151 research outputs found

    Transition from Mott insulator to superconductor in GaNb4_{4}Se8_{8} and GaTa4_{4}Se8_{8} under high pressure

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    Electronic conduction in GaM4_{4}Se8_{8} (M=Nb;Ta) compounds with the fcc GaMo4_{4}S8_{8}-type structure originates from hopping of localized unpaired electrons (S=1/2) among widely separated tetrahedral M4_{4} metal clusters. We show that under pressure these systems transform from Mott insulators to a metallic and superconducting state with TC_{C}=2.9 and 5.8K at 13 and 11.5GPa for GaNb4_{4}Se8_{8} and GaTa4_{4}Se8_{8}, respectively. The occurrence of superconductivity is shown to be connected with a pressure-induced decrease of the MSe6_{6} octahedral distortion and simultaneous softening of the phonon associated with MSe-bonds.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Evolution of ferromagnetic and non-Fermi liquid state with doping:the case of Ru doped UCoGe

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    We have investigated the impact of Ru substitution for Co on the behavior of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe by performing x-ray diffraction, magnetization, specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements on polycrystalline samples of the UCo1xRuxGe\mathrm{UCo}_{1-x}\mathrm{Ru}_{x}\mathrm{Ge} series (0x0.90\geq x\leq0.9). The initial Ru substitution up to x0.1x\approx0.1 leads to a simultaneous sharp increase of the Curie temperature and spontaneous magnetization up to maximum values of TC=8.6KT_{\mathrm{C}}=8.6 K and MS=0.1μBM_{\mathrm{S}}=0.1 \mu_{\mathrm{B}} per formula unit, respectively, whereas superconductivity vanishes already for x0.03x\approx0.03. Further increase of the Ru content beyond x0.1x\approx0.1 leads to a precipitous decrease of both, TCT_{\mathrm{C}} and MSM_{\mathrm{S}} towards a ferromagnetic quantum critical point (QCP) at xcr=0.31x_{\mathrm{cr}}=0.31. Consequently the TxT-x magnetic phase diagram consists of a well-developed ferromagnetic dome. We discuss the evolution of ferromagnetism with xx on the basis of band structure changes due to varying 5ff-ligand hybridization. This scenario is supported by the results of electronic structure calculations and consideration of the simplified periodic Anderson model. The analysis of the temperature dependencies of the electrical resistivity and heat capacity at low temperatures of the samples in the vicinity of the QCP reveals a non-Fermi liquid behavior and assigns the ferromagnetic quantum phase transition to be most likely of a continuous Hertz-Millis type.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Short and canonical GRBs

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    Within the "fireshell" model for the Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) we define a "canonical GRB" light curve with two sharply different components: the Proper-GRB (P-GRB), emitted when the optically thick fireshell of electron-positron plasma originating the phenomenon reaches transparency, and the afterglow, emitted due to the collision between the remaining optically thin fireshell and the CircumBurst Medium (CBM). We outline our "canonical GRB" scenario, with a special emphasis on the discrimination between "genuine" and "fake" short GRBs.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, in the Proceedings of the "Gamma Ray Bursts 2007" meeting, November 5-9, 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, US

    Nonmonotonic evolution of the charge gap in ZnV2O4 under pressure

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    A2+V2O4 spinels provide a unique opportunity for studying the evolution of the charge gap of Mott insulators that approach the itinerant electron limit under the application of external pressure. Here we report high-pressure resistivity and optical measurements in ZnV2O4 that provide unambiguous evidence of an unusual nonmonotonic behavior of the charge gap, , as a function of pressure P. These unexpected results suggest that ZnV2O4 undergoes a crossover from a Mott insulator with a charge gap dominated by the on-site Coulomb repulsion U, to a second type of insulator in the high pressure regime. Our Monte Carlo simulations of the three-band Hubbard model relevant for ZnV2O4 reproduce the nonmonotonic behavior of (P) and provide a partial understanding of this exotic phenomenonWe acknowledge financial support from the DFG (SFB 484 and SFB 608) and the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung. F.R. acknowledges support from Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad, Spain, through the project MAT2010-16157. Work at LANL was performed under the auspices of the US DOE Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396 through the LDRD programS

    Valence and magnetic instabilities in Sm compounds at high pressures

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    We report on the study of the response to high pressures of the electronic and magnetic properties of several Sm-based compounds, which span at ambient pressure the whole range of stable charge states between the divalent and the trivalent. Our nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation and specific heat investigations show that in both golden SmS and SmB6 the pressure-induced insulator to metal transitions (at 2 and about 4-7 GPa, respectively) are associated with the onset of long-range magnetic order, stable up to at least 19 and 26 GPa, respectively. This long-range magnetic order, which is characteristic of Sm(3+), appears already for a Sm valence near 2.7. Contrary to these compounds, metallic Sm, which is trivalent at ambient pressure, undergoes a series of pressure-induced structural phase transitions which are associated with a progressive decrease of the ordered 4f moment.Comment: 15 pages (including 7 figures) submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Enhanced dimerization of TiOCl under pressure: spin-Peierls - to - Peierls transition

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    We report high-pressure x-ray diffraction and magnetization measurements combined with ab-initio calculations to demonstrate that the high-pressure optical and transport transitions recently reported in TiOCl, correspond in fact to an enhanced Ti3+-Ti3+ dimerization existing already at room temperature. Our results confirm the formation of a metal-metal bond between Ti3+ ions along the b-axis of TiOCl, accompanied by a strong reduction of the electronic gap. The evolution of the dimerization with pressure suggests a crossover from the spin-Peierls to a conventional Peierls situation at high pressures.Comment: 9pages, 4 figure

    Orbital-selective behavior in cubanite CuFe2S3

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    Using ab initio band structure calculations we show that mineral cubanite, CuFe2S3, demonstrates an orbital-selective behavior with some of the electrons occupying molecular orbitals of x2−y2 symmetry and others localized at atomic orbitals. This is a rare situation for 3d transition metal compounds that explains the experimentally observed absence of charge disproportionation, anomalous Mössbauer data, and ferromagnetic ordering in between nearest-neighbor Fe ions. ©2022 American Physical SocietyAAAA-A18-118020190095-4; Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 20-62-46047DFT calculations and their analysis was supported by the Russian Science Foundation via Project No. 20-62-46047, while analysis of Mossbauer data motivated this study was supported by the Russian Ministry of Science and High Education via program “Quantum” (No. AAAA-A18-118020190095-4). We also thank Prof. A. Fujimori for useful discussions on physical properties of this material

    Observation of insulator-metal transition in EuNiO3_{3} under high pressure

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    The charge transfer antiferromagnetic (TN_{N} =220 K) insulator EuNiO3_{3} undergoes, at ambient pressure, a temperature-induced metal insulator MI transition at TMI_{MI}=463 K. We have investigated the effect of pressure (up to p~20 GPa) on the electronic, magnetic and structural properties of EuNiO3_{3} using electrical resistance measurements, {151}^Eu nuclear resonance scattering of synchrotron radiation and x-ray diffraction, respectively. With increasing pressure we find at pc_{c} =5.8 GPa a transition from the insulating state to a metallic state, while the orthorhombic structure remains unchanged up to 20 GPa. The results are explained in terms of a gradual increase of the electronic bandwidth with increasing pressure, which results in a closing of the charge transfer gap. It is further shown that the pressure-induced metallic state exhibits magnetic order with a lowervalue of TN_{N} (TN_{N} ~120 K at 9.4 GPa) which disappears between 9.4 and 14.4 GPa.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure