
Layanan Informasi Karier oleh Guru Pembimbing pada Kelas VIII SMPN 21 Pontianak


Service career information by the guidance counselor at the school is very important that the students receive, understand, and evaluate the information and experiences, and make decisions with a clear career direction as the education she lived now with continuing education. For that hopes to make students to the fulfillment of the service information especially related to choosing a job or position, or the planning of education in accordance with capabilities. The researchers wanted to examine the career information services by a tutor in class VIII SMP Negeri 21 Pontianak. The problem in this research is "How Information Services Career By Master Supervisor at Junior High School 21 Pontianak?". This study aimed to obtain and objective information about the performance, materials, methods, and media information services careers by the supervising teacher at Junior High School 21, Pontianak. The research method used is descriptive method with survey forms Study. The sample was 70 students .. The results of data analysis showed that career information services by the supervising teacher at Junior High School 21 Pontianak reached 46.26% in the category range Average ratings. This shows that the tutor is not maximized provide career information services to students. It is expected that a tutor can provide an analysis of the needs of students regarding guidance and counseling services especially in the field of career in order to understand the importance of early career information service

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    Last time updated on 07/01/2018