51 research outputs found

    Characterization of virulence factors in the newly described <i>Salmonella enterica</i> serotype Keurmassar emerging in Senegal (sub-Saharan Africa)

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    From 2000 to 2001, nine strains of Salmonella enterica belonging to the new serotype Keurmassar have been isolated from human and poultry samples at the Senegalese National Salmonella and Shigella Reference Laboratory at the Pasteur Institute, in Dakar. All strains carried virulence factors including Salmonella Pathogenicity Islands (SPI)-1, -2, -3 and -5 encoded genes. Strains did not harbour virulence plasmid. Ribotyping analysis revealed a single clone identical to Salmonella Decatur isolated in Zimbabwe. These data suggest that strains are closely related, and may have been spread clonally. In this new serotype, insertion sequence IS200 is not present

    Pauvreté et accès à l'eau dans la vallée du Sénégal

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    Water poverty in the Senegal Valley Considering the flood-recession agriculture, the hydraulic history of the valley of the Senegal River is ancient, but knows a deep mutation since the introduction of the irrigation. Can one speak of water poverty, whereas two dams now control the water flow of the Senegal River and ensure a permanent abundance in water ? The answer to this questioning is proposed through the link between poverty, access to funding, access to land, and involvement in resource management.L'histoire hydraulique de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal est ancienne et remonte à la culture de décrue. Mais elle connaît une profonde mutation depuis l'introduction de l'irrigation. Peut-on parler de « pauvreté hydraulique », alors que deux barrages régulent à présent le régime du fleuve Sénégal et assurent une permanence de l'abondance en eau ? La réponse à cette question est proposée sous l'angle de l'articulation entre la pauvreté, l'accès au financement, l'accès au foncier, la participation à la gestion de la ressource

    Pauvreté et accès à l'eau dans la vallée du Sénégal

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    L'histoire hydraulique de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal est ancienne et remonte à la culture de décrue. Mais elle connaît une profonde mutation depuis l'introduction de l'irrigation. Peut-on parler de « pauvreté hydraulique », alors que deux barrages régulent à présent le régime du fleuve Sénégal et assurent une permanence de l'abondance en eau ? La réponse à cette question est proposée sous l'angle de l'articulation entre la pauvreté, l'accès au financement, l'accès au foncier, la participation à la gestion de la ressource.HYDRAULIQUE ; HISTOIRE ; AMENAGEMENT HYDROAGRICOLE ; CULTURE DE DECRUE ; CULTURE IRRIGUEE ; SORGHO ; MIL ; RIZ IRRIGUE ; ACCES A LA TERRE ; RESSOURCES EN EAU ; GESTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; ACCES AU CREDIT ; TENURE FONCIERE ; ENDETTEMENT ; EXCLUSION SOCIALE ; PAUVRETE ; REVENUS AGRICOLES ; ORGANISATION PAYSANNE ; ACCES A L'EAU ; GESTION DE L'EAU ; SENEGAL ; FLEUVE SENEGAL VALLEE

    Révision du genre Digitaria Haller (Poaceae) au Sénégal : proposition d’une clé de détermination pour une meilleure identification des espèces

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    Le genre Digitaria Haller (Poaceae) constitue l’un des genres les plus diversifiés des Poaceae du Sénégal avec 19 espèces. Bien qu’il y ait une monographie mondiale du genre, la détermination des espèces reste difficile et repose essentiellement sur les caractères de l’appareil reproducteur. Ce travail, qui est une révision du genre Digitaria au Sénégal, est entrepris afin de rechercher des caractères pertinents sur l’appareil végétatif et d’améliorer l’identification des espèces. Pour ce faire, une description détaillée des différents organes des spécimens étudiés est réalisée à l’aide d’une loupe binoculaire. Les résultats de l’étude montrent que la pubescence de l’épillet est un caractère essentiel pour l’identification des espèces. De plus, les longueurs relatives de la glume supérieure et de la lemma inférieure sont très intéressantes pour la discrimination d’espèces affines. Toutefois, l’étude supplémentaire des organes végétatifs de la plante adulte montre que certains caractères végétatifs pourraient contribuer considérablement à l’amélioration de l’identification des espèces. Il s’agit du cycle biologique, de la pubescence de la ligule, de la marge du limbe, des noeuds et des entre-noeuds du chaume qui sont des caractères plus faciles à observer. Une clé de détermination basée sur des caractères végétatifs et reproducteurs des espèces est ainsi élaborée.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Digitaria, Poaceae, révision, clé de détermination, SénégalEnglish Title: Review of Digitaria Haller (Poaceae) genus in Senegal: suggestion of a determination key for a better identification of speciesEnglish AbstractThe genus Digitaria Haller (Poaceae) is one of the most diversified genera of Poaceae in Senegal with 19 species. Although it has a worldwide monograph of the genus, the identification of species remains difficult and mainly based on the characteristics of the reproductive system. This work, which is a review of the genus  Digitaria in Senegal, is undertaken in order to search relevant characteristics on the vegetative system and to improve the identification of species. To do this, a detailed description of the various organs of the studied specimens is carried out using a binocular microscope. The results of the study show that the pubescence of the spikelet is an essential characteristic for the identification of species. Moreover, the relative lengths of the upper glume and lower lemma are very interesting for the discrimination of species closely related. However, the additional study of vegetative organs of the adult plant shows that some vegetative characteristics could contribute considerably to the improvement of the identification of species. It is the biological cycle, the pubescence of the ligule, the margin of the leaf blade, nodes and internodes of the thatch which are characteristics easier to observe. A key of determination based on vegetative and reproductive characteristics of species is thus worked out.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Digitaria, Poaceae, review, key of determination, Senega

    One-Year Clinical Evaluation of the Bonding Effectiveness of a One-Step, Self-Etch Adhesive in Noncarious Cervical Lesion Therapy

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    This study evaluated the one-year clinical performance of a one-step, self-etch adhesive (Optibond All-in-One, Kerr, CA, USA) combined with a composite (Herculite XRV Ultra, Kerr Hawe, CA, USA) to restore NCCLs with or without prior acid etching. Restorations performed by the same practitioner were evaluated at baseline and after 3, 6, and 12 months using modified USPHS criteria. At 6 months, the recall rate was 100%. The retention rate was 84.2% for restorations with prior acid etching, but statistically significant differences were observed between baseline and 6 months. Without acid etching, the retention rate was 77%, and no statistically significant difference was noted between 3 and 6 months. Marginal integrity (93.7% with and 87.7% without acid etching) and discoloration (95.3% with and 92.9% without acid etching) were scored as Alpha or Bravo, with better results after acid etching. After one year, the recall rate was 58.06%. Loss of pulp vitality, postoperative sensitivity, or secondary caries were not observed. After one year retention rate was of 90.6% and 76.9% with and without acid conditioning. Optibond All-in-One performs at a satisfactory clinical performance level for restoration of NCCLs after 12 months especially after acid etching

    Associated factors to hypertension, known poorly controlled hypertension and newly diagnosed hypertension among people aged 18-70 in Senegal

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    Introduction: In this study, we aimed to determine the factors associated with hypertension, known poorly controlled hypertension and newly diagnosed hypertension in 2015 in order to improve the prevention of this pathology in our country. Materials and Methods: This was a secondary analysis of the national WHO STEPwise survey database. It was quantitative, descriptive with an analytical aim. The sampling was done in stratification in three stages of sampling. Statistical analysis was performed using Rstudio 4.0.2 software. It was a descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analysis using binomial logistic regression for explanatory purposes. Results: The risk factors for being hypertensive among 18-70-year-olds in Senegal in 2015 are: having taken their blood pressure at least once in their life, having taken their cholesterol levels at least once in their life, having received advice to reduce salt consumption, have received advice on how to reduce the amount of sugar, be lean BMI, overweight, obesity III, be between 35-39 and 65-70 years old. The protective factors are: checking the salt content indicated on the labels, Consuming salt-rich dishes “often” compared to “never”, The risk factors for being newly diagnosed with hypertension among 18-70-year-olds in Senegal in 2015 are: having a history of stroke, having a resting heart rate greater than 80 beats per minute, consuming palm oil, have high fasting blood sugar. The protective factors are: Having a high average number of meals eaten per week not prepared at home, checking the salt content indicated on the labels, and being of the female sex. The risk factors for being known to have poorly controlled hypertension among 18-70-year-olds in Senegal in 2015 are: judging their reduction in salt consumption “Very important”, and having received advice to reduce their salt consumption. The protective factors are: performing physical activity only when traveling and limiting the consumption of salty-ready meals. Conclusion: Senegalese family cooking exposes to hypertension, small actions limiting salt consumption strongly protect against hypertension, and simple physical activity during travel strongly protects against hypertension, but the health system is very little proactive in the primordial and primary prevention of hypertension
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