84 research outputs found
Wayfinding: ferramenta de projetos na gestão hospitalar / Wayfinding: project tool in hospital management
This study provides a discussion of the wayfinding in hospitals, once might interfere in how people move around. It is noteworthy that architecture added in behaviours in the humanization of institutions and in users’ cognition. The main goal of this study is to analyze wayfinding as a design´s tool for the visual communication in the hospital´s project. It is justified by the contribution that can offer while allows to benefit the spatial orientation for the best environmental comfort of the internal and external community of the hospital. It can also contribute to the regulation of flows and the processes of these flows guaranteed of the management agents of the institution
Hyalinizing Granuloma: An Unusual Case of a Pulmonary Mass
We describe the case of pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma in a 34-year-old asymptomatic man who presented with a pulmonary nodule apparent by chest radiography and computed tomography (CT). He had a history of previous treatment for tuberculosis. His laboratory data were normal. Bronchoscopy and CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic fine needle aspiration cytology were inconclusive. The diagnosis was revealed after the histopathological examination of an open lung biopsy
Sclerosing Variant of the Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma: Imaging Findings in an Atypical Case
Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma remains one of the most enigmatic lung cancers, demonstrating varied growth patterns, mixed histological features, and confusing clinical manifestations. This paper reports a case of an unusual form of presentation: a sclerosing type associated with desmoplastic reaction and cicatrization. A 75-year-old woman was admitted with persistent dry cough and progressive dyspnea. Physical examination showed bilateral inspiratory crackles. A chest radiograph and high-resolution computed tomography demonstrated confluent airspace nodules, forming areas of consolidation in both lungs, with signs of architectural distortion. The lung biopsy revealed a nonmucinous sclerosing bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis: A Case Report with Emphasis on Imaging Findings
Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (PAM) is a rare disease characterized by the presence of small calculi in the alveolar space. The authors report a case of a 21-year-old man with a 2-year history of shortness of breath on exertion and dry cough. Physical examination was altered only for crackles at auscultation. Pulmonary function revealed a mild restrictive ventilatory defect and the chest radiograph demonstrated paracardiac confluence of dense micronodular infiltrate. High-resolution CT scan revealed diffuse ground glass attenuation and septal thickening, more pronounced in lower pulmonary regions, with calcifications along the interlobar septa and subpleural regions. A transbronchial lung biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of PAM
Cavitated Conglomerate Mass in Silicosis Indicating Associated Tuberculosis
Silicosis is the most common occupational lung disease worldwide. It leads to respiratory impairment and may have associated infections that decrease pulmonary function. We describe the case of a 55-year-old man with chronic silicosis who presented with hemoptysis and a cavitated conglomerate mass. The final diagnosis was silicotuberculosis
Spontaneous Pneumothorax as an Atypical Presentation of Pulmonary Paracoccidioidomycosis: A Case Report with Emphasis on the Imaging Findings
We describe the case of a 45-year-old male with pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis and spontaneous pneumothorax. The patient presented to the hospital with sudden and intense chest pain accompanied by dyspnea and had a six-month history of dry cough, weight loss, and progressive dyspnea on exertion. Chest X-ray showed a small right pneumothorax, bilateral nonhomogeneous opacities, and emphysematous areas in the lung base. Chest computed tomography showed consolidation in both lungs, with architectural distortion, nodules, interlobular septal thickening, and emphysema, in addition to the right pneumothorax. A lung biopsy revealed yeast consistent with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. No drainage was needed, and the lung was re-expanded. The patient was treated with antifungal drugs, showed mild improvement, and was referred to outpatient care
Along with the forecast shortage of the Amazonian forest resources is imminent the need for studies concerning the silvicultural potential of species from other regions like the Atlantic Forest. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the silvicultural characteristics of Astronium concinnum, Cariniana legalis, Goniorrhachis marginata, Kielmeyera albopunctata, Lecythi pisonis, Manilkara bella, Basiloxylon brasiliensis, Spondias venulosa, Vitex sp. and Zeyheria tuberculosa, native Atlantic Forest species occurring in Espírito Santo state. The species were planted in full sun in pure stands, with spacing of 2 x 2 m. The stands had ages between 21 and 25 at the time of final evaluation and were conducted at Vale Nature Reserve, in the municipalities of Sooretama and Linhares, ES state. The variables collected and analyzed annually were: failure of plant, plant health, breaking, forking, stem form, diameter at breast height, total height and volumetric average annual increment. The volume was estimated using models developed for each species. It was verified expressive faults planting only Cariniana legalis, Zeyheria tuberculosa and Goniorrhachis marginata. Only Vitex sp. presented phytosanitary restrictions. Spondias venulosa, Goniorrhachis marginata and Kielmeyera albopunctata stood out with the highest rates of breakage. Goniorrhachis marginata, Manilkara bella and Basiloxylon brasiliensis stood out with the lowest levels of bifurcation. Manilkara bella, Cariniana legalis e Zeyheria tuberculosa stood out as the form of a straight stem form. Spondias venulosa presented an expressive and superior to other species growth. More studies are needed to support the economic reforestation of that species, emphasis on studies of genetic improvement, silvicultural techniques, techniques of sawing and timber technology that points out the skills to use.Com a previsão de escassez de recursos florestais amazônicos é eminente a necessidade de estudos sobre o potencial silvicultural de espécies de outras regiões como a Mata Atlântica. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar características silviculturais das espécies Astronium concinnum, Cariniana legalis, Goniorrhachis marginata, Kielmeyera albopunctata, Lecythis pisonis, Manilkara bella, Basiloxylon brasiliensis, Spondias venulosa, Vitex sp. e Zeyheria tuberculosa, nativas da Mata Atlântica com ocorrência no Espírito Santo. As espécies foram plantadas a pleno sol em plantios puros, com espaçamento de 2 x 2 m. Os povoamentos possuíam idades entre 21 a 25 anos na época da avaliação final e foram conduzidos na Reserva Natural da Vale, nos municípios de Linhares e Sooretama, Espírito Santo. Foram avaliados falha de plantio, fitossanidade, quebra, bifurcação, forma do fuste, diâmetro a altura do peito, altura total e incremento médio anual volumétrico. O volume foi estimado por meio de diferentes equações ajustadas para cada espécie. Constataram-se falhas de plantio expressivas apenas para Cariniana legalis, Zeyheria tuberculosa e Goniorrhachis marginata. Apenas Vitex sp. apresentou restrições fitossanitárias. Spondias venulosa, Goniorrhachis marginata e Kielmeyera albopunctata destacaram-se com os maiores índices de quebras. Goniorrhachis marginata, Manilkara bella e Basiloxylon brasiliensis destacaram-se com os menores índices de bifurcação. Manilkara bella, Cariniana legalis e Zeyheria tuberculosa destacaram-se quanto à forma de fuste retilíneo. Spondias venulosa apresentou crescimento expressivo e superior às demais espécies. São necessários mais estudos para subsidiar o reflorestamento econômico dessas espécies, destacando-se estudos de melhoramento genético, técnicas silviculturais, técnicas de desdobro e de tecnologia da madeira que apontem as aptidões de uso.
Colon Mucinous Adenocarcinoma in Childhood: A Case Report with Emphasis on Image Findings
Colorectal cancer is extremely rare in children. We report a case of a 12-year-old boy who presented with a five-month history of weight loss and anorexia, associated with vomiting episodes, dizziness, fatigue, and dyspnea. On physical examination, a palpable abdominal mass was noticed on the right hypochondrium and flank. An imaging study was performed, which showed a solid mass on the right colon. The patient underwent incisional surgical biopsy, and subsequent histopathologic analysis revealed a colon mucinous adenocarcinoma
Spontaneous regression of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: a case report
Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 21 anos com história de seis meses de dispneia progressiva, tosse seca e perda de peso. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução revelou padrão de pavimentação em mosaico com áreas focais poupadas. A paciente foi submetida a biópsia pulmonar transbrônquica, que confirmou o diagnóstico de proteinose alveolar. Dois anos depois, sem tratamento, houve importante melhora das opacidades pulmonares
Com a previs\ue3o de escassez de recursos florestais amaz\uf4nicos
\ue9 eminente a necessidade de estudos sobre o potencial
silvicultural de esp\ue9cies de outras regi\uf5es como a Mata
Atl\ue2ntica. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar
caracter\uedsticas silviculturais das esp\ue9cies Astronium
concinnum , Cariniana legalis , Goniorrhachis marginata , Kielmeyera
albopunctata , Lecythis pisonis , Manilkara bella , Basiloxylon
brasiliensis , Spondias venulosa , Vitex sp. e Zeyheria tuberculosa
, nativas da Mata Atl\ue2ntica com ocorr\ueancia no Esp\uedrito
Santo. As esp\ue9cies foram plantadas a pleno sol em plantios puros,
com espa\ue7amento de 2 x 2 m. Os povoamentos possu\uedam idades
entre 21 e 25 anos na \ue9poca da avalia\ue7\ue3o final e foram
conduzidos na Reserva Natural da Vale, nos munic\uedpios de Linhares
e Sooretama, Esp\uedrito Santo. Foram avaliados falha de plantio,
fitossanidade, quebra, bifurca\ue7\ue3o, forma do fuste,
di\ue2metro a altura do peito, altura total e incremento m\ue9dio
anual volum\ue9trico. O volume foi estimado por meio de diferentes
equa\ue7\uf5es ajustadas para cada esp\ue9cie. Constataram-se
falhas de plantio expressivas apenas para Cariniana legalis, Zeyheria
tuberculosa e Goniorrhachis marginata. Apenas Vitex sp. apresentou
restri\ue7\uf5es fitossanit\ue1rias. Spondias venulosa,
Goniorrhachis marginat e Kielmeyera albopunctata destacaram-se com os
maiores \uedndices de quebras. Goniorrhachis marginata, Manilkara
bella e asiloxylon brasiliensis destacaramse com os menores
\uedndices de bifurca\ue7\ue3o. Manilkara bella, Cariniana
legalis e Zeyheria tuberculosa destacaram-se quanto \ue0 forma de
fuste retil\uedneo. Spondias venulosa apresentou crescimento
expressivo e superior \ue0s demais esp\ue9cies. S\ue3o
necess\ue1rios mais estudos para subsidiar o reflorestamento
econ\uf4mico dessas esp\ue9cies, destacando-se estudos de
melhoramento gen\ue9tico, t\ue9cnicas silviculturais, t\ue9cnicas
de desdobro e de tecnologia da madeira que apontem as aptid\uf5es de
uso.Along with the forecast shortage of the Amazonian forest resources is
imminent the need for studies concerning the silvicultural potential of
species from other regions like the Atlantic Forest. The purpose of
this study was to evaluate the silvicultural characteristics of
Astronium concinnum , Cariniana legalis , Goniorrhachis marginata ,
Kielmeyera albopunctata , Lecythi pisonis , Manilkara bella ,
Basiloxylon brasiliensis , Spondias venulosa , Vitex sp. and
Zeyheria tuberculosa , native Atlantic Forest species occurring in
Esp\uedrito Santo state. The species were planted in full sun in pure
stands, with spacing of 2 x 2 m. The stands had ages between 21 and 25
at the time of final evaluation and were conducted at Vale Nature
Reserve, in the municipalities of Sooretama and Linhares, ES state. The
variables collected and analyzed annually were: failure of plant, plant
health, breaking, forking, stem form, diameter at breast height, total
height and volumetric average annual increment. The volume was
estimated using models developed for each species. It was verified
expressive faults planting only Cariniana legalis, Zeyheria tuberculosa
and Goniorrhachis marginata. Only Vitex sp. presented phytosanitary
restrictions. Spondias venulosa, Goniorrhachis marginata and Kielmeyera
albopunctata stood out with the highest rates of breakage.
Goniorrhachis marginata, Manilkara bella and Basiloxylon brasiliensis
stood out with the lowest levels of bifurcation. Manilkara bella,
Cariniana legalis e Zeyheria tuberculosa stood out as the form of a
straight stem form. Spondias venulosa presented an expressive and
superior to other species growth. More studies are needed to support
the economic reforestation of that species, emphasis on studies of
genetic improvement, silvicultural techniques, techniques of sawing and
timber technology that points out the skills to use
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