205 research outputs found

    Numerical solutions of two-point boundary value problems in Chebyshev series

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    Series expressed in terms of Chebyshev polynomials are applied using Lie series to the iterative solution of ordinary differential equations. After a discussion of initial value problems, the method is then used to solve two-point boundary value problems and an improved method of shooting type is derived and tested

    Expression analysis of regulatory MicroRNA in bovine cumulus oocyte complex and preimplantation embryos

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non coding endogenous molecules which participate in gene regulation post transcriptionally. These small RNAs are shown to be involved in a wide range of biological processes including development, cell differentiation, cell proliferation and apoptosis in diverse organisms. However, little is known about their abundance in bovine oocytes and their surrounding cumulus cells during oocyte development. To elucidate this, we investigated the relative expression pattern of a set of 88 miRNAs between bovine oocytes and the surrounding cumulus cells during in vitro maturation, using miRNA PCR array related to human cell development and differentiation. Results revealed a total of 47 and 51 miRNAs to be differentially expressed (p ≤ 0.05 and fold change ≥ 2) between immature (GV) and matured (MII) oocytes, respectively compared to their surrounding cumulus cells. However, 8 and 6 miRNAs were found to be highly abundant in cumulus cells compared to oocytes at immature and matured stages, respectively. The expression analysis of six oocytes enriched miRNAs (miR-205, -150, -122, -96, -146a and -146b-5p) in bovine preimplantation embryo stages was performed. Results showed that expression of these miRNAs were highly abundant in early stages of embryo development and reduced after 8-cell until the blastocyst stage following a typical maternal transcript profile. Comparable results were obtained by in situ localization of miR-205 in preimplantation embryo stages. However, the two selected miRNAs enriched in cumulus cells (miR-210 and miR-452) showed no defined profile. The same eight miRNAs were detected at high level in fully grown oocyte (BCB+) compared to growing one (BCB-). Interestingly, the presence or absence of oocytes or cumulus cells during maturation was found to affect the expression of selected miRNAs in each of the two cell types. Furthermore, miR-205 and miR-210 were in situ localized in ovarian follicle and revealed a spatio-temporal expression during follicular development. Hence, our results evidenced the presence of distinct set of miRNAs in oocytes and cumulus cells which may have potential role in regulation of bidirectional communication between the two cell types. Moreover, maternal miRNAs were found to persist until the major genome activation in bovine.Expressionsanalyse von regulierenden MircoRNA im bovinen Kumulus-Oocyten Komplex und präimplantierten Embryonen MicroRNAs (miRNAs) sind kleine nicht-kodierende endogene Moleküle, die an der post-trankriptionellen Genregulierung beteiligt sind. Diese kleinen RNAs sind an einer Reihe von biologischen Prozessen, wie Entwicklung, Zelldifferenzierung, Zellproliferation und Apoptose in verschiedenen Organismen, involviert. Jedoch ist bisher nur wenig über ihre Rolle in bovinen zellen und umgebenden Kumuluszellen während der Eizellenentwicklung bekannt. Um dieses aufzuklären, untersuchten wir die relativen Expressionsmuster zwischen bovinen Eizellen und den umgebenden Kumuluszellen während der in vitro Maturation. Die Expressionsmuster eines Sets von 88 miRNAs wurden mittels eines miRNA PCR Arrays für humane Zellentwicklung und-differenzierung erfasst. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass insgesamt 47 bzw. 51 miRNAs unterschiedlich zwischen immaturen (GV) bzw. reifen Eizellen (MII) und ihren umgebenden Kumuluszellen exprimiert waren (p ≤ 0.05, fold change ≥2). Dabei wurden 8 bzw. 6 miRNAs stärker in den Kumuluszellen exprimiert beim Vergleich von Eizellen im reifen bzw. unreifen Stadium. Weitere Expressionsanalysen wurden von sechs ausgewählten miRNAs (miR-205, -150, -122, -96, -146a und 146b-5p) in bovinen Embryonen des Präimplantationsstadiums durchgeführt, da diese in Eizellen angereichert auftraten. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Expression dieser miRNAs stark erhöht in frühen Stadien der Embryonalentwicklung und reduziert nach dem 8- Zellen-Stadium. Zu beobachten waren bis zum Blastozysten Stadium folgten die Embryonen den typischen maternalen Transkriptionsmustern. Vergleichbare Ergebnisse wurden bei der in situ Lokalisierung von miR-205 in Embryonen des Präimplantationsstadiums beobachtet. Leider zeigten die ausgewählten miRNAs (miR- 210 und miR-452), die in Kumuluszellen vermehrt exprimiert waren, kein definiertes Profil. Die gleichen acht miRNAs wurden in einer hohen Menge in voll ausgewachsenen Eizellen (BCB+) im Vergleich zu noch wachsenden Eizellen (BCB-) detektiert. Interessanterweise konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Präsenz oder Abwesenheit von Eizelle oder Kumuluszellen während der Maturation einen Einfluss auf die Expression der ausgewählten miRNAs in den entsprechenden Zelltypen hatte. Des Weiteren wurden miR-205 und miR-210 in situ in Follikeln lokalisiert und zeigten eine raum-zeitliche Expression während der Follikelentwicklung. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen die Präsenz einer definierten Gruppe von miRNAs in Eizellen und Kumuluszellen, welch möglicherweise eine Rolle in der Regulation der bidirektionellen Kommunikation zwischen diesen zwei Zelltypen spielen

    Preoperative Fasting Time and Selected Postoperative Outcomes among Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgeries: Correlation Study

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    Background: Prolonged preoperative fasting time had a negative impact on the recovery of the patient in the postoperative period. Aim of the study: was to determine the relationship between the preoperative fasting time and selected postoperative outcomes among patients undergoing abdominal surgeries at one of the University Hospitals Cairo-Egypt. Research question: What is the relationship between the preoperative fasting time and the selected postoperative outcomes (patients' blood glucose levels, blood pressure and vomiting frequency) among patients undergoing abdominal surgeries? Design: Descriptive-correlation design was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted on waiting areas of general surgery operating room at 2nd and 3rd floor in addition to the general surgical wards at one of the University Hospitals. Subjects: A convenience sample of 60 female & male adult patients with the following inclusion criteria: 1- undergoing abdominal surgeries, 2- have no diabetes or hypertension were recruited in the current study Tools: Two tools were utilized to collect data pertinent to the study; I- A semi-structured interview questionnaire, it contained two parts: 1: Demographic data 2: Surgical patient’s clinical data.  II - Postoperative outcomes data sheet: It included measurement of the three selected postoperative outcomes. Results: The current study findings revealed that nearly three quarters of the study sample fasted for longer than required time with a mean+ SD= 11.1 + 2.5 and more than two third of the study sample had waiting time between 3->6 hrs. There was a significance difference between pre-operative & post-operative, post-operative & baseline readings regarding the systolic blood pressure and between the baseline and the pre-operative diastolic blood pressure. There was a positive moderate correlation between the pre-operative fasting time and the post-operative blood glucose results r=0.41. Also, there was a strong correlation between baseline and preoperative blood glucose results r=0.77, while, There was no correlation  between frequency of vomiting post operatively and age, preoperative fasting time, waiting time, blood glucose, and blood pressure.  Conclusion: There was a correlation between preoperative fasting time and blood glucose level followed by blood pressure while no correlation with vomiting frequency postoperatively. Recommendations: Awareness of heath care team regarding updating evidence-based preoperative fasting guidelines, nurse should measure blood glucose level and blood pressure for the non-diabetic as well as the diabetic patients before the surgical procedure and further studies are needed to determine the optimal fasting time and its effect on postoperative outcomes. Keywords: Preoperative fasting time, waiting time, abdominal surgery, blood glucose level, blood pressure, postoperative vomiting


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    A new disinfectant formula based on combination of Hydrogen peroxide 0.6g%, Chlorohexidine gluconate 0.5g% and Isopropanol 70.5g% was investigated to be used as broad spectrum disinfectant in an attempt to make better control over microbial bioburden in clean area during critical processes. A proper neutralization method was first implemented using combi-nation of dilution 1:10 (v/v) and chemical inactivation method using LBC3T then disinfectant efficacy study was conducted using surface challenge test and finally compatibility with other disinfectants was performed to ensure that there is no adverse interaction between them. This new product demonstrated more than 3 log reduction (LR) in less than one minute against tested vegetative bacteria and yeast Bacillus subtilis (>4.68, >4.81, >3.85 and >4.88), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (>4.00, >4.34, >3.85 and >4.04) Candida albicans (>4.11, >4.18, >4.95 and >4.48), Micrococcus lylae (>5.56, >5.56, >5.65 and 5.74) and Leifsonia aquaticum (>5.82, 5.79, >5.75 and >5.74) but about 15min were needed to achieve high log reduction against Aspergillus niger (3.02, 2.94, 2.91 and 3.10) and no remarkable log reduction of bacterial spores of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus pumilus even after 30min of contact time on coupons inoculated with microorganisms. There is no interaction between this new formula and any other commonly used disinfectants in pharma-ceutical facility. The new disinfectant may be used as sanitizer with good activity but not as sporicidal agent for up to 30min contact time

    Accounting information system in the water industry : The case of cost management.

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    Water is a primary human need. The supply of water has not increased in the face of population growth. At present severe pressure exists on water supplies in California and along the river system both in the developed and developing world (especially in the case of the Nile in Egypt). Whatever our policy stance towards the economics of water supply (the liberal market, social democracy and democratic socialism), cost management and processes are central to the water sector. The control or governing ideas within which cost management takes place are the two major concerns of this thesis. These two issues were explored in a case study of the General Organisation for the Greater Cairo Water Supply, focusing specifically upon government policy, administrative controls, the influence of public sector bodies and other customers. Control procedures, the perceptions and experiences of managers (regarding policy choice), cost management policies and practices, environmental demands (both market and physical), were all sought. Data was collected from multiple sources (triangulation) involving interviews, questionnaires, documentation, direct observation and participant observation. The research findings showed that the practice of cost management has developed. Reasons were multi-fold: (a) To keep costs well above revenue (b) To engender a factor-resources cost and technical approach to cost management (for efficiency and optimisation) (c) To deflect any attention away from strategic cost management (d) To engender an organisational belief that ambiguity and unpredictability in the environmental market is impossible to handle (e) To deny the relevance of customer cost/usage efficiency as a matter of systemic significance. This 'evolution of control' is explained through the theoretical context of institutional theory; demonstrating how values, beliefs and modes of regulation have produced a technical and passive non-reactive control system

    Comparison between different methods of sonographic cervical length assessment during pregnancy

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    Background: Preterm birth is the presence of uterine contraction of sufficient frequency and intensity to effect progressive effacement and dilatation of cervix prior to term gestation (between 20 and 37 weeks). The objective of this study was to compare between the different methods of assessment of cervical length (Trans abdominal, trans vaginal, and transperineal) during pregnancy as a possible screening of preterm birth.Methods: Prospective cohort study was performed on 200 cases who attended at Elshat by hospital. At gestational age from 20 to 26 weeks, there was no significant difference regarding demographic data as (maternal age, parity). The route of examination was started according to urinary bladder fullness at admission. Accordingly, the patient was not instructed to void if she had full bladder, rather we started by transabdominal route. If she had empty bladder at the time she presented we started by transperineal then transvaginal route. The four measurements were compared to each other and the difference between them calculated. The selected sample size was found to be 200 pregnant women.Results: Transvaginal route gave the longest cervical measurements followed by transperineal route then abdominal route (full bladder) and finally tans abdominal route (semi-full bladder). Our results indicate that there is a significant positive correlation among the four methods of measuring cervical length in that gestational age.Conclusions: Tran-abdominal assessment could be used initially for cervical length screening, considering the maternal and fetal condition. Then, if the need arises, transvaginal sonography could be used. This step by step approach may be more convenient and useful to both patients and physicians for cervical length screening


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    This experiment was carried out during 2015 and 2016 experimental seasons to investigate the effect of spraying with moringa extract at 3%, garlic extract at 3% or ascorbic acid at 300 ppm on fruit set, yield and fruit quality of Khadrawi date palm cultivar. Anyhow, bunches were sprayed at three times (3 hours before pollination then 4 and 8 weeks after pollination). The present results indicated that spraying date palm bunches with moringa extract or garlic extract recorded the highest initial fruit set in the first and second seasons, respectively. As well as, moringa extract gave the highest fruit retention and yield in both seasons. In addition, all treatments improved some fruit physical characteristics i.e. fruit weight, flesh weight, fruit volume and fruit length compared to the control treatment in the two studied seasons. Also, results showed that moringa extract or ascorbic acid increased TSS%, total sugars % and reducing sugars % in both seasons compared to the control. Meanwhile, the lowest fibers % was obtained by garlic extract in the two seasons. Also, all treatments had no significant effect on total acidity % and tannins content in both seasons

    Effects of Bivariation Viscosity and Magnetic Field on Trapping in a Uniform Tube with Peristalsis

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    In recent papers, Mehdi Lachiheb has considered fluid viscosity through a peristaltic tube and a channel as a function of the radial and axial components. This author discussed the trapping phenomenon at the centerline of a peristaltic tube and a channel, the pressure rise, and the drag (friction) forces without a magnetic field. Considering the importance of magnetohydrodynamic fluids in bioengineering and medical sciences, we discussed the effects of bivariation viscosity and magnetic field on the trapping phenomenon at the centerline, separated flow on the wall surface of the peristaltic tube, the drag (friction) forces, and the pressure rise. To solve the problem under low Reynolds and long wavelength assumptions, the velocity field and pressure gradient as functions of Hartmann number, amplitude ratio, viscosity parameter, and volume flow rate were obtained using the perturbation approach in terms of Hartmann number (M \u3c 1). The peristaltic pumping and augmented pumping regions were discussed through drag (friction) forces and the pressure rising. In addition, separation flow points on the surface of the wall were determined numerically