5,743 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Some New 5,5'-diphenyl-4,4',5,5'-tetrahydro-1H,1'H-3,3'-bipyrazole Derivatives

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    An efficient and practical synthesis of five compounds of pyrazoline derivatives structures was achieved through cyclization of hydrazine hydrate with 1,6-diphenylhexa-1,5-diene-3,4-dione using glacial acetic acid as catalyst under thermal conditions. These compounds have been characterized by FT-IR, elemental analysis (C.H.N.) and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Keywords:pyrazoline, chalcone, heterocycli

    Spectral characteristics of normal and nutrient-deficient maize leaves

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    Reflectance, transmittance and absorbance spectra of normal and six types of mineral-deficient (N,P,K,S,Mg and Ca) maize (Zea mays L.) leaves were analyzed at 30 selected wavelengths along the electromagnetic spectrum from 500 to 2600 nm. Chlorophyll content and percent leaf moisture were also determined. Leaf thermograms were obtained for normal, N- and S- deficient leaves. The results of the analysis of variance showed significant differences in reflectance, transmittance and absorbance in the visible wavelengths among leaf numbers 3, 4, and 5, among the seven nutrient treatments, and among the interactions of leaves and treatments. In the reflective infrared wavelengths only treatments produced significant differences. The chlorophyll content of leaves was reduced in all deficiencies in comparison to controls. Percent moisture was increased in S-, Mg- and N- deficiencies. Positive correlation (r = 0.707) between moisture content and percent absorption at both 1450 and 1930 nm were obtained. Polynomial regression analysis of leaf thickness and leaf moisture content showed that these two variables were significantly and directly related (r = 0.894)

    Newly Discovered RR Lyrae Stars in the SDSSXPanXSTARRS1XCatalina Footprint

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    We present the detection of 6,371 RR Lyrae (RRL) stars distributed across ~14,000 deg^2 of the sky from the combined data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System 1 (PS1), and the second photometric catalogue from the Catalina Survey (CSDR2), out of these, ~2,021 RRL stars (~572 RRab and 1,449 RRc) are new discoveries. The RRL stars have heliocentric distances in the 4--28 kpc distance range. RRL-like color cuts from the SDSS and variability cuts from the PS1 are used to cull our candidate list. We then use the CSDR2 multi-epoch data to refine our sample. Periods were measured using the Analysis of Variance technique while the classification process is performed with the Template Fitting Method in addition to the visual inspection of the light curves. A cross-match of our RRL star discoveries with previous published catalogs of RRL stars yield completeness levels of ~50% for both RRab and RRc stars, and an efficiency of ~99% and ~87% for RRab and RRc stars, respectively. We show that our method for selecting RRL stars allows us to recover halo structures. The full lists of all the RRL stars are made publicly available.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Accepted 2014 March 30. Received 2014 March 12; in original form 2013 November 2

    Detection of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Serum from Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorder. To determine the metabolic disorders in women with PCOS, (25) women with PCOS ages (15 - 47) years have been investigated and compared with (20) healthy individuals. All the studied groups were carried out to measure fasting blood sugar, (anti-GAD Ab, anti ?-islet cell Ab by IFAT) and measured insulin level by ELISA. There was significant elevation in the concentration of fasting blood sugar than in control groups (p ? 0.05) and there was negative results for anti-GAD Ab and anti ?-islet cell Ab by IFAT test for serum of women with PCOS, while there was significant differences in the insulin level for women with PCOS compared with control groups (p ? 0.05), these indicated that women with PCOS are at high risk for type -2 Diabetes mellitus and reflecting insulin resistance

    Analisis Pengaruh Shift Kerja Terhadap Beban Kerja Mental Pekerja Dengan Menggunakan Metode Swat (Subjective Workload-assessment Technique)

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    Paper ini berisi tentang kajian pengaruh shift kerja terhadap beban kerja pekerja denganmenggunakan metode SWAT. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah PT Toyota MotorManufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), mempunyai ketetapan Zero Accident dalam setiapkegiatan produksi maupun kegiatan bekerja. sehingga Perusahaan dihadapkan denganmasalah bagaimana memenuhi ketetapan Zero Accident tersebut. Aspek keselamatan dankesehatan kerja sangat perlu diperhatikan, agar tercipta kondisi kerja yang baik sehinggadidapatkan output yang optimal. Jam kerja karyawan produksi PT TMMIN terdapat 2 shiftkerja (red dan white), PT TMMIN Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terjadiperbedaan beban kerja mental terhadap shift kerja sebagai faktor penunjang kesehatan dankeselamatan kerja karyawan line AA di PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia denganmenggunakan Metode SWAT. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah MetodeSWAT. Metode SWAT merupakan metode pengukuran beban mental secara subjektif yangdidasarkan pada persepsi pekerja, dengan menggunakan kombinasi dari tiga dimensi dengantingkatannya.Dimensi tersebut adalah beban waktu, beban USAha mental dan beban tekananpskologis. SWAT sebagai sebuah skala multidimensional melakukan 2 (dua) tahapanpekerjaan, yaitu : pembuatan skala dan pemberian nilai terhadap hasil penelitian.Pengujiandata kuesioner menggunakan Uji Anova hasil nilai probabilitas sebesar 0,213. Karena nilaiprobabilitas lebih besar dari 0,05 maka data tersebut dinyatakan tidak terdapat perbedaanyang signifikan dari beban kerja terhadap shift kerja. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa rata-ratabeban kerja mental shift pagi dan shift malam hanya terjadi perbedaan sebesar 19%, dantepatnya beban kerja shift malam lebih tinggi dibandingkan beban kerja shift pagi

    Strut and Tie Modeling for RC Deep Beams under non-Central Loadings

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    This work aims at presenting detailed procedures companied by numerical examples for analyzing and designing reinforced concrete deep beams that subjected to non-central loadings based on Strut and Tie method (STM). The subjected loadings were moved from the center of the beam span towards the supports reaching the maximum non-centrality could be achieved (after which the beams became ‘not deep’ from ACI 318M-14 point of view). A total of three deep beams with three different types of loadings were taken into considerations; one concentrated force, two concentrated forces and uniformly distributed load. Every specimen had a cross section of 150  400 mm and a total length of 1000 mm. Generally, it was found that moving load from the span center towards one of the supports leads to worth notable decreases in the beam ultimate capacity. Therefore, in the case of one-concentrated force, the ultimate load capacity decreased by 30.2% when left shear span to effective depth ratio (aL/d) decreased from 1.3 to 0.65. While in the cases of two-concentrated forces or uniformly distributed loading, it was found that changing (aL/d) ratio from 1.02 to 0.37 led to decrease the deep beam ultimate capacity by 30.5%

    Assessment of Air Pollution around Durra Refinery (Baghdad) from Emission NO2 Gas at April Month

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    غاز النتروجين هو واحد من المولوثات الخطره الموجوده في الهواء,انه غاز سام ويسبب تاثيرات صحيه كبيره على الجهاز التنفسي,اغلب مصادر هذا الغاز تنبعث من المصادر صناعيه  وبشكل خاص من مداخن محطات الطاقه ومصافي النفط. في هذه الدراسه معادله كاوس تم نمذجتها بستخدام برنامج الماتلاب لتوضيح تاثير غاز ثاني اوكسيد النتروجين NO2على منطقه محيطه بمصفى الدوره وايضا هذا البرنامج يقوم بتقيم بعض العناصر مثل سرعه الرياح والاستقراريه وتاثيرها على ارتفاع المدخنه.البيانات المستخدمه في هذه الدراسه هي كميه النفط الاسود ووقود الغاز المحترق في داخل المصفى خلال سنه 2017.البيانات الساعيه الشهريه اختبرت كحاله دراسيه بسبب هذا الشهر كحاله متقلبه.بعد تحديد نسبه الانبعاث للوقود وحساب سرعه الخروج من المدخنه(سنعتبر كل المصفى نقطه واحده) وحساب الارتفاع الفعال الناتج.تم مقارنه بين الارتفاع الفعال والعناصر الجويه وايضا الاستقراريه حيث وجد ان هناك علاقه طرديه مباشره عند ظروف الجويه الغير مستقره.بعد تنفيذ موديل كاوس تبين ان اغلب المناطق الملوثه بغاز ثاني اوكسيد النتروجين NO2هي الجادريه ومنطقه الكراراده وهي منطقه تبعد 3-4كم من المصفى ان الرياح السائده هي الجنوب الشرقي.Nitrogen dioxide NO2 is one of the most dangerous contaminant in the air, its toxic gas that cause disturbing respiratory effects, most of it emitted from industrial sources especially from the stack of power plants and oil refineries. In this study Gaussian equations modelled by Matlab program to state the effect of pollutant NO2 gas on area around Durra refinery, this program also evaluate some elements such as wind and stability and its effect on stacks height. Data used in this study is the amount of fuel oil and fuel gas burn inside refinery at a year 2017. Hourly April month data chosen as a case study because it’s unsteady month. After evaluate emission rate of the all fuel and calculate exit velocity from stack (consider all refinery unit is a point), effective height resulted. Effective height is test with other atmospheric element and with stability, and there is direct relation with unstable turner classes. After Gaussian model implemented results show that most pollutant area from pollutant of NO2 is Al-Jadriyah and Al-Karada area, this area is about 3-5 kilometer from the refinery point. The wind direction domain is from the south to south-east, thus most flow is to north, north-west and the pollutant level of NO2 is over the national ambient air quality standard in this area

    Comparative evaluation of surface quality, tool wear, and specific cutting energy for wiper and conventional carbide inserts in hard turning of aisi 4340 alloy steel

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    This paper presents an experimental study into the comparative response of wiper and round-nose conventional carbide inserts coated with TiCN + AL2_{2}O3_{3} + TiN when turning an AISI 4340 steel alloy. The optimal process parameters, as identified by pre-experiments, were used for both types of inserts to determine the machined surface quality, tool wear, and specific cutting energy for different cutting lengths. The wiper inserts provided a substantial improvement in the attainable surface quality compared with the results obtained using conventional inserts under optimal cutting conditions for the entire range of the machined lengths. In addition, the conventional inserts showed a dramatic increase in roughness with an increased length of the cut, while the wiper inserts showed only a minor increase for the same length of cut. A scanning electron microscope was used to examine the wear for both types of inserts. Conventional inserts showed higher trends for both the average and maximum flank wear with cutting length compared to the wiper inserts, except for lengths of 200–400 mm, where conventional inserts showed less average flank wear. A higher accumulation of deposited chips was observed on the flank face of the wiper inserts than the conventional inserts. The experimental results demonstrated that edge chipping was the chief tool wear mechanism on the rake face for both types of insert, with more edge chipping observed in the case of the conventional inserts than the wiper inserts, with negligible evidence of crater wear in either case. The wiper inserts were shown to have a higher specific cutting energy than those detected with conventional inserts. This was attributed to (i) the irregular nose feature of the wiper inserts differing from the simpler round nose geometry of the conventional inserts and (ii) a higher tendency of chip accumulation on the wiper inserts