290 research outputs found

    Effect Type of Solvent, Type of Catalyst and Power of Lamp on Photo Oxidation of Benzene

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    لقد تم دراسة أكسدة البنزين بواسطة ضوء الأشعة فوق البنفسجية بوجود العامل المساعد، وقد وجد بان التركيز المتبقي للبنزين يقل بزيادة زمن التشعيع. وكانت الأكسدة الكاملة عند الزمن 180 دقيقة. عند رسم (lnc) مقابل (t) ظهر خط مستقيم لتفاعل مرتبة أولى كاذبة. واستخدمت العديد من المذيبات مثل ميثانول وايثانول، وتولوين ونورمال هكسان في التجارب التي بينت بان ثابت السرعة يزداد بزيادة قطبية المذيب. كما تم استخدام ZnO وCu2Oو TiO2 في الأكسدة الضوئية للبنزين كعوامل مساعدة ضوئية بالاضافة الى استخدام. Al2O3 وكان اقل تركيز متبقي للبنزين باستخدام TiO2 بسبب زيادة المساحة السطحية. كذلك فان زيادة قدرة المصباح تؤدي إلى زيادة سرعة التفاعل.The oxidation of benzene by UV-light in the presence of catalyst was studied .It was found that the residual concentration of benzene decreased with the time of irradiation increasing .The complete  oxidation was at 180 min. Plot of (LnC) against (t)  showed a straight line of pseudo first order reaction .Many solvents such as methanol ethanol , toluene and n-hexane  were used in the experiments which explained that the rate constant increased linearly with the polarity of the solvent. ZnO , Cu2O , TiO2 were used in the photo oxidation of  benzene as a photo catalysts in addition to the using of Al2O3  .The residual  concentration of benzene was the minimized value with TiO2 due to increasing the surface area. Also the increasing in the power of lamp lead to increase the rate of reaction

    Identification and management of resistant hypertension

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    Resistant hypertension is defined as blood pressure being higher than the patient's target blood pressure despite the use of three or more different types of antihypertensive drugs at the optimal dose, and one of them should be a diuretic. The evaluation of patients with resistant hypertension should first confirm that they have true resistant hypertension. By eliminating or correcting false resistance factors, such as white coat hypertension, poor blood pressure measurement technique, poor drug compliance, improper dosage or combination of antihypertensive drugs, and white coat effects and clinical inertia. Resistant hypertension therapy includes improved compliance with the use of drugs, secondary hypertension detection and treatment, use of lifestyle measures and treatment of obesity, and other comorbidities. switching to a long-acting diuretic type of thiazide like chlorthalidone could improve the BP from the patients taking hydrochlorothiazide. This review paper illustrates briefly the identification of the underlying causes of resistant hypertension and therapeutic strategies, which may contribute to the proper diagnosis and an improvement of the long term management of resistant hypertension.

    The Use of Floating Solar Panels in Hot Regions Such as Iraq to Benefit in Cooling the Panels and Increasing Their Efficiency

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    The operating of photovoltaic panels (PV) comes with a serious contradiction. This system of solar PV panels prefers high radiation to generate electricity, but when rising their operating temperature by negative effects on their efficiency. Thus, one of the major working barriers for PV panels is overheating because of surplus solar irradiation. To get rid of the problem of overheating of the panels, we propose a new design that floats on the surface of the water floating photovoltaic panels (FPV) to take advantage of the nature of water in heat transfer, thus cooling the panels and raising the efficiency of the panels. For the purpose of this study, we proposed one of the regions of central Iraq, namely the Marsh Al-Dalmach, which is located in Wasit province, and it is one of the areas rich in solar radiation (2150 kWh/m2/year) and the length of daylight hours more 4000 operating hours during the year. After conducting a survey around the area and collecting the necessary data for use in programs such as Homer and Matlab, great results were obtained, as this design of the stations contributes to reducing temperatures and raising the efficiency of the panels from 15% to 24%

    Determinación de Aflatoxinas en Maní y productos de Maní en Sudán usando AflaTest® y HPLC

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    Esta encuesta examinó 30 muestras de maní y 15 productos de maní de tres estados (Khartoum, Kordofan y Gadarif) de Sudán para determinar AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, and AFG2 usando cromatografía líquida de alta performance (HPLC) con detección de fluorescencia. La frecuencia de muestras de maní contaminadas con AFB1 de Khartoum, Gadarif y Kordofan fue 58,3%, 57,1%, y 66,7%, respectivamente. Ninguna muestra de maní o producto de maní estaba contaminado con AFG1 o AFG2. El límite de detecciones (LDD) y el límite de cuantificaciones (LDC) estuvieron en un rango de 0,01–0,02 ng g−1 y 0,03–0,05 ng g−1, respectivamente. Algunas muestras de maní contenían concentraciones de AFB1 por encima de los límites regulatorios UE. Las muestras más contaminadas con aflatoxinas fueron las del estado de Kordofan


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    Developed ion-selective electrode has been industrialized for the determination of trimethoprim (TMP) in pure form and pharmaceutical preparations. The selective electrode was made from TMP with pairing agent methyl orange presence of o-nitrophenyl octyl ether (o-NPOE) and dibutyl phthalate as the plasticizing solvent mediator. Electrode 1 showed a Nernstian reply with a mean calibration graphs slope of 57.31 mv.decade−1, over the linear concentration range of 6.0×10−6–1.0×10−2 M of the drug, with detection limits 3.0×10−6 M. The electrode was effective at pH range between 2.0 and 5.5 for concentration of 10−2 M, 1.5–4.5 for concentration of 10−2 M, and 3.0–4.5 for concentration of 10−4 M of TMP solutions. The electrode 2 gave a non- Nernstian slope equal to 41.20 mv.decade−1. The influence of interfering species such as inorganic cations was studied. Electrode 1 showed an effective response for a period of 27 days, without important variation in parameters of electrode. The suggested electrode was intended for the determination of TMP in pharmaceutical design and pure formula

    Schistosomus reflexus foetus in cross breed Iraqi cow: a case report

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    This is the first record of Schistosomus reflexus in cross breed Iraqi cow, in a calf, and how to deal with it

    The exploitation of western and southern deserts in Iraq for the production of solar energy

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    We have, an overview is presented of the potential future demands and possible supply of solar energy to Iraq. Solar energy, which is clean, unlimited, and environmentally friendly, is presented as a renewable energy resource. Many problems such as CO2 emissions, industry, human activities, and electricity distribution grids have attracted much attention because of the current state of crude oil production and its prices. Moreover, estimations of solar radiation levels and of the efficiencies of photovoltaics (PVs), concentrated solar power (CSP), and solar chimney towers, have all been investigated. Those systems that combine various sources of energy are called hybrids and they have received much attention in recent decades. The basic features of solar radiation in Iraq are outlined, and the selection of those sites with potential for development of solar plants is based on the local largest solar radiation. Moreover, longitudinal and latitudinal orientation, wind, solar intensity, dust, temperature, rain, humidity, and pollution factors are all considered in the calculation of PV/CSP efficiencies. We know there is an abundance of fossil fuels in Iraq, energy shortages began in 1991 because of the perturbation caused by the full ruin of the country. The obvious renewable energy resource available in Iraq is the solar energy, and its exploitation would provide a means to reduce CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and to achieve self-sufficiency of electric energy and export the rest to neighboring countries. Solar energy is becoming increasingly important because of the climatic change in the form of global warming


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    This study looks at the use of open access resources in two private universities in Oyo state, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and a self constructed questionnaire was used as a tool for data gathering. The population of study was comprised of the undergraduate students in undergraduates of Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, and Lead City University, Ibadan. With the total population of 7,160 but in order to determine the sample size, the multi-stage random technique was used and the final sample size was 234. This study was guided by three objectives. Simple descriptive statistical analysis of frequency counts and percentages was used to analyze the data acquired. The study revealed that the most available open access resources in the selected private universities are open access journal, open courseware and free electronic books and most of the undergraduates used the open access resources occasionally. Also, it was revealed that undergraduate students are confronted with mild challenges against the use of open access resources and some of these challenges include; poor internet connectivity, inconsistent/unreliable electricity supplies, insufficient digital literacy skills and low awareness of the importance of the use of open access resources. The study therefore recommended the need for university library management to sustain the availability and awareness of open access resources and also to provide alternate source of power supply in order for accessibilit

    Effect of some factors on extracellular hemolysin filtrate from bacterial Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn infection in Hilla city

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    A total of (50) samples were collected from burn unit of Hilla Teaching Hospital, isolated from patient who suffering from burn cases only (40) (80%) samples were positive culture while other was negative culture (10) (20%), so, a total of (40) samples were isolated; these samples were subjected on different types of media to isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Out of (40) samples, only (15) (37.5%) isolated were belonged to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. the ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from patients with burn infection to produced capsule was studied; it was fond that all these isolated (100%) have capsules surrounding bacterial cell, and all isolated have not ability to produce sidrophores enzymes. Also it was studied the group of enzymes produced from bacteria, it was found that all these isolated have ability to produce lipase, protease, urease and bacitracin enzymes. On the other hand, the hemolysin production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa was studied and it was found that all these isolates of these bacteria were able to produce hemolysin on blood agar. Also, extracellular hemolysin filtrates of P. aeruginosa was detected on blood agar, it was found that (10) (66.6%) isolated of theses bacteria have extracellular hemolysin filtrates, it was appearance as transparent area around the well filled with hemolysin filtrates after incubation for 24 hours. The effect of H2O2 on extracellular hemolysin filtrate of P. aeruginosa was studied, and it was found that the H2O2 was decrease the activity of extracellular hemolysin filtrate on blood agar. So, the effect of mannitol and glycerol on hemolysin filtrate produce by P. aeruginosa was studied, and it was found that all isolates of hemolysin filtrate will increased activity when added mannitol and glycerol to it. Finally, the effect of phospholipase C on hemolysin filtrate produce by P. aeruginosa was studied, and it was found that all isolates of hemolysin filtrate will increase activity when added phospholipase C to it