10 research outputs found

    A machine learning-based system for detecting leishmaniasis in microscopic images

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    Background Leishmaniasis, a disease caused by a protozoan, causes numerous deaths in humans each year. After malaria, leishmaniasis is known to be the deadliest parasitic disease globally. Direct visual detection of leishmania parasite through microscopy is the frequent method for diagnosis of this disease. However, this method is time-consuming and subject to errors. This study was aimed to develop an artificial intelligence-based algorithm for automatic diagnosis of leishmaniasis. Methods We used the Viola-Jones algorithm to develop a leishmania parasite detection system. The algorithm includes three procedures: feature extraction, integral image creation, and classification. Haar-like features are used as features. An integral image was used to represent an abstract of the image that significantly speeds up the algorithm. The adaBoost technique was used to select the discriminate features and to train the classifier. Results A 65 recall and 50 precision was concluded in the detection of macrophages infected with the leishmania parasite. Also, these numbers were 52 and 71, respectively, related to amastigotes outside of macrophages. Conclusion The developed system is accurate, fast, easy to use, and cost-effective. Therefore, artificial intelligence might be used as an alternative for the current leishmanial diagnosis methods

    Integrating multiple scales of hydraulic conductivity measurements in training image-based stochastic models

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    Hydraulic conductivity is one of the most critical and at the same time one of the most uncertain parameters in many groundwater models. One problem commonly faced is that the data are usually not collected at the same scale as the discretized elements used in a numerical model. Moreover, it is common that different types of hydraulic conductivity measurements, corresponding to different spatial scales, coexist in a studied domain, which have to be integrated simultaneously. Here we address this issue in the context of Image Quilting, one of the recently developed multiple-point geostatistics methods. Based on a training image that represents fine-scale spatial variability, we use the simplified renormalization upscaling method to obtain a series of upscaled training images that correspond to the different scales at which measurements are available. We then apply Image Quilting with such a multiscale training image to be able to incorporate simultaneously conditioning data at several spatial scales of heterogeneity. The realizations obtained satisfy the conditioning data exactly across all scales, but it can come at the expense of a small approximation in the representation of the physical scale relationships. In order to mitigate this approximation, we iteratively apply a kriging-based correction to the finest scale that ensures local conditioning at the coarsest scales. The method is tested on a series of synthetic examples where it gives good results and shows potential for the integration of different measurement methods in real-case hydrogeological models

    The prevalence and trends of waterpipe tobacco smoking: A systematic review

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