373 research outputs found

    The Association of Oxidative Stress with Parkinson's Disease, a Case-Control Study

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    المقدمة: أكدت الدراسات الوبائية خطر الإصابة بمرض الباركنسون (الشلل الرعاشي) Parkinson's disease (PD)  مع بعض العوامل البيئية مثل التعرض للمواد المشتقة من العمليات الصناعية ، اواستخدام الكيماويات الزراعية ، أو العيش  في بيئة ريفية. وفرضية ذلك أنّ بعض السموم البيئية يمكن أن تكون مصدرا لهذا المرض. وقد دعم ذلك بعد اكتشاف أن المواد الكيميائية ،مثل مبيدات الأعشاب كالـباراكوايت Paraquat   والدايكوايت  Diquat ،ومبيدات الفطريات كالـ Maneb التي تعد موادا سامة تعمل بشكل انتقائي في الخلايا العصبية الدوبامينية في منطقة Nigrostriatal ضمن الدماغ. أظهرت الأدلة الحديثة أن الالتهاب والإجهاد التأكسدي (OS) Oxidative Stress يؤديان دورا أساسيا في تطور مرض الشلل الرعاشي. طرق العمل: جمعت في الدراسة الحالية 44 عينة دم (23 ذكر و21 انثى) منها 24 عينة (14 ذكر و10 انثى) لأشخاص مصابين بمرض الشلل الرعاشي، و 20 عينة (9 ذكر و11 انثى) لأشخاص اصحاء غير مصابين من ثلاث محافظات هي النجف الاشرف، وبابل وبغداد ، لتحديد حالة الاجهاد التأكسدي من خلال تحديد مستويات المالون ثنائي الالدهايد Malondialdehyde (MDA) المصلي في الاشخاص المصابين ،والاصحاء والذي يعد مؤشرا لعملية اكسدة الدهون الناتجة من الاجهاد التأكسدي، وتقدير المستويات المصلية  للكلوتاثيون المختزل (GSH)  Glutathione ، والذي يعد بدوره سيد المواد المضادة للأكسدة Master of antioxidant في الجسم الذي يعمل على حفظ التوازن بين المواد المؤكسدة والمواد المضادة للأكسدة. النتائج:  اوضحت النتائج الاحصائية باستخدام اختبارt  أن هنالك زيادة معنوية (P<0.05)  في تركيز المالون ثنائي الالدهايد في الاشخاص المصابين بمرض الشلل الرعاشي ،مقارنة مع مجموعة السيطرة ،ولم تظهر أي فروق معنوية (P<0.05) في مستويات الكلوتاثيون بين المرضى المصابين بالشلل الرعاشي ،ومجموعة السيطرة على الرغم من وجود انخفاض غير معنوي عند المرضى مقارنة بمجموعة السيطرة. بينت  النتائج أن  مستويات المالون ثنائي الالدهايد تزداد مع الزيادة في العمر ،وشهدت مستويات الكلوتاثيون المصلية انخفاضا غير معنوي مع العمر. الاستنتاجات:  نستنتج من الدراسة الحالية  أن الاجهاد التأكسدي الحاصل المتمثل بتكوين الجذور الحرة التي أدت الى عملية اكسدة الدهون عن طريق تكوين مركب الـ MDA ،وانخفاض المواد المضادة للأكسدة، له دور فعال في التسبب في مرض الشلل الرعاشي.Background: Epidemiological studies have proven that some environmental variables, such as exposure to industrially produced materials, usage of agricultural pesticides, or living in a rural area, increase the chance of acquiring Parkinson's disease (PD). It is thought that some environmental pollutants might be the cause of this illness. This was confirmed by the finding that harmful compounds like fungicides like Maneb and herbicides like Paraquat and Diquat selectively act on dopaminergic neurons in the nigrostriatal area of the brain. Recent research has demonstrated that oxidative stress and inflammation are crucial factors in the progression of Parkinson's disease. Materials and Methods: In the present study, 44 blood samples (23 men and 21 women) were obtained from three governorates, namely Najaf Al-Ashraf, Babylon, and Baghdad. Of these, 24 samples (14 men and 10 women) were from Parkinson's disease patients, and 20 samples (9 men and 11 women) were from healthy, uninfected individuals. The serum levels of malondialdehyde, a compound that is a sign of oxidative stress that result from lipid peroxidation, were measured in both in infected and healthy people, and calculating the serum levels of reduced glutathione, which is the master of antioxidants in the body and helps to maintain the balance between oxidants and antioxidants substances. Results: The Statistical results by t-test revealed that there was a significant (P<0.05) increase in malondialdehyde concentration in Parkinson's disease patients compared to the control group, but that there was no significant difference (P<0.05) in the levels of glutathione between patients and the control group, although There was no significant decrease in patients compared to the control group. The results showed that malondialdehyde levels increased with increasing age, and serum glutathione levels decreased insignificantly with age. Conclusion: According to the results of the current study, oxidative stress—represented by the production of free radicals—plays a significant role in generating Parkinson's disease by triggering lipid peroxidation via the development of the MDA complex and a reduction in antioxidants

    Effect of Interlayer Coating Thickness on the Hardness and Adhesion for the Tungsten Carbide Cutting Tool

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    تم دراسة تأثير سمك الطبقة البينية لطلاء N((Al,Ti على الخواص الميكانيكية للطلاء في عدة القطع باعتماد خاصيتي الصلادة والالتصاق .فقد تم طلاء عدة القطع باستخدام نترات الالمنيوم التيتانيوم N(AlTi) بنسب قياسية Al0.67Ti0.33 في نظام قوس كاثودي(PVD). وقد تم استخدام كل من اختبار روكويل وفكرز لقياس الصلادة والالتصاق. وقد اظهرت النتائج ان اعلى صلادة لطلاء N((Al,Ti عند سمك 5.815µm بينما اعلى التصاق عند سمك 3.089µm وعلى العكس من ذلك فان اقل صلادة ظهرت عند 2.717µm في حين اقل التصاق ظهر عند 5.815µm. عموما فان طلاء N (AlTi)عند سمك 5.815 يعتبر فعال اذ انه يعطي اعلى صلادة واقل التصاق , وسبب انخفاض الالتصاق له علاقة بتأثير تشكيل الجسيمات الصغير(MPs) التي لها تأثير مباشر على الصلادة لان (MPs) تظهر اساسا على السطح ووجودها في الواجهة محدود جدا بالإضافة الى ذلك فان انشاء طبقة Ti اولية لتقليل الفصل بين الطبقات(التضمين) له تأثير كبير على الالتصاق ولكن ليس له تأثير على تركيب السطح. ولهذين السببين وتأثير جهد الحيز الكهربائي فان النتائج المعروضة في هذه الدراسة اظهرت اختلاف طفيف مع البحوث المنشورة الاخرى. ان تكوين طبقة (Al,TiN)  تتميز على ما يبدو بإظهار واحدة من النتائج المهمة التي تبين التكوين النهائي لطبقاتN) Al,Ti) بالنسب (Al0.62Ti0.38) قريبة جدا من الهدف الاساسي لهذه الدراسة (Al0.67Ti0.33).The thin film of the (Al,Ti)N coating is studied with the aid of two parameters: hardness and adhesion.  These parameters are very close to each other; however, in deposition field they could be interpreted differently.  Several coatings of (Al,Ti)N layers are developed on tungsten carbide insert using the standard commercial Al0.67Ti0.33 cathodes in cathodic arc plating system(PVD). The influence of coating layer thickness on the mechanical properties of the coatings was investigated via two parameters: hardness and adhesion are characterized by the Rockwell tester Vickers tester.  The measurements reveal that the highest hardness appears for the (Al,Ti)N thickness of 5.815 µm while the highest adhesion appears at a thickness of 3.089 µm.  At the opposite extreme, the lowest hardness appears at 2.717 µm and the lowest hardness at 5.815 µm. Overall, the (Al/Ti) N coating of the thickness of 5.815 µm is controversial as it exhibits the highest hardness and the lowest adhesion. This result could be related to the effect of the formation of the micro-particle (MPs) which has a direct effect on the hardness because these MPs appear mainly on the surface and their presence at the interface is very limited.  In addition, the creation of Ti buffering layer to reduce the delamination has its major effect on the adhesion but has no effect on the morphology of the surface.  For these two reasons and the effect of the bias voltage, the results presented in this paper might show slight differences with other published papers.  The composition of the (Al,Ti)N layer is characterized and, seemingly, it shows one important result which is showing that the ultimate composition of the (Al,Ti)N layer (Ti0.62Al0.38) is very close to the original target used in this study (Al0.67Ti0.33)

    Study of the complexity factors associated with the theory of complexity in Iraqi construction projects

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    The process of studying the complexity factors associated with the theory of complexity is one of the required study and it is importance in the construction sector in Iraq. The Complexity Theory can be understood as the study of how order and pattern emerge from chaotic systems, conversely, how complex structures and behaviors emerge from simple rules. The complexity cognizes us how to contemplate about the development process. This paper introduces a brief outcome through identification complexity factor and review the previous studies to obtain the technical outcomes about the complexity theory. The studying complexity factors related with construction projects as be part to cover complexity thinking in construction project. The results of this study show that viewing of all these areas related to the complexity of the project and how it can help the management departments in construction projects in Iraq to understanding the complexity level of their project to put best construction management plans. Many engineers and experts participated in the presentation of the study outputs, and by drawing on their opinions to participate in the closed questionnaire. The participants were (engineers in construction sites, academics, engineering management experts, and technicians with direct relationship to construction projects). Based on the frequency analysis aspect, the order of the influencing factors was reached according to its rating from (poor till strong) which reflects the conclusions associated with the study. The importance of studying these factors on knowing the degree of complexity in construction projects and developing appropriate methodologies for managing them

    The Trade-Off Between Make or Buy Strategy and Their Relationship With Firm Performance

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    Purpose: The question of whether to make or acquire something is a crucial conundrum that many companies must solve. A crucial step in the operation of a business is determining whether it is more cost effective to develop and manufacture components or services in-house or to purchase them from outside vendors. In order to provide managers in the General Company for Electrical and Electronic industries (GCEEI) in Iraq with assistance in evaluating sourcing choices, the purpose of this study is to address this subject by bringing the conventional make-or-buy literature up to date by adding fresh academic insights.   Theoretical framework: the most prominent ideas and methods for deciding whether to produce something oneself or purchase it are explored, along with a literature analysis of relevant material. The phrases "make-or-buy" and "insourcing" and "outsourcing" were used to search for relevant articles in scholarly databases.   Design/methodology/approach: We analyzed the data for the year (2022) that is collected through visits and meetings with the Managers, in the (GCEEI) by using two approaches: a. economic analysis and b. break-even analysis to help managers evaluate sourcing decisions.   Findings: According break-even analysis for this case, the quantity should be manufactured is more than 4000 Unit so that the manufacturing costs are more than the purchase costs, then the company should go for buy if less than 4000 Unit. According to the results of the economic analysis, the manufacturing decision is the best in the three models because manufacturing costs are lower than purchasing cost.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The findings recommend forming interdisciplinary teams consisting of professionals from many fields (buyers, R&D staff, quality representatives, etc.) to prevent making make-or-buy judgments under circumstances of faulty and inadequate data.   Originality/value: Both professional and unskilled workers contribute to the company's success, and when decision-making and procurement become routine, a company's long-tenured employees may ease the burden of these recurring tasks.


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    Objective: Carvedilol is antihypertensive. It is practically water insoluble. Therefore, the objective of this investigation is a formulation and characterization of carvedilol nano emulsion (NE) employing orally to increase carvedilol solubility for enhancing of carvedilol bioavailability.Methods: The formulation components were chosen according to the solubility study. The diagrams of pseudo-ternary phase were made using the aqueous phase titration method. The formulated nanoemulsions were subjected to various thermodynamic stability assays. We selected eight of formulas that have thermodynamic stability for further optimization for various characterizations in order to select the best formula.Results: The carvedilol NE3 considered a selected formula. It composes of 1.25 mg carvedilol per g of the nanoemulsion, 10 % of peppermint oil, 20% of tween80, 10% ethanol and 60% of distilled water. It was characterized by a low globule size range, low poly dispersity index, higher zeta potential, good pH value, efficient electroconductivity, classy percent of light transmittance, higher % drug content, acceptable low viscosity and carvedilol release was significantly higher (P<0.05) in dissolution rate. The carvedilol NE3 subject for further investigations. Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy confirm no incompatibility between the drug and excipients. The atomic force microscopy study shows that system in nanoscale and has high stability.Conclusion: The selected formula (carvedilol NE3) was a promising nanoemulsion formula that increases the carvedilol solubility result in an increment of its bioavailability.Â

    Effect of Laser Radiation on the Phenotypic Mutations of Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera:Drosophilidae)

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    This study was conducted to find out the effect of 5 periods of exposure to laser rays (0,15,10,5,20) minutes on the phenotypic mutations of Drosophila melanogaster, as well as calculating the percentage of mortality and the percentage of larval failure. The results showed that laser beams had significant effects in causing mutations, especially in the 15-minute period, which amounted to 0.33 and thus formed significant differences compared to the control group. The periods of exposure to laser rays also caused clear effects in the rate of larval mortality, as the death rate was 100% for the period of 20 minutes, while this rate decreased to 27% and 34% for the periods 5 and 10 minutes, respectively, while the lowest failure rate was 0% at the period 20, which led to the death of all the larvae

    Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Image Segmentation based on Partial Differential Equations

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed January 12, 2021Dissertation advisor: Xianping LiVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 69-85)Thesis (Ph.D.)--Department of Mathematics and Statistics and School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2020As the resolution of digital images increases significantly, the processing of images becomes more challenging in terms of accuracy and efficiency. In this dissertation, we consider image segmentation by solving a partial differential equation (PDE) model based on the Mumford-Shah functional. We first, develop a new anisotropic mesh adaptation (AMA) framework to improve segmentation efficiency and accuracy. In the AMA framework, we incorporate an anisotropic mesh adaptation for image representation and a nite element method for solving the PDE model. Comparing to traditional algorithms solved by the finnite difference method, our AMA framework provides faster and better results without the need for re-sizing the images to lower quality. We also extend the algorithm to segment images with multiple regions. We also improve the well-known Chan-Vese model by developing a locally enhanced Chan-Vese (LECV) model. Our LECV model incorporates a newly define signed pressure force (SPF) function, which is built upon the local image information. The SPF function helps to attract the contour curve to the object boundaries for images with inhomogeneous intensities. The proposed LECV model, together with the AMA segmentation framework can successfully segment the image with or without inhomogeneous intensities. While most other segmentation methods only work on low-resolution images, our LECV model is successfully applied to high-resolution images, with improved efficiency and accuracy.Introduction -- PDE-Based Image Segmentation -- Background and Literature review -- AMA Segmentation Method -- LECV Model for Image Segmentation -- Conclusion and discussio