1,825 research outputs found

    Mate-guarding by male mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) is associated with female MHC genotype

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    Female choice for male major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotype has been widely tested, but the relationship between male mating strategies and female MHC genotype has received far less attention. Moreover, few studies of MHC-associated mate choice test for the fitness effects underlying such choice. We examined mate-guarding by male mandrills, a species with intense male–male competition and female offspring care. We developed a statistical model based on 10 years of observations to describe how the probability a female is mate-guarded varies across her sexual cycle, among cycles and among females. We accounted for female rank, parity, and maternal relatedness. We then tested whether the occurrence of mate-guarding is influenced by 1) MHC dissimilarity, 2) female MHC diversity, and 3) specific female MHC genotypes. Finally, we tested for associations between MHC variables and the ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes in blood samples taken during routine captures. The best-fit models included either MHC dissimilarity (males were more likely to mate-guard more dissimilar females, and there was some evidence of preference for intermediate MHC dissimilarity) or a specific MHC supertype. Four of 11 supertypes investigated were influential and one had a strong negative influence on mate-guarding. We found some evidence that the MHC genotype that attracted the least mate-guarding was disadvantageous in terms of immune function. However, we did not find evidence that MHC diversity was related to immune function. These results suggest that highly competitive males modify their mating behavior based on female MHC genotype, and a possible fitness benefit to mate choice for specific genotypes

    Yang-Mills Solutions on Euclidean Schwarzschild Space

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    We show that the apparently periodic Charap-Duff Yang-Mills `instantons' in time-compactified Euclidean Schwarzschild space are actually time independent. For these solutions, the Yang-Mills potential is constant along the time direction (no barrier) and therefore, there is no tunneling. We also demonstrate that the solutions found to date are three dimensional monopoles and dyons. We conjecture that there are no time-dependent solutions in the Euclidean Schwarzschild background.Comment: 12 pages, references added, version to appear in PR

    Gravitational Waves in a Spatially Closed deSitter Spacetime

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    Perturbation of gravitational fields may be decomposed into scalar,vector and tensor components.In this paper we concern with the evolution of tensor mode perturbations in a spatially closed deSitter background of RW form. It may be thought as gravitional waves in a classical description. The chosen background has the advantage of to be maximally extended and symmetric. The spatially flat models commonly emerge from inflationary scenarios are not completely extended.We first derive the general weak field equations.Then the form of the field equations in two special cases, planar and spherical waves are obtained and their solutions are presented. We conclued with discussing the significance of the results and their implications.Comment: 16 pages,no figure

    Negative Energy in String Theory and Cosmic Censorship Violation

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    We find asymptotically anti de Sitter solutions in N=8 supergravity which have negative total energy. This is possible since the boundary conditions required for the positive energy theorem are stronger than those required for finite mass (and allowed by string theory). But stability of the anti de Sitter vacuum is still ensured by the positivity of a modified energy, which includes an extra surface term. Some of the negative energy solutions describe classical evolution of nonsingular initial data to naked singularities. Since there is an open set of such solutions, cosmic censorship is violated generically in supergravity. Using the dual field theory description, we argue that these naked singularities will be resolved in the full string theory.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, v2: argument for forming naked singularities clarified, references adde

    On a Neutrino Electroweak Radius

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    We study a combination of amplitudes for neutrino scattering that can isolate a (gauge-invariant) difference of chirality-preserving neutrino electroweak radii for νμ\nu_\mu and ντ\nu_\tau. This involves both photon and ZμZ_\mu exchange contributions. It is shown that the construction singles out the contributions of the hypercharge gauge field BμB_{\mu} in the standard model. We comment on how gauge-dependent terms from the charge radii cancel with other terms in the relative electroweak radii defined.Comment: 16 pages, revtex with embedded figure

    Pinch Technique and the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism

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    In this paper we take the first step towards a non-diagrammatic formulation of the Pinch Technique. In particular we proceed into a systematic identification of the parts of the one-loop and two-loop Feynman diagrams that are exchanged during the pinching process in terms of unphysical ghost Green's functions; the latter appear in the standard Slavnov-Taylor identity satisfied by the tree-level and one-loop three-gluon vertex. This identification allows for the consistent generalization of the intrinsic pinch technique to two loops, through the collective treatment of entire sets of diagrams, instead of the laborious algebraic manipulation of individual graphs, and sets up the stage for the generalization of the method to all orders. We show that the task of comparing the effective Green's functions obtained by the Pinch Technique with those computed in the background field method Feynman gauge is significantly facilitated when employing the powerful quantization framework of Batalin and Vilkovisky. This formalism allows for the derivation of a set of useful non-linear identities, which express the Background Field Method Green's functions in terms of the conventional (quantum) ones and auxiliary Green's functions involving the background source and the gluonic anti-field; these latter Green's functions are subsequently related by means of a Schwinger-Dyson type of equation to the ghost Green's functions appearing in the aforementioned Slavnov-Taylor identity.Comment: 45 pages, uses axodraw; typos corrected, one figure changed, final version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Energy in Generic Higher Curvature Gravity Theories

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    We define and compute the energy of higher curvature gravity theories in arbitrary dimensions. Generically, these theories admit constant curvature vacua (even in the absence of an explicit cosmological constant), and asymptotically constant curvature solutions with non-trivial energy properties. For concreteness, we study quadratic curvature models in detail. Among them, the one whose action is the square of the traceless Ricci tensor always has zero energy, unlike conformal (Weyl) gravity. We also study the string-inspired Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet model and show that both its flat and Anti-de-Sitter vacua are stable.Comment: 18 pages, typos corrected, one footnote added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Localisation of Fermions to brane: Codimension d≥2d \geq 2

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    We investigate 4+d4+d dimensional fermionic models in which the system in codimension-dd supports a topologically stable solution, and in which the fermion may be localised to the brane, with power law in 'instanton' backgrounds and exponentially in 'soliton' backgrounds. When the fermions are isoscalars, the mechanism fails, while for isospinor fermions it is successful. As backgrounds we consider instantons of Yang--Mills and sigma models in even codimensions, solitons of sigma models in odd codimensions, as well as solitons of Higgs and Goldstone models in all codimensions.Comment: 20 pages latex; expande

    The Two-Loop Pinch Technique in the Electroweak Sector

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    The generalization of the two-loop Pinch Technique to the Electroweak Sector of the Standard Model is presented. We restrict ourselves to the case of conserved external currents, and provide a detailed analysis of both the charged and neutral sectors. The crucial ingredient for this construction is the identification of the parts discarded during the pinching procedure with well-defined contributions to the Slavnov-Taylor identity satisfied by the off-shell one-loop gauge-boson vertices; the latter are nested inside the conventional two-loop self-energies. It is shown by resorting to a set of powerful identities that the two-loop effective Pinch Technique self-energies coincide with the corresponding ones computed in the Background Feynman gauge. The aforementioned identities are derived in the context of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, a fact which enables the individual treatment of the self-energies of the photon and the ZZ-boson. Some possible phenomenological applications are briefly discussed.Comment: 50 pages, uses axodra
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