228 research outputs found

    An integrated study for hybrid composite beam (HCB) structures

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    The hybrid composite beam (HCB) consists of a self consolidating concrete (SCC) arch that is tied at the end by galvanized strands. The tied arch is encapsulated by a glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) shell. A limited number of researches have studied the essential design methodologies and long-term performance of the HCB. The research presented in this dissertation aimed to more fundamentally understand the structural behavior of this new beam and evaluate its durability. This research study was conducted through four phases. A full-scale bridge load testing was conducted on a single-web HCB bridge during the first phase. The first finite element analysis of an HCB bridge superstructure was conducted. The areas that need more research and investigation were highlighted. In the second phase, double-web HCB Bridge was instrumented by various sensors. Strains induced in HCB\u27s elements during several loading stages were collected. The existing flexural analysis method was unable to estimate accurately the induce strains. Analysis methods for a simply supported HCB and an HCB that is supported on bearing pads were proposed. These methods achieved significant enhancement in estimating the HCB\u27s strains. The HCB\u27s shell was subjected to five aging regimes during the third stage. The existing voids in the laminated shell made the fibers and the interphase regions prone to chemical and moisture attacks. However, the diffusion of the chemical solutions was always found to be confined to the first lamina. This result suggested that the composite shell is able to protect the strands from a moisture attack during the HCB\u27s service life. The last stage clarified that the thermal stresses in an HCB bridge superstructure elements produced by thermal gradients are not critical and can be excluded from the design. --Abstract, page iv

    New concepts in evolutionary algorithms for systems architecture optimization

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    This talk will present recent developments in evolutionary algorithms that focus on the systems architecture optimization. One challenge in systems optimization is the variable number of design variables. Three new concepts will be presented in this talk that enable evolutionary algorithms to handle this type of problems more efficiently. The first is the biologically inspired concept of Hidden Genes that implements tags to cover/uncover genes in the variables\u27 code, which enable handling variable number of variables in evolutionary algorithms. The second concept is a structured chromosome approach that transcripts the variables in a multi-layer code as opposed to the standard single-layer coding. Finally, a dynamic population size concept is presented. Application of these methods in aerospace engineering will be presented.https://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/techtalks/1059/thumbnail.jp

    Repeated Shadow Track Orbits for Space-SunSetter Missions

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    This paper introduces a new set of orbits, the “Repeated Shadow Track Orbits.” In these orbits, the shadow of a spacecraft on the Earth visits the same locations periodically every desired number of days. The 2 perturbation is utilized to synchronize the spacecraft shadow motion with both the Earth rotational motion and the Earth-Sun vector rotation. Motivation for the design of new shadow track orbits comes from the need to save energy. The general mathematical model to design a Repeated Shadow Track Orbit (RSTO) is presented within this paper. RSTOs' conditions are formulated and numerically solved. Results show the feasibility of RSTOs. An optimization process is also developed to maximize the shadow duration over a given site. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique is utilized for optimization

    A control system for a constrained two-body wave energy converter

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    Wave energy can be used to power oceano-graphic buoys. A new switching control strategy is developed in this paper for a two-body heaving wave energy converter that is composed of a floating cylinder and two rigidly connected submerged hemispheres. This control strategy is designed to prevent excessive displacement of the floating buoy that may occur due to the actuator force. This control strategy switches the control between a multi-resonant controller and a nonlinear damping controller, depending on the state of the system, to account for displacement constraints. This control strategy is developed using a one-degree-of-freedom dynamic model for the relative motion of the two bodies. Estimation of the relative motion, needed for feedback control, is carried out using a Kalman filter. Numerical simulations are conducted to select the proper mooring stiffness. The controller is tested with stochastic models of irregular waves in this paper. The performance of the controller with different sea states is discussed. Annual power production using this control strategy is presented based on real data in 2015 published by Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory

    Effect of continued and regulated deficit irrigation on the productivity of four vegetable crops in open-field conditions in the Mediterranean area

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La escasez de agua se está convirtiendo en un problema en zonas áridas y semiáridas del mundo, donde se localiza parte de la producción de los principales cultivos hortícolas, como en el área mediterránea. La sequía es uno de los principales factores limitantes en la agricultura y está afectando gravemente a la producción de cultivos hortícolas. La mejora de la productividad del agua en la agricultura puede lograrse mediante la utilización de determinadas estrategias. El riego deficitario consiste en el aporte de agua por debajo de las necesidades de riego (NR) de los cultivos, de manera que se produce una reducción de la evapotranspiración. Puede realizarse de manera continua o sostenida (RDS) o controlada (RDC). Con el riego deficitario se puede mejorar la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego, manteniendo el rendimiento, e incluso en ocasiones, podría mejorarse la calidad de la cosecha. En este estudio, realizado en el Centro Experimental Cajamar de Paiporta (Valencia) se evalúa el efecto del riego deficitario en cuatro de los principales cultivos hortícolas cultivados al aire libre, en el área mediterránea: coliflor, cebolla, pimiento y sandía. En la evaluación se ha analizado: crecimiento y estado hídrico de las plantas, rendimiento, eficiencia del uso del agua de riego, calidad de la producción y rentabilidad de los cultivos. En la primera campaña se ensayó el RDS, lo que permitió establecer las diferentes etapas de crecimiento de cada cultivo, que se utilizaron en las siguientes campañas en el RDC. En los cuatro cultivos, las plantas control (100% NR) han mostrado un adecuado estado hídrico, tanto en el contenido relativo de agua como en el índice de estabilidad de la membrana, mientras que las sometidas a un RDS severo, han mostrado los menores valores de ambos índices. El efecto negativo del riego deficitario sobre el rendimiento ha resultado menos importante en los cultivos de otoño-invierno que en los cultivos de primavera-verano, especialmente en la coliflor. El RDS del 50% NR ha reducido drásticamente el rendimiento comercial y, consecuentemente, los ingresos brutos, aunque haya supuesto una mejora en la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego para los cultivos de otoño-invierno. Del análisis individual de los cultivos se deduce que el rendimiento en pellas de coliflor obtenidas con RDS al 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durante la fase juvenil, se ha mantenido en niveles similares al control, mejorando la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego. En cebolla, en caso de restricción hídrica severa, sería aconsejable aplicar RDS con el 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durante la maduración del bulbo, ya que estas estrategias han disminuido ligeramente el rendimiento, mejorando la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego. En condiciones menos restrictivas, RDC al 75% NR durante la maduración del bulbo ha dado lugar a un rendimiento satisfactorio, con un aumento de la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego. En pimiento dulce italiano, la aplicación de RDC al 75% NR durante la recolección ha dado lugar a una reducción considerable del rendimiento, y por tanto, de los ingresos brutos, aunque con importantes ahorros de agua y con un incremento en el contenido de sólidos solubles y de compuestos fenólicos de los frutos. Acortando el ciclo de cultivo hasta principios de septiembre, cuando ya se ha cosechado la mayor parte del rendimiento comercial, se conseguiría un importante ahorro de agua y permitiría utilizar la parcela en otros cultivos. El RDS al 75% y al 50% NR, o RDC al 50% NR durante la cosecha han dado lugar a una alta incidencia de frutos afectados por blossom-end rot. En sandía puede recomendarse la aplicación de RDC, tanto al 75% como al 50% NR durante la maduración del fruto, ya que ha conducido a rendimientos comerciales aceptables. De manera general se puede afirmar que la aplicación de RDS y de RDC en los cuatro cultivos, no ha afectado de manera importante a la calidad de la producción,[CA] Resum L'escassesa d'aigua s'està convertint en un problema en zones àrides i semiàrides del món, on es localitza part de la producció dels principals cultius hortícoles, com és el cas de l'àrea mediterrània. La sequera és un dels principals factors limitants en l'agricultura i està afectant greument a la producció de cultius hortícoles. La millora de la productivitat de l'aigua en l'agricultura en general, i en l'horticultura en particular, es pot aconseguir mitjançant la utilització de determinades estratègies. El reg deficitari consisteix en l'aportació d'aigua per sota de les necessitats de reg (NR) dels cultius, de manera que es produeix una reducció de l'evapotranspiració. Es pot fer de manera contínua o sostinguda (RDS) o controlada (RDC). Amb el reg deficitari es pot millorar l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg, mantenint el rendiment, i fins i tot de vegades, podria conduir a una millora de la qualitat de la collita. En aquest estudi, realitzat al Centre Experimental Cajamar de Paiporta (València, Espanya) s'avalua l'efecte del reg deficitari en quatre dels principals cultius hortícoles conreats a l'aire lliure, a l'àrea mediterrània: dos de cultiu de tardor-hivern (coliflor i ceba) i dues de cultiu primaveral-estival (pimentó i meló d'Alger). En l'avaluació s'han analitzat els següents paràmetres: creixement i estat hídric de les plantes, rendiment, eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg, qualitat de la producció i rendibilitat dels cultius. A la primera campanya es va assajar el RDS, el que va permetre establir les diferents etapes de creixement de cada cultiu, que es van utilitzar en les següents campanyes en el RDC. En els quatre cultius, les plantes control (100% NR) han mostrat un adequat estat hídric, tant en el contingut relatiu d'aigua com en l'índex d'estabilitat de la membrana, mentre que les sotmeses a un RDS sever, han mostrat els menors valors d'ambdós índexs. L'efecte negatiu del reg deficitari sobre el rendiment ha resultat menys important en els cultius de tardor-hivern que en els cultius de primavera-estiu, especialment en la coliflor. El RDS del 50% NR ha reduït dràsticament el rendiment comercial i, conseqüentment, els ingressos bruts, encara que hagi suposat una millora en l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg per als cultius de tardor-hivern. De l'anàlisi individual dels cultius es dedueix que el rendiment de coliflors obtingudes amb RDS al 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durant la fase juvenil, s'ha mantingut en nivells similars al control, millorant l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg. En ceba, en cas de restricció hídrica severa, seria aconsellable aplicar RDS amb el 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durant la maduració del bulb, ja que aquestes estratègies han disminuït lleugerament el rendiment, millorant l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg . En condicions menys restrictives, RDC al 75% NR durant la maduració del bulb ha donat lloc a un rendiment satisfactori, amb un augment de l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg. En pimentó dolç italià, l'aplicació de RDC al 75% NR durant la recol·lecció ha donat lloc a una reducció considerable del rendiment, i per tant, dels ingressos bruts, encara que amb importants estalvis d'aigua i amb un increment en el contingut de sòlids solubles i de compostos fenòlics dels fruits. Retallant el cicle de cultiu fins a principis de setembre, quan ja s'ha collit la major part del rendiment comercial, s'aconseguiria un important estalvi d'aigua i permetria utilitzar la parcel·la en altres cultius. El RDS al 75% i al 50% NR, o RDC al 50% NR durant la collita han donat lloc a una alta incidència de fruits afectats per blossom-end rot. En meló d'Alger es pot recomanar l'aplicació de RDC, tant al 75% com al 50% NR durant la maduració del fruit, ja que ha conduït a rendiments comercials acceptables. De manera general es pot afirmar que l'aplicació de RDS i de RDC en els quatre cultius, no ha afectat de maner[EN] Water scarcity is becoming a critical problem in arid and semi-arid areas of the world, where part of the production of the main horticultural crops is located, as is the case of the Mediterranean area. Drought is one of the main limiting factors in agriculture and it is seriously affecting the production of horticultural crops. The improvement of water productivity in agriculture in general, and in horticulture in particular, can be achieved through the use of certain strategies. Deficit irrigation consists of the supply of water below the irrigation water requirements (IWR), so that there is a reduction in evapotranspiration. It can be done continuously (CDI) or regulated (RDI). With deficit irrigation, the irrigation water use efficiency can be improved, maintaining yield, and it could even lead to an improvement in the quality of the harvest. This study, carried out at the Cajamar in Paiporta Experimental Center (Valencia, Spain), analyzes the effect of deficit irrigation on four of the main cultivated horticultural crops, open field cultivated in the Mediterranean area: two of autumnal-winter crops (cauliflower and onion) and two spring-summer crops (pepper and watermelon). In the evaluation, the following parameters have been analyzed: plant growth and water status, yield, irrigation water use efficiency, quality of production and crop profitability. In the first season the CDI was tested, which allowed to establish the different growth stages for each crop, which were used in the following season for the RDI. In the four crops, the control plants (100% IWR) have shown an adequate water status, in terms of both relative water content and membrane stability index, while those subjected to a severe CDI, have shown the lowest values of both indexes. The negative effect of deficit irrigation on yield has been less important in autumn-winter crops than in spring-summer crops, especially in cauliflower. The CDI at 50% IWR has drastically reduced the marketable yield and, consequently, the gross revenue, although it has supposed an improvement in the irrigation water use efficiency for the autumn-winter crops. From the individual analysis of the crops, it can be stated that cauliflower yield obtained with CDI at 75% IWR or RDI at 50% IWR during the juvenile phase, has remained at levels similar to the control, improving the irrigation water use efficiency. In relation to onion, in case of severe water restriction, it would be advisable to apply CDI with 75% IWR or RDI at 50% IWR during bulb ripening, since these strategies have slightly decreased yield, improving the irrigation water use efficiency. In less restrictive conditions, RDI at 75% IWR during the bulb maturation has led to a satisfactory yield, with an increase in the irrigation water use efficiency. In Italian sweet pepper, the application of RDI to 75% IWR during the harvesting has resulted in a considerable reduction of the yield, and therefore, of the gross income, although with important water savings and increasing the fruit soluble solids and phenolic compounds content. By shortening the cultivation cycle until the beginning of September, when most of the marketable yield has already been harvested, significant water savings would be achieved, and the land could be used in other crops. CDI at 75% IWR and 50% IWR, or RDI at 50% IWR at harvesting have resulted in a high incidence of fruit affected by blossom-end rot. In watermelon the RDI application can be recommended, both 75% and 50% IWR, during the fruit ripening, since it has led to acceptable marketable yields. In general terms, it can be affirmed that the application of CDI and RDI in the four crops has not significantly affected the product quality, in terms of the analyzed parameters.My grateful thanks to the Cultural Affairs and Mission Sector, Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education for supporting me with a scholarship.Abdelkhalik, AGA. (2019). Effect of continued and regulated deficit irrigation on the productivity of four vegetable crops in open-field conditions in the Mediterranean area [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/129868Compendi

    Dynamic modeling of the motions of variable-shape wave energy converters

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    In the recently introduced Variable-Shape heaving wave energy converters, the buoy changes its shape actively in response to changing incident waves. In this study, a Lagrangian approach for the dynamic modeling of a spherical Variable-Shape Wave Energy Converter is described. The classical bending theory is used to write the stress-strain equations for the flexible body using Love's approximation. The elastic spherical shell is assumed to have an axisymmetric vibrational behavior. The Rayleigh-Ritz discretization method is adopted to find an approximate solution for the vibration model of the spherical shell. A novel equation of motion is presented that serves as a substitute for Cummins equation for flexible buoys. Also, novel hydrodynamic coefficients that account for the buoy mode shapes are proposed. The developed dynamic model is coupled with the open-source boundary element method software NEMOH. Two-way and one-way Fluid-Structure Interaction simulations are performed using MATLAB to study the effect of using a flexible shape buoy in the wave energy converter on its trajectory and power production. Finally, the variable shape buoy was able to harvest more energy for all the tested wave conditions.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, v173 (2023) in progress. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2201.0894

    Dynamic Modeling Of Spherical Variable-Shape Wave Energy Converters

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    In the recently introduced Variable-Shape heaving wave energy converters, the buoy changes its shape in response to changing incident waves actively. In this study, the dynamic model for a spherical Variable-Shape Wave Energy Converter is developed using the Lagrangian approach. The classical bending theory is used to write the stress-strain equations for the flexible body using Love's first approximation. The elastic spherical shell is assumed to have an axisymmetric vibration behavior. The Rayleigh-Ritz discretization method is adopted to find an approximate solution for the vibration model of the spherical shell. One-way Fluid-Structure Interaction simulations are performed using MATLAB to validate the developed dynamic model and to study the effect of using a flexible buoy in the wave energy converter on its trajectory and power production.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, and 2 tables, the paper is currently under review (journal

    Power take-off and energy storage system static modeling and sizing for direct drive wave energy converter to support ocean sensing applications

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    This paper addresses the sizing and design problem of a permanent magnet electrical machine power take-off system for a two-body wave energy converter, which is designed to support ocean sensing applications with sustained power. The design is based upon ground truth ocean data bi-spectrums (swell and wind waves) from Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory in the year 2015. According to the ground truth ocean data, the paper presents the optimal harvesting power time series of the whole year. The electrical machine and energy storage static modeling are introduced in the paper. The paper uses the ground truth ocean data in March to discuss the model integration of the buoy dynamic model, the power take-off model, and the energy storage model. Electrical machine operation constraints are applied to ensure the designed machine can fulfill the buoy control requirements. The electrical machine and energy storage systems operation status is presented as well. Furthermore, rule-based control strategies are applied to the electrical machine for fulfilling specific design demands, such as improving power generating efficiency and downsizing the electrical machine scale. The corresponding required capacities of the energy storage system are discussed. This paper relates results to the wave data sets (different combinations of significant wave heights and periods of both swell and wind waves). In this way, the power take-off system rule-based control strategy determinations can rely on current ocean wave measurements instead of a large historical ocean wave database