79 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Sulawesi Selatan melalui Pelatihan Kader Ulama

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    Dewasa ini umat Islam mendapat tantangan dengan semakin berkurangnya ulama, baik karena satu demi satu telah meninggal atau karena uzur. Semakin minimnya ulama sebagai penerang umat, berbanding terbalik dengan semakin banyaknya problem yang membutuhkan ulama. Problem dampak negative pengaruh budaya globalisasi dewasa ini membutuhkan hadirnya banyak ulama. Karena itu Majelis Ulama Indonesia perlu diberdayakan untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut dengan mencetak ulama generasi penerus. Tampa itu, dikhawatirkan akan semakin lemahnya moral anak bangsa yang berimplikasi hancurnya bangsa. Untuk melahirkan kader-kader ulama penerus, MUI Sulawesi Selatan menyelenggarakan pelatihan dan pengaderan ulama agar ulama tidak semakin berkurang. Pelatihan dan pengkaderan ulama menggunakan metode pendidikan klasikal dan pendampingan, serta pengajian khalaqah di mesjid atau di rumah kyai, serta metode studi banding di pesantren-pesantren besar. Di samping itu, kader ulama dalam menjaga dan memantapkan ilmunya diberi tugas pendamping dan fasilitator pada kegiatan dakwah, pengajian, konseling dan semacamnya kepada umat di mesjid-mesjid, di rumah-rumah penduduk, atau di kegiatan sosial keumatan. Hasil yang dicapai dalam pendidikan kader ulama adalah lahirnya “ulama muda” mendalam Iman dan taqwanya, serta ilmu dan teknologinya, berwawasan luas, menghargai pluralitas, dan berjiwa nasionalis. Capaian MUI dalam kaderisasi ulama berdampak ganda secara positif untuk keberlangsungan kehidupan masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan, yaitu: Pertama, lahirnya ulama generasi baru yang berperan sebagai benteng pertahanan moral umat dan bangsa; dan Kedua, semakin berkembangnya ajaran Islam washatiyah (moderat), tasamuh (tolerans) yang sangat efektif terhadap deradikalisasi pemahaman umat beragama di Sulawesi Selatan

    The Acculturation of Islam and Local Culture in Bugis Wedding Tradition: A Historical Perspective

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    Bugis wedding tradition has shown a massive acculturation of Islam and local tradition from many phases of the tradition. To find out the acculturation historically, the research was focused on three research focuses namely the historical perspective of the acculturation of Islam and local culture in Bugis pre-wedding tradition, wedding, and after wedding. The research indicates that acculturation of Islam and local tradition takes place when sarak (Islamic law) was accommodated in pangngaderreng. Consequently, there are many forms of acculturation of Islam and local tradition in Bugis wedding tradition in Bugis pre-wedding tradition, wedding, and after wedding in form of mutual dialogue of the both along the historical perspective

    Nilai-Nilai Islam dalam Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal (Konteks Budaya Bugis)

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    The aim of this essay is to analyze the influence of Islamic value in culture and local wisdom of Buginese people. Then we will find a tremendous fact, that our culture and local wisdom has an Islamic value. Talking about culture, culture is something very important in a society, because culture is an identity. Culture makes a society different with the other society. In a society, culture has a value, but it different in every societies, because it is influence by society background. Indonesian culture is different with Arabic culture. Arabic culture influnce by desert, so they live in hard life, that is completely different with Indonesian life because they live in fertile area. Fertile area will create a tremendous culture, namely local wisdom. Local wisdom in a society could influenced by religion. In Indonesia, local wisdom was influenced by Islamic value. It happened, since Islam had becomed a majority that influenced every people in our society. Further, Indonesian had a local wisdom than it was combined with Islam, especially Islamic value. It made a culture has Islamic value

    The Acculturation of Local and Islamic Culture in the Pattorani Tradition on Masalima Island, Pangkep Regency

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    The main problem in this study is the acculturation of local and Islamic culture in the pattorani tradition on Masalima Island, Pangkep Regency. The type of research used was cultural research using descriptive research methods. The approach used is a historical approach with a theological approach. The data sources for this study were primary and secondary data, using research data collection methods such as observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, data processing and analysis techniques were conducted in three method stages: Inductive, deductive, and comparative. The results of this study showed that the origins of the pattorani tradition on Masalima Island, Pangkep Regency, were carried out before the arrival of Islamic teachings based on mythical community beliefs. The two series of pattorani traditions such as; first, it took place at the puggawa's house; then it continued on the beach edge and then on a boat with several rituals, namely: parenta pakkaja, appassili biseang, and accaru-caru beseang. Then, the fishermen's wives had a banquet near the bridge, and pamacca was also held. After the Pattorani season, the community held a second banquet while listening to religious discourse and sending Salawat. Third, the pattorani tradition has a form of acculturation of local and Islamic culture, such as prayer, barazanji, religious discourse, and sending salawat, which has Islamic values such as spiritual and cooperation values

    The implementation of persuasive technology principles in mobile application development: a qualitative study

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    Preceding studies of persuasive technology have mentioned several benefits on the implementation of persuasive design features of the Persuasive System Design (PSD) model such as creating users' engagement and acceptance and continuous usage. However, available literatures have not sufficiently address the implementation of these design principles particularly in the context of mobile application development as compared to system development. Furthermore, there are low numbers of discussion that have relate the implementation of these design principles towards the achievement of the persuasive system developed. Hence, this study was conducted to qualitatively explore the way persuasive design principles were implemented as well as the mobile application development process followed in three different levels of mobile applications' attainments. Within this study, seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with the involvement of fifteen (15) Android mobile applications in the area of utilities category. These mobile applications were then categorized into successful, partially successful and less successful categories based on their numbers of mobile application downloaded for three consecutive years which is from 2013 until 2015. The results from the content analysis conducted have shown that the mobile applications of the successful category have implemented a lot more persuasive design principles as compared to the other two categories. Moreover, it is also found that all of the mobile applications of the category had follow a more detailed process of mobile application development with the emphasizing on product introduction to the users. A model of the implementation of persuasive design principles in mobile application development was then proposed based on the findings gained from this research. The results from this study have provided contribution to the body of knowledge by leveraging the domain of persuasive technology studies particularly in mobile application development

    E-portfolio MSC indicator for a virtual learning environment

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    This study was conducted to identify indicators for the use of e-portfolio for a virtual learning environment in the Malaysian Skills Certification (MSC) system. The approach is through a modified Delphi technique run in three stages. The first stage is analysis of past research material and documents as guidelines in the development of questionnaire items. In the second and third stages, the developed questionnaire is distributed to experts for approval in determining e-portfolio indicators for implementation of the Malaysian Skills Certification system. The sample selected consists of 11 experts in the field of skills certification in Malaysia. Feedback from the experts was analysed using descriptive statistics (mean, median and interquartile range). The findings identify four elements (Assessment, Personal Space, Exhibition and Learning Management) and 32 indicators through a literature review. In conclusion, there are 22 indicators were identified as necessary for the implementation of the use of the e-portfolio in the Malaysian Skills Certification system

    Isolation and characterization of an acrylamide-degrading yeast Rhodotorula sp. strain MBH23 KCTC 11960BP

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    As well as for chemical and environmental reasons, acrylamide is widely used in many industrial applications. Due to its carcinogenicity and toxicity, its discharge into the environment causes adverse effects on humans and ecology alike. In this study, a novel acrylamide-degrading yeast has been isolated. The isolate was identified as Rhodotorula sp. strain MBH23 using ITS rRNA analysis. The results showed that the best carbon source for growth was glucose at 1.0% (w/v). The optimum acrylamide concentration, being a nitrogen source for cellular growth, was at 500 mg l–1. The highest tolerable concentration of acrylamide was 1500 mg l–1 whereas growth was completely inhibited at 2000 mg l–1. At 500 mg l–1, the strain MBH completely degraded acrylamide on day 5. Acrylic acid as a metabolite was detected in the media. Strain MBH23 grew well between pH 6.0 and 8.0 and between 27 and 30 °C. Amides such as 2-chloroacetamide, methacrylamide, nicotinamide, acrylamide, acetamide, and propionamide supported growth. Toxic heavy metals such as mercury, chromium, and cadmium inhibited growth on acrylamide

    Epistemology of History Learning For Teachers of Aliyah Madrasah In Makassar

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    This research-based service provides such a substantialcontribution toimproving the quality of history learning for history teachers at Madrasah Aliyah in Makassar. Besides, it reinforcesteachers as the front guard in outlining government policies to students in the classroom and developing the epistemology of historical learning as an effort to regenerate the nation's historical values. This research was conducted through the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. The application of the epistemology of learning history by the teachers of Madrasah Aliyah history in Makassar will refer to and follow the curriculum paradigm that is applied, namely the 2013 curriculum. Implementation of the 2013 curriculum,which has a typology of student development that is distinctive,makes history learning come alive because learningthat once seemed to be centered on the educator (teacher-centered learning) has begun to shift tolearner-centered learning. Even so,there are still Madrasah Aliyah teachers in Makassar who teach history and make students' brains viewed assafe deposit boxes. Learning material is transferred by teachers into the minds of students to be accommodated

    Acrylamide toxicity and its biodegradation

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    Acrylamide is a synthetic monomer that has been classified as toxic and carcinogenic apart from its diverse application in the industry. Its application is in the formation of polyacrylamide. Polyacrylamide usage is diverse and is found as herbicide formulation, as soil treatment agent and in water treatment plants. Deaths and sickness due to the accidental exposure to acrylamide has been reported while chronic toxicity is also a source of problem. This review highlight on the toxic effect of acrylamide to various organism like human, animal and plant. This review also discusses on the potential use of biological technologies to remediate acrylamide pollution in the environment and the degradation pathways these microorganisms utilize to assimilate acrylamide as a nitrogen, carbon or both as carbon and nitrogen sources

    Preliminary qualitative findings: challenges in large infrastructure projects towards development of innovative performance measurement

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    Performance measurement system to assess development of large infrastructure project has developed due to the unachieved of high design and technical requirements, excessive cost investments and lack of competent human resources and managerial capabilities. Growing numbers of discrepant of interest among key participants has also led to conflicts, blame cultures, and mismatches of objectives that have been found to be contributory factors to poor project performance. Although, several approaches have been determined, the challenges in terms of time, cost, and quality (objective measures) are still arguable. Further exploration requires the inclusion of additional challenges in delivering large infrastructure projects, particularly in relation to subjective measures, such as safety, relationship, satisfaction, social and environmental aspects. Owing to this limitation, preliminary findings of identifying the challenges in large infrastructure projects are vital to fulfill the current needs in the development of innovative performance measurement. The research adheres to by reviewing relevant literature and evaluating expert insights on the research topic. The results of the research would provide qualitative evidence in support of the notion that appropriate and comprehensive performance measurement to improve project outcome. This study may also encourage key stakeholders mainly involved in infrastructure projects to increase their attention on possible challenges to achieve project objectives and requirements in the development of a large project, and helps to the achievement of government transformation programme (GTP)