10 research outputs found

    Kesedaran Hukum Derma Susu: Kajian di kalangan Masyarakat Islam di Selangor

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    Kesedaran masyarakat Islam terhadap kepentingan pemahaman berkaitan penyusuan susu ibu menurut perspektif Islam perlu dititikberatkan bagi menggalakkan penyusuan susu ibu dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Ini terbukti bahawa susu ibu merupakan makanan utama selepas kelahiran dan seorang ibu perlu mengetahui hak dan kewajipan penyusuan yang dilakukan itu perlu selaras mengikut acuan syarak. Artikel ini bertujuan membincangkan berkaitan tahap kesedaran masyarakat Islam di Selangor berkaitan derma susu. Kajian ini dilakukan secara lapangan dan menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui instrumen soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada 400 orang responden yang melibatkan tiga lokasi di negeri Selangor iaitu di zon utara (daerah Hulu Selangor), zon tengah (daerah Klang) dan zon selatan (daerah Sepang). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan para responden mempunyai tahap kesedaran sederhana berkaitan hukum derma susu dengan purata nilai min 3.26. Dapatan ini menunjukkan bahawa masyarakat Islam di Selangor mengambil berat dan prihatin mengenai hak dan kewajipan ibu terhadap penyusuan

    Ungkapan dan peribahasa bahasa Kaili

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    Buku Ungkapan dan Peribahasa Bahasa Kaili ini merupakan salah satu hasil Bagian Proyek Pembinaan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah Sulawesi Tengah tahun 1995/1996. Penelitian Ungkapan dan Peribahasa Bahasa Kaili adalah bagian dari kegiatan Proyek Pembinaan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah Sulawesi Tengah . Penelitian ini membahas struktur, gaya, makna, dan pesan dalam ungkapan dan peribahasa tersebut

    Concepts and practices of Halalan Tayyiban in the Islamic Manufacturing Practice (IMP): an analysis from syariah perspective / Fakhri Sungit... [et al.]

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    In Malaysia, halalan tayyiban has been conceptually practiced through the implementation of halal standards and enforcement of halal certification to ensure all Muslim would excess halal food. However, there is Muslim community which put the high standards of halalan tayyiban by designing the guidelines of manufacturing practice namely Islamic Manufacturing Practice (IMP). They emphasizes that the term tayyiban must be analyzed from tasawwuf dimension which should not confined from fiqh dimension alone because all food taken will transform to flesh and blood of the Muslim. Therefore, any kind of food which is considered as halalan tayyiban must be clean and pure both physically and spiritually. This paper aims to discover the guidelines of IMP as well as to shed lights the interpretation of halalan tayyiban by Muslim scholars. As a qualitative research, it employs the content analysis from fiqh literatures concerning the principles of Islamic jurisprudence towards halal and haram in Islam. The result indicates that halalan tayyiban must be referred to the formative rules over the substances with the guidance of texts and maslahah-mafsadah outlook. In the context of halal industry, the guidelines of IMP are designed based on Islamic teaching but not practically realistic for mass production

    Comparison of Different Drying Methods and Preservatives on the Proximate Composition, Colour and Total Phenolic Content of Dried Ginger.

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    The present work proposed to compare three different drying methods i.e. sun drying, vacuum oven drying and freeze drying of ginger to determine the proximate composition, colour analysis and total phenolic content. These dried gingers were preserved by using sugar (control), Tualang honey and Kelulut honey. It showed that freeze dried ginger presents the best result for retaining nutrients, colour and total phenolic content compared to other drying methods. For colour analyses, sun dried samples resulted in the lowest value of L* were 50.94, 51.24 and 52.22 for control, Tualang honey and Kelulut honey due to longer drying time and oxygen exposure. Among all preservatives used, Tualang honey produced the best quality of dried ginger as the highest total phenolic content was 26.73 mg gallic acid/g

    SaaS quality of service attributes

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    Software as a Service (SaaS) is one of the cloud computing branch and it is rapidly growing. Quality of Service (QoS) for SaaS cloud is considered as an important concern among researchers. The QoS specification, particularly, for SaaS is known as a big gap in current researches. Therefore, in this study, the main QoS attributes for SaaS consisting of 33 attributes have been reviewed. The results show a comprehensive specification of QoS attributes for SaaS which cover more aspects of QoS for SaaS excluding the business perspective. The attributes then have been classified in terms of both user and provider perspectives and can be useful as a guideline for both users and providers

    Microbiological and Physicochemical Analysis of Keropok lekor at Three Storage Temperatures

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    Keropok lekor is a one of a popular traditional food in east coast of peninsular Malaysia specifically in Terengganu. However, it is known to be highly perishable when stored at ambient temperature. This study aimed to investigate the microbiological and physicochemical quality of keropok lekor stored at ambient and refrigerated temperature. Samples of keropok lekor were collected from a local premise located in Besut, Terengganu and were packaged either ordinary sealed or vacuumed. The samples were stored at ambient (25℃-28℃), and refrigeration temperature (0℃-4℃) for up to 7 days. Microbiological analysis was performed using spread plate method and physicochemical analysis such as moisture, colour, pH and texture. The keropok lekor stored at ambient temperature showed significant increase in microbial count after one day for both vacuum and ordinary sealed pack at 6.18 log cfu/g and 7.85 log cfu/g, respectively. Refrigerated samples also showed significant increase after 7 days. The samples did not exhibit significant changes with regards to moisture, colour and hardness but pH was significant decrease during the storage which shows sign of spoilage. However, the keropok lekor chewiness significantly increased during storage. In conclusion, ambient temperature shows rapid spoilage of keropok lekor regardless of the packaging and refrigerated condition can extent the shelf life to 2 days for ordinary sealed samples and 3 days for vacuum samples

    Ungkapan dan peribahasa bahasa Kaili

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    Bibliografi hlm. 80xi, 95 hlm. ; 21 cm

    The effect of cellulase-hydrolyzed chitosan on the degree of deacetylation, solubility and viscosity of chitosan oligosaccharides

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    Chitosan is a source of potential bioactive material with many uses in the food, health and agricultural sectors. However, the limitation to utilize the chitosan in biological applications, comprising poor solubility under physiological conditions. In order to overcome the limitations, chitosan is being partially hydrolysed to produce chitosan oligosaccharides (COS). The objective of this research was to determine the degree of deacetylation (DDA), solubility and viscosity of the chitosan and COS. In this study, chitosan was hydrolysed by the cellulase from Trichoderma reesei to produce COS. The DDA of chitosan and COS were determined by linear potentiometric titration. The physical characteristics including solubility and viscosity were assessed. The COS was characterized by the degree of polymerization (DP) and FTIR spectroscopy by examining the structural changes before and after the degradation of chitosan. COS showed a higher DDA (99.69 % ± 0.28) compared to chitosan obtained from Sigma Aldrich (77.54 % ±0.28). This enzymatic product, COS also showed high solubility in aqueous and acidic solutions as compared to the chitosan sample. The product of hydrolysis of chitosan mainly composed of COS, with the DP 1-2. The IR spectrum showed that there was no significant change of chitosan before and after the enzymatic hydrolysis confirming the conservation of the chemical phase of the chitosan. In conclusion, COS preparation using cellulase, a low-cost commercial enzyme could open a wide range of new potential applications to improve the quality of many foods

    Sharia compliance requirements framework for e-commerce systems: an exploratory study

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    There is a growing concern among Muslims over the need to ensure Sharia compliance in e-commerce transactions. Because non-conformity to Sharia principles can result in a lack of trust and a barrier for many Muslims to partake in e-commerce transactions. However, there is currently no comprehensive and clearly specified Sharia compliance requirements guideline for e-commerce systems. Therefore, a need to explore and develop a comprehensive guideline for Sharia compliance requirements in e-commerce systems. In this study, an exploratory qualitative study involving eight semi-structured interviews with Sharia compliance scholars/experts was conducted. Consequently, a conventional content analysis of data was carried out with the aid of QSR-NVivo 11. Findings from the study revealed that e-commerce is acceptable and indeed encouraged in Islam so long as it enhances the welfare of society. The fundamental Sharia compliance requirements for e-commerce are adherence to the Maqasid Sharia and the fulfillment of Islamic law of contract obligations. This requires e-commerce systems to be structured towards enhancing the welfare of the society and compliance with the form, contracting parties, and subject matter obligations of Islamic law of contract. Therefore, this study proffers a comprehensive framework of Sharia compliance requirements for e-commerce systems which provides notions that agree with the Quran, Sunnah, and e-commerce best practices. The framework provides a comprehensive but parsimonious guide that would enhance understanding and support the development of Sharia compliant e-commerce systems. Furthermore, it would guide researchers, consumers, vendors, developers, analysts, and regulators with interest in the Sharia compliance e-commerce domain