101 research outputs found

    Effect of catalysts on hydrogen storage properties of MgH2

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    Hydrogen is the best energy carrier for all kinds of environmentally friendly energy sources such as wind and solar energy. Among the various types of material for hydrogen storage, magnesium is one of the most promising candidates. The objective of this thesis is enhancement of the hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 using different kinds of catalysts and ball-milling methods. To increase defects and decrease both grain size and agglomeration, and therefore hydrogen diffusion paths, a hard nanopowder, SiC, was added to MgH2. Less than 10wt% of SiC improved the sorption kinetics, while more than 10wt% SiC blocked Mg particles and had negative effects. In addition to increasing defects and extra improvement of the surface area, the effects of doping Ni into the MgH2-SiC system were investigated. Additional improvement in sorption kinetics and hydrogen capacity was achieved by this combination. The rate-limiting step changed from ‘‘surface controlled’’ for the pure sample to ‘‘nucleation and three-dimensional growth of the existing nuclei’’ for the MgH2-SiC-Ni sample. As Ti-based body-centred cubic (BCC) alloys have shown superior catalytic effects on the hydrogen storage properties of magnesium, a new type of BCC, Ti0.4Mn0.22Cr0.1V0.28, was ball milled with MgH2 with different ball-to-powder weight (BPWR) ratios. The conversion of magnesium to magnesium hydride was much faster in presence of this catalyst. Both desorption temperature and hydrogen absorption/desorption kinetics were improved by adding the catalyst and increasing the BPWR. With the aim of improving the different steps of hydrogen sorption in Mg, a combination of ball milling Ti0.4Mn0.22Cr0.1V0.28 and multi-walled carbon nanotubes with MgH2 was investigated. Ti0.4Mn0.22Cr0.1V0.28 improved two steps of hydrogen absorption: dissociation of hydrogen molecules and transformation of hydrogen atoms into the Mg/BCC interface to form MgH2 particles. The effects of CNTs could include promotion of Mg aggregation along the grain boundaries and facilitated penetration of hydrogen atoms into interior layers of Mg grains. These effects were in reverse order during hydrogen desorption. With the aim of finding optimised fabrication conditions for the Mg-Ni system, various fabrication methods such as casting, ball-milling, and the combination of casting and ball milling, and their influence on the hydrogen sorption properties of Mg-6 wt% Ni alloys were studied. Preparation of Mg + Ni by ball milling led to remarkable hydrogen sorption properties in comparison with casting as a consequence of introducing defects and active sites during the ball milling. Key words: hydrogen storage, magnesium hydride, ball milling, catalyst, silicon carbide, nickel, Ti-based body centred cubic, carbon nanotub

    Effects of delayed harvest, cultivar, and boll type on weathering damage to yield-related traits and fiber quality in upland cotton

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of delayed harvest, cultivar, and boll type on field deterioration of (i.e., weathering damage to) yield-related traits and fiber quality in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Four stormproof, four storm resistant, and four open-boll cultivars were utilized in this study over 3 years at a single location. Each year when plant growth had totally ceased, random samples of 15 mature bolls were taken from each plot at approximately 2-week intervals. Seven traits associated with yield and six fiber quality characteristics were studied using analyses of variance and regression techniques.In most cases, cultivars having the same boll type displayed similar trends for weathering effects on traits associated with yield and fiber quality. Interactions of boll type with duration of pre-harvest weathering were significant in approximately half the possible instances, indicating that trends were frequently different among the boll types studied.All yield-related traits were reduced by delayed harvests in at least 2 of the 3 years. Adverse effects of weathering on most traits were more serious in open-boll cultivars than in the other two boll types, especially when compared to the stormproof cultivars. Storm resistant cultivars generally displayed intermediate responses between the open-boll and stormproof types, but did not differ significantly from the stormproof types for any yield-related trait in any year. Significant differences between storm resistant and open-boll types were occasionally detected. The three boll types did not differ in the rates at which their lint and seed indexes were reduced by weathering.All fiber quality traits were reduced by delayed harvests in at least 2 of the 3 years. Differences in weathering trends among boll types were not as consistent for fiber quality as they were for the yield-related traits. Significant differences among boll types for such trends were not detected for 2.5% span length, micronaire, or T1 fiber strength. In one year, storm resistant and open-boll types lost uniformity index more rapidly than did stormproof cultivars. In another year, open-boll cultivars suffered 50% span length reductions more rapidly than the other two; and open-boll cultivars lost T0 fiber strength more quickly than did the storm resistant types.The amounts of loss in each character that can be expected for each 2-week delay in harvest are provided for each boll type in this paper

    Inheritance of Several Agronomic Characters and Associations Among Them in Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill)

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    Investigating the Factors Affecting the Release Time Management of Profit of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange

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    After Patel and Wolfson (1982) who examined the relationship between news content related to profits and release time of this news during the week, other studies have been done showing that the profits that are declared in the weekend include worse news than releasing profit in the days of the week. It is assumed that opportunistic managers for this reason release their profits at these times, and media pay less attention to hide bad news from market. This study has tested the observations that have changed the profits declaration time between weekdays and weekends to examine more closely the strategic disclosure hypothesis. The hypothesis testing results based on over 4,500 cases of profit declaration during 2001 to 2011 show that directors of accepted companies in Tehran Stock Exchange do not schedule their profits declaration strategically. The effect of some factors influencing the choice of seasonal profits declaration time such as an unexpected benefit, the percentage of free float stock, industry, complexity of the activities of the company and company size during the weekdays were investigated by conducting the Logistic regression test. Among the various factors, test results showed a significant relationship only between the percentage of free float stock and the news announcement time related to the profit

    Genetic analysis of cagA and vacA genes in helicobacter pylori isolates and their relationship with gastroduodenal diseases in the west of Iran

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori have different virulence factors which are associated with several gastroduodenal diseases; however, this association is variable in different geographical regions. Data of genotypes of Iranian H. pylori isolates are few. Objectives: The aim of the current study was to investigate the cagA/vacA genotypes of Helicobacter pylori isolates and determine the relationship between these genotypes with respect to different gastric disorders in patients of Chaharmahalo Bakhtiarian. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, gastric biopsies were taken from 200 patients with gastrodoudenal diseases. Histopathological features were recognized by specialist. The samples were subjected to PCR for detection and identification of ureC, cagA and vacA genes. Results: The frequency of the vacA genotypes, sa1/m1, s1a/m1b, s1a/m2, s1b/m1a, s1b/m1b, s1b/m2, s1c/m1a, s1c/m1b, s1c/m2, s2/m1a, s2/m1b and s2/ m2 were 27(6.6%), 8(4.3%), 45(28.04%), 7(3.7%), 5(2.5%), 10 (6.1%), 12 (7.4%), 4 (2.5%), 18(11%), 6(3.7%), 0 and 22(13.5%) respectively. The cagA gene was detected in 92% of strains. Based on our findings, it seemed that cagPAI and vacA s1 genotypes were associated with some gastric disorders in patients with H. pylori. In this region, the isolates carrying s1a/m2 were the most prevalent. Conclusions: We found considerable relationship between s1a/m1a, s1a/m2, s2/m2 and s1c/m1a and some gastric disorders. Further studies about the role of H. pylori virulence factors and gastric disorders were recommended. © 2013, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    Evaluación de esquemas de microfísica WRF en la simulación de una línea de turbonada sobre IRAN utilizando datos de radar y de reanálisis

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    Se registró una línea de turbonada en el puerto de Dayyer, al suroeste de Irán, el 19 de marzo de 2017. En el presente documento, hemos simulado los rasgos característicos asociados con la línea de turbonada mediante el modelo de investigación y pronóstico meteorológico (WRF) utilizando cinco microfísicas diferentes (MP) esquemas. Para validar las características simuladas de la línea de turbonada, la reflectividad de la sección transversal de latitud-altura y longitud-altura y el valor de precipitación derivado de la reflectividad observada recopilada por el radar meteorológico Doppler en Bushehr, datos de la estación meteorológica sinóptica en el puerto de Dayyer junto con NCEP-NCAR y ERA -Se utilizaron datos de reanálisisINTERIM. Para verificar la precipitación simulada, se calculó la curva Fractions Skill Score (FSS). El examen de los resultados de la simulación de la presión geopotencial y al nivel del mar muestra que las simulaciones del modelo que utilizan diferentes esquemas de MP concuerdan bien con los reanálisis de verificación. Además, la distribución espacial de las precipitaciones de las simulaciones y las observaciones de verificación no mostraron grandes diferencias. Sin embargo, existen diferencias significativas en los detalles de las simulaciones, como la reflectividad máxima de las celdas convectivas, la extensión vertical de las celdas de tormenta, la velocidad y dirección del viento, los valores de precipitación y las curvas FSS. Sin embargo, todas las simulaciones han mostrado celdas convectivas sobre el puerto de Dayyer en el momento de la aparición de la línea de turbonada, pero solo la simulación del modelo que usa el esquema Lin MP es consistente con la reflectividad del radar y la extensión vertical correspondientes. El gráfico FSS mostró que la habilidad cambia con la escala espacial. Los resultados utilizando el esquema de microfísica Lin cruzaron la línea FSSuniform a escalas más bajas en comparación con otros esquemas de M

    ACE1-I/D Polymorphism in Patients With Severe COVID-19

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    Background: In several studies, insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism in the angiotensin-converting enzyme 1 (ACE1) gene is described as a genetic risk factor for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection. However, in some studies, this contribution is not confirmed. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the genotypic and allelic frequency of ACE1-D/I in Kurdish patients with severe COVID-19 in Iran. Methods: A total of 95 patients with PCR positive-COVID-19 were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leucocytes using the salting out method. All cases were genotyped for ACE1-I/D polymorphism using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Death percentage from COVID-19 after two months’ follow-up was analyzed. Results: Of the 95 patients, 48 were female (50.5%) and 47 were male (49.5%) with a mean age of 61.9±18.7 years. The ID genotype was the most prevalent (52.6%) followed by DD (32.6%) and II (14.7%). The D and I allele frequencies were 58.9%, and 41.1%, respectively. The D allele frequency was higher in patients with SpO2≤90% (P = 0.048). The mortality percentage was 18.9% (8 females and 10 males). The frequency of the DD, ID, and II genotypes in patients who died from COVID-19 was 27.7%, 61,1%, and 11.1%. Conclusions: Our results indicated that the ACE1- D allele can be a genetic risk factor in COVID-19 patients. Further studies on different ethnicities and geographical regions are needed to evaluate this polymorphism in COVID-19 infection

    Information technology application in medicine and nursing

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    The computers are the greatest human invention of the twentieth century. Their abilities to store، share and transmission of multimedia data are used in the business، entertainment، health and medicine. Telemedicine technology is one of the abilities that can cause medical information exchange will be at long distances. Telemedicine is using telecommunications and information technology to provide modern clinical services and remote data transfer to take care of patients. Objectives: This study was done aimed to review the remote treatment and care. This study was done using literature related to nursing and telemedicine in Latin and Farsi databases included Proquest، Science direct، Ovid، SID، IranMedex. Telemedicine and telenursing are included transfer of medical and nursing data، such as sound، images، and animated pictures. It is used in areas like management of chronic diseases، prevention of diseases، public health، routine consultation، education of patients and disaster controls. According to the function of this technology and easiness of performance it is expected that its application in medical science to spread quickly. Therefore it is necessary to develop health services in our country and take more attention. This article wants to introduce the fundamentals of telemedicine and telenursing. Obviously knowing the details of their applications need more review and study. Keywords: Telenursing, Telemedicine, Care, Treatmen

    Biosynthesis of Srco3 nanostructures with honey as a green capping agent and reductant: photodynamic therapy

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    Objective (s): SrCO3 nanoparticles could be used as new biomedical sources in magnetic resonance imaging as a promising noninvasive imaging modality for the preoperative staging of breast cancer and monitoring of tumor response to therapy. The present study aimed to synthesize SrCO3 nanostructures using microwave irradiation in the presence of honey as a green capping agent and reductant. Materials and Methods: The optical properties of SrCO3 nanostructures were investigated using ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy. Sr(NO3)2.6H2O and NaOH were applied as the starting reagents. Fructose (32.56-38.2%) and glucose (28.54-31.3%), which were the main carbohydrates found in honey, were not only involved in stabilization, but they also acted as the reducing agents in the production of SrCO3 nanostructures. The produced nanostructures were characterized using X-ray diffraction analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy.Results: Method of synthesis and chemical reagents were observed to affect the structural parameters, crystallite size, product size, morphology, and antioxidant activity. Conclusion: According to the results, honey could be used as a green capping agent and reductant for the synthesis of SrCO3 nanostructures as a novel structure to co-deliver therapeutic agents using photo-thermal agents. Moreover, honey has significant potential for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the future
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