4 research outputs found

    Respiratory dysfunction three months after severe COVID-19 is associated with gut microbiota alterations

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    Background: Although coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is primarily a respiratory infection, mounting evidence suggests that the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is involved in the disease, with gut barrier dysfunction and gut microbiota alterations being related to disease severity. Whether these alterations persist and are related to long-term respiratory dysfunction remains unknown. Methods: Plasma was collected during hospital admission and after three months from the NOR-Solidarity trial (n = 181) and analysed for markers of gut barrier dysfunction and inflammation. At the three-month follow-up, pulmonary function was assessed by measuring the diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO ). Rectal swabs for gut microbiota analyses were collected (n = 97) and analysed by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. Results: Gut microbiota diversity was reduced in COVID-19 patients with respiratory dysfunction, defined as DLCO below the lower limit of normal three months after hospitalisation. These patients also had an altered global gut microbiota composition, with reduced relative abundance of 20 bacterial taxa and increased abundance of five taxa, including Veillonella, potentially linked to fibrosis. During hospitalisation, increased plasma levels of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) were strongly associated with respiratory failure, defined as pO2 /fiO2 -(P/F ratio)Respiratory dysfunction three months after severe COVID-19 is associated with gut microbiota alterationsacceptedVersio

    70 pasienter med covid-19 innlagt ved Sykehuset Østfold

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    BAKGRUNN Det er fortsatt behov for mer kunnskap om covid-19 i Norge. Formålet vårt var å beskrive pasienter med covid-19 innlagt ved vårt lokalsykehus våren 2020. MATERIALE OG METODE Dataene er innhentet retrospektivt fra vårt lokale kvalitetsregister for covid-19 og inkluderer samtlige pasienter innlagt ved Sykehuset Østfold i perioden 10.3.2020–31.5.2020. RESULTATER Totalt 70 pasienter var innlagt, og 47 (67 %) av disse var menn. Gjennomsnittsalderen var 59 år (min.–maks. 18–95). De vanligste komorbide tilstandene var adipositas (n = 22, 31 %), kronisk hjertesykdom (n = 21, 30 %) og diabetes (n = 17, 24 %). 13 pasienter (19 %) hadde ingen komorbiditet. De vanligste symptomene var hoste (n = 56, 80 %), dyspné (n = 51, 73 %) og feber (n = 48, 69 %). De hyppigste komplikasjonene var kardiell affeksjon (n = 18, 26 %), akutt lungesviktsyndrom (n = 14, 20 %) og akutt nyreskade (n = 9, 13 %). 4 (6 %) pasienter utviklet venøs tromboembolisme. 20 pasienter (29 %) utviklet kritisk sykdom. 13 pasienter (19 %) ble behandlet på intensivavdelingen, og 7 pasienter (10 %) døde under oppholdet. FORTOLKNING De fleste pasientene som var innlagt, var middelaldrende menn. Mange hadde ingen komorbiditet. De hyppigste ikke-respiratoriske komplikasjonene var hjerteaffeksjon og nyreskade. En stor andel utviklet kritisk sykdom sekundært til akutt lungesviktsyndrom

    Persistent pulmonary pathology after COVID‑19 is associated with high viral load, weak antibody response, and high levels of matrix metalloproteinase‑9

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    The association between pulmonary sequelae and markers of disease severity, as well as pro-fibrotic mediators, were studied in 108 patients 3 months after hospital admission for COVID-19. The COPD assessment test (CAT-score), spirometry, diffusion capacity of the lungs (DLCO), and chest-CT were performed at 23 Norwegian hospitals included in the NOR-SOLIDARITY trial, an open-labelled, randomised clinical trial, investigating the efficacy of remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Thirty-eight percent had a CAT-score ≥ 10. DLCO was below the lower limit of normal in 29.6%. Ground-glass opacities were present in 39.8% on chest-CT, parenchymal bands were found in 41.7%. At admission, low pO2/FiO2 ratio, ICU treatment, high viral load, and low antibody levels, were predictors of a poorer pulmonary outcome after 3 months. High levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 during hospitalisation and at 3 months were associated with persistent CT-findings. Except for a negative effect of remdesivir on CAT-score, we found no effect of remdesivir or HCQ on long-term pulmonary outcomes. Three months after hospital admission for COVID-19, a high prevalence of respiratory symptoms, reduced DLCO, and persistent CT-findings was observed. Low pO2/FiO2 ratio, ICU-admission, high viral load, low antibody levels, and high levels of MMP-9 were associated with a worse pulmonary outcome

    Persistent pulmonary pathology after COVID-19 is associated with high viral load, weak antibody response, and high levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9

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    The association between pulmonary sequelae and markers of disease severity, as well as pro-fibrotic mediators, were studied in 108 patients 3 months after hospital admission for COVID-19. The COPD assessment test (CAT-score), spirometry, diffusion capacity of the lungs (DLCO), and chest-CT were performed at 23 Norwegian hospitals included in the NOR-SOLIDARITY trial, an open-labelled, randomised clinical trial, investigating the efficacy of remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Thirty-eight percent had a CAT-score ≥ 10. DLCO was below the lower limit of normal in 29.6%. Ground-glass opacities were present in 39.8% on chest-CT, parenchymal bands were found in 41.7%. At admission, low pO2/FiO2 ratio, ICU treatment, high viral load, and low antibody levels, were predictors of a poorer pulmonary outcome after 3 months. High levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 during hospitalisation and at 3 months were associated with persistent CT-findings. Except for a negative effect of remdesivir on CAT-score, we found no effect of remdesivir or HCQ on long-term pulmonary outcomes. Three months after hospital admission for COVID-19, a high prevalence of respiratory symptoms, reduced DLCO, and persistent CT-findings was observed. Low pO2/FiO2 ratio, ICU-admission, high viral load, low antibody levels, and high levels of MMP-9 were associated with a worse pulmonary outcome