21 research outputs found

    The Effect of Force Ratio Multiplier on A Control System for Surfing Problem Simulation

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    A surfing problem is a control problem of the surfing board to maintain its position on top of an ocean wave as long as possible. There are some physical and mathematical problems regarding a surfing problem that have not yet been solved. One of them is on translating a target inclination problem from an ordinary differential equation (ODE) control system to the inclination control system via the distribution of a surfers weight. To move the surfing board swiftly, a correct value of the multiplier, which is notated by σ, is needed on the weight distribution system. In this work, an investigation has been done on the effect of the multiplier in an attempt to help moves the surfing board fulfils the target inclination angle needed by using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation. The result from this work shows that the best value for the multiplier is σ=10 that gives the smallest average positional error for some variations of a given target position. This work gives a contribution on an attempt to model a surfers phenomenon mathematically

    Ionosphere Monitoring in South East Asia in the ERICA Study

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    The ERICA study aims to find out signatures of the interplay between the magnetosphere‐geomagnetic field and the ionosphere that degrade trans‐ionospheric signals such as those transmitted by GNSS satellites. The project activity focuses on the characterization of the ionospheric variability of the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly in the South East Asian region through the analysis of datasets collected with an ad hoc measurements campaign. The campaign has been conducted with ground‐based instruments located in the footprints of the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly and Equatorial Ionospheric Trough. This paper presents some of the relevant results achieved by the project, in terms of ionospheric climatology and weather assessment over the interested area. In particular, the paper describes the average condition of the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly recorded during the entire campaign and provides interesting insights on relevant scintillation events.Published273-2871A. Geomagnetismo e Paleomagnetismo2A. Fisica dell'alta atmosferaJCR Journa


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    Sistem agroforestri adalah sistem pengurusan lahan hutan yang mempunyai tujuan untuk mengurangi aktivitas deforestasi melalui konversi lahan sekaligus meningkatkan pendapatan petani secara berkelanjutan.. Desa Kubu Batu ialah suatu desa yang mempunyai kapasitas sumberdaya alam berupa hutan rakyat. Hutan rakyat dikelola oleh masyarakat desa tersebut dengan menerapkan pola tanam agroforestri. Diketahui bahwa telah terjadi pandemi Covid-19. Salah satu komoditas pangan yang dapat dihasilkan di Desa Kubu Batu berupa obat herbal yang bersumber dari tanaman obat dimana hampir semua ditanam menggunakan sistem agroforestri. Melalui hal tersebut, suatu kegiatan yang bisa membantu masyarakat dalam rencana mengurangi penyebaran Covid-19 adalah pemberian pelatihan pembudidayaan obat yang dapat mencegah wabah Covid-19.  Metode penelitian memakai kegiatan sosialisasi dengan materi yang disampaikan serta pelatihan yang meliputi pembibitan, pembuatan herbisida alami dan pupuk cair. Tingkat pemahaman peserta perlu diketahui sehingga dilakukan evaluasi yang memakai dua langkah yakni pre-test serta post-test dengan cara pemberian kuesioner.  Melalui pemberian kuesioner diketahui jika terjadi kenaikan tingkat persentase pengetahuan peserta dari hasil pre-test dan post-test yakni 34,5%.  Rata-rata nilai pre-test dan post-test masing-masingnya sebesar 52,5% dan 87%. Oleh karena itu melalui sosialisasi dan pelatihan yang dilakukan mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan serta kontribusi masyarakat terhadap kegiatan pengembangan hutan rakyat di Desa Kubu Batu tersebut

    PENGARUH MEDAN MAGNET TERHADAP SUDUT POLARISASI SINAR LASER PADA AIR DAN LARUTAN NaCl (Influence of Magnetic Field Toward Polarization Angle Of Laser Ray To Water And NaCl Solution)

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    Had been done experiment about influence of external magnetic field toward polarization angle of laser ray to NaCl various concentration 5%,10%,15%,20%,25%,30%,35% and water. Optical characteristic behaviors studied in this research were vibration direction rotation of electric fields b from transmitted laser trace because of external magnetic fields in the transparent materials. The result of experiment indicated increasing polarization angle of laser ray proportional with magnetic field touched to transparent material. If the magnetic fields touched to the transparent materials were higher, then the polarization angle change of laser ray also experienced increase linear. For NaCl solution concentration variation, it was found that the change in polarization direction was directly comparable to its concentration. In addition, from experiment, it was also found that Verdet’s Constant water is (0,03±0,002)min/Gcm and NaCl 0,125 molal is (0,16±0,015)min/G-cm

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    RINGKASANStudi pustaka perubahan kerapatan elektron lapisan D ionosfer akibat peningkatan emisi flare sinar-X menggunakan pengamatan amplitudo sinyal VLF (Very Low Frequency) telah dilakukan. Dalam gelombang pandu ionosfer-bumi (GPIB), gelombang VLF suatu stasiun pemancar dan penerima mempunyai kestabilan karakteristik diurnal sehingga pengamatan ini dapat digunakan untuk pengamatan perubahan kerapatan elektron lapisan D. Emisi flare sinar-X kelas C menyebabkan sedikit peningkatan kerapatan elektron lapisan D. Emisi flare sinar-X kelas M bagian bawah menyebabkan sedikit peningkatan elektron lapisan D saat awal terjadi flare, selanjutnya terjadi peningkatan kerapatan elektron yang signifikan disertai penurunan bagian bawah lapisan D seiring meningkatnya intensitas sinar X. Emisi flare sinar-X kelas M bagian atas dan kelas X menyebabkan peningkatan drastis kerapatan elektron disertai penurunan bagian bawah lapisan D seiring meningkatnya intensitas sinar X.Hal.80-86 :ilus.; 30 c