158 research outputs found

    Symplectic Fluctuations for Electromagnetic Excitations of Hall Droplets

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    We show that the integer quantum Hall effect systems in plane, sphere or disc, can be formulated in terms of an algebraic unified scheme. This can be achieved by making use of a generalized Weyl--Heisenberg algebra and investigating its basic features. We study the electromagnetic excitation and derive the Hamiltonian for droplets of fermions on a two-dimensional Bargmann space (phase space). This excitation is introduced through a deformation (perturbation) of the symplectic structure of the phase space. We show the major role of Moser's lemma in dressing procedure, which allows us to eliminate the fluctuations of the symplectic structure. We discuss the emergence of the Seiberg--Witten map and generation of an abelian noncommutative gauge field in the theory. As illustration of our model, we give the action describing the electromagnetic excitation of a quantum Hall droplet in two-dimensional manifold.Comment: 23 page

    Combined quay crane assignment and quay crane scheduling with crane inter-vessel movement and non-interference constraints

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    Integrated models of the quay crane assignment problem (QCAP) and the quay crane scheduling problem (QCSP) exist. However, they have shortcomings in that some do not allow movement of quay cranes between vessels, others do not take into account precedence relationships between tasks, and yet others do not avoid interference between quay cranes. Here, an integrated and comprehensive optimization model that combines the two distinct QCAP and QCSP problems which deals with the issues raised is put forward. The model is of the mixed-integer programming type with the objective being to minimize the difference between tardiness cost and earliness income based on finishing time and requested departure time for a vessel. Because of the extent of the model and the potential for even small problems to lead to large instances, exact methods can be prohibitive in computational time. For this reason an adapted genetic algorithm (GA) is implemented to cope with this computational burden. Experimental results obtained with branch-and-cut as implemented in CPLEX and GA for small to large-scale problem instances are presented. The paper also includes a review of the relevant literature

    An evolutionary approach to a combined mixed integer programming model of seaside operations as arise in container ports

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    This paper puts forward an integrated optimisation model that combines three distinct problems, namely berth allocation, quay crane assignment, and quay crane scheduling that arise in container ports. Each one of these problems is difficult to solve in its own right. However, solving them individually leads almost surely to sub-optimal solutions. Hence, it is desirable to solve them in a combined form. The model is of the mixed-integer programming type with the objective being to minimize the tardiness of vessels and reduce the cost of berthing. Experimental results show that relatively small instances of the proposed model can be solved exactly using CPLEX. Large scale instances, however, can only be solved in reasonable times using heuristics. Here, an implementation of the genetic algorithm is considered. The effectiveness of this implementation is tested against CPLEX on small to medium size instances of the combined model. Larger size instances were also solved with the genetic algorithm, showing that this approach is capable of finding the optimal or near optimal solutions in realistic times

    Quadrature Strategies for Constructing Polynomial Approximations

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    Finding suitable points for multivariate polynomial interpolation and approximation is a challenging task. Yet, despite this challenge, there has been tremendous research dedicated to this singular cause. In this paper, we begin by reviewing classical methods for finding suitable quadrature points for polynomial approximation in both the univariate and multivariate setting. Then, we categorize recent advances into those that propose a new sampling approach and those centered on an optimization strategy. The sampling approaches yield a favorable discretization of the domain, while the optimization methods pick a subset of the discretized samples that minimize certain objectives. While not all strategies follow this two-stage approach, most do. Sampling techniques covered include subsampling quadratures, Christoffel, induced and Monte Carlo methods. Optimization methods discussed range from linear programming ideas and Newton's method to greedy procedures from numerical linear algebra. Our exposition is aided by examples that implement some of the aforementioned strategies

    Chemical–Genetic Profiling of Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines and -Pyrimidines Reveals Target Pathways Conserved between Yeast and Human Cells

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    Small molecules have been shown to be potent and selective probes to understand cell physiology. Here, we show that imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines and imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidines compose a class of compounds that target essential, conserved cellular processes. Using validated chemogenomic assays in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we discovered that two closely related compounds, an imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine and -pyrimidine that differ by a single atom, have distinctly different mechanisms of action in vivo. 2-phenyl-3-nitroso-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine was toxic to yeast strains with defects in electron transport and mitochondrial functions and caused mitochondrial fragmentation, suggesting that compound 13 acts by disrupting mitochondria. By contrast, 2-phenyl-3-nitroso-imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidine acted as a DNA poison, causing damage to the nuclear DNA and inducing mutagenesis. We compared compound 15 to known chemotherapeutics and found resistance required intact DNA repair pathways. Thus, subtle changes in the structure of imidazo-pyridines and -pyrimidines dramatically alter both the intracellular targeting of these compounds and their effects in vivo. Of particular interest, these different modes of action were evident in experiments on human cells, suggesting that chemical–genetic profiles obtained in yeast are recapitulated in cultured cells, indicating that our observations in yeast can: (1) be leveraged to determine mechanism of action in mammalian cells and (2) suggest novel structure–activity relationships

    Plant genomics in Africa: present and prospects

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    Plants are the world’s most consumed goods. They are of high economic value and bring many health benefits. In most countries in Africa, the supply and quality of food will rise to meet the growing population’s increasing demand. Genomics and other biotechnology tools offer the opportunity to improve subsistence crops and medicinal herbs in the continent. Significant advances have been made in plant genomics, which have enhanced our knowledge of the molecular processes underlying both plant quality and yield. The sequencing of complex genomes of African plant species, facilitated by the continuously evolving nextgeneration sequencing technologies and advanced bioinformatics approaches, has provided new opportunities for crop improvement. This review summarizes the achievements of genome sequencing projects of endemic African plants in the last two decades. We also present perspectives and challenges for future plant genomic studies that will accelerate important plant breeding programs for African communities. These challenges include a lack of basic facilities, a lack of sequencing and bioinformatics facilities, and a lack of skills to design genomics studies. However, it is imperative to state that African countries have become key players in the plant genome revolution and genome derived-biotechnology. Therefore, African governments should invest in public plant genomics research and applications, establish bioinformatics platforms and training programs, and stimulate university and industry partnerships to fully deploy plant genomics, particularly in the fields of agriculture and medicine

    Role of mprF1 and mprF2 in the Pathogenicity of Enterococcus faecalis

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    Aujourd hui, Enterococcus faecalis est considéré comme l un des plus importants agents pathogènes causant des maladies nosocomiales. En raison de sa résistance innée et acquise aux antibiotiques, l identification de nouvelles cibles pour le traitement de cette bactérie est une grande priorité. Le facteur Multiple Peptide Résistance (MprF), qui a été décrit en premier chez Staphylococcus aureus, modifie le phosphatidylglycérol avec de la lysine et réduit ainsi la charge négative de l enveloppe cellulaire. Ceci a comme conséquence d augmenter la résistance aux peptides antimicrobiens cationiques (PAC). Deux gènes paralogues putatifs (mprF1 et mprF2) ont été identifiés chez E. faecalis par recherche BLAST en utilisant le gène décrit chez S. aureus. Une caractérisation de ces deux gènes d E. faecalis ainsi que des mécanismes conduisant à une résistance aux PAC, pourrait aider à développer des nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques contre ce pathogène. Deux mutants de délétion et un double mutant ont été construits par recombinaison homologue chez E. faecalis. L analyse des phospholipides des membranes cytoplasmiques des deux mutants mprF1 et mprF2 par chromatographie sur couche mince a montré que seule l inactivation de mprF2 inhibe la synthèse de trois amino-phosphatidlyglycérol distincts (comme la Lysine-PG, l Alanine-PG et l Arginine-PG). De plus, le mutant mprF2 est également plus sensible aux PAC que la souche sauvage. La capacité de formation d un biofilm est généralement considérée comme un facteur important de virulence, ce qui est également le cas pour les entérocoques. Le mutant mprF2 montre une capacité accrue dans ce phénomène. Ceci semble être du à une augmentation de la concentration d ADN extracellulaire dans le biofilm formé par ce mutant. Curieusement, cette augmentation est indépendante d une autolyse. Le mutant mprF2 est également plus résistant à l opsonophagocytose. Cependant, le gène mprF2 ne joue aucun rôle dans les bactériémies de souris et les endocardites de rats.En revanche, aucun phénotype n a été trouvé pour un mutant mprF1 jusqu à présent. Cette mutation ne modifie ni la synthèse de l aminoacyl-PG en condition de laboratoire ni la résistance aux PAC et à l opsonophagocytose. Par conséquent, il semble que mprF2 soit le seul gène mprF fonctionnel chez E. faecalis. Néanmoins, contrairement à d autres bactéries, mprF2 ne semble pas être un facteur de virulence majeur pour cette espèce.Enterococcus faecalis is regarded nowadays as one of the most important nosocomial pathogens. Due to its innate and acquired resistance to antibiotics, identification of new targets for antimicrobial treatment of E. faecalis is a high priority. The multiple peptides resistance factor (MprF), which was first described in Staphylococcus aureus, modifies phosphatidylglycerol with lysine and reduces the negative charge of the membrane, thus increasing resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs). Two putative mprF paralogs (mprF1 and mprF2) were identified in E. faecalis by Blast search using the well-described S. aureus gene as a lead. A better understanding of these two genes and mechanisms leads to enterococcal resistance to CAMPs might help designing therapeutic strategies against this bacteria. Two single deletion mutants and double mutant in E. faecalis were created by homologues recombination. Analysis of cell membrane phospholipids from both mutants by thin-layer chromatography showed that inactivation of mprF2 abolished the synthesis of three distinct amino-phosphatidylglycerol (mostly likely Lysin-PG, Alanine-PG and Argine-PG). The CAMPs testing assay demonstrated that the deletion mutant of mprF2 was more susceptible to CAMPs than the wild type. Biofilm formation is usually regarded as a virulence factor which provides an important way for enterococci to cause infections. Inactivation of mprF2 led to increase the biofilm formation which we showed that it was due to the accumulation of eDNA in the biofilm, but the release of eDNA is independent from autolysis. The mprF2 mutant was resistance to killing by opsonophagocytosis more than wild type. However, the mprF2 gene plays no role in bacteremia in mice and rat endocarditis. Our results showed that non polar effect mprF1 mutant does not affect in the synthesis of aminoacyl-PG in the laboratory condition. It also has no effect on susceptible to CAMPs, opsonic killing and autolysis. Therefore, it seems that mprF2 is the only functional mprF gene in E. faecalis in the laboratory condition. Unlike mprF found in other bacteria, mprF does not seem to be a major virulence factor in enterococci.CAEN-BU Sciences et STAPS (141182103) / SudocSudocFranceF
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