467 research outputs found

    Les enfants de Sabra

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    Les larmes ont presque jailli de mes yeux quand j’ai vu pour la premiĂšre fois cet enfant portant un grand sac qui, s’il n’était pas plus lourd que lui, pesait exactement son poids. Il criait : « Des sacs, des sacs, qui veut des sacs ? » Il vendait des petits sacs en plastique. Sa voix ressemblait Ă  celle d’un chaton Ă©puisĂ© par la faim et Ă©reintĂ© par le froid. Un enfant au lourd fardeau qui marche dans les rues d’une ville saturĂ©e d’habitants venus de diffĂ©rents pays et de diverses races et c..

    Deep learning for cancer tumor classification using transfer learning and feature concatenation

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    Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) represent one of the state-of-the-art methods for image classification in a variety of fields. Because the number of training dataset images in biomedical image classification is limited, transfer learning with CNNs is frequently applied. Breast cancer is one of most common types of cancer that causes death in women. Early detection and treatment of breast cancer are vital for improving survival rates. In this paper, we propose a deep neural network framework based on the transfer learning concept for detecting and classifying breast cancer histopathology images. In the proposed framework, we extract features from images using three pre-trained CNN architectures: VGG-16, ResNet50, and Inception-v3, and concatenate their extracted features, and then feed them into a fully connected (FC) layer to classify benign and malignant tumor cells in the histopathology images of the breast cancer. In comparison to the other CNN architectures that use a single CNN and many conventional classification methods, the proposed framework outperformed all other deep learning architectures and achieved an average accuracy of 98.76%

    ChoriorĂ©tinite extensive bilatĂ©rale rĂ©vĂ©lant une infection par le virus de l’immunodĂ©ficience humaine (VIH)

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    Au cours de l'infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine(VIH), Les atteintes oculaires sont  polymorphes, pouvant compromettre le pronostic fonctionnel. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient présentant une choriorétinite infectieuse sévÚre révélant une infection par le VIH. Patient ùgé de 35 ans avec antécédent de tuberculose pulmonaire en 2007, consulte pour BAV bilatérale progressive depuis 6 mois. Une acuité visuelle à compte les doigts au niveau de l'oeil droit et à mouvement des doigts au niveau de l'oeil gauche, avec présence de foyers choriorétiniens diffus visualisés au fond d'oeil et à l'angiographie. Les  sérologies VIH, toxoplasmose et CMV sont positives. Le patient a été mis sous traitement anti-toxoplasmose (Sulfadiazine et pyriméthamine) et anti-CMV (Ganciclovir per os). L'évolution sous traitement a été marquée par une régression de la hyalite avec la persistance des foyers choriorétiniens évolutifs et une acuité visuelle réduite à perception lumineuse.Key words: Choriorétinite, virus de lŽimmunodéficience humaine(VIH), Sulfadiazine, pyriméthamine,  Ganciclovi

    Le glaucome congénitale et la neurofibromatose type 1

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    Le glaucome congénital constitue une complication ophtalmologique dans la neurofibromatose type 1 ou maladie de von Recklinghausen. Nous rapportons un cas de glaucome congénitale dans le cadre d'une neurofibromatose de type 1, à travers lequel on va discuter les mécanismes étiopathogénique, les difficultés thérapeutiques et les facteurs pronostiques du glaucome congénital au cours la maladie de von Recklinghausen avec revue de la littérature.Keywords: Glaucome congénitale,neurofibromatose type 1, étiopathogéniqu

    Frequency of neurological manifestations in ÎČ-thalassaemic patients in Zagazig University Hospitals

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    Background: Beta thalassemia syndrome is a hereditary disorder characterized by reduced or absent synthesis of thebeta chains of hemoglobin that disturbs the normal shape of red blood cells. Chronic hypoxia of the nerves resulting from severe anemia may contribute to the pathogenesis of the peripheral neuropathy in patients with ÎČ-thalassemia. The aim of this study was to find out the frequency of neurological manifestations in ÎČ- thalassemia patients and to determine the contributing factors that lead to these manifestations.Patients and Methods: This study was prospective cross sectional study conducted during the period from June 2019 to December 2020. This study was carried out on 120 thalassemia patients (67 males and 53 females), with ages ranged from 11 to 22 years old with a mean age of 16.45+3.31 years.Results: About 31.7% of the studied cases had neurological manifestations. Tingling and numbness were the main neurological symptoms among cases (24.1% and 23.3% respectively) followed by headache (21.7%), joint and muscle pain (20.8%) and tremors in hands (3.3%). Hypotonia was found in 25 cases (20.8%). Grade 4 muscle power was reported in 13 cases (10.8%) and normal (grade 5) muscle power was reported in 107 cases (89.1%). Deep tendon reflexes were normal in (89.2%) cases, while (10.8%) cases had brisk deep tendon reflexes.Conclusion: Frequency of neurological manifestations in beta thalassemia patients was 31.7%. About 26.3% of them had abnormal nerve conduction study (NCS). Age >16 years old, short stature, prolonged duration of the disease, transfusion frequency >10 times/year, delayed puberty and jaundice were risk factors for neurological manifestations in our studied cases

    Coyote multi-objective optimization algorithm for optimal location and sizing of renewable distributed generators

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    Research on the integration of renewable distributed generators (RDGs) in radial distribution systems (RDS) is increased to satisfy the growing load demand, reducing power losses, enhancing voltage profile, and voltage stability index (VSI) of distribution network. This paper presents the application of a new algorithm called ‘coyote optimization algorithm (COA)’ to obtain the optimal location and size of RDGs in RDS at different power factors. The objectives are minimization of power losses, enhancement of voltage stability index, and reduction total operation cost. A detailed performance analysis is implemented on IEEE 33 bus and IEEE 69 bus to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The results are found to be in a very good agreement

    Ameliorative Effect of Chitosan on Nicotine Toxicity in Diabetic Rats

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    Chitosan (COS) is a natural product. It used as a dietary fiber. We explored the impact of chitosan administration in case of nicotine toxicity in adult healthy and corresponding diabetic male rats. Eighty mature male albino rats, weighing 190±10 g, were distributed into two sections healthy and diabetic section. Each section separated into 4 groups each one includes 10 rats, group1: control group, group2: orally administrated, COS, group3: administrated nicotine and group4: administrated both COS and nicotine. The experiment lasted 6 weeks. Diabetes induction with STZ caused significant increase in diabetic biomarker, serum glucose level and HOMA-IR. With a strong decline in insulin, liver glycogen as well as in liver glucokinase enzyme activity. Nicotine worsened the diabetic biomarkers. COS administration caused an ameliorative effect on these diabetic biomarkers that caused by diabetes alone or with nicotine. Diabetes and nicotine caused increase in TAGs, TC, LDL-C, VLDL-C, RF and AI with diminished HDL-C level. COS significantly improved the lipids profile in healthy and diabetic groups. Diabetes induction as well as nicotine injection increased ALT and AST activities and decreased the serum albumin, while COS improved the effects of nicotine and diabetes. Diabetes increased serum creatinine, urea and urine albumin. Also, decreased urine urea and creatinine. Nicotine worsened the kidney function tests in both healthy and diabetic rats. COS improved the renal function. Diabetes and nicotine decreased SOD and increased MDA activities. COS increased SOD and decreased MDA. Diabetes and nicotine increased the DNA fragmentation. COS protected the DNA from damage. Finally, the study demonstrated that COS have antidiabetic, antioxidant and antitoxic effects
