367 research outputs found

    Tata Bahasa Praktis Bahasa Indonesia

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    The purpose of this Qur'anic Discourse Study is to analyze the verses of the surah Al-Ikhlas verse 1 to find the essence of God's esoteric dialogue to the Prophet Muhammad. This discourse study uses interpretation of Al-Mukhtasor fi Tafsir Al-Qur’anil Kariim. At-tashniif: Jama’atin min Ulama’it tafsir and translation of the Qur'an. This research uses the method of social constructionist discourse study approach, namely how the relationship between knowledge and social processes in understanding discourse studies are managed through social processes


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    The role of the Tariqa in Islam propagation is highly significant, particularly in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Sufism teaching is also known as tariqa teachings in Lombok Island. Hizib Tariqa is the largest Tariqa in the Sasak tribe Lombok. The role of the Hizib tariqa is gigantic in religious and social changes. This research aims to fathom the ritual experience gained by Hizib Tariqa followers and the motivation driven the Tariqa to stay afloat until today. The research method employed is qualitative, using phenomenological and ethnographical approaches. This study's result obtains Hizib tariqa ritual experience for the followers to feel a peaceful heart and mind, strengthen kinship and fraternity ties among the Lombok community in general, and as a forum or media to explore religious knowledge through congregation or lectures by Ustaz or Tuan Guru. Also, the most important motivation is getting closer to Allah SWT and increasing faith and piety. Therefore, this combination of experience and motivation has continued the Hizib tariqa rituals

    Semantik Bahasa Indonesia

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    Hermeneutika Al-Qur’an Suroh Al-Isro’ Ayat 1 Sebuah Tinjauan Kosmologi

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    Where is the Islamic view of the hermeneutics of the Qur'an? This article describes the eternal philosophy, I assert that the study of the Qur’an with a hermeneutical approach is very necessary in this era of globalization. This article uses the method of psychological interpretation. The Psychological approach uses cooperative and hunches in understanding the author's soul. This is not only to understand the author from a psychological point of view, but also to get the author's intent from within the text. This article is here to understand and analyze the understanding of the meaning of the esoteric verses of the Qur'an. Contemplation and debate are evidence of the loss of esoteric spiritual-religious understanding of the Qur'an, this understanding recognizes the Qur'an as a sacred / divine reflection that has moral strength, and becomes a moral-spiritual teacher of man. This essay focuses on the idea that the Qur'anic hermeneutics serves to explore the esoteric meaning of the Qur'an as a source of ethics involving the environment and knowledge which can be a valuable resource for the education of the hermeneutical generation

    Ungkapan tradisional yang berkaitan dengan sila-sila dalam pancasila Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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    Ungkapan merupakan suatu unsur budaya dalam bahasa yang dimiliki masyarakat pemakainya. Dengan meneropong ungkapan bahasa suatu masyaraakat orang akan dapat melihat dan mengetahui sifat-sifat budaya, nilai-nilai yang ada dalam masyarakat, sifat pribadi masyarakat, aturan dan larangan dalam tata pergaulan masyarakat serta sifat adat istiadat masyarakat pemilik ungkapan tersebut. Dengan adanya penelitian dan penulisan ungkapan tradisional daerah Betawi yang berkaitan dengan Pancasila, maka akan diperoleh informasi tentang nilai dan sifat-sifat budaya, pandangan atau sikap masyarakat serta sila-sila Pancasila yang terkandung di da1amnya

    Analisis Semiotika Ekspresi Wajah di dalam Ayat-ayat Agung al-Qur’an

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    Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols as elements and analysis of communication systems. Many verses of the Qur'an show aspects of communication between humans and verses of the Qur'an. This article discusses the study of semiotics with a descriptive analysis approach. The purpose of this essay is to analyze facial expressions in the verses of the Great Qur'an that are expressed verbally. This essay uses Peirce's theory of semiotics in analyzing the facial expressions of people in the world and the faces of people in the afterlife


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    The concept of metacognitive learning with a spiritual approach is to focus on the role of mind and language and how to apply it in reading to improve emotional of intelligence in understanding the universal meaning of the text. This essay uses the approach Centered Attention of Meditation (FA). That is to focus the mind on objects, images, or words in sentences that are understood to add insight to the context of what the author explained, to connect the reader to understand the mind and language. This essay is here to open the freezing of the universal meaning of the text from what covers the mind and the meaning of language with the reading formula (B+B), namely “Stop and Think”. Human language is a linguistic structure that must be understood through understanding of meditation


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    The Sufis are practitioners of the science of purification of heart. Sufism is the esoteric or inner dimension of Islam. Sufism can’t to be explained theoretically, it can only be understood through participation and practice. The activities of the ritual dhikr of Sufi have signs and meanings. The Sign of systems include words, movements, pictures, numbers, and objects. These signs have meaning to convey. The Signs have denotative and connotative of meanings.This article uses a descriptive analysis method. We analyze discursive and non-discursive symbols, is words that involve emotions and non-verbal meanings such as Sufi body movements in ritual prayers and dhikr. Dhikr “silence” is a command to observe silence which is the purpose of dhikr silent. The purpose of this article is to open the essence of Sufi and semiotics of tasawwuf as the deepest spiritual teachings of the Prophet Muhammad in achieving of silence of “qolbu mu’min Baitullah
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