894 research outputs found

    The Strategic Issues of Economic Development of Border Area of Indonesia - Malaysia

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    On the land, Indonesia is bordered by three countries: Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste.Whereas, in Indonesia sea area bordered by 10 countries: India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,Vietnam, Philippines, the Republic of Palau, Australia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. Most ofthe border region in Indonesia is still an underdeveloped area with less facilities and infrastructure ofsocial and economic. Formulation of the problem are: 1. How do the condition of the socio-economicand culture in the border of Indonesia - Malaysia? 2. What is the condition of infrastructure in theborder and what is the urgent infrastructure to be built? 3. What are policy and strategy of theIndonesian government of the border of society development between Indonesia (Entikong) andMalaysia (Sarawak)? The purpose of writing are: 1. Comparing the condition of the socio-economicand culture of border both Indonesia and Malaysia. 2. Comparing the condition of the infrastructureof border both Indonesia and Malaysia and determining the infrastructure to be built. 3. Describingthe Indonesian government policy and strategy in development acceleration of economic society in theborder between Indonesia, especially Entikong Sub-District of Sanggau Regency West Kalimantanand Malaysia (Sarawak). Although, the commitment and the governments policy have given a higherpriority in the reorientated development of border, which those of security (security approach) into awelfare orientation (prosperity approach), but overall, the issue of society development in Indonesiaborder, especially the District Entikong Sanggau Regency West Kalimantan and Malaysia (Sarawak)so far can be said that are still not getting proportional attention. The indication, though a variety ofpolicies, regulations or laws relating to efforts to accelerate economic development of border societieshave been made. Various issues and problems are faced by the border, both land and sea borders canbe solved by more focused and targeted on six aspects, these are policy, economic and socio-cultural,defense and security, natural resources management, institutional and management authority, as wellas cooperation inter nations

    Perangkat Lunak Simulasi Packet Tracer Untuk Pendidikan

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    Makalah ini menyoroti kelebihan Paket Tracer sebuah program graphical jaringan sebagai simulasi praktikum topologi jaringan yang lebih kompleks dibandingkan dengan simulator lainnya. Latihan di Packet Tracer bias dilakukan dirumah atau dikomputer sendiri berulang-ulang sampai mahir sebelum mempraktekan dilaboratorium, juga dalam rangka mengikuti ujian sertifikasi ccna. Diharapkan dengan kajian ini, para siswa bias berlatih dengan biaya murah

    Pusat Teknologi Informasi di Kabupaten Boalemo dengan Konsep Arsitektur Tropis

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                      Kabupaten Boalemo sebagai salah satu kabupaten yang sudah modern dalam tata kelola pemerintahan maupun masyarakatnya, maka di kabupaten ini sudah layak untuk mengembangkan informasi teknologinya untuk berbagai bidang kehidupan masyarakat dan demi peningkatan daerah untuk kemudian hari sebagai persiapan menghadapi era teknologi modern bidang IT (Information Technology) demi terwujudnya pemerataan teknologi di segala bidang.                 Pusat Teknologi Informasi di Kabupaten Boalemo dengan Konsep Arsitektur Tropis berlokasi di Jalan Trans Sulawesi, Desa Piloliyanga, Kecamatan Tilamuta, Kabupaten Boalemo yang direncanakan di atas lahan seluas 1,6 Ha. Pusat Teknologi Informasi di Kabupaten Boalemo dengan Konsep Arsitektur Tropis ini terdiri dari 2.                 Penampilan bangunan secara umum menggunakan tema Arsitektur Tropis Modern. Hal ini tampak pada permainan ruang yang membentuk area bayang-bayang matahari pada setiap kamar. Selain itu kesan modern terlihat dari bentuk bangunan yang tegas dan simple sehingga memberi kesan elegan.   ABSTRAK                   Kabupaten Boalemo sebagai salah satu kabupaten yang sudah modern dalam tata kelola pemerintahan maupun masyarakatnya, maka di kabupaten ini sudah layak untuk mengembangkan informasi teknologinya untuk berbagai bidang kehidupan masyarakat dan demi peningkatan daerah untuk kemudian hari sebagai persiapan menghadapi era teknologi modern bidang IT (Information Technology) demi terwujudnya pemerataan teknologi di segala bidang.                 Pusat Teknologi Informasi di Kabupaten Boalemo dengan Konsep Arsitektur Tropis berlokasi di Jalan Trans Sulawesi, Desa Piloliyanga, Kecamatan Tilamuta, Kabupaten Boalemo yang direncanakan di atas lahan seluas 1,6 Ha. Pusat Teknologi Informasi di Kabupaten Boalemo dengan Konsep Arsitektur Tropis ini terdiri dari 2.                 Penampilan bangunan secara umum menggunakan tema Arsitektur Tropis Modern. Hal ini tampak pada permainan ruang yang membentuk area bayang-bayang matahari pada setiap kamar. Selain itu kesan modern terlihat dari bentuk bangunan yang tegas dan simple sehingga memberi kesan elegan.   Kata Kunci : Teknologi informasi, Arsitektur Tropis, Boalemo

    The Role of Land Conservation in Plantation Management

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    The main problem of agricultural activities in the steep slope upland area if without adequate soil conservation practices is that it will results in soil erosion. Soil erosion causes agricultural land degradation which reduces the physical, chemical, and biological soil roperties and decreases land productivities. Soil erosion is very harmful to agricultural land productivities, because loss of the fertile topsoil in a relatively short time causes decrease of fertility and productivity of the soils. The role of conservation techniques are the way of soil conservation, which have three principles of definitions, i.e. a) to protect the soil against soil degradation, b) to improve the degraded soil, and c) to make the soil more fertile. Soil conservation practice in the field have used two methods i.e. mechanical conservation methods and vegetative conservation methods. Mechanical conservation method is the earth embankments constructed across the slope to intercept surface run off and to protect soil erosion (soil cultivation along the contour, terraces constructed, contour bank, waterways ditch, drop structure, silt pit, checkdam, gully plug, etc). While the vegetative methode are reducing the kinetic energy of the raindrops on the soil surface, reducing the run off velocity, increasing infiltration rate and reducing soil water contents. The effectiveness of soil conservation techniques in uplands area on the the soil erosion and the land productivity is different in each location. This is because of the difference of the land capability (site specific, soil behavior and properties, and the climate). Farmers’ motivation as the user of the soil conservation technologies is included as one on the determinant factors of the successfulness in improving degraded upland and in increasing land productivity

    Graduates’ Competence on Employability Skills and Job Performance

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    One critical measure of success in workplaces is employee’s ability to use competently the knowledge, skills and values that match the needs of his job, satisfy the demands of his employer, and contribute to the overall achievement of institutional goals. An explanatory-correlational research design was used to determine the extent of relationship between three categories of employability skills (using The Conference Board of Canada’s Employability Skills 2000+) and five elements of Contextual Performance adopted from Borman and Motowidlo’s Taxonomy. There were a total of 220 respondents representing the groups of employers and employees from 25 government institutions in the south-central part of Mindanao region, Philippines. Inferential analysis shows that fundamental skills had moderate relationship with employees’ contextual performance; however, being more competent in thinking and problem solving skills provides employees with more benefits in performing contextual behavior.  Findings further revealed that although personal management skills had moderate relationship with employees’ contextual behavior, the competence in personal adaptability and learning continuously are contributory across all elements of contextual performance. Finally, the result of the study yielded that teamwork skills, particularly the skill on working with others, were also moderately correlated with employees’ contextual performance. This implies that graduates’ competence in employability skills could give them due advantage in their respective work settings.  Thus, proper attention on developing competence on employability skills by employers, employees, higher academic institutions, labor agencies, and policy makers may help address the problems on job performance

    Pengaruh Brand Equity dan Brand Trust terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Mobil Merek Toyota Kijang Innova (Survey Konsumen pada Dealer PT. Agung Automall Cabang Sutomo Pekanbaru)

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    This study aims to determine the influence of brand equity and brand trust on consumer loyalty Toyota Kijang innova car at PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru. The sample in this study were taken 72 respondents and the technique used purposive sampling. The data in this study used survey method through questionnaires filled by consumers. Data obtained from the results of the questionnaire then processed tested with statistics through the program SPSS16. The results of analysis used multiple linear regression analysis, determination test (R2), individual significance test (t test) and simultaneous significance test (F test) so it can be seen that brand equity variable had a positive effect on consumer loyalty variable, brand trust variable influences variable loyalty Consumers, and a significant influence between brand equity and brand trust variables on consumer loyalty. The results shows R Square is the coefficient of determination and obtained R Square value of 0.747. That is, brand equity and brand trust affect consumer loyalty by 74.7%

    Kontribusi Golongan Bahan Makanan Terhadap Konsumsi Energi Dan Protein Rumahtangga Diindonesia

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    Background: Some of the nutrition problems in Indonesia often as consequence of daily food consumption has not balanced, there is contribution more from cerealia than animal especially in poor families. Objectives: The aimed of this analysis is to studies the contribution of food group to household energy and protein consumption in Indonesia. Methods: Food consumption data of 173471 households sample of Health Research Data Base 2007 were calculated by Nutrisoft program developed by Research and Development Centre of Food and Nutrition. Food-stuff is categories to 8 group of food-stuff that is: Grains, Corms, Animal, Oil/Fat, Beans, Sugar, Fruit/fatty seeds and fruits and vegetables. Each group of food-stuff is calculated for the contribution to household consumption of energy and protein. Data were analyzed by descriptively. Results: At national level, the grains contributed of highest energy (67.2%) from household energy consumption, except in Papua, where contribution of grain equal to contribution of corms that is each 40%. The grains also gives highest contribution that is 44.7% from household protein consumption. In urban, the contribution of grain is 63.2% from household energy consumption while in rural is 68.6 %. In Urban, contribution of grain is 40% of household protein consumption, while in rural is 46.0%. Conclusions: The grains has the highest contribution for household energy and protein consumption. The protein from animal is only 38.7% and beans is 4.25%

    Faktor Risiko Kegemukan Pada Anak Sekolah Usia 6-18 Tahun Di DKI Jakarta

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    Background: The result of nutritional status surveys on school age children in 10 big cities in Indonesia in 2005 showed that the prevalence of obesity in school age children in DKI Jakarta was the highest with percentage of 6 % compared to other big cities that only under 3%. Further analysis was conducted to examine the risk factor related to obesity in school age children in DKI Jakarta. Objectives: Data analysis was done to study the risk factor related to obesity in school age children in Jakarta.Material and Methods: Experimental design was cross sectional. Samples were primary school, junior high school and senior high school students age 6 – 18 years old in five regions of DKI Jakarta. The number of total samples was 7195 students. Data collected were anthropometry, social-economy, food consumption pattern, physical activities, and life style. Nutrition Status was determined by calculating Body Mass Index (BMI) using CDC 2000 reference. Results: The prevalence of overweight student in DKI Jakarta was 6%. The prevalence of malnutrition and severe malnutrition students were 11,2% and 1,2% respectively. The group of student ≤9 years old had the highest prevalence of obesity and severe malnutrition. The prevalence was more in male students than female. The education level of parents, often consumes an oily snacks, like to buy a deep fry snacks, oily snacks, often consume supplement, and rarely do household work have strong relation with obesity (p<0,05). Conclusion: Male students age ≤9 year old have higher risk of obesity and malnutrition than female students. The education level of parents, often consumes an oily snacks, like to buy a deep fry snacks, oily snacks, often consume supplement, and rarely do physical work are risk factors of obesity in school age children. [Penel Gizi Makan 2007, 30(1): 31-39

    Safety and efficacy of a Labisia pumila var alata water extract on sexual well being and lipid profile of pre- and postmenopausal women: A randomized double-blind pilot study

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    This randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigated the safety and efficacy of Labisia pumila (LP) water extract on sexual health, lipid profile and inflammatory markers in 36 healthy pre-and post-menopausal North American women. Participants were randomized to either LP (200 mg) or placebo for 12 weeks. The female sexual function index (FSFI) and short form-36 health survey (SF-36) were completed, and lipid profiles, anti-inflammatory markers, urinary antioxidants and safetyparameters were assessed. There were no significant differences in FSFI and SF-36 scores after 12 weeks. Compared to placebo, women on Labisia pumila trended towards a reduction in total cholesterol after 12 weeks (p=0.077). Urinary 8-isoprostane concentrations from baseline to week 12 decreased for both groups, with women on L. pumila demonstrating a greater decrease (Δ= -144.4nmol/L) versus placebo (Δ= -125.9nmol/L). Significant decreases in serum IL-6 from baseline to week 6 were observedin Labisia pumila and placebo (p=0.006 and p=0.012 respectively) but these differences were not sustained through week 12. LP demonstrated a trend towards an improvement in TC, urinary 8-isoprostane and significant within group improvement in IL-6 and IL-1β suggesting a role for LP inimproving inflammation. Future research should focus on older subjects that are sexually dysfunctional.Key words: Labisia pumila, women’s health, randomized double-blind trial, female sexual function index, blood lipid profile, cytokines

    Layanan Informasi Karier oleh Guru Pembimbing pada Kelas VIII SMPN 21 Pontianak

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    Service career information by the guidance counselor at the school is very important that the students receive, understand, and evaluate the information and experiences, and make decisions with a clear career direction as the education she lived now with continuing education. For that hopes to make students to the fulfillment of the service information especially related to choosing a job or position, or the planning of education in accordance with capabilities. The researchers wanted to examine the career information services by a tutor in class VIII SMP Negeri 21 Pontianak. The problem in this research is "How Information Services Career By Master Supervisor at Junior High School 21 Pontianak?". This study aimed to obtain and objective information about the performance, materials, methods, and media information services careers by the supervising teacher at Junior High School 21, Pontianak. The research method used is descriptive method with survey forms Study. The sample was 70 students .. The results of data analysis showed that career information services by the supervising teacher at Junior High School 21 Pontianak reached 46.26% in the category range Average ratings. This shows that the tutor is not maximized provide career information services to students. It is expected that a tutor can provide an analysis of the needs of students regarding guidance and counseling services especially in the field of career in order to understand the importance of early career information service
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