4,731 research outputs found

    Didactic strategies for comprehension and learning of structural concepts

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    p. 926-937In previous papers we have established the convenience of formulating educational strategies at the university level for both disciplines: Civil Engineering and Architecture, which involves academic topics of mutual interest by means of shared practices. As a particular matter of this approach, the application of physical experimental models is considered of special usefulness, in order to understand in better ways the performance of materials and structural systems. Several strategies of selection and development of such physical models will be discussed in this work, considering as a first step, the establishment of its correspondence with the different levels of structural complexity studied in curriculum plan: statics, strength of materials and structural design, among others. This task constitutes a part of the work program of the Laboratory of Structural Models, which is an academic project that develops and applies different didactic prototypes to structure courses in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, campus Azcapotzalco, in Mexico City, project we have already presented in recent forums. Two different modes of application are implemented in classroom sessions and in structures workshop: the devices for functional demonstration of typical cases of structural work as well as the experimentation with student's own designs of destructible models where certain typologies are tested up to its failure limit. The first one allows teachers to explain adequately the theoretical principles and formulas (that usually are expressed on the blackboard) by means of didactic models identified in accordance to specific cases of the curriculum on variable level of complexity. This kind of practice allows the students of architecture and civil engineering to realize in better ways the possibilities of use and application of the different structural typologies. Such experimental models are part of more than fifty devices of the Laboratory's catalog. In the same sense, the possibility of observation of structural work of their own architectural designs, allows future professionals to achieve a better conception of the structural solutions that affect positively their designs. Based on specific predefined guides, the students develop their own architectural-structural projects and subject them to diverse loads, observing their behavior under the influence of variable stresses leading up the experiment to its last resistance. From both experiences a significant learning is obtained for the student's formation and training, who will be capable in his future professional work to use better tools of comprehension of the structural concepts applied to architecture as well as of increasing his conscience of the benefits and convenience of multidisciplinary work.Moreno, C.; Abad, A.; Gerdingh, JG.; Garcia M., C.; Gonzalez C., O. (2010). Didactic strategies for comprehension and learning of structural concepts. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/695

    Excitations and S-matrix for su(3) spin chain combining 3{3} and ${3^{*}}

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    The associated Hamiltonian for a su(3) spin chain combining 3{3} and 3{3^{*}} representations is calculated. The ansatz equations for this chain are obtained and solved in the thermodynamic limit, and the ground state and excitations are described. Thus, relations between the number of roots and the number of holes in each level have been found . The excited states are characterized by means of these quantum numbers. Finally, the exact S matrix for a state with two holes is found.Comment: 17 pages, plaintex, harvmac (to be published in J. of Phys. A

    Exact Solution of a Electron System Combining Two Different t-J Models

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    A new strongly correlated electron model is presented. This is formed by two types of sites: one where double occupancy is forbidden, as in the t-J model, and the other where double occupancy is allowed but vacancy is not allowed, as an inverse t-J model. The Hamiltonian shows nearest and next-to-nearest neighbour interactions and it is solved by means of a modified algebraic nested Bethe Ansatz. The number of sites where vacancy is not allowed, may be treated as a new parameter if the model is looked at as a t-J model with impurities. The ground and excited states are described in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: Some corrections and references added. To be published in J. Phys.

    A dipolar self-induced bosonic Josephson junction

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    We propose a new scheme for observing Josephson oscillations and macroscopic quantum self-trapping phenomena in a toroidally confined Bose-Einstein condensate: a dipolar self-induced Josephson junction. Polarizing the atoms perpendicularly to the trap symmetry axis, an effective ring-shaped, double-well potential is achieved which is induced by the dipolar interaction. By numerically solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation we show that coherent tunneling phenomena such as Josephson oscillations and quantum self-trapping can take place. The dynamics in the self-induced junction can be qualitatively described by a two-mode model taking into account both s-wave and dipolar interactions.Comment: Major changes. Accepted for publication in EP

    Integrability of a t-J model with impurities

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    A t-J model for correlated electrons with impurities is proposed. The impurities are introduced in such a way that integrability of the model in one dimension is not violated. The algebraic Bethe ansatz solution of the model is also given and it is shown that the Bethe states are highest weight states with respect to the supersymmetry algebra gl(2/1)Comment: 14 page

    Selective influences of maximum dynamic strength and bar-power output on team sports performance: a comprehensive study of four different disciplines

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    This study examined the selective influences of one-repetition maximum (1RM) values [assessed in the half-squat (HS)] and bar-power production [assessed in both HS and jump squat (JS) exercises] on the physical performance of male and female team sport athletes from four different sports. Three-hundred and three elite players (31 Olympians) from four different disciplines (47 male soccer players, 58 female soccer players, 28 male handball players, 58 female handball players, 49 male rugby players, and 63 male futsal players) participated in this study. The physical tests were performed over 2 consecutive days for soccer and rugby players, and in 1 day for the remaining athletes. On the first day, rugby and soccer athletes performed squat jumps (SJ), countermovement jumps (CMJ), and HS 1RM. On the second day, they executed HS and JS tests (to assess the maximum bar-power output) and the linear and change-of-direction (COD) speed tests. For the other players, the sequence of the measurements was the same; however, they did not perform the HS exercise. Athletes were separated, using a median split analysis, into two distinct groups, according to their bar-power output in both JS and HS exercises and their performance in HS 1RM. The magnitude-based inferences method was used to examine the differences between “higher” and “lower” performance groups. Overall, the bar-power outputs were better connected to improved acceleration, speed, and jump performance than the 1RM measures. From these findings, it is possible to infer that players able to produce higher bar-power outputs are likely to sprint faster and jump higher. Therefore, coaches involved in team sports are strongly encouraged to use the bar-power method to evaluate the athletic performance of their players

    Integrable su(3) spin chain combining different representations

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    The general expression for the local matrix t(θ)t(\theta) of a quantum chain with the site space in any representation of su(3) is obtained. This is made by generalizing t(θ)t(\theta) from the fundamental representation and imposing the fulfillment of the Yang-Baxter equation. Then, a non-homogeneous spin chain combining different representations of su(3) is solved by developing a method inspired in the nested Bethe ansatz. The solution for the eigenvalues of the trace of the monodromy matrix is given as two coupled Bethe equations. A conjecture about the solution of a chain with the site states in different representations of su(n) is presented. The thermodynamic limit of the ground state is calculated.Comment: PlainTex harvmac, 30 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics

    E-Commerce, social media and Social Inclusion: A Typology of Users Over 60 Years of Age in Spain

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    The growth of e-commerce and the ageing of the world population converges in a situation which represents significant challenges for the economy: a large population of over 65year-olds with major limitations for online shopping. The digital division, although reduced in certain sectors, in others, such as e-commerce persists. This research involves the study of 405 subjects, Spanish seniors aged between 60 and 79, to discover and analyse the barriers, motivators and behaviour with regards to shopping online. Using a telephone survey and a random sample, a typology of users was established as per their behaviour and perception of e-commerce. The main finding is the segmentation in eleven typologies of users, identified through cluster analysis. The major conclusions confirm the barriers related to data security or levels of confidence. Furthermore, with basic digital skills, seniors consider themselves capable of completing purchases on the Internet. Online shoppers feel empowered being digitally self-sufficient, while non-shoppers desiring to be independent, require the implementation of measures to aid the process on commercial websites.El crecimiento del comercio electrónico y el envejecimiento de la población mundial convergen en una situación que representa importantes retos para la economía: una gran población de mayores de 65 años con grandes limitaciones para realizar compras en línea. La brecha digital, aunque se ha reducido en algunos sectores, en otros, como el del comercio electrónico, persiste. Esta investigación consiste en un estudio de 405 sujetos, españoles de entre 60 y 79 años, para conocer y analizar las barreras, las motivaciones y el comportamiento ante las compras online. Mediante una encuesta telefónica y con una muestra aleatoria, se estableció una tipología de usuarios según su comportamiento y percepción del comercio electrónico. El principal hallazgo es la segmentación en once tipologías de usuarios, identificadas a través del análisis de clúster. Las principales conclusiones confirman las barreras relacionadas con la seguridad de los datos o los niveles de confianza. Por otro lado, con unas habilidades digitales básicas, los mayores se consideran capaces de realizar compras en Internet. Los compradores online se sienten capacitados siendo autosuficientes digitalmente, mientras que los no compradores que desean ser independientes, requieren la implementación de medidas de ayuda al proceso en los sitios web comerciales


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    ABSTRACTRhodnius ecuadoriensis (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) is an important vector of both Trypanosoma hemoflagellates, Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli, in Ecuador and Peru. Ecotopes of sylvatic and domestic/peridomestic habitats have been reported in Ecuador. Meanwhile in Peru, to the best of our knowledge, findings of sylvatic populations in their different ecosystem regions have not yet been documented. Could this be the product of a lack of appropriate studies on wild populations of triatominae in Peruvian environments? In order to elucidate this topic, we take advantage of new insights in geometric morphometry as a tool to help differentiate between wild populations and the corresponding domestic/peridomestic ones, collected in their respective environments. When analyzing our results, we confirmed the efficacy of this technique in our study, and furthermore, we believe that it could be a proper tool for rangeliosis and Chagas disease vector control surveillance in Ecuador and Peru.Keywords: Morphometric geometry, sylvatic, domestic/peridomiestic populations distinction, Rhodnius ecuadoriensis. RESUMENRhodnius ecuadoriensis (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) es un importante vector de los tripanosomas Trypanosoma cruzi y Trypanosoma rangeli en el Ecuador y Perú. Se han reportado ecotopos de hábitats silvestres y domésticos/peridomésticos en Ecuador. Sin embargo, en Perú, hasta donde sabemos, no se ha documentado hallazgos de dichas poblaciones silvestres. ¿Podría este ser el caso de una falta de estudios focalizados en la búsqueda de poblaciones silvestres de triatominos dentro de los diferentes ecosistemas del Perú? Para elucidar este tema, aplicamos nuevas perspectivas en morfometría geométrica, como una herramienta que podría auxiliar en la diferenciación de poblaciones silvestres de aquellas domésticas/peridomésticas, colectadas en sus respectivos ambientes naturales. Al analizar nuestros resultados, se confirmó la utilidad de esta técnica dentro de nuestro estudio, y esto nos llevó a creer asimismo que serviría como un elemento apropiado en el control vectorial de la enfermedad de Chagas y de la rangeliosis, en Ecuador y Perú.Palabras claves: Geometría morfométrica, silvestre, diferenciación de poblaciones domesticas/peridomesticas, Rhodnius ecuadoriensis