an increasingly competitive and changing environment, women leaders in education face a variety of challenges. Although women dominate the labor force in large number, however in higher education sector, most of senior lecturers are men. The purpose of this study is to examine the leadership competency of women lecturer in the perspective of a lecturer at University XYZ and the effect of gender in ranking of competency skill. This study also intended to know the role of ranking in advancing women to a senior lecturer positions. This quantitative study used simple random sampling technique with 361 lecturers of University XYZ as the sample of the study. Questionnaire was distributed through online. The data was then analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science v22 (SPSS version 22). The results shows that self-management are the most important leadership competencies needed by women lecturers, follow by communication, business acumen, and leadership ability. Leadership competency is needed for the career development especially for women leaders in education. The model of leadership competency is a guideline for a women leader to evaluate their leadership competency in education sector