6 research outputs found

    The Effect of Corporation Reputation on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

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    There is a growing interest of academicians and practitioners for corporate reputation since it is an important factor, which creates beneficial outcomes for the firms. In the literature, corporate reputation is studied on the ground of external stakeholders. However, employees as internal stakeholders are also as important as the external ones, and we know little about how corporate reputation affects employees’ organizational behaviors. This study purposes to fulfill that gap and aims to identify the effect of corporate reputation an organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). As a result of the study, it was found that corporation reputation positively affects altruism, courtesy, civic virtue and consciousness while does not have any influence on sportsmanshi

    İşletmelerde çevre ve değişen çevre koşullarında teknolojinin yönetimine etkileri

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    ÖZETDeğişen dünyamızda işletmeleri, toplumu, hemen her birimi en çok etkisi altında bırakan faktörlerden biri de teknolojidir. Teknoloji ve bilimsel gelişmelerin büyük bir hızla ilerlemesi hemen her işletmede büyük etkiler yaratmaktadır. İşletmeler bu hızlı değişimden zarar görmemek için öncelikle çevrelerini iyi tanıyıp analiz etmek zorundadırlar. Çevrede meydana gelen değişimi iyi anlamak ve kendi işletmelerinde kullanmak zorundadırlar.Çevrede meydana gelen değişmelerin büyük bir bölümü hemen her gün, her saat, değişebilen, yenilenen teknolojik çevrede ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu gün bütün işletmeleri etkisi altına alan ,çok hızlı değişebilen ve olmazsa olmaz dediğimiz en önemli faktörlerden biri de teknoloji faktörüdür.Bütün bunların yanında işletmelerin yapıları da büyük bir değişim içine girmiştir. Yeni tip organizasyonlar ortaya çıkmış ve işler daha süratli bir hale gelmiştir. "Sanal organizasyonlar" dediğimiz işletmeler ortaya çıkmıştır. Ve artık bir iş toplantısı, anlaşması vb. birçok konu için bir çok insanın bir araya gelmesi tarihte kalmıştır. Günün her saatinde toplantılar, herkesin bulunduğu yerden bilgisayar ekranı karşısında büyük bir kolaylıkla yapılabilmektedir.Bu çalışmada, yukarıda değinilen tüm konular ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın konusu "İşletmelerde Çevre ve Değişen Çevre Koşullarında Teknolojinin Yönetime Olan Etkisi" olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, konuya "giriş" kısmı, ikinci bölümünde; "İşletme ve Çevre" konusu, çevre analizi, özellikle "teknolojik çevreyi içine alan "Genel Çevre" konusu incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde "İşletmelerde Değişim" konusu, değişimin nedenleri, değişime direnç ve bu direncin ortadan kaldırılması konuları incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, "Teknoloji ve Yönetim" ve "Sanal Organizasyonlar" konuları incelenmiştir. Beşinci bölümde ise "Ortaya Çıkan Teknolojik Yeniliklerin Yönetime Olan Etkisini" belirlemek amacıyla bir çok alt birimden oluşan büyük bir kamu işletmesinde yapılan bir araştırmaya yer verilmiştir. SUMMARY In our changing world ,the technology is the efficient factor of every part of population and the companies. The great improvment of technology and scientific developments causes great effect on every organization.These organiztions have to analyse and define their environments very well in order not to be affected badly from those fast changements.They have to use this change for the success of their organiztions. The great part of the changements are happened in an environment what can change in every day and hour.Nowadays the most important and effective factor in the all organizations is the factor of technology. In addition to these the structure of organizations are in a big changements .The new type of organizations have occured and the business has become faster.The virtual organizations have been ocuured.For example for a business meeting the managers do not have to come together.They can take part in these meeting from their own offices front of the computer screens. I studied in all the subjects above in this thesis.I pointed my thesis as " The Effects of Technology on Managment in Changing Environments and the Environment of Organizations."In theoretical part of the study we proved how affect the technology to the managment of organizations.In order to find out the attitude of this subject i made an opinion poll questionnaire up to 20 questions.And then i proved the effect of technology to the managment of organizations

    The Effect of Corporation Reputation on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

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    There is a growing interest of academicians and practitioners for corporate reputation since it is an important factor, which creates beneficial outcomes for the firms. In the literature, corporate reputation is studied on the ground of external stakeholders. However, employees as internal stakeholders are also as important as the external ones, and we know little about how corporate reputation affects employees’ organizational behaviors. This study purposes to fulfill that gap and aims to identify the effect of corporate reputation an organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). As a result of the study, it was found that corporation reputation positively affects altruism, courtesy, civic virtue and consciousness while does not have any influence on sportsmanshi

    The Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Organizational Silence

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to empirically investigate the effect of organizational silence dimensions on organizational citizenship behaviours. This study considers organizational silence as a multidimensional construct and compares the effects of these dimensions on organizational citizenship behaviours. The research sample formed by 462 full time employees of one multinational private company which is headquartered in Istanbul. The data was provided by a questionnaire which was structured according to the research questions. Regression was performed to test our hypothesized model. On the basis of using regression, we found that: i) acquiescent silence and defensive silence have a negative effect on organizational citizenship behavior, ii) prosocial silence has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior

    -NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the International Strategic Management Conference ScienceDirect The Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Organizational Silenc

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    Abstract The aim of this study is to empirically investigate the effect of organizational silence dimensions on organizational citizenship behaviours. This study considers organizational silence as a multidimensional construct and compares the effects of these dimensions on organizational citizenship behaviours. The research sample formed by 462 full time employees of one multinational private company which is headquartered in Istanbul. The data was provided by a questionnaire which was structured according to the research questions. Regression was performed to test our hypothesized model. On the basis of using regression, we found that: i) acquiescent silence and defensive silence have a negative effect on organizational citizenship behavior, ii) prosocial silence has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Akturan / Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences 207 ( 2015 ) 472 -482 Keywords Introduction Many studies have noted social functionality and contribution of helping behaviors, volunteering and altruism towards individuals, groups or institutes. In recent decades this fields has also received considerable attention in management studies and added new insight into our understanding of organizations, and the workplace in the modern societies. Hence, beyond its general social relevancy, these altruistic and helping behaviors have proven to have interdisciplinary meanings (Gadot, 2006: 77). Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) are discretionary behaviors on the part of an employee that directly promote the effective functioning of an organization, without necessarily influencing an employee's productivity. Organ (1997) stated that, although various descriptions of specific dimension underlying the concept of OCB abound, the overall construct is generally referred to as those sets of individual behaviors that contribute to the social and psychological context in which the task performance of a job must function (Todd, Kent, 2006: 253). Since the development of the concept, much research has been focused to explore the antecedents of OCB. The most research on OCB has related to individual antecedents of OCB (Bateman and Organ, 1983, Organ and Lingl, 1995; O'Reilly and Chatman, 1986; Moorman, et al., 1993; Organizational silence is a new concept in the literature and was first introduced in the 2000 by Morrison and Milliken. While Morrison and Milliken (2000: 706) defined the organizational silence as "a collective phenomenon that impedes the development of a hazard and a pluralistic organization that hinder organizational change and development", Tangirala and Ramanujam (2008: 39) defined it as "not to share with others, and to keep themselves for the employees of businesses or organizations important situations, issues or events". In the context of social exchange theory (Blau, 1964), organizational silence is an important organizational behavior issues that arise in lack of having the relationship equitable social change. Although employees who are the most reliable source of data and information in the organization (Clapham and Cooper, 2005: 307), it is seen that employees generally tend not to express their ideas, views or feedback consciously. While it is accepted that employees are participating to organizational activities voluntarily on the basis of organizational citizenship behavior, organizational silence behavior theory says that employees avoid revealing their views and ideas with a conscious decision. Accordingly, the employees who are in the behavior of organizational silence also has lower tendency for organizational citizenship behavior. Within this framework it is possible to say that both organizational silence and organizational citizenship behavior are very important subjects for organizations to reach desired objectives. In this context, the aim of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and organizational silence. According to this purpose, first of all, conceptual framework will be discussed in the subsequent section and after that, methodology of the study will be discussed. This study reveals the causes and the results of these variables and differentiates with using organizational citizenship behavior in a one dimension and investigates the relationship between this dimension and organizational silence