778 research outputs found

    On the use of laser-scanning vibrometry for mechanical performance evaluation of 3D printed specimens

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    In this study, we explored the suitability of laser-scanning vibrometry (LSV) for evaluation of the mechanical behavior of rectangular prisms produced by Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF). Our hypothesis was that LSV would be able to discriminate the mechanical behavior of specimens fabricated with different process parameters combinations. Build orientation, raster angle, nozzle temperature, printing speed and layer thickness were the process parameters of interest. Based on a factorial design of experiment approach, 48 different process parameter combinations were taken into account and 96 polylactic acid (PLA) rectangular prisms were fabricated. The characterization of their dynamical behavior provided frequency data, making possible the computation of an equivalent elastic modulus metric. Statistical analysis of the equivalent elastic modulus dataset confirmed the significant influences of raster angle, build orientation and nozzle temperature. Moreover, multivariate regression models served to rank, not only the significant influences of individual process parameters, but also the significant quadratic and cubic interactions between them. The previous knowledge was then applied to generate an ad hoc model selecting the most important factors (linear and interactions). The predicted equivalent elastic moduli provided by our ad hoc model were used in modal analysis simulations of both 3D printed rectangular prisms and a complex part. The simulated frequencies thus obtained were generally closer to the experimental ones (=11%), as compared to modal analysis simulations based on internal geometry modelling (=33%). The use of LSV appears very promising in the characterization of the mechanical behavior and integrity of 3D printed parts. Other additive manufacturing technologies may benefit from the use of this technique and from the adoption of the presented methodology to test, simulate and optimize the properties of 3D printed products. © 2021 The Author

    Analysis of the relationship between the adoption of the OHSAS 18001 and business performance in different organizational contexts

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    This paper investigates how the characteristics of operational processes—systematic and project-based—affect the impact of adopting the safety management systems on different performance metrics. The proposed approach allows the development of a framework which matches safety problems and risks encompassed by organizational tasks with solutions generated by new safety knowledge linked to the adoption of the OHSAS 18001 standard. Our analysis of the effect over work accidents, as well as operational and economic performance of implementing the OHSAS 18001 in Spanish manufacturing, construction and professional services organizations during 2006–2009 shows that organizations modify existing safety practices to mitigate work accidents, and that safety learning effects widely vary across industry sectors. Organizations whose current knowledge is mostly codified and processes are highly systematic benefit more from safety knowledge and experience, whereas the effects of the OHSAS 18001 dilute in organizations whose knowledge is high in tacitness, and whose processes difficult the visibility of the consequences of work accidents. This study has important implications for managing knowledge acquisition processes. The findings offer valuable insights on how managers can develop communication and coordination actions to cope with the potential incompatibilities between safety management systems, the properties of knowledge and work environmental conditions.Preprin

    Territorial efficiency: analysis of the role of public work safety controls

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    This study analyzes the efficiency of Spanish provinces in a model that incorporates occupational health and safety (OHS) policy controls and work accidents into the analysis. Building on productivity models rooted in nonparametric frontier methods, namely Data Envelopment Analysis, the proposed approach allows the development of a production function that accurately models the joint production of desirable (GDP) and undesirable (work accidents) outputs. The efficiency analysis of the 50 Spanish provinces during 2003–2012 reveals that territories that drastically cut resources dedicated to OHS controls—in our case, safety inspections and economic sanctions for safety violations—show higher inefficiency levels. Nevertheless, the changes in OHS policies introduced by Spanish provinces after the change in the state of the economy in 2008 had a heterogeneous impact on their efficiency level. Effective OHS policy is not necessarily linked to merely implementing more OHS policy controls, but rather to the capacity of territories to efficiently allocate their available OHS resources and monitor business activity. Policy implications and future research avenues are discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Planteamiento del modelo de Administración de Relaciones con los Clientes CRM (Customer Relationship Management) aplicado al Banco Internacional S.A. a nivel nacional.

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    The growing range of products and financial services to which the ecuadorian market is subject as well as the laws or regulations imposed by the government have compelled Financial Institutions to change their Strategic Focus Product, in which the customer is who adapts needs to offer products to a customer´s strategic approach, which products and services are tailors to the needs of customers, where the organization must offer products and services specifically for each customer. The customer centric organizations integrate their strategies and processes to a management model customer relation CRM, this in order to understand what are the expectations and experiences of customer, in order to obtain a base in which can be addressed to the products, services, processes an people, to meet the needs of customers over time.La creciente oferta de productos y servicios financieros a la que el mercado ecuatoriano está sujeto, como también las leyes o regulaciones impuestas por el gobierno han obligado, a que las Instituciones Financieras cambien su enfoque estratégico de producto, en el cual el cliente es quien adapta sus necesidades a la oferta de productos, a un enfoque estratégico de cliente, al cual los productos y servicios se adaptan a las necesidades de los clientes, donde la organización debe ofertar productos y servicios específicos para cada cliente. Algunas organizaciones centradas en el cliente integran sus estrategias y procesos a un modelo de administración las relaciones con los clientes CRM, esto con la finalidad de entender, cuales son las expectativas o experiencias de los clientes, para así obtener una base en la cual se puede direccionar a los productos, servicios, procesos y personas, a satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes a lo largo del tiempo

    La autonomía del derecho comercial, y la desagregación del societario y concursal frente al nuevo Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación

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    El derecho es el sistema de normas que regula la actividad de los sujetos para mantener el orden social. A su vez, coincide con el objeto de estudio de una importante rama del saber científico, como sistema de conocimientos ciertos y probables respecto de una porción de la realidad a los que se llega con una variada gama de reglas metodológicas. Fuera de encontrar el primer dilema en cuanto definimos una ciencia (el derecho) con el objeto de su estudio (el derecho), es decir, el derecho como ciencia y el derecho como objeto, no debemos dejar que ese conflicto morfolingüístico orade los pilares de cientos de años de tradición y estudio que dieron a nuestra materia ese rango.El Derecho es una ciencia y, como tal, tiene su propio objeto de estudio definido: la norma como fenómeno cultural. Como, asimismo, tiene también métodos de estudio que le son propios y particulares. Reconociendo que no existe un solo sendero metodológico para la investigación, y que en todo caso todos son apropiados para que sirvan de brújula y no se caiga en el desborde y caos del subjetivismo, sus operadores han sugerido y utilizan los más variados en sustancia, en forma y en nombre, como el histórico-lógico, el de análisis-síntesis (dialéctico), el de abstracción-concreción, el inductivo-deductivo, el sistémico (sistemático), el estructural-funcional (de las construcciones jurídicas), el exegético-gramatical, etc. Todos y cada uno de ellos apuntan, en definitiva, al análisis, la interpretación, la integración, sistematización y la aplicación de un ordenamiento jurídico determinado que permite elaborar teorías, conceptos y construcciones jurídicas. El derecho, como ciencia, tiene también como característica que le suma aún mayor complejidad, la de ser la más universal debido a su omnipresencia, pues se encuentra en todas las áreas del conocimiento humano desde que todas las ramas del saber están atravesadas por una regulación de normas que, justamente, es su objeto de estudioFil: Abad, Damián Esteban. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina

    Prohibición de despidos y suspensiones en el ámbito privado durante la pandemia. Beneficios y consecuencias

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    Fil: Abad, Damián Esteban. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina.Fil: Seppey, Rodolfo Héctor. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina.Fil: Abad, María Ayelén. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina

    Influencia “de la intervención del proyecto cerca en los indicadores de salud sexual y reproductiva” de los adolescentes del cantón Cuenca, Ecuador 2014

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    Antecedentes: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con enfoque analítico, en el contexto del Proyecto Salud Sexual y Reproductiva Enmarcado en la Comunidad (CERCA), con el objetivo de evaluar la influencia del proyecto en los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en salud sexual y reproductiva, con modalidad antes y después de la intervención. Material y métodos: El universo estuvo representado por 3263 adolescentes a partir del cual se obtuvo una muestra representativa no probabilística de 1607, a quienes, previo consentimiento informado se les aplicó un formulario diseñado y validado por la universidad de Gante, Bélgica, (Anexo 01) en los colegios César Dávila, Guillermo Mensi y Técnico Chiquintad, período 2010 – 2014. Para el análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial se utilizó el programa IBMTMSPSSTM v. 21.0 en español. Resultados: Se determinó incremento en el acceso de los adolescentes a los servicios de salud, incremento del uso del preservativo. No se demostró diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la autoestima alta, la misma que no se modificó. Respecto a la percepción de género, se presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p= 0,027) en al valor otorgado al éxito escolar masculino, así como en la percepción del rol de la mujer como esposa y madre. El 7,9% posterior a la intervención reportó presión de pares para el iniciar relaciones sexuales. La autoridad del padre fue percibida como superior en relación al de la madre. La influencia del proyecto fue negativa en cuanto a la percepción del rol de la mujer en la superación personal y a su rol en las tareas tradicionalmente aceptadas de ser madre y esposa. (p=0,001)

    Generative adversarial networks for data-scarce spectral applications

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    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are one of the most robust and versatile techniques in the field of generative artificial intelligence. In this work, we report on an application of GANs in the domain of synthetic spectral data generation, offering a solution to the scarcity of data found in various scientific contexts. We demonstrate the proposed approach by applying it to an illustrative problem within the realm of near-field radiative heat transfer involving a multilayered hyperbolic metamaterial. We find that a successful generation of spectral data requires two modifications to conventional GANs: (i) the introduction of Wasserstein GANs (WGANs) to avoid mode collapse, and, (ii) the conditioning of WGANs to obtain accurate labels for the generated data. We show that a simple feed-forward neural network (FFNN), when augmented with data generated by a CWGAN, enhances significantly its performance under conditions of limited data availability, demonstrating the intrinsic value of CWGAN data augmentation beyond simply providing larger datasets. In addition, we show that CWGANs can act as a surrogate model with improved performance in the low-data regime with respect to simple FFNNs. Overall, this work highlights the potential of generative machine learning algorithms in scientific applications beyond image generation and optimization

    Estrategia de la empresa Erie en el simulador de negocios Capsim

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    Trabajo que presenta la experiencia del grupo Erie en el simulador de negocios CAPSIM. En este documento se presenta un marco teórico sobre la importancia de las estrategias de negocios y se da un análisis de la industria de los semiconductores, que es sobre la que se basa el simulador. Se expone la misión, visión, cultura y estructura organizacional del grupo Erie, se da a conocer su estrategia de negocio, así como la implementación de esta estrategia y sus resultados

    Evaluation of the capabilities of atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls in complex-matrix food samples

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    The use of the novel atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source for gas chromatography (GC) coupled to triple quadrupole using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and its potential for the simultaneous determination of the 12 dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls (DL-PCBs) in complex food and feed matrices has been evaluated. In first place, ionization and fragmentation behavior of DL-PCBs on the APCI source under charge transfer conditions has been studied followed by their fragmentation in the collision cell. Linearity, repeatability and sensitivity have been studied obtaining instrumental limits of detection and quantification of 0.0025 and 0.005 pg µL-1 (2.5 and 5 fg on column) respectively for every DL-PCB. Finally, application to real samples has been carried out and DL-PCB congeners (PCB 77, 81, 105, 114, 118, 123, 126, 156, 157, 167, 169, 189) have been detected in the different samples in the range of 0.40 to 10000 pg g-1. GC-(APCI)MS/MS has been proved as a suitable alternative to the traditionally accepted confirmation method based on the use of high resolution mass spectrometry and other triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry techniques operating with electron ionization. The development of MS/MS methodologies for the analysis of dioxins and DL-PCBs is nowadays particularly important, since this technique was included as a confirmatory method in the present European Union regulations that establish the requirements for the determination of these compounds in food and feed matrices.The authors acknowledge the financial support of Generalitat Valenciana, (research group of excellence PROMETEO/2009/054 and PROMETEO II 2014/023 and Collaborative Research on Environment and Food-Safety (ISIC/2012/016)