11 research outputs found

    Raspodjela, brojnost i biološki parametri vrste Cerastoderma glaucum (Mollusca: Bivalvia) duž obale zaljeva Gabes (Tunis, središnji Mediteran)

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    The cockle Cerastoderma glaucum (poiret, 1789) represents one of the most common marine mollusc species present in soft bottom infralittoral assemblages in Tunisian waters. The status of the species is still poorly known and there is a knowledge gap about its distribution, abundance and biological parameters. The significant ecological role of C. glaucum in the ecosystem and its possible future commercial interest requires a better knowledge of its stock. This study aimed to investigate the distribution, abundance and biology of these cockles along the Gabes coast. Cockles were collected, treated and data were analysed. In terms of geographical occupation, maps of the population distribution were drawn. The results showed a scattered distribution pattern of the species according to location ranging between 0 and 270 individuals per square meter. The consequence was a remarkable biomass which represented 1290±326 tons of total fresh weight and high abundance levels reaching over 403±104 million individuals estimated in the area of 3723 hectares. The distribution of the species has also been investigated in consideration with the size which varied markedly according to location, while the shell length ranged between 5 and 37 mm. Samples presented a balanced sex ratio, with males dominating among smaller individuals and females predominating in larger size-classes contrary to previous findings on this species. The size at which 50% of the population reached maturity was 14.29 and 16.59 mm SL for males and females, respectively. Findings of the current study suggest that C. glaucum well proliferates in southern Tunisian waters.Srčanka Cerastoderma glaucum (poiret, 1789) predstavlja jednu od najčešćih vrsta morskih mekušaca prisutnih u infralitoralnim zajednicama mekog dna u vodama Tunisa. Status ove vrste je još uvijek nedovoljno poznat te postoje praznine u znanju o njenoj raspodjeli, brojnosti i biološkim parametrima. značajna ekološka uloga vrste C. glaucum u ekosustavu i mogući budući komercijalni interes zahtijevaju bolje znanje o njenom stoku. Ova studija je usmjerena na istraživanje raspodjele, brojnosti i biologije srčanki duž obale zaljeva Gabes. Srčanke su sakupljane, obrađene i analizirani su podatci. u pogledu geografske rasprostranjenosti, nacrtane su karte raspodjele populacije. rezultati su pokazali raspršeni uzorak raspodjele vrste prema lokaciji u rasponu od 0 do 270 jedinki po kvadratnom metru. posljedica je bila izvanredna biomasa koja je predstavljala 1290±326 tone ukupne svježe mase i visoke razine brojnosti koje dosežu preko 403±104 milijuna jedinki procijenjenih na području od 3723 hektara. raspodjela vrste također je bila istraživana s obzirom na veličinu koja značajno koleba ovisno o lokaciji, dok je dužina ljušture bila u rasponu između 5 i 37 mm. primjerci su predstavili uravnotežen omjer spolova, sa mužjacima koji prevladavaju među manjim jedinkama i ženkama koje prevladavaju u razredima veće veličine, suprotno prijašnjim saznanjima za ovu vrstu. veličina kod koje 50% populacije doseže zrelost bila je između 14,29 i 16,59 mm Sl (shell length - dužine ljušture) za mužjake i ženke. Saznanja ove studije navode na to da se vrsta C. glaucum uspješno razmnožava u vodama južnog Tunisa

    The validity of the Bayley-Pinneau method in predicting final adult height at the onset of puberty in patients with classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia

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    Introduction: The final adult height (FAH) of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is often lower than the predicted adult height (PAH) using the Bayley-Pinneau (B&P) method. The aim of the current work was to test the validity of B&P in predicting FAH from a bone age (BA) measurement performed at onset of puberty. Material and ethods: This was a retrospective longitudinal observational convenience single-centre study. The study included 54 patients (male and female) with classic CAH, whether salt-wasting (SW) or simple virilising (SV), who had reached FAH. The results of auxological measurements and hormonal data around the time of puberty were retrieved from files. Predicted adult height (PAH) was calculated from a BA taken at onset of puberty and compared with FAH.  Results: The median PAH SDS at the onset of puberty (–1.5) was significantly greater than the median FAH SDS (–2.2) (p < 0.001). The median target height SDS (–0.8) was significantly higher than the median FAH SDS (–2.2) (p < 0.001). FAH and FAH SDS were significantly worse in females (150.36 ± 7.23; –2.05 ± 1.13) than in their male counterparts (162.86 ± 3.30; –1.53 ± 0.51) (p value < 0.001; 0.048). In patients with good control, there was no difference between PAH SDS (–1.7) and FAH SDS (–1.5) (p value = 0.37). In patients with poor control (over- or under-treated) FAH SDS (–2.1) was significantly lower than PAH SDS (–1.4) (p value < 0.001). Conclusion: The B&P method was able to accurately predict FAH in children with classic CAH, who were medically well controlled (based on 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels), but overestimated it by a significant 0.7 SD in poorly-controlled patients

    Significance of growth differentiation factor 15 in chronic HCV patients

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    Background and objective: Hepatitis C virus is the most common cause of chronic liver disease in Egypt. This work aims to assess the use of the simple and noninvasive biomarker Serum Growth differentiation Factor 15 (GDF-15), along with Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) and Ferritin for the diagnosis of advanced liver disease in chronic hepatitis C patients. Subjects and methods: This study was conducted on 60 patients, who were recruited from the National Liver and Tropical Diseases Institute, Cairo, Egypt, who were suffering from early & advanced liver cirrhosis and chronic active hepatitis. Twenty cases of healthy subjects served as controls. Serum (GDF-15), (AFP), Ferritin and Hepatitis markers were measured by ELISA method. Measurement of different liver enzyme activity was done by the kinetic methods. Results: Data analysis revealed significant increase in serum levels of GDF15 in patients with Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and Liver Cirrhosis (LC) compared to the healthy subjects. These results were parallel to those of serum levels of AFP, which also demonstrated significant increase in all patients groups as compared to normal control. A moderate increase in the GDF15 level was detected in the patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) compared to normal healthy subjects. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that GDF15 and AFP detection can help in the diagnosis and prediction of complications associated with CHC including liver cirrhosis and HCC. Also GDF15 can be used as a satisfactory serum marker of HCC and LC

    Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Algeria; Highlight on the Focus of M’Sila

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    International audienceAlgeria ranks second after Afghanistan for the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) worldwide. Here, we report a 34-years retrospective analysis of CL in Algeria and focused on the most affected region, the M’Sila province. All 66 cutaneous isolates corresponded to Leishmania (L.) major. Our study of the sandfly and rodent fauna further highlighted the high density of Phlebotomus papatasi and additional phlebotomine species of medical importance, not previously identified in M’Sila. Wild rodents belonging to nine species were trapped in M’Sila, and Psammomys obesus and Meriones shawi were found infected by L. major. In addition, Leishmania infantum was isolated from two visceral leishmaniasis cases, one dog and its proven vectors (P. perniciosus, P. longicuspis, and P. perfiliewi) inventoried during the survey. The high incidence of CL in the M’Sila province is likely a consequence of the increase in minimum temperatures recorded that constitutes suitable conditions for establishing a high endemicity and leads to an explosive rise in leishmaniases cases in this region. A thorough investigation of the underlying risk factors is urgently needed to detect new cases earlier. All these would improve the preparedness to fight the disease

    The impact of surgical delay on resectability of colorectal cancer: An international prospective cohort study

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to explore the impact of surgical delays on cancer resectability. This study aimed to compare resectability for colorectal cancer patients undergoing delayed versus non-delayed surgery