244 research outputs found

    A framework structure to enhance the implementation of private finance initiative (PFI) projects in Malaysia at pre-construction stage: a methodological development / Shamsida Saidan Khaderi, Abdul Rashid Abd Aziz and Ani Saifuza Abd Shukor.

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    Private Finance Initiative (PFI) in Malaysia has been inundated by various controversies and criticisms from the very beginning. Yet, in-depth researches relating to them have been lacking. Based on the circumstances, the paper proposes a framework structure to enhance the implementation of PFI projects in Malaysia with focus on the pre-construction stage with the following objectives: to determine the issues and constraint which have arisen, to determine the success factors and lastly to develop a framework for performance improvement. Semistructure interviews with 35 experts and nine case studies (each three representing Modes 1, 2 and 3) were used to collect data. The study found ten success factors which is: fair risk distribution, public-private cooperation, comprehensive output specification, value for money, maintenance culture, innovation, performance-based payment, cost linked to life span, transparency and financing. A workable implementation framework for the pre-construction stage was developed after industry practitioners tested it. This framework can help industry players including contractors in making sound decisions when undertaking PFI projects

    Buli di kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah luar bandar: kajian kes di kawasan Felda Utara Kedah-Perlis, Malaysia

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    Objektif utama kajian ialah mengkaji tingkah laku buli dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah yang bersekolah di dalam ladang. Instrumen BBQ Olweus telah implementasi kepada n=110 orang pelajar sekolah rendah dengan croncbach alph 0.899. Hasil kajian mendapati 37.3% daripada n=110 responden mempunyai pengalaman dibuli. Didapati buli secara verbal adalah pengalaman buli yang seringkali dialami iaitu sebanyak (¯x=0.9873); buli relational (¯x=0.8065) dan buli secara fizikal (¯x=4591). Justeru itu, hasil kajian juga merumuskan waktu rehat adalah waktu yang paling kritikal berlakunya buli iaitu (89% semasa beratur ; 80% semasa beratur dan sedang mengambil makanan, 69% dalam tandas and 46.4% perjalanan pergi dan pulang dari kelas). Manakala, terdapatnya hubungan yang signifikan di antara lokasi buli dengan jenis buli iaitu relational (r=0.833,>0.05), verbal (r=0.704,>0.05) and fizikal (r=0.619,>0.05). Hasil kajian juga mendapati adanya hubungan di antara siapa pembuli dengan jenis buli iaitu verbal (r=0.692,p>0.05), relational (r=0.614,p>0.05) and fizikal (r=0.468,p>0.05)

    Low and Medium Calorific Value Gasification Gas Combustion in IC Engines

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    Higher hydrogen to carbon ratio of gasification gases produced from solid fuels has been utilized in internal combustion engines (ICE) since long ago. Advancements in the conversion technologies and the abundant availability of solid fuels added with advancements in the technology of gas engines and their fuelling system have renewed the interest and are believed to be transition fuels from carbon based to hydrogen based. Over the past 30 years, there were many trials to bring back the gasification gas technology in ICE. This study is mainly focused on the investigation of technical challenges with lower and medium calorific value gasification gases in IC engines The range of operation of these fuels is found to be influenced by available injection duration and injector pulse width in direct-injection spark-ignition engines. The lower calorific value of these gases also make them less competitive to CNG and H2 in the dual fueling in CI engine even though they have better advantage in the emissions. Furthermore, red glow color deposit was spotted on the surface of the combustion chamber after short running on all fuels that was resulted from decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO)5) contaminants

    Rhetorical structures in academic research writing by non-native writers

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    Writers of research articles are expected to present research information in a structured manner by following a certain rhetorical patterns determined by the discourse community.Failures to keep to the writing standard and rhetorical pattern are likely to lower the acceptance rate. While producing a research article is understandably a complex task, it is even more difficult if one is writing in his or her second or third language. Even if grammatical mistakes can be ironed out by a language editor, researchers are on their own when it comes to rhetorical presentation of their research ideas. The available research writing guidelines constructed in the native speaker context often fall short in addressing rhetorical aspects related to cultural issues that have been known to influence most non native English (NNE) writings. Motivated by the complexity of rhetorical presentation in research articles and the problems on writing research articles by NNE writers, this paper is aimed to explore the rhetorical moves used by the Malaysian writers in the introduction section of Computer Science research articles for journal publication.CARS model (Swales, 2004) is used to analyze the rhetorical moves in the introduction section of Computer Science research articles by the Malaysian writers.The study begins with a corpus compilation of five research articles (RA) by the writers followed by move analysis use in the CARS model (Swales, 2004) was conducted to analyze the articles.The analysis revealed that majority of the writers adopted most of the rhetorical strategies in Swales model (2004).The paper concludes that CARS model is suitable in identifying the rhetorical moves in the RA by Malaysian writers

    Research publication output by academicians in public and private universities in Malaysia

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    The number of publication has been one of the measurement values in the performance evaluation for higher education academicians.Over the years, the obligation to publish has amplified to not just on getting published but also on getting published in high quality journal whereby the quality ranking is determined by publication categories.This paper gives an account on the publication output on Scopus by the Malaysian private and the public universities in 2010.The study employed a query search on the Malaysian universities affiliation using Scopus database. The result of the search was tabulated and narrowed to journal publications and the other types of publication such as reviews, proceedings and letters were omitted.The number of journal publications by each university was listed out and comparison on the average was made.Comparison was made between the average number of publications by the private and the public universities. Findings show that the spur on publishing among Malaysian universities has taken effect.The study found that the Malaysian private universities published a distinctively smaller number of documents in Scopus compared to the public universities.The percentage for publication of journal article from the overall Scopus publication type journal articles published by the private universities was also smaller compared to the public universities. In other words, compared to the public universities, the authors in the Malaysian private universities had lower inclination to publish journal articles and were more likely to publish in conference proceedings, reviews and articles in press.The discussion section explores the reasons for these differences and presents the possible trending on the issue of publication in Malaysia

    Compact Circular Polarized Antenna Design with H-Shaped Slots and Stair Notches for Wireless LAN Application of 2.4 GHz

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    This paper presents the design of a circular polarized antenna for wireless communication system. Firstly, the linear polarization antenna is simulated in the CST Microwave Studio. This linear polarization antenna is designed by using double H-shaped slots, coplanar waveguide (CPW) and stair notches at the patch techniques. Then, the truncated corners at the patch are designed to create a circular polarization antenna. The dimension of this circular polarization antenna is 28 mm width x 33 mm length. Both antennas are designed for a single frequency operation band at 2.4 GHz. The return-loss performance of the circular polarized antenna is - 46.785 dB and – 39.758 dB for each simulation and measurement respectivel

    Comparison on the rhetorical promotional strategies used in performing art and visual art research articles

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    Articles on innovative research development and discussions on sustainable issues in Art and Design Education Research are welcomed by editors and publishers for the reason that sharing of knowledge would encourage beneficial development to the advancement of Arts and Design education and research.Consecutively, researchers of other disciplines are putting vigorous effort to publish their articles to the extent that promotional strategies are used to appeal the interest of the readers and editors in return increase the possibility of publication and citation. While studies found promotional strategies have permeated into the journal articles in Science and Technologies disciplines, not much has been discussed on whether the Arts and Design academicians promote their work in their journal article writing. Motivated by the understanding that utilization of the promotional strategy in journal article writing would benefit the Art and Design writers in publishing their work, this article investigated the use of promotional strategies in the Art and Design research articles.Putting the findings side by side, it was found that the Visual Arts articles utilized more recommended strategies in their writing compared to the Performing Arts articles. Compared to the Performing Art articles, the Visual Arts articles were found using more strategies that indicated the research gap and strategies that stated the value of their work. The comparison between the two also suggested direct and indirect attempt on using the strategies

    The role of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) in the direction of traumatic intra abdominal injury : our experience in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan(HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang

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    Introduction: Blunt abdominal trauma can cause multiple injuries and these injuries are often difficult to be accurately evaluated via clinical assessment. Currently, multislice computed tomography (MSCT) scan is the imaging modality of choice in assessing clinically stable patients with blunt abdominal trauma. This study assessed the role of MSCT in the detection of traumatic intra abdominal injury and correlates the findings with subsequent patient’s management. Methodology This is a retrospective study approved by our institutional review board. All cases of CT scan performed to rule out traumatic intra abdominal injury from January 2008 until December 2009 was traced from the registration book. CT scan images were retrieved and reviewed. Analysis of findings was done and organ injuries were graded according to AAST (American Association of Surgery and Trauma). Case notes and surgical findings were reviewed for correlation with CT findings. Results There were 151 cases included in this study. Positive scan were seen in 130 patients (86.1%). Liver, spleen and renal injuries were seen in 40.8%, 33.8% and 26.2% of cases respectively. Laparotomies were performed in 42 patients from 130 positive scans (32.3%) and in 3 patients who had negative scan. Out of 45 patients who had undergone laparotomies, 10 patients had significant surgically injuries that were missed on CT scan findings. The injuries were bowel perforation (n=4), serosal tear of bowel (n=1), mesenteric injuries (n=2), spleen injury (n=1), liver injury (n=1) and laceration of broad ligaments with oozing of blood from ovarian artery (n=1). Conclusion CT scan is a useful tool in the evaluation of blunt abdominal injuries in haemodynamically stable patients especially in the detection of solid organ injuries and retroperitoneal haematoma. However assessment of bowel and mesenteric injury was not similarly effective in our study

    Model-based energy path analysis of tip-in event in a 2wd vehicle with range-extender electric powertrain architecture

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    Vehicle driveability is one of the important attributes in range-extender electric vehicles due to the electric motor torque characteristics at low-speed events. Physical vehicle prototypes are typically used to validate and rectify vehicle driveability attributes. However, this can be expensive and require several design iterations. In this paper, a model-based energy method to assess vehicle driveability is presented based on high-fidelity 49 degree-of-freedom powertrain and vehicle systems. Multibody dynamic components were built according to their true centre of gravity relative to the vehicle datum to provide an accurate system interaction. The work covered a frequency of less than 20 Hz. The results consist of the components’ frequency domination, which was structured and examined to identify the low-frequency resonances sensitivity based on different operating parameters such as road surface coefficients. An energy path method was also implemented on the dominant component by decoupling its compliances to study the effect on the vehicle driveability and low-frequency resonances. The outcomes of the research provided a good understanding of the interaction across the sub-systems levels. The powertrain rubber mounts were the dominant component that controlled the low-frequency resonances (<15.33 Hz) and can change the vehicle driveability quality