223 research outputs found

    Optical Bistability In Nonlinear Kerr Dielectric And Ferroelectric Materials [QC1].

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    Kestabilan optiks dwi dan kestabilan optiks pelbagai di dalam hablur Kerr tak linear dikaji. Dua jenis sistem hablur penebat berion dipertimbangkan: bahan dielektrik biasa dan bahan ferroelektrik (FE) dengan struktur Perovskit. The optical bistability (OB) and multistability in Kerr nonlinear crystals are investigated. Two types of ionic insulating crystals are considered: a typical dielectric and a ferroelectric (FE)

    Neutrosophic Linear Programming Problems

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    Smarandache presented neutrosophic theory as a tool for handling undetermined information. Wang et al. introduced a single valued neutrosophic set that is a special neutrosophic sets and can be used expediently to deal with real-world problems, especially in decision support. In this paper, we propose linear programming problems based on neutrosophic environment. Neutrosophic sets are characterized by three independent parameters, namely truth-membership degree (T), indeterminacy-membership degree (I) and falsity-membership degree (F), which are more capable to handle imprecise parameters. We also transform the neutrosophic linear programming problem into a crisp programming model by using neutrosophic set parameters. To measure the efficiency of our proposed model we solved several numerical examples

    Genotoxic and histotoxic effects of air pollutants at a benzene station on albino rats

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    Background: This study was designed to explore the hazardous effects of occupational exposure to air pollutants arising from benzene stations.Methods: A total of 48 albino rats were divided into three groups each of sixteen animals. Groups-I and II were kept at a benzene station for 60 and 120 days, respectively; while group-III was kept as a control under normal laboratory conditions. At the end of the experiment, animals were sacrificed and bone marrow samples were taken to investigate the effect of air pollutants at a benzene station on chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei formation. Tissue samples were also picked out to evaluate histotoxic effects of these air pollutants.Results: Results indicated pronounced time-dependent effects because of the work place pollutants. Genetic examination revealed higher frequency of chromosomal aberrations and elevated mitotic index after exposure to air pollutants. Micronuclei formation also increased either in polychromatic or normochromatic erythrocyte due to air pollutants. Histopathological examination revealed congestion of the pulmonary blood vessels with pulmonary edema. Bronchial hyperplasia and metaplasia were also seen in late stage of exposure. The liver showed degenerative changes or even necrosis of hepatocytes, while the kidneys showed congestion of the renal blood vessels and glomerular tufts. Hyalinization of the glomeruli was also detected. The heart showed various mononuclear infiltration and the testes showed degenerative changes of seminiferous tubules. Spleen showed hemosiderosis while testes showed degenerative changes of seminiferous tubules.Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicated that benzene exposure may lead to toxic effects including, genotoxicities and histotoxicities. In order to minimize the predicted toxic effect of occupational exposure to benzene the strict protective measures should be put in consideration

    Задачи управляемости для модифицированного уравнения переноса в случае переопределения на выходящем потоке

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    The theorem on local controllability for a linear and nonlinear system described by the modified transport equation in the case of redetermination in output flow is proved.Доказана локальная разрешимость обратных задач в случае переопределения на выходящем потоке для линейного и нелинейного модифицированного уравнения переноса, где управлением является индикатриса рассеяния

    Обобщённое решение прямой задачи для нестационарного модифицированного уравнения переноса

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    Solvability of the generalized solution for the time-dependent modified transport equation with initial and boundary conditions problem is proved. Modified transport equation differs from the common equation by replacement integrated composed function, being the solution, by a constant function, from the same class of the solution. That modification is more convenient for some nonlinear inverse problems in comparison with the common transport equation.В работе доказана однозначная разрешимость обобщённого решения начально-краевой задачи для нестационарного модифицированного уравнения переноса, которое отличается от обычного уравнения переноса заменой в интегральном слагаемом функции, являющейся решением, некоторой постоянной функцией из того же класса, что и решение