56 research outputs found

    Study of gill and kidney tissue changes in Tenualosa ilisha during migration from sea to the Karun and Bahmanshir Rivers

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    In this research, histological changes of gill and kidney, as a basic and important organ in osmoregulation, during migration from Musa creek to Karun and Bahmanshir Rivers was studied. Ten fish from each station of Persian Gulf, Karun and Bahmanshir with similarity in biometric of size and weight were collected. After fixation in Bouin's solutions, routine procedure of tissue preparation was done and 6 μm sections stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, studied by optical microscope equipped with a daynolit lenses. The greatest number and area of chloride cells were seen in sea samples but they decreased during migration to Karun and Bahmanshir Rivers (p0.05). In kidney, during migration from the sea to the river, the diameter of proximal and distal lumen increased. But in Karun samples, diameter of lumen of distal tubules were higher than others station. Also, there was no significant difference in other tubule between in Karun and Bahmanshir samples. Therefore according to this study, gill and kidney have active participation in osmoregulation. This fish can be a good model for study of osmoregulation in different salinities because of adaptation and response to different environmental salinities in gill that associated with histologic changes

    Comparison of the Antifungal Activity of Titanium Dioxide Based Nano-Silver Packaging and Conventional Polyethylene Packaging in Consumed Bread

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    Using titanium dioxide nano-silver packaging, which is antibacterial and resistance to the diffusion of gases such as oxygen, is increasing in food industry. Therefore, we compared the effect of titanium dioxide-based nano-silver packaging and conventional polyethylene packaging on the fungal flora of consuming bread in order to increase the shelf-life storage of consuming bread. One hundred forty four samples of 6 different types of loaf of bread were randomly obtained from 12 bakeries in District 2 of Tehran. The samples were packaged with 3%, 5% and 10% nano-coatings, and also conventional polyethylene coatings as the control group. The bacterial examination and monitoring of samples, according to the national standards of Iran, was carried out 3 times, on the days 1, 3, 7, 14 and 28 of the study period. This study showed that the film type and storage period were the main factors, which significantly influenced the fungal flora of bread. The lowest rate of various fungi growth (%14) was observed in the 10% nano-film, while the highest rate of various fungi growth (47%) was observed in the conventional polyethylene coating (P<0.001). With the increase of the storage period, the number of various fungi increased; however, this correlation was not similar in most of the breads and fungi types, and there were significant difference between them in this regard (P=0.001). According to the results of the present study, due to increasing population growth and in order to improve food security, the use of packages with nano-silver particles, which are based on titanium dioxide, prevails over the polyethylene packages. Therefore, using such packages is highly recommended in the bakery industry

    Relationship between personal characteristics of specialist physicians and choice of practice location in Iran

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    Introduction: Uneven geographic distribution of physicians is a major healthcare issue in Iran. This study aimed to explore the relationship between personal characteristics of the recently graduated specialist physicians in Iran and their choice of practice location. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to extract information with regard to 3825 recently graduated specialist physicians from all medical schools across Iran between 2009 and 2012. The relationship between physicians' personal attributes and their desire to practise in underdeveloped areas was analyzed using �2 test and logistic regression analysis. Results: Birthplace, sex, exposure to rural practice before residency program, place of residence, and year of graduation were associated with physicians' desire to practise in an underdeveloped area. The logistic regression showed that female physicians were less likely to choose underdeveloped areas to practise as compared with their male counterparts (OR=0.659, 95CI, 0.557-0.781, p�0.001). Physicians who lived in underdeveloped areas were nine times more likely to choose underdeveloped areas to practise as compared with those living in other areas (OR=8.966, 95CI, 4.717-17.041, p�0.001). Physicians who did not have previous exposure to rural practice were 28 less likely to choose to serve in the underdeveloped areas as compared to those who had such exposure (OR=0.780, 95CI, 0.661-0.922, p=0.004). Neither physicians' marital status nor their success in the board certification exam was associated with their choice of practice location. Conclusions: It seems that increasing the enrollment of physicians with a rural background in residency programs may solve the problem of uneven distribution of specialist physicians in Iran. Because female physicians are less willing to work in the underdeveloped areas than male physicians, increasing the number of male student admissions to residency programs, particularly in certain specialties that are more in demand in the underdeveloped areas, could alleviate the problem of uneven distribution of physicians in the short run. Further, programs that support raising the admissions of female students with a rural background into local medical universities along with providing incentives to encourage them to live and work in rural areas should be put on the policy agenda. © James Cook University 2016

    Caspian Sea level fluctuation and determination of setback line

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    In the past 25 years, rising of the Caspian Sea level, part of a natural treat to the sea, has inundated and destroyed many buildings and arable lands and threatened many inhabitations in coastal areas. The main reason for these damages is that the law-setback has lost its efficiency and human activities have proceeded seaward. The goal of this study is to introduce a proper setback line for the southern coast of Caspian Sea on the basis of critical water elevation and the results of coastal vulnerability assessment to sea level rise. This setback contains vertical and horizontal buffers. The Coastal vulnerability index (CVI) method is used for coastal vulnerability assessment and is also used in the Geographic Information System. Five variables in two sub-indices were used in this method. The final map obtained from coastal vulnerability assessment divided the coastal zone into low, moderate, high and very high risk categories based on quartile ranges and visual inspection of data. A mean distance of very high risk category of vulnerability map from a second vertical buffer in each rural district was then proposed as a width of horizontal buffer in the same rural district

    Morphological changes of mitochondria-rich cells in gill of Sparidentex hasta during adaptation to different environmental salinities by scanning electron microscopy

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    To determine the cellular and adaptations changes in mitochondria-rich cells under different salinities, Sparidentex hasta as a urihaline has been studied.180 fish weighing 150 ± 0.5 gr and 23±1 cm length, were directly exposed to (5, 20, 40 and 60 ppt) salinities for a week. Sampling was performed on days 1, 2 and 7 and three fish from each tank (12 fish from each treatment) were sampled each time. Samples were fixed in glutaraldehyde 2/5 % solution and washed with 0.1M (pH=7.4) buffer phosphate. Samples were dehydrated in increasing ethanol series (from 50 % to pure ethanol) followed by 100 % acetone. Tissue blocks were frozen by liquid nitrogen and then immediately followed by scanning electron microscope LEO (Model 1455VP) with 15Kv voltage. Scanning electron microscope revealed three types of mitochondria-rich cells with derived apertures, shallow and deep apical openings. The number and size of mitochondria-rich cells in the apical openings in 60ppt salinity increased on the first day compared to rest of the treatments. During the experiment, the density and size of the openings in the mitochondria-rich cells in the lower salinity increased but in higher salinity of sea water size and density of openings decreased during experiment

    Renal histomorphological responses in adaptation to different environmental salinities in Sparidentex hasta

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    Water and electrolyte balance is vital for aquatic organisms in both hyper and hypo osmotic environments. Kidneys as excretory organs play an important role in osmoregulation and body fluid homeostasis. In this study a total number of 180 Sobayti (Teleost: Sparidentex hasta) were exposed to different salinities to assess changes in the kidney structure and alterations in plasma levels of electrolytes, glucose and cortisol. Salinity challenges were examined for a period of 14 days in four experimental groups: 40ppt as control and 5, 20 and 60 ppt as other experimental treatments. 24 hours after salinity challenge, significant changes were observed in the lumen diameter of the primary proximal tubule at the sections from trunk kidney in both 5 and 20 ppt conditions (P0.05).However, lumen diameter of the distal tubule of nephron in the trunk kidney, increased significantly in 60 ppt treatment 48 hours from starting the experiment (P0.05). According to the results, histomorphological changes in the different parts of the kidney returned to the basic structure with in 24 to 48hours after exposure to different salinities


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    Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan pemahaman dan implementasi digital entrepreneurship melalui pelatihan startup digital di kalangan remaja. Pada Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) dilakukan pelatihan dalam merancang ide dan business plan dengan kriteria target pencapaian 80-100%.  Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 25 orang yang berasal dari seka truna-truni di Kecamatan Kuta Selatan. Kegiatan   pelatihan dilakukan    secara    luring    dengan    melibatkan   akademisi   dan   praktisi. Kegitan ini dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan kerja yaitu; Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan, Observasi, Evaluasi dan Refleksi. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebelum pelatihan konsep startup, merancang ide startup dan menyusun business plan adalah sebesar 36% dan setelah kegiatan meningkat menjadi 64% dengan kategori sangat baik. Seluruh peserta memberikan respon positif terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dan kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat berlangsung secara berkesinambungan

    Agreement of the clinician’s choice of archwire selection on conventional and virtual models

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    Objectives: To compare archwire selection on dental casts with archwire selection using a three-dimensional (3D) software program (OrthoAid) and assess agreement between clinicians. Materials and Methods: The best-fitting archwires were selected for dental casts of 100 patients with malocclusion using two approaches by three orthodontists. The first method was to visually determine the fitness of five preformed nickel titanium archwires to the arch form on a dental cast (subjective method). The second method was archwire selection on a virtual image of the same cast by means of 3D software (objective method). Agreement between selections performed by the orthodontists was calculated using Kappa statistics. The accuracy of fit of the archwires to the curves fitted to the arch form was also calculated or reversely assessed by means of the root mean square (RMS) for both methods using the Dahlberg formula. Results: The mean RMS of the distances between the patient arch forms and the archwires for the subjective method was 1.163–1.366 mm. The agreement of selections between orthodontists was 42%–58% (Kappa ranged from .074 to .382). Using the 3D software (objective method), the mean RMS decreased to 0.966–1.171 mm, and agreement increased to 47% to 84% (Kappa ranged from .444 to .747). Conclusions: The use of 3D computer software for archwire selection in patients with malocclusion provided better adaptation and interexaminer reliability


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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri anak-anak Panti Asuhan Khoirul Ummah saat berkomunikasi dan pengenalan lebih dalam mengenai penggunaan teknologi dalam kehidupan. Mitra pengabdian kegiatan ini yaitu Panti Asuhan Khoirul Ummah  yang berlokasi di Jl. Lange IV, Br.Batannyuh, Pemecutan Kelod Denpasar Barat, Bali. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah pelatihan secara tatap muka dengan jumlah peserta kegiatan sebanyak 18 anak. Tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi, survei, analisis permasalahan mitra, pelatihan dan sharing session, pengisian kuesioner pra dan pasca pelatihan, dan evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian menunjukan peningkatan persentase pemahaman public speaking sebesar 16,05% dengan nilai persentase awal 54,54% meningkat menjadi 70,59%. Sedangkan untuk peningkatan persentase pemahaman teknologi sebesar 17,26% dari persentase awal 45,09% menjadi 62,35%. Hasil-hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pemahaman anak-anak terhadap public speaking dan pengenalan teknologi informasi yang disampaikan pada pelatihan

    Hygienic monitoring of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) on Aras Lake reservoir

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    Aras dam reservoir situated in the northwest of Iran, west Azarbaijan province, is the only water resource of Astacus leptodactylus harvest in the country that more than 250tons of this species were exported to different countries all over the world, annually. On the other hand, one of the polices of Iranian Science Fisheries Institute is the release of this species into other water resources in the country and for this purpose, the study of risky diseases such as Crayfish pest (Aphanomysis astasi) and other zoonotic diseases are considered as the research priorities of aquaculture development of the country. This study was carried out to health screening of Astacus leptodactylus at Aras dam reservoir from winter 2013 to fall 2014. In this regard, A total of 394 harvested livefreshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus (255males, 139females) weretested. 9 epibionts and parasites peritrich protozoans were identified. From Metazoan parasites group, Branchiobdella kozarovi with incidence rate of (100%) in obtained samples was the only isolated organism from this group that identified up to species level. There was a heavy damage in gills of samples with Aeolosoma hemprichi (Annelid) in winter with90% prevalence. Furthermore, Other Epibiont fouling organisms such as Rotatoria; free living nematods and suctoria were observed in this survey. The fungi study of the lesions and melanized spots of mentioned samples revealed their infection to Penicillium expansum; Aspergillus flavus; Alternaria sp. ; Fusarium sp. and Saprolegnia sp. The results of bacterial study confirmed the presence of pathogen bacteria in Astacus leptodactylus. The most frequency percentage (15.16%) in hepatopancrease were related to Aeromonas hydrophila and the least one (1.37%) were due to Yersinia bacteria. Also, only Aeromonas hydrophila and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated and identified from heamolymph, respectively. The results revealed that the combination of Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus sp. has caused the most infection rate while. Yersinia ruckeri and Salmonella typhi has caused the least infections in Astacus leptodactylus. According to the isolation of 6 bacteria species from hepatopancreas and 2 species from heamplymph , it can be concluded that hepatopancreas enjoyed the higher infection rate compared to haemolymph in the obtained samples