11 research outputs found

    Actividad enzimática extracelular microbiana en el océano

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    157 p.La materia orgánica de alto peso molecular no es directamente accesible para los procariotas, ya que su tamaño impide el transporte a través de las envolturas celulares. Mediante la actividad enzimática extracelular esta materia es transformada en compuestos de bajo peso molecular, de modo que ya pueden ser incorporadas y utilizadas. Por lo tanto, este proceso microbiano es fundamental en la regulación de la regeneración de los nutrientes inorgánicos y del flujo de carbono a través de la red trófica microbiana. En esta tesis doctoral se ha estudiado la distribución de un conjunto representativo de actividades enzimáticas extracelulares tanto en aguas superficiales costeras como en las zonas epi- y batipelágica de aguas oceánicas; adicionalmente, en el contexto actual de cambio climático, se ha analizado el efecto de la temperatura en las enzimas extracelulares de aguas superficiales oceánicas. El análisis interanual de las cinéticas evidenció la existencia simultánea de un sistema enzimático de alta afinidad y de baja afinidad, que son reflejo de la capacidad de los distintos grupos funcionales de bacterias para hacer frente a las fluctuaciones ambientales que ocurren durante el ciclo estacional. El estudio comparativo de las actividades enzimáticas extracelulares en posibles escenarios de calentamiento de las aguas superficiales oceánicas demostró un enriquecimiento en carbono de la materia orgánica de bajo peso molecular con respecto al nitrógeno y el fósforo, lo que contribuiría a la expansión de las áreas oligotróficas, especialmente en las zonas cercanas a los polos geográficos. Por último, se observó una estrecha conectividad funcional entre las aguas superficiales y profundas del océano tropical y subtropical, reflejo del aporte continuo de agregados orgánicos procedente de la zona epipelágica, tal y como explica la bomba biológica de carbono

    ¿Cómo ha modificado el covid-19 la industria de la moda y el comportamiento de sus consumidores?

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    [Resumen] El COVID-19 ha sido un gran punto de inflexión, ha roto muchos esquemas, cosas inimaginables se hicieron reales. El propósito de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es analizar y exponer los cambios conductuales de los consumidores y el nuevo paradigma de la industria de la moda a raíz del COVID. Para su buen desarrollo se han realizado análisis de datos secundarios y, por otro lado, se han llevado a cabo entrevistas a diferentes empresas del sector de la moda para llegar a conocer de primera mano cuál ha sido el impacto real de la pandemia, así como una encuesta dirigida a diferentes consumidores para conocer sus nuevos hábitos de consumo. La elección de este tema no ha sido fortuita, puesto que he sido testigo de primera mano de cómo se ha vivido y cómo ha afectado esta crisis en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Las conclusiones del trabajo han determinado que nos encontramos ante un consumidor más omnicanal, hiperinformado y analítico. Una logística optimizada va a ser el apoyo fundamental de las empresas para poder cubrir las nuevas necesidades donde el tiempo es una gran ventaja competitiva.[Resumo] O COVID-19 foi un gran punto de inflexión, rompeu moitos esquemas, cousas inimaxinables fixéronse reais. O obxectivo deste Traballo Fin de Grao é analizar e expoñer os cambios de comportamento dos consumidores e o novo paradigma da industria da moda como consecuencia do COVID. Para o seu correcto desenvolvemento, realizouse unha análise de datos secundarios e, por outra banda, realizáronse entrevistas a diferentes empresas do sector da moda para coñecer de primeira man cal foi o impacto real da pandemia, así como como unha enquisa dirixida a diferentes consumidores para coñecer os seus novos hábitos de consumo. A elección deste tema non foi fortuita, xa que fun testemuña de primeira man de como se viviu esta crise e como afectou a todos os ámbitos da sociedade. As conclusións do traballo determinaron que estamos ante un consumidor máis omnicanal, hiperinformado e analítico. Unha loxística optimizada vai ser o apoio fundamental das empresas para poder cubrir as novas necesidades onde o tempo é unha gran vantaxe competitiva.[Abstract] COVID-19 has been a great turning point, it has broken many schemes, unimaginable things became real. The purpose of this Final Degree Project is to analyze and expose the behavioral changes of consumers and the new paradigm of the fashion industry because of COVID. For its proper development, secondary data analysis has been carried out and, on the other hand, interviews have been conducted with different companies in the fashion industry to get to know firsthand what has been the real impact of the pandemic, as well as a survey of different consumers to know their new consumption habits. The choice of this topic has not been fortuitous, since I have witnessed first-hand how this crisis has affected all areas of society. The conclusions of the work have determined that we are facing a more omnichannel, hyperinformed and analytical consumer. Optimized logistics will be the fundamental support for companies to be able to meet the new needs where time is a great competitive advantage.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FHD). Xestión Industrial da Moda. Curso 2021/202

    Actividad enzimática extracelular microbiana en el océano

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    157 p.La materia orgánica de alto peso molecular no es directamente accesible para los procariotas, ya que su tamaño impide el transporte a través de las envolturas celulares. Mediante la actividad enzimática extracelular esta materia es transformada en compuestos de bajo peso molecular, de modo que ya pueden ser incorporadas y utilizadas. Por lo tanto, este proceso microbiano es fundamental en la regulación de la regeneración de los nutrientes inorgánicos y del flujo de carbono a través de la red trófica microbiana. En esta tesis doctoral se ha estudiado la distribución de un conjunto representativo de actividades enzimáticas extracelulares tanto en aguas superficiales costeras como en las zonas epi- y batipelágica de aguas oceánicas; adicionalmente, en el contexto actual de cambio climático, se ha analizado el efecto de la temperatura en las enzimas extracelulares de aguas superficiales oceánicas. El análisis interanual de las cinéticas evidenció la existencia simultánea de un sistema enzimático de alta afinidad y de baja afinidad, que son reflejo de la capacidad de los distintos grupos funcionales de bacterias para hacer frente a las fluctuaciones ambientales que ocurren durante el ciclo estacional. El estudio comparativo de las actividades enzimáticas extracelulares en posibles escenarios de calentamiento de las aguas superficiales oceánicas demostró un enriquecimiento en carbono de la materia orgánica de bajo peso molecular con respecto al nitrógeno y el fósforo, lo que contribuiría a la expansión de las áreas oligotróficas, especialmente en las zonas cercanas a los polos geográficos. Por último, se observó una estrecha conectividad funcional entre las aguas superficiales y profundas del océano tropical y subtropical, reflejo del aporte continuo de agregados orgánicos procedente de la zona epipelágica, tal y como explica la bomba biológica de carbono

    Oceanic Sink and Biogeochemical Controls on the Accumulation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins, Dibenzofurans, and Biphenyls in Plankton.

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    Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) were measured in plankton samples from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans collected during the Malaspina circumnavigation cruise. The concentrations of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs in plankton averaged 14 and 240 pg gdw-1, respectively, but concentrations were highly variable. The global distribution of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs was not driven by proximity to primary sources in continents, but significantly correlated with plankton biomass. These trends are consistent with the interactions between atmospheric deposition, biomass dilution, and settling fluxes of organic matter in the water column, as key processes driving the POPs plankton phase concentrations in the global oceans. The application of a model of the air-water-plankton diffusive exchange of PCDD/Fs and PCBs reproduce in part the influence of biomass on plankton phase concentrations, and suggest future modelling prioritiesThe estimated oceanic sink (Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans) due to settling fluxes of organic matter bound PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs is of 400 Kg y-1 and 10500 kg y-1, respectively. This oceanic sink is 3 and 8 times lower, for PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs respectively, than the atmospheric inputs due to gross diffusive absorption and dry deposition. These important atmospheric inputs, among other observations, confirm that atmospheric deposition supports and drives the accumulation of dl-PCBs and PCDD/Fs in plankton from the oligotrophic oceans.MALASPINA (CSD2008 00077)Versión del editor5,228

    Kinetic modulation of bacterial hydrolases by microbial community structure in coastal waters

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    In this study, we hypothesized that shifts in the kinetic parameters of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes may occur as a consequence of seasonal environmental disturbances and would reflect the level of adaptation of the bacterial community to the organic matter of the ecosystem. We measured the activities of enzymes that play a key role in the bacterial growth (leucine aminopeptidase, β- and α-glucosidases) in surface coastal waters of the Eastern Cantabrian Sea and determined their kinetic parameters by computing kinetic models of distinct complexity. Our results revealed the existence of two clearly distinct enzymatic systems operating at different substrate concentrations: a high-affinity system prevailing at low substrate concentrations and a low-affinity system characteristic of high substrate concentrations. These findings could be the result of distinct functional bacterial assemblages growing concurrently under sharp gradients of high-molecular-weight compounds. We constructed an ecological network based on contemporaneous and time-delayed correlations to explore the associations between the kinetic parameters and the environmental variables. The analysis revealed that the recurring phytoplankton blooms registered throughout the seasonal cycle trigger the wax and wane of those members of the bacterial community able to synthesize and secrete specific enzymes.his work has been supported by projects EFICIENCIA (CTM2006-08023) and CAMBIO (CTM2010-19308), co-financed by Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government and European FEDER founds, the Basque Government (Grant to Research Group IT1657-22) and by the UPV/EHU (Grant to Research Group GIU10/17). Naiara Abad was supported by a scholarship from the Basque Government and currently by the grant Margarita Salas from the European Union—NextGenerationEU through the UPV/EHU. Zuriñe Baña and Ainhoa Uranga were financed by scholarships from the UPV/EHU

    Simultaneous analysis of the intestinal parasites and diet through eDNA metabarcoding

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    Agricultural expansion and intensification are having a huge impact on plant and arthropod diversity and abundance, affecting food availability for farmland birds. Difficult food access, in turn, can lead to immunosuppression and a higher incidence of parasites. In the studies designed to examine changes in the diet of birds and their parasites, metabarcoding is proving particularly useful. This technique requires mini-barcodes capable of amplifying the DNA of target organisms from fecal environmental DNA. To help to understand the impact of agricultural expansion on biodiversity, this study sought to design and identify mini-barcodes that might simultaneously assess diet and intestinal parasites from the feces of farmland birds. The capacity to identify diet and parasites of 2 existing and 3 newly developed mini-barcodes was tested “in silico” in relation to the behavior of a reference eukaryotic barcode. Among the newly designed mini-barcodes, MiniB18S_81 showed the higher taxonomic coverage of eukaryotic taxa and a greater amplification and identification capacity for diet and parasite taxa. Moreover, when it was tested on fecal samples from 5 different steppe bird species, MiniB18S_81 showed high taxonomic resolution of the most relevant diet and parasite phyla, Arthropoda, Nematoda, Platyhelminthes, and Apicomplexa at the order level. Thus, the mini-barcode developed emerges as an excellent tool to simultaneously provide detailed information regarding the diet and parasites of birds, essential for conservation and management.Xabier Cabodevilla was supported by a PhD grant, financed by the Basque Country Government (Grants no. PRE_2018_2_0273). This study is a contribution to project Sistemática, Biogeografía, Ecología del comportamiento y Evolución (IT1163-19) funded by Basque Country Government. Additional funds for this study were provided by the project 201630E096 funded by CSIC.Peer reviewe

    Micro(nano)plastics in the atmosphere of the Atlantic Ocean

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    The occurrence, long-range atmospheric transport and deposition of micro and nano plastics (MNPLs) remains un-quantified for the oceanic atmosphereopen ocean. Here we show the characterisation of MNPLs and the aerosol composition (PM10) in a north-south Atlantic transect from Vigo (Spain) to Punta Arenas (Chile). The analytical procedure to assess the composition of MNPLs consisted of a double suspect screening approach of the polymers and additives, the two constituents of plastics. Polymers were analysed by size exclusion chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry using an atmospheric pressure photoionization source operated in positive and negative conditions (HPLC(SEC)-APPI(+/-)-HRMS). Plastic additives were screened with high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry using an electrospray ionisation source (HPLC-ESI(+/-)-HRMS). The most common polymers were polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyisoprene (PI), and polystyrene (PS), with the highest polymer concentration being 51.7 ng·m-3 of PI. The air mass back trajectories showed the variable influence of oceanic and terrestrial air masses. These differences were reflected in the aerosol composition with different contributions of Saharan dust, sea spray aerosol, organic/elemental carbon, and MNPLs. Results showed that samples largely influenced by sea-spray and air masses originating from coastal South America and the north Atlantic subtropical gyre were more contaminated by MNPLs. Moreover, this information was complemented by the characterisation of the largest particles using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and µ-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (µ-FTIR). This work provides the first field evidence of the long-range transport of MNPLs in most of the Atlantic Ocean, as the result of dynamic coupling between the lower atmosphere and the surface ocean. Sea-spray formation arises as a key driver for the aerosolisation of MNPLs, and atmospheric transport followed by dry deposition may modulate the occurrence of MNPLs in large oceanic regions, issues that will require future research efforts.This work was supported by IMAGE (ref. PID2020-116789RB-C41) and ANTOM (PGC2018-096612-B-100) research projects from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain). Albert Vega-Herrera gives thanks for his grant PRE2018-083989 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain). The authors also thank the crew on board R/V “Sarmiento de Gamboa” and technicians from UTM-CSIC for their technical support during the sampling campaign. IDAEA-CSIC is a Severo Ochoa Centre of Research Excellence (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, (Spain); Project CEX2018–000794-S).Peer reviewe

    Oceanic Sink and Biogeochemical Controls on the Accumulation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo‑<i>p</i>‑dioxins, Dibenzofurans, and Biphenyls in Plankton

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    Polychlorinated dibenzo-<i>p</i>-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) were measured in plankton samples from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans collected during the Malaspina circumnavigation cruise. The concentrations of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs in plankton averaged 14 and 240 pg g<sub>dw</sub><sup>–1</sup>, respectively, but concentrations were highly variable. The global distribution of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs was not driven by proximity to continents but significantly correlated with plankton biomass, with higher plankton phase PCDD/F and dl-PCB concentrations at lower biomass. These trends are consistent with the interactions between atmospheric deposition, biomass dilution, and settling fluxes of organic matter in the water column (biological pump), as key processes driving POPs plankton phase concentrations in the global oceans. The application of a model of the air–water–plankton diffusive exchange reproduces in part the influence of biomass on plankton phase concentrations and suggests future modeling priorities. The estimated oceanic sink (Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans) due to settling fluxes of organic matter bound PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs is of 400 and 10,500 kg y<sup>–1</sup>, respectively. The atmospheric inputs due to gross diffusive absorption and dry deposition are nearly 3 and 10 times larger for PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs, respectively, than the oceanic sink. These observations suggest that the coupling of atmospheric deposition with water column cycling supports and drives the accumulation of dl-PCBs and PCDD/Fs in plankton from the global oligotrophic oceans