19 research outputs found

    Performance of particle swarm optimization under different range of direct current motor's moment of inertia / Mohd Azri Abdul Aziz

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    The implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm in optimizing Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller's parameters is a popular technique to improve the performance of a control system. A prevalent application is a Direct Current (DC) motor control system with variations in parameters value have been used. Moment of inertia is one of the essential parameters of a DC motor which can affect the transient response including rise time, settling time, overshoot and steady state error. However, the use of moment of inertia and other parameters of DC motor are mostly to complete the transfer function and no specific analysis was done on the effects of their variations to the control method. This research investigates the effect of moment of inertia on the performance of PSO algorithm utilizing the Weighted Transient Response Index (WTPJ) based fitness function in optimizing PID controller parameters to control a DC motor. Five fitness functions were used in comparing the performance of PSO algorithm which includes Integral Absolute Error (IAE), Integral Time-weighted Absolute Error (ITAE), Integral Squared Error (ISE), Integral Time-weighted Squared Error (ITSE) and WTRI. For WTRI alone, several variations of weight combinations have been tested in determining their effects on the performance of PSO algorithm under different range of moment of inertia, from 3.88xl0"7 kgm2 to 3.88x10"1 kgm2 which is within a range found in literature. The experimental results shows that with a higher values of moment of inertia, WTRI based fitness function managed to outperform the other four error based fitness functions. It was also shown that a threshold for moment of inertia can be defined where the performance of PSO algorithm was affected only if the moment of inertia of the DC motor is more than the threshold value. The details exploration of WTRI based fitness function shows the significance of prioritized weight in Prioritize Single Non Zero (PSNZ) weight category towards its associated transient index was proven while for Prioritize All Non Zero (PANZ) weight category, the complex relationship between rise time, settling time and overshoot seems to interfere the ability of its prioritized weight in fully controls their associated transient response outputs

    Performance of particle swarm optimization under different range of direct current motor's moment of inertia / Mohd Azri Abdul Aziz

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    The implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm in optimizing Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller's parameters is a popular technique to improve the performance of a control system. A prevalent application is a Direct Current (DC) motor control system with variations in parameters value have been used. Moment of inertia is one of the essential parameters of a DC motor which can affect the transient response including rise time, settling time, overshoot and steady state error. However, the use of moment of inertia and other parameters of DC motor are mostly to complete the transfer function and no specific analysis was done on the effects of their variations to the control method. This research investigates the effect of moment of inertia on the performance of PSO algorithm utilizing the Weighted Transient Response Index (WTRI) based fitness function in optimizing PID controller parameters to control a DC motor. Five fitness functions were used in comparing the performance of PSO algorithm which includes Integral Absolute Error (IAE), Integral Time-weighted Absolute Error (ITAE), Integral Squared Error (ISE), Integral Time-weighted Squared Error (ITSE) and WTRI. For WTRI alone, several variations of weight combinations have been tested in determining their effects on the performance of PSO algorithm under different range of moment of inertia, from 3.88x10-7 kgm2 to 3.88x10- 1 kgm2 which is within a range found in literature. The experimental results shows that with a higher values of moment of inertia, WTRI based fitness function managed to outperform the other four error based fitness functions. It was also shown that a threshold for moment of inertia can be defined where the performance of PSO algorithm was affected only if the moment of inertia of the DC motor is more than the threshold value. The details exploration of WTRI based fitness function shows the significance of prioritized weight in Prioritize Single Non Zero (PSNZ) weight category towards its associated transient index was proven while for Prioritize All Non Zero (PANZ) weight category, the complex relationship between rise time, settling time and overshoot seems to interfere the ability of its prioritized weight in fully controls their associated transient response outputs


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    ABSTRAK Skripsi ini berjudul: “Tanggung Jawab Orang Tua Terhadap Anak dalam al-Qur’an.” Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tindakan-tindakan yang kebanyakan sekarang menggunakan pendidikan dengan kekerasan dan bagaimana orang tua dalam mendidik anaknya yang sesuai dengan syariat Islam agar menjadi penerus bangsa yang baik. Untuk itu penulis mengkaji tentang tanggung jawab orang tua terhadap anak dalam al-Qur’an. Penulis memfokuskan pada tiga penafsiran, tafsir Ibnu Katsir dan tafsir al-Qurthubi serta tafsir al-Misbah. Rumusan masalah: (1) Apa saja ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an yang menyangkut dengan tanggung jawab orang tua terhadap anak dalam Al-Qur’an. (2) Bagaimana bentuk-bentuk tanggung jawab orang tua terhadap anak dalam Al-Qur’an. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis Library Research (Penelitian Perpustakaan), yaitu penelaahan terhadap karya-karya ilmiah yang terkait dengan masalah yang dibahas. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tafsir maudhu’i, yakni sebuah metode penafsiran yang menetapkan masalah yang akan dibahas (tema) menghimpun ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang berkaitan dengan tema, menjelaskan hadis yang relevan dengan pokok bahasan dan penjelasan ayat-ayat. Hasil penelitian: (1) tanggung jawab orang tua terhadap anak sangatlah penting, setiap orang tua bertanggung jawab terhadap pendidikan anak-anaknya. Baik itu pendidikan akidah, pendidikan ibadah, dan pendidikan akhlak. (2) Bentuk-bentuk tanggung jawab orang tua terhadap anak dalam Al-Qur’an di antaranya: (a) Fase pra kelahiran saat bayi dalam kandungan. (b) Fase pasca kelahiran bayi hingga tiga tahun (0-3 Tahun). (c) Fase pasca kelahiran ketika anak berumur 4-12 Tahun. Dengan demikian, diharapkan kepada orang tua agar menjadi renungan bagi kita semua untuk selalu memperhatikan tanggung jawabnya. Sehingga dari pelaksanaan tanggung jawab orang tua ini terlahirlah anak-anak yang berilmu, shaleh dan berakhlakul karimah

    Machine vision based height measuring system

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    This paper presents a machine vision based height measuring system. The system will measure the height of a product based on the input from a webcam. The input image from the webcam will then be processed using image processing and then calculated to give the height of the product. In the market, there are many products that need to be measured whether the length or the height. These products also have different size and shape. There are several problems when using manual method for measuring such as man power will be needed at the station, longer time needed for measuring the product and the measurement may not be so accurate. This system aims to reduce these problems by developing a measuring system based on vision system

    Low Noise Amplifier For Front End Transceiver At 5.8 GHz

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    This paper presents the design of 5.8 GHz front end Low Noise Amplifier application for IEEE standard 802.11 systems for WLAN application. Revolution and demand of WLAN technology have urged development of low cost, low power and small size transceiver by using microstrip technology [1]. This paper is present design and simulation of single stage LNA circuits. This paper is focusing on development of Low Noise Amplifier operating at 5.75-5.85GHz (5GHz upper U-NII band) for WLAN application. The amplifier design used FHX76LP Low noise SuperHEMT from Eudyna Device USA Inc. The design circuit uses lumped elements to implement the matching networks. The purpose single stage of input and output matching network is to produces 50Ω impedance at the input and output port of the LNA. The matching network is used at both sides of the transistor [2],[3]. The target simulation are gain (S21)with >10dB, noise figure with <10dB and input and output return loss <-10dB at 5.8 GHz. A single stage LNA has successfully designed with 15.924 dB forward gain , 0.552 dB noise figure, -11.182 dB output return loss(S22) and -13.246 dB input return loss(S11) by using ADS software

    5-6 GHz Front End Low Noise Amplifier

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    This paper presents 5-6 GHz front end Low Noise Amplifier application for IEEE standard 802.11 system for WLAN application. This amplifier uses FHX76LP Low noise SuperHEMT device designed for DBS application from Eudyna Device USA Inc.This paper is present design and simulation of single stage LNA circuits. A single stage LNA has successfully designed with 26.92 dB forward gain and 1.32 dB noise figure, which stable along the UNII frequency band

    Inovasi produk "Smart Panel" sebagai kaedah penyelesaian masalah pembentangan hasil kerja pelajar (Smart Panel innovation as a problem solving method for student work's presentation) / Thuraiya Mohd … [et al.]

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    Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran melibatkan beberapa aktiviti dan kaedah yang dilaksanakan secara berterusan ke arah menyediakan pendidikan komprehensif dan efektif. Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PnP) ini perlu didokong dengan kemudahan fasiliti dan peralatan PnP yang efektif. Kekurangan fasiliti dan peralatan PnP mempengaruhi kualiti penyampaian dan juga proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Kekurangan fasiliti dan peralatan PnP ini turut menjejaskan rekabentuk kurikulum dan seterusnya memberikan kesan keatas pembentukan modal insan berkualiti yang mempunyai daya kreativiti dan cara pemikiran kritis. Justeru kajian ini, memfokus kepada masalah ketidakkeberkesanan proses PnP disebabkan kekurangan peralatan PnP iaitu panel pameran. Kajian ini mencadangkan inovasi kreatif serta inventif iaitu "smart panel" bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang wujud. Penemuan daripada kajian empirikal ini telah mendedahkan beberapa kelemahan dalam proses PnP yang menggunakan panel pameran sediada. Kelemahan yang signifikan adalah tempoh pembentangan yang lama dan seterusnya menghilangkan konsentrasi pelajar dan pensyarah. Keadaan ini telah menyebabkan masalah sampingan seperti terpaksa menyediakan slot pembentangan di waktu malam dan mewujudkan suasana yang tidak kondusif dalam studio. Oleh itu, inovasi "smart panel" telah dihasilkan bersesuaian dengan meja dan ruang studio sediada untuk menambah baik peralatan sediada dengan mengambilkira faktor masa, kos dan ruang semasa. "Smart Panel' ini adalah lebih efisien dan mudah untuk dikendalikan. Ujilari terhadap sistem ini menunjukkan masa pembentangan pelaj ar dapat disingkatkan daripada satu (1) j am (menggunakan panel biasa) kepada setengah (1/2) jam (menggunakan "smart panel"). Selain itu, ia dapat menjimatkan kos PnP. Justeru, diharap inovasi ini dapat diaplikasikan pada seluruh UiTM, malah organisasi lai

    Simulation Of Cascading LNA And RF Amplifier For Front-End Direct-Conversion Receiver At 5.8 GHz

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    In this paper, a simulation of cascaded LNA and RF amplifier for front-end direct conversion receiver at 5.8-GHz frequency band is presented. By using direct conversion architecture, the image rejection performance is improved, lower complexity and the component is reduced. The cascading LNA and RF amplifier has 27 dB gain and 2.17 dB noise figure. The LNA and RF amplifier is simulated using Ansoft Designer software and fabricated with Duroid 5880 as the microstrip material

    Caseous lymphadenitis in a goat

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    Despite the sero–positivity of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) in Malaysian farms, cases with clinical signs of CLA are rarely encountered. An 8–month–old Saanen breed of goat was reported with a history of a subcutaneous mass beneath the jaw, on the right side. The consistency of the mass was non–movable, solid and hard on deep palpation. A tentative diagnosis of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) was made based on the characteristic of the lesions presented and its contagious nature. The mass was incised and the purulent aspirate showed growth of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis on culture. Agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) was positive for Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. The mass was lanced and routine wound flushing resulted in recovery

    Self-tuning fuzzy PID controller using online method in essential oil extraction process

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    During the extraction process, the temperature plays the major effect on the quality and output yield.Numerous studies on this domain mention that excessive heat during the extraction process will degrade the quality of oil and produced poor output.Recently, researchers take efforts to fix this problem by develop intelligent control technique in order to regulate the temperature. This study proposed the self-tuning fuzzy PID (STFPID) controller using online method. The STFPID controller will regulate the steam temperature below 100OC where very little publication so far discussed on that range.The robustness of STFPID controller was test using load disturbance and set point tracking.The performance effectiveness was evaluated based on rise time, settling time, percent overshoot, and steady stare error.From the simulation result, the STFPID controller shows good performance in both transient and steady state dynamics.The STFPID controller also has the ability to track the set point change and curb the load disturbance