110 research outputs found

    Reconstitution territoriale et codéveloppement

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    Éloignés de leur région d’origine, les migrants sahéliens participent aux processus de transformation territoriale et sociale aussi bien dans les zones d’émigration que dans les pays d’immigration. La concrétisation de leurs projets liés à l’émigration témoigne de leur capacité à agir sur un espace à distance. Elle engage la fabrication progressive de nouveaux territoires et de nouveaux modes de concertation. Cependant, dans le cadre institutionnel du codéveloppement, l’expérience des migrants n’est pas toujours valorisée

    Production du fourrage de Mucuna pruriens pour l’alimentation des animaux et sa marge brute en zone cotonnière du Mali

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    En zone cotonnière du Mali, la situation d’affouragement des animaux est largement dĂ©ficitaire. Pour amĂ©liorer la disponibilitĂ© des ressources fourragères, la recherche en partenariat avec les producteurs a introduit en milieu paysan la culture de Mucuna pruriens. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  Ă©valuer les performances de M. pruriens dans la production du fourrage pour les animaux. Les essais ont Ă©tĂ©  conduits par 25 producteurs rĂ©partis dans 5 sites durant les campagnes agricoles 2015-2016, 2016-2017 et 2017-2018. Les essais Ă©taient divisĂ©s en deux parcelles tests : culture pure de M. pruriens et association M. pruriens/maĂŻs. La production moyenne en biomasse de  M. pruriens pur sur les 3 campagnes agricoles a Ă©tĂ© de 4 363±1 491kg MS/ha. Cette production couvre les besoins en matière sèche de 7,76±2,65 UBT durant 90 jours. Pour l’association, la production de biomasse a Ă©tĂ© de 5 449±1 766 kg MS/ha, elle couvre les besoins en matière sèche de 9,69±3,14 UBT pendant 90 jours. La marge brute de la culture pure de M. pruriens est de 786 060±298 140 FCFA/ha. Pour l’association, elle est de 850 917±36 1887 FCFA/ha. La culture de M. pruriens favorise l’intĂ©gration agriculture-Ă©levage tout en  amĂ©liorant l’alimentation des animaux et les revenus des producteurs. Mots clĂ©s: Exploitation agricole, date de semis, Cultures fourragères, M. pruriens, zone cotonnière.   English Title: Production of Mucuna pruriens fodder for animal feed and its gross margin in the cotton-growing zone of Mali In Mali's cotton-growing zone, there is a large deficit in animal feed. To improve the availability of fodder resources, research in partnership with producers has introduced the cultivation of Mucuna pruriens into the farming environment. This study aims ed at evaluat’hg the performance of M. pruriens in the production of fodder for animals. The trials were conducted by 25 producers in 5 sites during the 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and  2017-2018 crop years. The trials were divided into two test plots: pure culture of M. pruriens and M. pruriens/corn combination. The average biomass production of pure M. pruriens over the 3 cropping seasons was 4363±1,491kg MS/ha. This production covers the dry matter requirement of  7.76±2.65 Btu for 90 days. For the association, the biomass production was 5449±1,766 kg DM/ha, covering the dry matter requirement  of 9.69±3.14 Btu for 90 days. The gross margin of the pure culture of M. pruriens is 786 060±298 140 FCFA/ha. For the association, it is 850 917±36 1887 FCFA/ha. The cultivation of M. pruriens promotes the integration of agriculture and livestock while improving animal  nutrition and the income of producers. Keywords: Farm, sowing date, fodder crops, M. pruriens, cotton ar

    Pauvreté et accès à l'eau dans la vallée du Sénégal

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    Water poverty in the Senegal Valley Considering the flood-recession agriculture, the hydraulic history of the valley of the Senegal River is ancient, but knows a deep mutation since the introduction of the irrigation. Can one speak of water poverty, whereas two dams now control the water flow of the Senegal River and ensure a permanent abundance in water ? The answer to this questioning is proposed through the link between poverty, access to funding, access to land, and involvement in resource management.L'histoire hydraulique de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal est ancienne et remonte à la culture de décrue. Mais elle connaît une profonde mutation depuis l'introduction de l'irrigation. Peut-on parler de « pauvreté hydraulique », alors que deux barrages régulent à présent le régime du fleuve Sénégal et assurent une permanence de l'abondance en eau ? La réponse à cette question est proposée sous l'angle de l'articulation entre la pauvreté, l'accès au financement, l'accès au foncier, la participation à la gestion de la ressource

    Pauvreté et accès à l'eau dans la vallée du Sénégal

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    L'histoire hydraulique de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal est ancienne et remonte à la culture de décrue. Mais elle connaît une profonde mutation depuis l'introduction de l'irrigation. Peut-on parler de « pauvreté hydraulique », alors que deux barrages régulent à présent le régime du fleuve Sénégal et assurent une permanence de l'abondance en eau ? La réponse à cette question est proposée sous l'angle de l'articulation entre la pauvreté, l'accès au financement, l'accès au foncier, la participation à la gestion de la ressource.HYDRAULIQUE ; HISTOIRE ; AMENAGEMENT HYDROAGRICOLE ; CULTURE DE DECRUE ; CULTURE IRRIGUEE ; SORGHO ; MIL ; RIZ IRRIGUE ; ACCES A LA TERRE ; RESSOURCES EN EAU ; GESTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; ACCES AU CREDIT ; TENURE FONCIERE ; ENDETTEMENT ; EXCLUSION SOCIALE ; PAUVRETE ; REVENUS AGRICOLES ; ORGANISATION PAYSANNE ; ACCES A L'EAU ; GESTION DE L'EAU ; SENEGAL ; FLEUVE SENEGAL VALLEE

    Révision du genre Digitaria Haller (Poaceae) au Sénégal : proposition d’une clé de détermination pour une meilleure identification des espèces

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    Le genre Digitaria Haller (Poaceae) constitue l’un des genres les plus diversifiés des Poaceae du Sénégal avec 19 espèces. Bien qu’il y ait une monographie mondiale du genre, la détermination des espèces reste difficile et repose essentiellement sur les caractères de l’appareil reproducteur. Ce travail, qui est une révision du genre Digitaria au Sénégal, est entrepris afin de rechercher des caractères pertinents sur l’appareil végétatif et d’améliorer l’identification des espèces. Pour ce faire, une description détaillée des différents organes des spécimens étudiés est réalisée à l’aide d’une loupe binoculaire. Les résultats de l’étude montrent que la pubescence de l’épillet est un caractère essentiel pour l’identification des espèces. De plus, les longueurs relatives de la glume supérieure et de la lemma inférieure sont très intéressantes pour la discrimination d’espèces affines. Toutefois, l’étude supplémentaire des organes végétatifs de la plante adulte montre que certains caractères végétatifs pourraient contribuer considérablement à l’amélioration de l’identification des espèces. Il s’agit du cycle biologique, de la pubescence de la ligule, de la marge du limbe, des noeuds et des entre-noeuds du chaume qui sont des caractères plus faciles à observer. Une clé de détermination basée sur des caractères végétatifs et reproducteurs des espèces est ainsi élaborée.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Digitaria, Poaceae, révision, clé de détermination, SénégalEnglish Title: Review of Digitaria Haller (Poaceae) genus in Senegal: suggestion of a determination key for a better identification of speciesEnglish AbstractThe genus Digitaria Haller (Poaceae) is one of the most diversified genera of Poaceae in Senegal with 19 species. Although it has a worldwide monograph of the genus, the identification of species remains difficult and mainly based on the characteristics of the reproductive system. This work, which is a review of the genus  Digitaria in Senegal, is undertaken in order to search relevant characteristics on the vegetative system and to improve the identification of species. To do this, a detailed description of the various organs of the studied specimens is carried out using a binocular microscope. The results of the study show that the pubescence of the spikelet is an essential characteristic for the identification of species. Moreover, the relative lengths of the upper glume and lower lemma are very interesting for the discrimination of species closely related. However, the additional study of vegetative organs of the adult plant shows that some vegetative characteristics could contribute considerably to the improvement of the identification of species. It is the biological cycle, the pubescence of the ligule, the margin of the leaf blade, nodes and internodes of the thatch which are characteristics easier to observe. A key of determination based on vegetative and reproductive characteristics of species is thus worked out.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Digitaria, Poaceae, review, key of determination, Senega

    Dynamics of germs responsible for acute bacterial meningitis in Burkina Faso in the last ten years (2005-2014)

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    The aim of this study was to analyze ten (10) years of epidemiological surveillance data of meningitis in Burkina Faso for high risk germs patterns identification in order to contribute to the strengthening of prevention strategies.A retrospective study of the past decade (2005- 2014) of cases of acute bacterial meningitis occurred in the thirteen health regions, collected through epidemiological surveillance data meningitis in Burkina Faso. From a total of 88 057 suspected cases of acute bacterial meningitis, we recorded 9134 deaths. From the laboratory confirmed cases, the identified germs were as follows: 56.79% of Neisseria meningitidis, 41.09% of Streptococcus pneumoniae and 2.13% of Haemophilus influenzae. Among the meningococcus isolated, we observed the following distribution: 23.11% of NmA, 58.84% of NmW and 18% of NmX.Mortality associated with acute bacterial meningitis remains still high in Burkina Faso despite the complete disappearance of NmA since 2012, after the conjugate vaccine A (MenAfriVac) has been introduced in this country. However the emergence of NmX, the reemergence of NmW and the persistence of high prevalence of Streptococcus pneumoniae are a major concern in the fight against meningitis in Burkina Faso. So, it is necessary, in addition to the strengthening of surveillance, diagnosis and case management to develop and make available and accessible a conjugate trivalent vaccine against NmA the NmX and NmW serogroups.Keywords: meningococcal meningitis, W and X serogroups, Streptococcus pneumoniae, MenAfriVa

    Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of meningococcal carriage and disease isolates in Burkina Faso after mass vaccination with a serogroup a conjugate vaccine

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    BACKGROUND: The conjugate vaccine against serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis (NmA), MenAfriVac, was first introduced in mass vaccination campaigns of the 1-29-year-olds in Burkina Faso in 2010. The aim of this study was to genetically characterize meningococcal isolates circulating in Burkina Faso before and up to 13 months after MenAfriVac mass vaccination. METHODS: A total of 1,659 meningococcal carriage isolates were collected in a repeated cross-sectional carriage study of the 1-29-year-olds in three districts of Burkina Faso in 2010 and 2011, before and up to 13 months after mass vaccination. Forty-two invasive isolates were collected through the national surveillance in Burkina Faso in the same period. All the invasive isolates and 817 carriage isolates were characterized by serogroup, multilocus sequence typing and porA-fetA sequencing. RESULTS: Seven serogroup A isolates were identified, six in 2010, before vaccination (4 from carriers and 2 from patients), and one in 2011 from an unvaccinated patient; all were assigned to sequence type (ST)-2859 of the ST-5 clonal complex. No NmA carriage isolate and no ST-2859 isolate with another capsule were identified after vaccination. Serogroup X carriage and disease prevalence increased before vaccine introduction, due to the expansion of ST-181, which comprised 48.5% of all the characterized carriage isolates. The hypervirulent serogroup W ST-11 clone that was responsible for most of meningococcal disease in 2011 and 2012 was not observed in 2010; it appeared during the epidemic season of 2011, when it represented 40.6% of the serogroup W carriage isolates. CONCLUSIONS: Successive clonal waves of ST-181 and ST-11 may explain the changing epidemiology in Burkina Faso after the virtual disappearance of NmA disease and carriage. No ST-2859 strain of any serogroup was found after vaccination, suggesting that capsule switching of ST-2859 did not occur, at least not during the first 13 months after vaccination

    Participatory processes in water governance in Senegal: the case study of the Ecopass project

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    Giving that participation represents a crucial element in any model of environmental governance today,the article - after describing participatory processes, related to the management of water resources andto the international development cooperation, and introducing water governance in Senegal - deals withthe features of the process implemented by the Ecopas project in four municipalities in the DakarMetropolitan area. The field of application is the governance of environmental resources with a specialfocus on water resources. The participatory processes accompanied all the activities carried out byEcopas and in particular they focused on the development of water and sanitation guidelines, the Atlasof issues and challenges of environmental governance, and the territorial pact for environmentconservation and promotion, which was signed by the municipalities targeted by the project. Theguiding approach was the structured dialogue, which promotes in an organised way the activeparticipation of local communities and Civil Society Organisations (Cso), and their interaction withpolicy makers.Essendo la partecipazione ormai un elemento cruciale in qualsiasi modello di governance ambientale,l'articolo - dopo un'introduzione sui processi partecipativi nella gestione delle risorse idriche e nellacooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo, e sulla governance dell'acqua in Senegal - analizza lemodalità di realizzazione dei processi partecipativi nel campo della governance delle risorse ambientalie in particolare delle risorse idriche, a partire dal progetto Ecopas in quattro comuni della periferia diDakar. I processi partecipativi hanno interessato tutte le attività svolte dal progetto Ecopas ed inparticolare quelle riguardanti lo sviluppo delle linee guida in materia di acqua e servizi igienicosanitari,l'atlante dei temi e delle sfide della governance inclusiva delle risorse ambientali, e il pattoterritoriale per la conservazione e la promozione dell'ambiente firmato dai comuni dell'area diintervento. L'approccio guida utilizzato è quello del dialogo strutturato, che promuove in modoorganizzato la partecipazione attiva delle comunità locali e delle Organizzazioni della Società Civile(Osc) e la loro interazione con i decisori politici

    Qualite de vie apres un accident vasculaire cerebral au Senegal: a propos de 50 cas

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    Introduction: L’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) constitue une cause majeure de mortalité et de handicap chez les survivants. La qualité de vie dépend de la nature du handicap et de sa perception par le patient, son entourage et la communauté.Objectif: Notre objectif était d’évaluer le handicap après un AVC et d’apprécier son retentissement sur la qualité de vie des patients victimes.Patients et Méthodes: Nous avons mené une étude prospective, longitudinale de février 2008 à mai 2009, à la clinique neurologique de FANN. Les patients étaient vus à la phase initiale de l’AVC et 6 mois après et soumis à un questionnaire comportant plusieurs items relatifs à la nature de l’accident vasculaire cérébral, le vécu psychoaffectif et socioprofessionnel, l’index de Barthel a été utilisé chez tous les malades.Résultats: Nous avons colligé 50 patients âgés de 15 à 82 ans, avec une sex-ratio de 1,27. L’accident était ischémique dans 70%, hémorragique dans 30% des cas. 66% des patients avaient un index de Barthel entre (60-100), 6% étaient entre (0-20). Le score était meilleur chez les jeunes (15ans-34ans) qui avait tous un index entre (60-100). Par ailleurs 50% des patients de la tranche supérieure à 75ans étaient dans l’intervalle (60-100). Les AVCH avaient des Meilleurs résultats avec 73,3% à un index entre (60-100). seul 12% ont été réinsérés, sur le plan professionnel. 54,05%, n’ont pas noté de changement dans leur vie conjugale. Sur le plan familial, 56% ne notaient aucun changement. Une grande partie de notre série 44% acceptaient bien leurs  déficits,. 70% ne faisaient plus d’activités de temps libre.Conclusion: La qualité de vie est un concept multidimensionnel qui incorpore outre la santé physique les aspects mentaux et sociaux de la maladie.Mots clés: AVC, qualité de vie, SénégalEnglish Title: Quality of life after stroke in Senegal: about 50 casesEnglish AbstractIntroduction: Stroke is a major cause of mortality and disability in survivors. The quality of life depends on the nature of disability and its perception by the patient, his or her environment and community. The aim of this study was to assess disability after stroke and its impact on quality of life of patients (victims).Patients And Methods: We conducted a prospective, longitudinal study from February 2008 to May 2009, at the Neurological Clinic of Fann. Patients were seen at the initial phase of stroke and 6 months later and answered a questionnary containing 13 items like nature of stroke disability psychological emotional and socioprofessional filds. The index of barthel was used at all the patient’s.Results: We collected, were like this 50 patients aged 15-82 years with a sex ratio of 1.27. The accident was ischemic in 70% of cases, hemorrhagic in 30% of cases. 66% had a Barthel index between (60-100), 6% were between (0-20). The score was significantly better in young series (15-34), which all have a Barthel index between (60-100), more over 50% of patients in the portion above 75 years were in the range (60 - 100). Hemorragic stroke had the best results with 73.3% a Barthel index between (60-100). On a professional level, only 12% patients were rehabilitated. 54.05% didn’t notice any change in their marital life. On the home front, 56% noted any change. A large part of our series 44% accepted although their deficits. 70% didn’t have any more free time activities.Keywords: quality of life, stroke, Senega
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